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Everything posted by EarlGreyTea

  1. From the PEOPLE article: I can't imagine anything worse than spending 24/7 with your spouse, especially at work, especially on live TV, and especially if he is Joe Scarborough, but you do you, Mika.
  2. I forgot to add! I've been binging this season and the last one for the past few weeks. In more than one episode there's mention of tornados. Glenn even says something like, "We haven't done a tornado drill in a while" and everyone blows him off. I love it when shows are several steps ahead and drop hints like that. And yeah, a drill was a good idea. I'm re-watching the episode now, and a firefighter clearly says to Glenn, "No death or injuries in a place like this, someone must be looking out for you." So that means Brett is okay! I hope.
  3. Wow. Now that was astoundingly well done. The tornado was utterly terrifying! I was tense all through the episode. The shelves flying everywhere! Myrtle all alone hanging onto a shelf was unnerving as hell. Does this mean the end of Brett? He was my favorite background character, always cleaning up crap! He sure looked like a goner though. I hope they keep him! In a similar vein, I hope they keep Marcus too. And that one guy with the long hair. Dammit, I hope they're all back next season. I've grown too attached to everyone. Mateo's Asian alliance was hysterical, and I tip my hat to the showrunners. I love, love, love the diversity on this show. Garrett is so shaken up by Dina it's hysterical. He is usually so smooth and chill; to have him unhinged by her is so much fun to watch. I'm glad she's the one who is more indifferent and he's the one who has caught feelings. It's usually the other way around. I would have been annoyed that she didn't give me the helmet too. But the fact that she ran up to Garrett and not random other people does show there's something there on her part too. I think. I am totally a Glenn in that I'm a softy. Could never be in management. It would kill me to have to let anyone go. Dina spitting out the banana bread was hilarious. Anyone else catch the tartar guy from a previous episode back as the guy with the question about razors? This episode felt so weird in that there were a lot of tense moments. Definitely a finale feel to it. A lot of things, like the tornado, cannot be walked back. The Amy and Jonah kiss was perfect. Of course they'd go for it at the very end. My mom doesn't want them to get together, because it ruins the dynamic, but I am really interested to see where this goes. This show has become the only one for me that is appointment television. I can't wait for its return. Excellent callback to Cheyenne's green hair thingy! And Dina finding Dave and Buster's coins in her pocket. They all went there for Sandra's birthday. Also loved Amy picking Cheyenne to be her hug buddy. Those two are sweet.
  4. Never began a thread before, hope this is okay!
  5. No offense to the actress, but I hope they get rid of the character or re-tool her. She's too nasty, even for a comedy. And she's the worst kind of nasty, an unfunny one. (Okay, the line about the car not driving itself or whatever was funny)
  6. And this is about the long and short of it for me. Jim and Pam were unbearably smug and frequently looked down on their co-workers, Jim more so than Pam. But Amy and Jonah, while the straight men of the show, often do stupid things as well. Jonah does something dumb and/or elitist at least once an episode, and Amy's impression of an Asian stereotype in "Shots and Salsa" is at least as cringey as anything any of the more cartoonish characters have done. The writers allowing them to screw up makes them more rootable. I wonder if it's the nature of their jobs that makes the difference. A retail job is worlds away from an office job in terms of culture. Amy and Jonah genuinely embrace their coworkers as friends, too, and spend time with them outside of work hours. Amy's affection for Cheyenne in particular is touching. I was actually a little surprised Cheyenne asked her to be a bridesmaid. I figured she would have any number of friends to choose from. But the work environment is such that their coworkers are their extended family, at least at this particular store.
  7. Mallory had an expanded storyline this new season, but for some reason I just don't care for her character, to the point where I feel she drags the other three down. Because she had such a small role in the first two seasons, her dynamic with the other kids and the parents isn't as organic and doesn't work for me at all. She was sanctimonious in the first two seasons with her constant "How do I explain to my children that [insert issue]?" I will say they do poor Brooklyn Decker no favors - she has the least interesting storyline, least developed character, and least amount of funny lines. The other three are quirkier, whereas she is the one most entrenched in a stolid, upper middle class life, which is nice to have IRL but rather boring to watch onscreen. I'm like Brianna in that I don't give a damn about kids, especially onscreen. I think they dropped the ball on developing her troubled marriage, because
  8. How much time is supposed to have passed since Harmonica was born? The kid looked about two to me! Shouldn't she be around a year old or less? Those bridesmaids dresses were smoking hot. Amy and Dina looked amazing. Overall the wedding looked pretty nice for having two teenagers plan it. Loved the flowers and overall aesthetic. Is there anything more depressing than realizing your marriage is over? America did some great subtle work in that final scene with Jonah. Finally it's all coming to a head. Of course they never should have married, so how depressing to think all that time was wasted being unhappy. I actually felt bad for Adam too, and usually I find him to be a big dunce. At least he's not clearly villainized like he could have been. This show wants to be The Office so badly it hurts. The wedding, pushy coworker, admission of love....all ripped from Office storylines, but they were pretty universal themes anyway so I don't mind it too much. I found Jim and Pam insufferable. Amy and Jonah are more realistic and human to me. At the beginning of the series I didn't find Jonah to be all that worthy of Amy, and Amy was a sourpuss, but they have both won me over. He clearly puts her first (ie, the episode where she finds money in the cargo pants and urges her to use it on herself for once). They clearly have a great time being together. I'm not completely sure they could work long term, but I wouldn't mind seeing them try.
