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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. Very interesting! Why would Tamra go to Kansas City just to visit Meghan when she can see her in the OC when she's there? This is someone with young children so I would think any child free weekend would be something beyond going to see Meghan. I didn't think much of it at first, but Tamra hints that she would like to hang out there more often?!! Remember, there's been rumors that Bravo might try a St. Louis/mid west housewives show. Andy has said no, because that was "too close to home" but who knows.
  2. By mentioning Google, blogs, and her Super Sleuth skills, that doesn't mean it could not have been another means of finding that information. I was just pointing out that we are talking about Meghan, truth seeker, here, not little Lydia or Alexis. From what I've seen of MKE, I'm sure she was aware of anything that was "out there" when she started filming. But, that's just my opinion and that will not change.
  3. I totally hear what you are saying and yes, I question Shannon's decision to return for her second season. I'm not sure it was a good idea, at all. However, when you write: "Shannon's need to appear...also negatively effected the innocent husband and children of another family." No, David and The Affair negatively effected the innocent husband and their children. Even if Shannon didn't return to the show, this was not Shannon's responsibility. She shouldn't have to weigh that consideration for another family as far as going back to the show, as it is her job and her right to return. Her only consideration should be for her daughters. As far as I'm concerned, these shows are not good for anyone in the majority of their cases. The jury is out on if she should have come back and according to her, she says it was a decision made by both her and David. I'm not saying she made the correct decision, but The Affairs family should not be a burden placed on Shannon's decisions on anything in her life.
  4. Yes, that was me. Reed, two of his brothers, and his sister-in-law all work at the Executive level for the same company, so it's a family business. His parents are part of the conservative, High Society demographic and business world in the OC. I'm sure this has already been the talk for several months, but now it's going to be gossip central for the next few weeks. How embarrassing. We talk about how this has impacted the Beador children? Can you imagine having the mother who stepped out?
  5. This is Super Sleuth, Google & HW blog Queen we are talking about here! She clearly made an issue out of knowing Shannon was in a twist when David did not introduce Meghan to Shannon at Heather's showdown.
  6. I liked your Gif of the Evil Queen from Snow White as Meghan. There's also a resemblance to the mean stepmother in Disney's Cinderella. Yup, bitch is kind, she's something else...Notice Meghan's eyebrow goes up when she thinks she has you cornered and thinks she's right. That's what gives her true intent away. She did it to Shannon when she told her she wasn't a big deal/not that famous (re: the phone call) and she did it when they were talking on the couch with Vicki and Brooks. Her self satisfaction, thinking she's a legend in her own mind, is written all over her face.
  7. This whole rawness from the affair, is why I did not warm up to Meghan from day one. Meg knew what happened to Shannon and didn't hesitate to go after her over a petty issue, the phone call, knowing Shannon was reeling and didn't need anymore stress. I was also disturbed by the way Heather treated Shannon last year, knowing that a friend of Heathers is connected to the other woman and wasn't compassionate towards her? I understand having a beef with someone, but kicking them when they're down?! That's just plain nasty.
  8. Let's ask ourselves, if anyone here had a co-worker that we didn't much get along with, or had an acquaintance/friend that we didn't mesh with...would I call her boyfriend's doctor to ask questions, while pretending to have cancer, to see if I could validate my suspicion that the Doc wasn't a Doctor that treats cancer? Would I contact an old friend, that lives hundreds of miles away, to get a phone # of that boyfriend's ex-girlfriend who commented on a blog, to directly text her to get information from that ex on my co-worker/friend/acquaintance's because this ex claims he was faking cancer? Also, Meghan's husband has told her several times that it was none of her business, yet she ignores his advice, knowing that Jim's livelihood now depends on his reputation as a Sports caster/personality? He has told her that her actions are getting him involved in something he feels is inappropriate and she completely disregards his concern. I fall into the camp that it's hard to believe Brooks about anything because of his shady past. Time will tell. However, he should not be subject to Meghan's investigation/persecution because her beef is with Vicki, not Brooks. She has admitted that she is trying to get back at Vicki. Meghan's motivation has always been revenge, while claiming she is just seeking the truth and cares about justice. Well, IMO, she's a bitch. Meghan acts like a spoiled, know it all that thinks she has clout now that she's married to an ex MLB star/personality. This is a woman who was offended by Shannon because she answered a phone call, wasn't glued to the phone call and hung up without Meghan getting the help she was seeking. Big deal! Shannon had nothing to apologize for in this situation. Then Meghan punishes her by not inviting her to a charity party. She also knew Shannon was weary of her at the hoe down and suspected Shannon thought she & David were flirting. Then she brings it up to Shannon multiple times knowing that David cheated on Shannon. Why was she poking at her knowing what Shannon was going thru? She's a bitch.
