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Everything posted by Palomar

  1. As far as the Catfish stuff goes, I doubt they will ever address it since it basically shows that Meri intended to cheat on Kody or already did if you consider what went down an emotional affair. Of course technically she didn't cheat since Kody and Meri are now divorced. I'll bet the subject will also be off topic at the season end Tell All.
  2. Palomar

    S02.E02: 202

    Definitely agree with this. Ruth Wilson is such an excellent actress that I find myself hating Alison even more than Noah. Somehow her extreme selfishness trumps having any sympathy for her losing her child. She still doesn't realize that Cole lost his son as well....it is only all about her. I felt extreme sympathy for Cole seeing Alison with her daughter. Wish he could somehow move on but he doesn't seem to have the strength of Helen.
  3. If anyone has a quick update on these two couples, it would be much appreciated.
  4. Who are the writers writing for? I guess that is obvious. Sorry your job was so boring you had to ruin the show to try to be edgy and creative. Total fail. Not a good way to go out if this is the end.
  5. Why should any father be forced to give up their parental rights...just because they are being strong-armed into doing so. We have no idea what the relationship is between Robyn's kids and their Dad. Having any kind of relationship at all is enough reason NOT to sign your rights away. Who is to say they are better off with Kody as a father anyway? How would Kody like it if Christine left him and married someone who wanted to adopt HIS kids?
  6. Well, in general what I've noticed is that Kendra is going out of her way to stick it to Hank....a little revenge by all the partying and flirting with guys while she is away on her various reality shows. Might also be a bit of the turning 30 thing too.
  7. I doubt this will ever be mentioned on the show in any way. They are still hiding the fact that Janelle was married to Meri's brother and that is even publicly in a book!
  8. Thanks for the info purpleflowers. I had just figured it was someone she had met at college.
  9. Is this seriously true? Sister-in-law as in wife to one of his brothers? Didn't see anything about this in the engagement articles I read. Definitely many complicated relationships in this family! Sure hope Maddie isn't rushing into something and this is what she really wants.
  10. It would be interesting to hear the timeline of Janelle/Kody/Meri & Bro situation since it seemed like Kody and Janelle must have been planning marriage for awhile if during that time Kody's Dad and Jannelle's Mom had enough time to meet, fall in love, and marry. Were Janelle and Meri friends besides sisters-in-laws prior to the Meri/Kody marriage? It would seem a legit therapist would bring all that into the open to resolve the Janelle/Meri conflict. I wouldn't hold my breath on that though.
  11. It doesn't matter, there will always be someone to throw themselves at him because they consider him a "celebrity". Even famous murderers have their groupies and wives! But, I doubt Sobbyn will ever fall for any "reason" for getting a divorce and letting him officially marry another wife like Meri did.
  12. Especially since they are bad mouthing the kids' father on national TV! If there was any chance before of him agreeing to this, I imagine that ship has sailed. And, Kody, would YOU give up your parental rights if one of your wives left and hooked up with another man that wanted to adopt them? Why should this guy feel pressured to do so?
  13. Now THAT is the reality show we have been waiting for!
  14. If Meri was upset she ultimately was not included in the "wedding", she better get used to it. She no longer has any more standing or rights (except in her own mind) than Janelle or Christine...even less if you take in account she is actually divorced ( or Legal Divorce) from Kody. (On the bright side, she could leave at any time!) I wouldn't be surprised if she asked for a new commitment ceremony from him once she feels the need to feel special again.
  15. I definitely think they got it right with Clayton winning. It just seemed to happen so fast that we didn't get to "know" the finalists like we have in the previous years. Please go back to last year's format! They definitely needed another show before the finale with the contestants doing a few things out of their comfort zone. It was great seeing Rod Man, even if it was way too briefly.
  16. Seriously! The thing is these single parents should stop trying to find parents for their kids instead of a partner for themselves. No one needs that kind of pressure when you are trying to get to know someone or even dating.
  17. It kind of seems once you are on Bachelor Pad or BiP that you are on the expiration list of being the potential lead of The Bachelor or The Bachelorette. At least it hasn't happened yet (although the reverse is not true, ala Jake P.). As far as Samantha goes, she seems to not have a personality beyond taking in all the compliments. Seems she will go out with whoever worships at her altar, as long as they keep telling her she is the prettiest and of course the best date ever.
  18. I believe right from the beginning Kirk mentioned he recently had broken up with a long time girlfriend and right before their overnight date he expressed concerns about things moving too fast. So, this isn't too surprising since this is right before the finale when the couples pretty much decide if they have a future. Just to say..... it is never a good idea to mention having babies 4 weeks into a relationship! It was pretty easy to see they were in different places. It is a shame but really these people should stop with these huge expectations on these dating shows! Unfortunate that Carly got hurt...but I really don't see Kirk is this horrible person. Kind of weird that of the other remaining 4 couples, two are new couples and personally I don't believe for a minute Tenley likes Joshua for anything more than a friend. I like Tanner and would like to see him and Jade "proclaim" they are going to date in the future but we shall see. Maybe Carly and Kirk will meet up in the future at one of the Bachelor alumni parties when things are a little more normal and at least talk things through. I don't blame her for not wanting to talk more about it with the cameras.
  19. How about a rule where you can only give a rose to the same person two times in a row. And those who want to remain together after the second rose exchange can be moved off-screen until the end (like Koala mentioned above). From the previews, it looks like most of the couples will bail on each other anyway in the end because it was either a temporary romance or they just wanted air time and to remain on the show to get paid as much as possible. Another thing has to be everyone showing up at once or maybe another group showing up half way through the season. It's really not fair to the late arrivals the way it is.
  20.  Exactly...now we don't get to know them well enough to even care if they win or lose. Thanks a lot show, for screwing a great formula up. At the very least why not just pick the five best after showing all their sets instead of this head to head stuff. There are definitely a couple of weak links there now with some great comics going home.
  21. I do think that Robert Carradine's wife and daughter enjoyed the hotel life for those few days. That is one small island! You could still live the island life and have a few of life's luxuries.
  22. So, besides any breakups, the finale of this show is really about whether Ashley I. loses her virginity or not? I am not spoiled but Jered seems the type that just goes with the flow so I wouldn't be surprised if they are now a couple. He fell in love with Kaitlyn (like the script says to do) and now he is going to become Ashley's boyfriend because it is easier than breaking up with her.
  23. Megan Hilty is a Broadway star who was in the TV show Smash, playing an actress who had the Marilyn Monroe part in a Broadway show.
  24. I thought the most annoying thing about this show was the female host, but I was wrong. Michelle Collins (first time I have heard of her) is way more annoying and even worse, she thinks she is comedienne as well. Good luck to the other women on the View competing with her to talk. Dan looked like he wanted to escape. Nick sure looks broken up after his latest Bachelorette dumping! What a lame fake out. Thankfully his stint on Kaitlyn's season didn't provide him with his dream of becoming the Bachelor. Let's just hope he doesn't make any more appearances to "advise" Ben. How many times does Joe have to apologize! This whole topic is such a dead horse, it is getting ridiculous. I still think Samantha treated Julia just as badly as Joe did, if not worse.
  25. I don't remember Juelia and Mikey having that much of a connection before. What I do remember is him telling her Joe was with her for the wrong reasons, mostly in an attempt to get a rose from her himself to avoid elimination. I don't think this stay of execution is going to make much difference of the outcome for Juelia.
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