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Everything posted by laurakaye

  1. What do I like to do to get me outside?? What kind of stupid sentence is that? Well, for me, I like to open the front door to get me outside. I also like to put on my shoes to get me outside. What do the rest of you like to do to get you outside? So far this month we have breathing and going outside. I am dumbfounded.
  2. Janelle claims to be this woman-of-the-wild, teepee-living, fishing and camping outdoorsy-type person. You would think that based on that alone, she could and SHOULD be able to lose weight simply by walking trails and exploring her hew surroundings. But - brrrrrrrr, it's cold!
  3. Is she contractually obligated to stick those stupid hashtags into every single post? What the heck does #LivingMyWhy have to do with going for a walk? The #BecauseICan always comes across as super smug, but #LifeFulfilled? Give me a break. Your spirit husband is sleeping with the newly skinny wife, the wife you brought in as revenge, and your mortal enemy. At least #BundleUp makes sense.
  4. Thanks, Janelle! A new year is the time to....zzzzzzzzzzzz...Make resolutions! And energy! And...zzzzzzzzz.....(snore) Renewal! New Year! Scintillating stuff from Life Coach Janelle. Consider me energized....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........
  5. I normally stay out of this thread because looking at photos of Jill unsettles me in a way that I can't convey in words...but this photo looks like a still from the latest season of American Horror Story or something. These children aren't right. Their matching frozen smiles and emaciated necks creep me the heck out.
  6. See, now I would totally watch these people getting a massive wake-up call when they find out that they're either all going to have to get real jobs or all move in together and sell three of the four houses. Ironically, this would then allow the show to keep going and possibly allow Kodork a few more seasons of aimless gamboling between houses whilst his ringlets bounce in the breeze. So....yeah, I'm torn...
  7. Of course Janelle doesn't know where her puzzle board is. It's probably in the same box as the shoes she can only use for spin class. In the meantime I sit here, befuddled, with a cup of plain black coffee waiting for Janelle to tell me what to put in it. Come on, Janelle! Wake up!
  8. And it has nearly 1,400 likes? Who are these people?!
  9. Bwahahaha! The best part about this is that the further you scroll down the photo, the funnier it gets! The lady on the right is wearing her bedroom slippers with her bathrobe over her LLR dress. Interesting concept, never would've thought of that.
  10. Oh, look. Another yoga post. So boring, I can't even figure out how to snark on it.
  11. HOLD THE PHONE......I am surprised! That Mariah! Is doing brunch! Why is everyone else so cool with this and I am the only one who didn't know that Mariah likes brunch??! On another note, if brunch consists of eggs atop congealed mushroom gravy and a pulled pork sandwich and mashed potatoes (I'm guessing here) washed down with black coffee, I shall pass.
  12. Don't forget Rabbit from Twister..."Rabbit is good, Rabbit is wiiiiiiiise." My favorite line in the entire (awful) movie. I was unsure at first as well since I haven't seen him in awhile, but those eyes gave him away. I immediately paused the show to look up his age - 62 - and he's still both the handsomest and cutest. :) If this weren't based on a true story, I wouldn't believe the majority of it. From Deb's mom forgiving her daughter's killer, to Deb's purposeful cluelessness, to the way she allowed him to treat her daughters, to Crazy John jumping out of a moving ambulance...it's all the more insane because it's all true. But the worst by far is Deb's space-cadet personality in the face of her psycho husband saying the most vile, disgusting things about her kids (not to mention what comes later). She's a professional victim and can only giggle and shrug while her life falls into shambles. That said, did anyone catch the great line from the attorney's assistant about Deb's hair? I loved that, since Connie Britton's gorgeous hair has a personality all its own (as well as its own Twitter handle).
  13. Ooh, northern Michigan? I am in SW Michigan. My dream retirement is somewhere in northern Michigan. I adore it up there.
  14. No way did Janelle decorate that tree. If I recall, she posted something about starting it, followed by meditating on what it means to be a tree or the meaning of life or something, then she went into another room to stare at a wall and she concluded by saying that the tree might just have to go unfinished because reasons. Either her kids did it for her or Meri did it. Oh, wait - LOLOLOL. Must've been her kids.
  15. I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I am going to make that oatmeal this weekend! Pretty sure Janelle is incapable of writing something that good - however, if she were serious about this Strive nonsense, it seems like it wouldn't be a stretch for her to ask a friend or even one of her kids to proofread her sad-sack blogs before she posts. Instead, I envision her schlumped on the couch in her coffee-and-molasses stained robe, dirty bare feet propped up on a footstool, while she Googles the latest fad and throws together a pathetic post to satisfy her need for having accomplished something for the day...before she begins the arduous tasks of getting dressed, avoiding Meri at the mailbox, and hoping it's not her turn for the Kodester.
  16. Picture #1 would've been better if King Kody didn't have to take his front and center spot as Master of the Fam'ly. And his hair looks ridiculous. #2....pretty much what I figured he'd be doing on a holiday. Or, every day. #3...Robyn's oldest really has some issues. #4...now that's funny. EDIT: LOL, great minds..............
  17. Meanwhile I sit here still dumbfounded on how these people can still be making payments on the McMansions, while buying up new properties and houses in Flagstaff, on a TLC income. I suppose the jool'ry business could be taking off, but somehow I doubt it.
