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Everything posted by EarlGreyTea

  1. I loved the live theme song! It sounds even better than the original! I'm really happy that they got Madeline Zima there. She has not spoken fondly of her time on the show, which is too bad. I'm glad to see she participated and all was perfectly civil. She looks great, too. ' I loved Nicholle Tom doing mini-costume changes. Maxwell Sheffield never did much for me back then, but WOWZA does he do it for me now.
  2. The whole vibe between them reminds of Gilmore Girls, with Luke and Lorelai. Scuttlebutt with those two was that they didn't get along IRL, so there was a major lack of physical affection onscreen between them, but even THEY were more affectionate than Jonah and Amy. We don't need a sex scene between them, but I can't even remember when they held hands. Had I been channel surfing and came across this series, it would not have been readily apparent that they were an item. Primetime TV is primetime TV. I remember there was some surprise that Superstore was able to book Dean Norris for a guest spot, prestigious character actor that he is. But why not? A spot on an NBC primetime comedy is no small potatoes, especially one as respected as Superstore, and could lead to more, especially if the producers take a liking to you.
  3. I hope we're not supposed to be rooting for Garrett and Dina over Dina and the vet, because those two were so cute together this episode and it's clear he's all in for her, which Garrett never was. I really liked Garrett and Dina, but Vet is a better match, and Garrett always seemed to like Dina against his will. However, Dina and Garrett are probably endgame, since they are both main cast members. I wonder how far off America has been planning her exit, because it was only announced a few weeks ago. I wonder when this episode was filmed. I kind of got the the vibe that the cast members only found out fairly recently.
  4. In this time of self-quarantine and uncertainty, I have been binging episodes of this show. Despite Holly's book ripping the curtain away (and I completely believe much of what she said), there is something about it that was genuinely comforting. I was Googling Bridget and got obsessed with her new podcast, Ghost Magnet, which explores paranormal happenings around LA and other places, plus interviews with people who have had paranormal experiences. Holly did two episodes, one of which was a seance in her house! The very first episode of the podcast featured Brian the Butler, who was one of my favorite GND minor characters. He had some really interesting ghost stories about the mansion. She also interviews McKenzie Westmore, Shanna Moakler, and visits Zak Bagans' museum (no mention of him being Holly's boyfriend). Since I'm cooped up at home along with everyone else, I've been binging while spring cleaning. It's not the career that I envisioned her with (hosting a show or even doing the podcast as a TV show would be more what I thought), but she seems to have found her niche. It's really too bad that the trio is pretty much just a duo now. As much of a mess as Kendra is and was, I believe there was once genuine affection there, and now she doesn't even follow either of them on Instagram or vice versa. Holly's hilarious efforts on the show to hide how much Kendra annoyed her was totally relatable - like having a coworker you can't stand but have to play nice with. What exactly does Holly do nowadays except post photoshoots on Insta? I read somewhere she's working on a fiction book, but anyone know what else?
  5. Agreed. The Breakfast Club is one of my favorite movies. I liked the idea of a genderbent Bender, but the actress didn't do it for me. There was an obnoxiousness with a clear undercurrent of vulnerability in the way the original John Bender was played, but this actress didn't convey that to me. She was just plain obnoxious. Having said that, she didn't have a ton to work with and I didn't care about the character since she appeared out of the blue. I did get a good chuckle out of this show organically having its own Molly Ringwald lookalike. I kind of thought that since Bender was genderbent as Jenny, and Sophia Lillis resembles Molly, we were going to have a plot twist where they got together.
  6. I agree. There seemed to be no clear reason why they just couldn't have set in the 80s. For instance, they didn't use cell phones to advance the plot in any way, which would have been a good reason to set in modern day. Ditto the internet. Maybe they didn't want to spend the extra dough to ensure historical accuracy. I really loved this show. I'd have had a crush on Dina, too. That dress was stunning. I knew the douche bf was not long for this world, and saw it coming a mile away, but not like THAT. I legit gasped. I had thought there was going to be some kind of twist that he was the one following her all along.
