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Everything posted by Palomar

  1. There comes a time to end it and this SHOULD be it. It hasn't been the same since David came back.
  2. I am hoping that Martha "doesn't" get found out since I do feel sorry for her. I think the kindest thing would be for Clark just to stop showing up or break up with her (especially since she would be reluctant to give him any info now). But of course something is going to happen since no loose ends can exist. The character has always been doomed.
  3. I'm really confused. Is this show back on in the US for another season? Definitely have not seen it listed anywhere or any promos.
  4. That is definitely what I thougt, especially since she mentioned how it would help Norman.
  5. THIS is the finale? Nice justification to bring this show back. Of course, who would think that having Dina Lohan on the show would be something other than a trainwreck. Cringe-worthy. Does anyone think her date was anything other than an acting gig for some down and out actor?
  6. And yet Margaux proclaims Daniel was the love of her life and visa versa. She was ready to dump his ass before finding out she was pregnant.
  7. It IS fair game to bring up that both Rosie and her husband were drinking at the barbeque so there wasn't much parenting going on (and Hugo could have been affected by the breastfeeding). I don't think a judge would allow the question about Rosie's post partum episode leaving her child though. And, no Doctors report or even close up pictures showing the alleged resulting injuries? There's no way in hell this wouldn't have gotten thrown out. There is no case, just bad parenting and aggression on Harry's part (since Hugo's parents weren't doing THEIR job) that he obviously regrets. What would have happened if Harry did not intercede and Hugo hit one of the kids with the bat that did result in injuries. Who would be on trial then? I hate all these people!
  8. Nadine and Erik: There is usually a reason why most couples don't rush into marriage and actually get to know each other first. I think Erik is realizing this in a hurry.
  9. Ditto. Hate her attitude. She definitely thinks she is above all her in-laws when the truth is they suck, she sucks, and her friends suck (although Anouk at least has called out Rosie that "the Slap" probably wouldn't have happened if one of the parents had done their job and interceded).
  10. To be honest, I was always surprised that Meredith ended up forgiving Derek originally when he didn't bother to mention he was still married when they first got together. He's been a jerk from time to time since then...just when you start to like him, it comes out. And since he figures Mer 'made' him take the job, would not be surprised if he was not only cheating but not feeling all that bad about it.
  11. I don't like this new format where the person in the chair is compared to the next one in line and whoever is the lessor of the two in the "millionaire's" mind is eliminated. The mixer where the person can talk to all the contestents in a more natural way seems to work better so there can at least be some dialog to get to know the person. And to be honest the old format is more entertaining for the viewer.
  12. Of course, his biggest stupidity is hiding the flashlight. You KNOW someone is going to open that package up on Christmas. And then there is the apparently drunk phone calling. Maybe he is guilty.
  13. I tend to think the whole thing was planned from the beginning....to play out the reluctant groom and her giving him an ultimatum. They probably felt they needed a story with a happy ending besides the other ones staying together despite their issues. I don't think for a second any of these people considered leaving their relationship. Sorry to say, but it was most likely a convenient pay day and they each played their expected part.
  14. I'd like to think this is just poor writing and that something like this WOULD be thrown out. Heaven help us if not. To not even have a medical report is beyond ridiculous...a real lawyer would advise their client there is no case. To think this whole TV show is "based" on the real possibility that there IS a case is unbelievable. Let's hope that Hugo does get a psych evaluation and that Rosie and her husband's parenting is exposed. I still hate Connie and think she is an entitled brat. Yeah, my father deserted me so I have an excuse to have an affair with a married father of two whose wife I pretend to love.
  15. Not a good moving throwing out the friend, since Ben made the stupid mistake of telling him about finding and hiding the flashlight. Ben totally should have come clean to Cornell about finding the flashlight. Of course it looks bad, but not as bad as when someone will eventually open up that Christmas present down the line! The truth will set you free (of course only IF you are innocent).
  16. Does anyone really see these as true engagements? It is more like you pick the person to try to see if you CAN have a relationship with once the cameras are gone and reality sets in. No matter how much spark is there or not there, they do not know each other from a couple of mostly fake dates where they are guarded about everything they say and do. It's not surprising that most of these relationships don't last longer than the obligatory time together when they are still making appearances.
  17. I really do think Chris dodged a bullet by not picking Becca. She is a lovely girl and seems nice (and honest) but doesn't seem remotely into him physically. With no engagement (since he knew she would say no) they would have had to have a long distance romance which would take the type of commitment she didn't have anyway. She seemed pretty emotionless after the "rejection" and ATFR. Except it is the guys who will be picking. It is a pretty tacky premise. Talk about self esteem issues for the "rejected" Bachelorette. It would be more interesting to have both girls date from the same pool of guys and a guy in order to leave would have to be rejected by both Bachelorettes. Then, they would be competing for the final group of guys still left.
  18. I was under the impression Connie was still in high school and 16 or 17 years old.
  19. So true. It's almost like they want to be part of the cool kids group by not calling out any of these people on their bad behavior. I think they are more offended when Aviva and Reid resist some of the lame exercises which are obviously for entertainment and not for therapy than when Spencer and Heidi are doling out their verbal abuse. If anything it almost seems to be encouraged by Jim and Elizabeth because they are personally offended that someone would dare think the exercises are lame. No way in hell would I shove several hot dogs and meat balls in my mouth either. What does that prove?
  20. Not downplaying "the slap" it was wrong, but Rosie (who is my most hated of dislikable people on this show) is doing much more harm to Hugo with her suffocating parenting with more long reaching damage than being slapped by Harry. I seriously wonder what Aisha and Rosie even have in common to be friends, although Aisha is also annoying in her own way (even though she doesn't deserve a husband that is having an affair with a 16 year old). I feel sorry for Manolis for having such a f'ed up family.
  21. Paige seems uncomfortably close to her pastor. I'll bet she is already telling him things about her parents. Just wait until she puts things together or is told by Mom.
  22. So Rachel thinks strong arming Tyson into marriage is the solution to her problems. Nothing says happy marriage like an ultimatum. And what are these "experts" teaching these people if they are also thinking a proposal on the finale is a good thing for them. How many times does he have to say and show that he doesn't want to get married! Aviva and Reid are a buzz kill and don't play nice but no one deserves the kind of verbal abuse that Spencer doles out and doesn't even get called out for. Unbelievable. Yeah, Heidi, this guy is father material.
  23. What we REALLY need from Chris is for him to be the next Bachelor if he needs a new gig!
  24. That is the thing. I WANT him to be innocent. As others have said, he's the most likeable character on the show (and the young daughter). The wife is off (although I wouldn't be happy either knowing the woman my husband had an affair with is across the street). How long has she known about the affair and did she suspect the boy was her husband's son? If the affair was common knowledge, it seems strange that the two families would still be close enough to baby sit. I am used to the actress playing the wife being a firecracker on Private Practice so it is so strange to see her so emotionless. Do not care for the oldest entitled daughter at ALL.
  25. It's kind of hard to think that David after being bad mouthed and villified on national TV would do something FOR his ex-wife like give up parental rights? Why should he? The only incentive would be money but since he hasn't sued the Browns for the insinuations of violence against Robyn so far, maybe he doesn't care about that so much. No one really knows if he is a dead beat Dad or not....like everything, it is assumed on the show. I still think the whole scenario for the divorce and remarriage was mostly an excuse so that Kody could marry his favorite wife/soul mate. A man does not sign away his parental rights (which has nothing to do with custody) easily...especially when he helped raise the kids and still is in contact with them. To just assume he will do this is ridiculous and they are admiting he did not agree to do this (yet).
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