  18. Oh, PLEASE let this mean that Meri has to bunk with Janelle or some such other awkward fam'ly combo! Pleeeease!! I have an idea - since I feel partially responsible for @LilWharveyGal's weekly recaps (due to my stubbornness about handing Vudu $24.99 to watch the Brown Clowns...I eventually caved because I had to see the spectacle of FT and Mykelti's wedding with my own eyes), I was wondering if we should take turns recapping the episodes for this coming season. Reading those recaps was a highlight of my day, but unless our fearless recapper wants to once again take the reins, taking turns might be a fun thing to do. Everyone has their own flair for the snark, and I have LOL'd at work reading these posts (while pretending to hide it with a cough) more times than I can count. What are your fillings about this?
  19. So obviously, Koderp's hair is going to be the scene-stealer of season 10. From shoulder-length fire-threat to totes adorbs ringlets to messy manbun. He's working it all, 'cause you know he's got those four (three) wifeys to please and they cannot ever agree on which style looks best on their man (barf). I too will watch this show until the bitter end. While I am not looking forward to watching Kodork once again thoughtlessly uproot his children, my hope is that he is raising a brood of kids who will not treat their own children as objects to be packed up and moved around on a whim (or for ratings). But yay! Meri cries some more! Because of all those fillings! My only regret is that the catfish was not referenced even once, but I'm crossing my fingers!
  20. That is just so twisted and gross. This episode was the first I'd heard that Shelley was brought in as a 12-year old. Even her friend said that she was quite young compared to the others. So I suppose she had longer to become brainwashed and knew no other way of life. That was NUTS. As Mike said, they were simply driving by and immediately someone was outside on his walkie talkie, taking photos. I got the impression that the CST was on a public road...so what, these goons spend all day running back and forth taking photos of every car that goes by? I believe it - yet, it's unbelievable. But I loved how Mike said, "Tell him (head of Talon) that MIKE. RINDER. stopped by." Loved. The letter at the beginning was pretty funny..."Remini is a foaming anti-Scientologist." Foaming?? I had to get up closer to my tv to make sure that was the word used. Who writes these ridiculous, unintentionally funny letters? Some flunkie with a thesaurus? Sheesh. Also, I knew that several houses had been built for when LRH returns, but holy cow, those are MANSIONS. Who lives in them? Does each house have staff that spends all day dusting the knick-knacks and sweeping the dust bunnies just in case? Wow. On a shallow note, Leah looked gorgeous in this episode. And I also loved how she began and ended the episode with the same question - "where is Shelley?" I doubt she'll give up searching. She is such a bad-ass.
  21. I'm Kick #3. I will be celebrating Christmas this year for the first time without both my mom and my mother-in-law. I also have a tree, and two older kids who weren't home when it was time to decorate. What did I do? I decorated it all by myself, remembering the special ornaments - especially those super-cheap ones made out of popsicle sticks by my kids when they were in preschool - and I enjoyed myself thoroughly, even as I palpably missed my moms. Janelle is beyond contempt at this point, as far as I'm concerned. As stated above, her tree isn't done (and probably never will be) because she doesn't have her kids around. Okay, that could be a mom missing her large brood of kids charging around the place, making her life feel full. But I think what it really means is that her kids are no longer around to distract her from the fact that she is miserable, and they are no longer her motivation to get her ass out of bed and GET SOMETHING DONE. My gosh, she out-Eeyore's Eeyore himself by a factor of 10,000. And I about spit my coffee out when I read the line about "the high level supervisory role that I had for many years." That may have a sliver of truth, but let's not forget - she abandoned that supervisory role when it came to her own kids. That job fell to Logan. So cry me a river that now that you have to be the "adult" in your family, you can't be arsed to do anything about it, and your useless "husband" is never around - or when he is, he's napping on your couch. She shouldn't be worth us getting upset over, but yet she manages to do it anyway.
  22. I have many questions about this photo...did Jill just learn to make toast and jelly and she's sharing the recipe with us? She seems to be very impressed with herself (based on the cocky smile and the surprising number of wrinkles on her forehead), while Dreck seems to love this new way of eating bread so much that he's - I don't know, gone gangsta? (I refuse to click on the "link in bio" so I don't know what the real story is, but if it doesn't involve toast, I will be very disappointed).
  23. My issue is that Janelle is suggesting that we all need to be very careful before sprinkling nutmeg on our coffee drink unless we are ready to fall instantly asleep. The above information should've been something that Janelle took into consideration before stupidly informing us about the dangers of nutmeg. When she posts "avoid nutmeg during the day for obvious reasons," she's being willfully ignorant. Unless she did indeed pour a bottle of nutmeg into her drink and then couldn't get off the couch for the rest of the day...but I highly doubt that nutmeg was the culprit there. Just another lazy post courtesy of Strive With Janelle!
  24. Yes, it was perfect. :) I just finished my binge of this series. If someone point me to another British series that is as good (or nearly so) until The Crown comes back, I would be very grateful. So sad that I won't get another "Millah!" Ellie and Hardy were fantastic together.
  25. You've got this, girl. Just Say No to Nutmeg. Because from there, it's cinnamon and then turmeric. And don't get me started on cardamom.
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