  7. What a great point. And it makes a lot of sense and fits with what we learn about Jonah.
  8. See, I agree he's infuriatingly green and naive and fucks a lot of things up for the Hunters, but there is something about Lerman that appeals to me. He oozes vulnerability and decency. I don't know if Lerman's putting it on or if he's naturally like that, but it works for the character and helps to keep the audience from outright disliking him - or it did for me. Because it's clear to me that the character is a decent human being. It must be the scared doe eyes. Although I will say the constant cussing is distracting because of the aforementioned air of vulnerability. I felt that was a missed beat.
  9. I must agree, and I disliked her from the jump. Whatever caused her to totally be humbled - a mix of the social media reaction, passage of time, and seeing herself onscreen - I hope she goes with it. She caused a strong reaction from the audience and is at least partially responsible for the show's success with her mess. Of course, the death threats are way over the top. At her core, I think she's a decent person. I thought Amber's smackdown of her was over the top, but it makes sense if Amber had no idea about what was said in Barnett and Jessica's conversations and was blindsided. So it's fresh in her mind. I do think much of her reaction was loving that she got one over on Jessica by bagging the "hot guy."
  10. Maybe the Boston Street apartment was a trap set by Ruth to snuff out fake!Meyer. Or, perhaps they lived together shortly for a time before Meyer was murdered. But that isn't right either, is it? Where did the (extremely handsome) American Heidelbaum come in? In Ruth's fairy tale, he was the one who swept her away to the States. He was okay with her being pregnant with another man's child? She was okay marrying so soon after Meyer left her? When did they meet and what kind of man was he? The actor in the photograph looked so familiar, that I figured they were going to give him a scene or two. I was kind of disappointed. ...I have clearly given this more thought than the writers did. Or the posters upthread are right and Jonah isn't Ruth's biological grandson.
  11. Maybe they had met before the camps? But that isn't right, is it? They met in the camps, right? Ugh, this is so needlessly complicated. Pick a backstory and stick with it. I'm more skeptical that they both lived in NYC for so long without running into each other. Sure, it's a large city, but they seemed to run in small circles. And so she was able to conceive even when she was starving and malnourished? I guess stranger things have happened.
  12. I was liking Barnett and thought he was cute....right up until his comment about Diamond being a stripper name. I'd have walked right out the door if I was her. Asshole. I hope he ends up alone.
  13. I can't even hate. I respect their hustle. As bland and kind of annoying as they are, they're still in the game, and this show is turning out to generate a good amount of buzz. Their manager must be semi-decent to keep them as semi-relevant as they are, what with the amount of years that have gone by since Nick and Jessica, and Vanessa's VJ days. Though I did roll my eyes when Nick was like "And of course, I'm Nick Lachey."
  14. What a dissatisfying ending. This show was billed and touted as Nazis getting their just desserts, but there were many more significant victories that the Nazis gained over the Hunters that it really, really rankled. I sure didn't need to see that poor lawyer murdered, for one, nor La Familia Hitler enjoying a meal on the deck. I am sick of having to watch the good guys constantly getting the shaft. The ending, especially if it doesn't get a second season (and quite frankly, it shouldn't), was too depressing to just be a one and done show. Their angling for a season two left too many ties loose for me. I kept waiting and waiting all season for the Hunters' backstories to be explored and to see how exactly they all came together but....it never happened. And I don't think I'll be watching season 2 to see if they deign to get around to explaining that. The actor playing young Meyer was really handsome. I like Lena Olin as an actress, but the Big Bad as the undead Hitlers is overdone and too much for me. In short, I enjoyed the discussion and discovering Greg Austin (Travis), but I'm out!
  15. I didn't realize I cared so much about their characters until this episode. I thought there was a lack of character development amongst the Hunters, but it was actually so subtle and so well-done by the actors, that I didn't realize it until this episode. Christ, that scene at the kitchen table tore my heart out. If you told me they were married IRL, I'd believe you. They were that good. That scene alone has almost made sticking around this series worth it. Also, they just HAD to pick the cutest little chub to play Aaron. He triggered my maternal instinct.