  9. I'm probably cutting Robert more slack than he deserves, but knowing only what Robert knows - the insanely creepy and gross way Jasper came into Eleanor's life, and none of his redemption arc - I don't really blame him. And royals can be notoriously snobby about the "help," so there's that too. This fictional family is way more touchy-feely with their staff than would be allowed IRL. Robert is more based in reality as a royal than the rest of the family, so I can buy his disapproval. If he can't have his commoner relationship, he seems hell bent on making sure no one else can either. I can see his point there too. I think he's keeping Jasper around because, as in the case of Willow, Robert knows talent when he sees it, and he may as well keep Jasper around strictly for that. It IS cruel to dangle that carrot in front of Eleanor, though. I can't really excuse him for that. Robert also has no idea how much Eleanor has changed since he "died." He might think this is one of her many flings, and she'll be over him and onto the next one in no time, so may as well keep around a useful member of the help. ....But I'm sure I've given him way too much credit. Long may Robert wave!
  10. I have no interesting stories to add except to say I was a royal bitch after having to stand for 8 hours a day. I bought expensive nursing shoes and was still in major pain most of the time. Anyone who can do it with a smile gets my admiration. I would also add that it was kind of depressing when I left my retail job and found out all the coworkers I talked to constantly were people I had absolutely nothing in common with. Without complaining about customers, the job, or other coworkers, we really had nothing to talk about, which bummed me out. Having said that, there's something really beautiful in working alongside people from all walks of life whom you would never have hung out with otherwise.
  11. Good point. I don't even think they would even be a successful couple, if it came to that. Much of the attraction is in the unknown and in the way their flirting breaks up the monotony of being at work. And if they spend no time together outside of work, I don't think it can grow into a deep connection until they actually date. But the groundwork is there, certainly, so if Amy gets a divorce, I can see it growing. Just not right now. All they really have in common is their dislike of all things Cloud Nine. Take 90 percent of coworkers and make them talk exclusively about things non-work stuff. Most of the time, they find they have nothing in common. That's kind of why I never bought Jim and Pam as being in love in the early seasons of The Office. They spent nearly no time together outside of work to get to know each other on a personal level.
  12. And I love how weirdly invested all of those HR/legal people got! Basically that whole subplot boiled down to Dina and Garrett doth protest too much. There is definitely something there, even if neither of them want to admit it. They seem to be the Dwight/Angela of this show, although Garrett has a tighter grasp on reality than those two ever did.
  13. This blog post talks about how Josie Bates is attending cosmetology school. Since this is Jessa's thread, I am going to lament once again how the Duggars really, really missed the boat by not letting Jessa (or any of the older girls) attend cosmetology school. They could have made a MINT doing hair and makeup for their various leghumpers' weddings with Jinger taking the wedding photos to boot. Hell, Derrick could have taken care of the books and JD could have flown them around the country to various wedding locales. It could have been an FU internet of epic proportions, brought in steady money, provided interesting storylines, given makeup and hair companies a good reason to let them use the products for free/have them endorse, and given Jessa something to do besides pop out kids.
  14. I think she's wearing a wig too, honestly. Saw some pics of her from the premiere and it's shoulder length. She also had shoulder length hair for her most recent movie, Grandma (GREAT movie). Not to say she can't have grown it out, but it seems like a wig or a weave. Either way it looks so gorgeous. Never found Peter attractive until this show. Either he thinned his brows or did something else, but he is looking mighty fine. Also it's damn refreshing that for once a female actress gets to play opposite a younger man as her love interest, and 20 years her junior at that. You usually see the other way around.
  15. I hope he's a one and done character, but you don't hire an actor of his caliber for just one episode (well, you do, but I have a feeling he's sticking around). I think the issue for me is that we're supposed to see him as totally charming. We're supposed to see him as a viable love interest for Grace. We're supposed to handwave the blackmail. And the kicker is that he COULD have been a great love interest, had he been introduced differently. I think I'm projecting a lot. I'm really tired of the 50 Shades phenomenon where a man acts like an asshole, throws his wealth around, and I'm supposed to find it attractive. On another note, I didn't like Jane's wigs this season, the ones with the waves. I preferred the straighter look she had last season. Her clothes remain flawless, though.