  9. They are both at fault. I think the Evil comment is aimed at the other woman for befriending Shannon. That's a whole different level of ballsy...or crazy. I doubt David plays tennis or golf with the other husband, or chats him up on purpose to check up on their marriage. It's so sad. My husband is my best friend. You know, that person that knows you inside and out, shares your everything. The betrayal of an affair, to me, is no different than a complete rejection of everything you have, who you are, what you offer and your trust in this world. Just like you trust your mother and father to do only what's in your best interest, blindly, just like our trust in God for those believers. I hope they can work it out but I don't know how you can ever put that behind you. The woman named in this article is the one we were speculating on earlier and Tamra did reveal her first name on WWHL.
  10. Re watch when Jimmy & Meghan make their entrance at Shannon's Aries party. They are walking in by the pool, most of the guests are across from them and Meghan starts waving to the crowd as she enters the party on camera. Then, Jimmy shuts her down. It's too funny. Remember Meghan accusing Shannon of not being that important? Looks like Meghan reserves the title of Princess for herself!
  11. While I wholeheartedly agree with you on Justice Megs, there's no comparison to that smirky, know it all, amateur investigator, to the sweet, big hearted Boston College educated (Very Selective, high SAT score required) Elizabeth H. She never reacted out of revenge only kindness when dealing with Vicki like screaming banshees on the View. She's the opposite of Meghan King Edmonds. Being opinionated based on facts is okay, it's how you treat your fellow man, react under fire and conduct yourself that matters. Both Meghan and Vicki lose on those grounds. Elizabeth also managed to be civil while outnumbered and maintained friendships with some of those ladies in spite of their differences. That's the mark of maturity and how all humans should behave in my book. Lydia was the closest we had to a harmless housewife on the OC.
  12. Bahahahaha Happy Camper! Good luck and may the force be with you and may God have mercy on your soul! (Sarcasm to all other posters). I like the willingness to take one for the team! But, no worries, that's what Starcasm, Radar Onlies and those other outrageous rags are supposed to be doing for us with inquiring minds. Something tells me Meghan embarrassed her young, up and coming attorney husband...
  13. Ha ha Maisie! It's all good! Reggie Jackson was a cool dude...not as cool as Jim Rice...but still cool! I see all you Oakland and NY fans out there :) I would say Mr. October reigns supreme over Jimmy, cough, cough, Mr. Baseball, cough, cough Jimmy Edmonds! :) I'm mad at Meghan for making me sympathize with Jimmy. He's arrogant, bossy, licks his fingers while being filmed, but got stuck with Meghan. There's your karma, the justice of Miss Meghan is coming full circle and biting Jimmy.
  14. Totally Agree! Meghan was OTT towards Shannon because of "the phone call" and the result of her anger was to not invite Shannon to her charity function because of Meghan saying some thing like Shannon didn't deserve an invite because of Shannon's behavior! Cause, justice! Meghan was looking for sympathy when discussing her role as a stepmom and wishing Jimmys kids were her own children. Vicki AND Tamra slapped her down and I don't blame them. But, Meghan is Tamras mini me and was bringing on the Brooks doesn't have cancer storyline...So, Tamra stays loyal to the agenda. Vicki goes OTT in her reaction to Meghan's anti Brooks campaign and Meghan declared all means necessary in this war against Vicki & Brooks, Cause, justice! Meghan thinks she is the justice squad for the audience or something... Meghan is revenge oriented, not justice oriented, big difference. Bad behavior from Vicki towards Meghan for voicing an opinion that Meghan didn't like, was Meghan's justification for her and the outing Brooks campaign. Two wrongs don't make a right as we all know and Meghan took that to a whole new level. She deserves Jimmys negative reaction. She was acting more like a misbehaving child then a 30 year old adult and that is why Jim reacts as he does and why the women pick on Meghan's age. She doesn't act her age, that's the real problem. She is just like Tamra, but she at least tries to own her mistakes, in her blogs, after negative audience reaction...( and likely because in real life Meghan's parents or grandparents are mortified and yelling at her to behave and mind her manners) I don't believe Tamra when she says she's trying to change. Meghan has hope because her smirk and actions for justice are for the show. While Tamras mother seems okay, we know Tamra does not have a healthy relationship with her father & brothers. We also witnessed Tamras mom yelling at Jeana "Don't touch my daughter" and watch Tamra throw wine in Jeana's face. Tamra had voiced her issues with her mom in earlier seasons. With that said, did Meghan act like this when she was in her first marriage?
  15. What amazes me, is that in the name of drama, or purely narcissism, that these people go on beautiful vacations and host these gorgeous, upscale parties and they behave like wild animals. There's always someone looking to keep their orange and ruining the party to gain negative attention. Look at the faces of the non show guests at Shannon's party while Tamra is stomping around screaming. I bet many of them have never even watched the shows. Megan is so over the top, acting crazy to keep her orange. Notice how she always has this self congratulatory smug smirk on her face when engaging with Shannon (earlier episodes) Vicki and Brooks. She truly is Tamra's mini me. Only guys like Terry and Eddie could truly enjoy the food and the party because to them the behavior was routine, nothing new...nothing to see here folks...