  16. Thank you. My disgust was justified. I had high hopes for this show, but every episode is a slog to get through. And making up stuff like this for dramatic value when the real atrocities were dramatic enough? Cheap.
  17. This is what I was trying to get at. I'm not disputing that the Nazis were cruel and committed unspeakable crimes, but the chess game, unless it was based on a real life story, seemed over the top and just for the shock value. There are enough examples of the cruelty of the Nazis from real life without having to resort to making shit up. Like I said, I don't need to see atrocities onscreen to root against the Nazis. It's kind of implied. Yes, all episodes run almost an hour.
  18. I agree. The torture porn is getting to be too much. I really, really did not need to see that black family being tortured by the Nazi cleaner. And it doesn't seem as though the violence is going to lessen. I'll give it another episode, but I'm probably out. I don't need to see minorities being tortured. The whole premise of this damn show was supposed to be the opposite of that. I don't need to see people being tortured to set up the Big Bad and make me root for him to be taken down. He's a Nazi. I don't need more motivation than that to see him go down. I had no idea Julissa Bermudez (the girlfriend of the FBI agent) is acting now. Seems like just yesterday she was interviewing the cast of the Jersey Shore.
  19. I THINK I'm in, but all the violence is a bit much for me. I realize it's a revenge fantasy, but torture porn has never been my thing. Having said that, I know this episode was all exposition, and the concept is interesting enough for me to continue. Also, I am loving the diversity of the show. Travis the cleaner - before I understood what he was, and even after, I found him compelling as hell. A clear case of the camera loving an actor. He also reminds me a LOT of Bill Skarsgard. I wouldn't have been surprised if he was some relative of that family, they breed actors like rabbits (he isn't).
  20. I recently binged this show again after having first seen it in 2016. Since then, I have seen the first series of Grantchester and I am blown away by how credibly James Norton is able to slip into both Tommy Lee Royce and Sidney Chambers. Hell, he even has the dead behind the eyes expression down on this show, contrasted with total warmth and vulnerability on Grantchester. But on rewatch of Happy Valley, I have to agree that Norton's innate charm seems to seep in, as much as he may try to hide it in this show. It seems to manifest itself in this show as a sinister charisma, as you said. This may be my own massive crush on James Norton making me biased. Anyway, I don't think we'll ever see a third series of this show. It's been so long and the cast is scattered everywhere. And Sally Wainwright is busy with Gentleman Jack. I would be interested if they go whole hog by waiting a few more years until Ryan is a teenager and have the third series be about what he gets up to.
  21. Siobhan Finneran? Yes. Richard Armitage? YES. I'm in. Harlan Corben sure seems to like his middle-class-dad-in-peril stories. Siobhan and The Infant (sorry, I know no one's names yet) are hilarious so far.
  22. And I'm guessing that since the show premiered only a few weeks ago, producers wouldn't have had time to see the great reception the show is getting in time to start filming this current semester? If so, I wonder if we will have to wait over a year for another season. Unless they greenlit a new season like, within days. I wonder if they'll break the fourth wall and acknowledge the show's success and the media tour the main cast has been on.
  23. If I remember right, Joe said in a VO early on that it took him 2 days to build the cage in LA without having the help of the old guy whose name I've forgotten.
  24. And at least they're still working toward another AA degree. Whenever I feel kind of uneasy about all these kids peacing out of 4-year universities, I remember that they're still studying SOMETHING and probably are on scholarship. At the very least, they won't drown in student loans.
  25. Yeah. I've not seen it mentioned much, but her sister was a real piece of work too. It seems like cashing in on Gabi is the family business. I'm sure they're under pressure to move those bikinis, but good Lord. Get some perspective and empathy for the girl. I don't care what Gabi may say in statements defending them - and sure, the show was only a sample size of her interactions with her family - but some things don't need a lot of footage to be clear. Sometimes people show themselves very quickly. The only time I agreed with anything her parents said was when they talked about what a chokehold Varsity had on the sport.
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