  16. Agreed. And kids tend to bring down a show (IMO) unless they're good actors, which is hard to find. Not every show can strike gold with its child actors like Stranger Things did. So I'm glad they've only gotten one or two episodes. If the grandkids were older, even teenagers or young adults, then I'd want to see them interact with Grace. Have you all noticed we're seeing Grace eat a lot more this season? Maybe they're dropping all the anorexia jokes from seasons past. She still seems like a textbook alcoholic, though.
  17. I mean, I see what you're saying. I get why it's a good deal on HER part. She definitely is playing the cards she's dealt by going out with him. I just would rather not have him become a long term love interest, because it's insanely skeevy on HIS part. Go out with him to get him to drop the lawsuit, fine. Keeping him around a la Phil or Jacob? I hope they don't. I know it's a romantic staple to use your wealth to get someone to go out with you, I just don't like it. I miss Phil.
  18. Thank you, I couldn't articulate it as well as you did. I'm rather surprised Fonda agreed to this storyline, frankly. Blackmailing her into dating him so he won't sue and serving her papers just to see her again? Naw son, that's disgusting. What I DID like was their banter about the terms of the date. That was some nice give and take. Had he been introduced differently, I would have been onboard.
  19. I actually think the musical was a case study in how to show a musical onscreen without letting it suck up the entire episode (looking at YOU, Gilmore Girls: Year in the Life, which spent nearly 20 minutes nonstop on a stupid musical that had no bearing whatsoever on the plot). You got some funny sight gags, backstage shenanigans, and a chance for Martin Sheen to show he can't sing all that well. And those shoes were hilarious, along with the understudy. But yeah, there is not an ounce of chemistry to be had between Sheen and Waterson. I can see it more on Waterson's part, but he has great chemistry with everyone on the show. What I CAN buy is them as a comfortable old married couple. Makes sense that there isn't a lot of spark between them.
  20. Also, I forgot how HILARIOUS the puddle gag was. Probably my favorite of the series. Made even funnier when Bud stepped into it and Brianna knowing where she was going after the rain. While I didn't like the Jacob/Grace friction, I thought it was realistic. It reminds me of one of my favorite things Roger Ebert has written re: new relationships: "When a big new relationship comes into your life, it requires an adjustment of all the other relationships, and a certain amount of discomfort and pain."
  21. Yeah, June Diane Raphael was the one who was pregnant the whole season. She talked about being grateful to Fonda for advocating for a positive workplace policy re: maternity leave. Having said that, I really missed the resolution of Brianna's storyline and the lack of her presence in the pivotal hospital scenes. I don't think being with Barry would have kept her from Frankie being in the hospital, nor do I buy her waiting in the wings for Barry to dump his other woman. I thought it was a weird choice to take her off the canvas. Surely some other reason could have worked better. Peter Gallagher walked the fine line between smarmy and charming the whole episode. Mostly smarmy with strong-arming Grace into going out with him. But he seems to be Grace's match. I miss Phil.
  22. This is a bit too heavy for me. It was played tremendously by both actresses, but I watch the show for escapism and pretty houses. I dunno. I certainly don't fault them for such a heavy, realistic storyline, but it brought the season down for me a bit. Robert in that wig had me howling, as did the gang frantically running between house and hospital. So I'm glad Bud has finally gotten a decent storyline. Betting the pregnancy will give Frankie yet another reason to want to stay. Would love to see Frankie as a grandma.
  23. Brooklyn Decker has more screen time this season compared to last. I'm wondering if other commitments or her pregnancy prevented her from being absent so much last season. Which is nice for her, but frankly I kind of prefer Brianna-Coyote-Bud as a group compared to the complete four. It's probably because Mallory is so poorly developed compared to the rest and she isn't given as many funny lines. I'm kind of disappointed they seem to have dropped Coyote/Mallory, which I liked simply because I wanted to know exactly what attracted straight-laced Mallory to earthy Coyote. I can't imagine them getting together even if she divorces, though. Can't imagine her and the kids in the tiny house. I've realized Coyote and Bud are the second generation of Grace and Frankie. The dynamic is extremely similar.
  24. My cousin and I, both in our twenties, were watching this episode and wondering how it was supposed to work, because it looks double-ended. Then my mother mortifyingly jumped in and pointed out you can probably use either end, depending on what mood you're in.
  25. Damn, do I love it when Grace and Frankie interact with their kids. The dynamic is just so, so good. Frankie clearly has a warm relationship with her boys, but Grace's girls can't fully....I don't know the word. Grace has put up more a wall with them over the years, and now that she's divorced, can't fully let their relationship thaw. And now that Bud finally has a life, he doesn't have as much time for his family's shenanigans, which I applaud. Last season he was running around putting out fires left and right. Good for him for finally putting his foot down. And major respect to how well he is able to call Frankie out. Always being the responsible one can grate on a person. I was disappointed that Robert and Sol moved out of that gorgeous house, but wow am I over that disappointment. Their new house is stunning, and since they live in California, probably a cool $3 million at least. Love that there is finally less interaction between the two sets of couples. If it was any of the previous seasons, Robert and Sol would have been part of the fight.
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