  16. "Challenging" was all that the producers showed us Vicki say, after the big fight between Vicki & Meghan at the silly sex party. Perhaps Vicki would not have brought it up if Megan wasn't getting in her face. So, from what we were shown, we don't hear her say "not good" we just hear "challenging." IMO that was what Vicki was insinuating because of the comments she yelled at Jimmy about their marriage...its Vicki. Of course, Tamra relays this to Meghan with her twist of words. The real question is, why does Tamra pass off her dirty work to the other women, especially Megan. I didn't coin the term Rapey Ryan, I've seen it here and in several comments on housewife articles over the years. I believe it originated from the Naked Wasted episode which was just revolting. He was all too creepy with Gretchen and crazy enough to behave in such a way on camera. Plus, his creepy demeanor. He could be living in mom's basement forever.
  17. Ha ha ha! LOVED the Burbs, Tom Hanks, Bruce Dern, Henry Gibson..one of my all time faves! Hey, you also reminded me that not only does Ryan look like Hans, but we can use one of the lines to apply to icky Vicki and Tamra on practically every episode. Remember when Bruce Dern's character says to Uncle Reuben: "That's about a 9 on the tension scale there, Rube!!" Applies perfectly to every HW blow up.
  18. We were only bringing it up because someone commented that they didn't know Jimmy Edmonds but mentioned other Yankees players that were well known...then someone replied to that comment and said in so many words that there are more players that are well known besides them "Bankees" fans. Again, I took all those comments in good fun, because that's the way I see them. Yes, the first Yankees game after 9/11 and the first Red Sox game after the Patriots day Boston bombing clearly demonstrates that it's a rivalry coming from love of baseball and country. Yankees sucks is just a joke and there's no harm meant by the comments IMO.It's like the housewives. We all have our favorites. I trash talk Tamra & Meghan, but I don't truly "hate" them, but I do think their behavior sucks!! And...I can't stand the word sucks, so you will never hear that word come out of my mouth for real. Someone was just trying to say Meghan may think Jimmy is so famous and privileged with those goodies like behind the scenes NASCAR tickets, but he's no Babe Ruth. I have had 3 complimentary Nascar behind the scenes courtesy tours just like the one we saw on RHOC, among other things...and we are not famous. It's no big deal and when he licked his fingers in two scenes I thought, YIKES. Apologies if it bothered you, it certainly wasn't meant to offend.
  19. It's all in good fun, believe me! I happen to think Derek Jeter was the ultimate good will ambassador for the team. Everyone wants to challenge the Empire. After all, most of the fun in a Red Sox vs. Yankees game is the trash talk. Remember Billy Martin?! I love David Ortiz and it's clear he's buddies with guys from other teams, including the damn Yankees! All in good spirit coming from most Red Sox fans. (There's crazies in every club) There are shirts, mugs, hats that say Yankees Sucks, originally created by a troubled college student in Boston but was smart enough to try to bootleg T-shirts on the street. Another words again, just trash talk for the hype factor.
  20. Totally agree with you. Another poster said something similar, ITA. However, with Meghan, I don't think you can win no matter what approach you use. Yes, if you give her a non reaction, it's better for you. But, the way she kept going at Shannon over "the phone call" after Shannon explained herself, she still brought it up repeatedly. I think Shannon & Vicki, and Lizzie, Heather & Tamra acknowledge that Meghan's approach is all wrong. It's confrontational. Then again, this is a reality show and Vicki is the Queen of scream!
  21. I'm a fairly devoted baseball fan during my 48 years...I never heard of Jimmy. It is often a regional thing. East Coast, Middle America, West Coast thing? I'm a Red Sox fan and I know most of the East coast players...and I always know most of those darn Yankees!! :) Over the years, some names stick out to me, like Ozzie Smith or Albert Pujols, but not Edmonds. I still fondly remember other non Red Sox players like George Brett, Jim Palmer, Nolan Ryan & Steve Garvey though. :) It seems he is really popular in St. Louis even after spending lots of time in other uniforms, but I'm assuming the Cardinals were his golden years? Gold Glove (multiple) awards are a major big deal and it sounds like he made some crazy out of this world catches so that's really cool in my book. So, yeah he's a big deal in baseball but not a national household name level? Unfortunately for Jim, he married Meghan and that was his 3rd trip down the aisle. Aren't you supposed to mature, grow and make wiser decisions as you get on in life?!
  22. Awesome post! Shannon on surround sound, perfect! Agree with you and the other posters that Jimmy's line was the best of the evening, 2 thumbs up! Rapey Ryan is Hans Klopek missing twin? Spot on comparison Charmed! Eventually he will resemble Uncle Reuben! Funny, since that actor also played creepy Malachai in Children of the Corn. Watch out Tamra, Ryan's coming for you...
  23. I just watched the clip. Semantics as usual...Either Brooks is avoiding the fact that he shared the "challenging" with Vicki, with her insinuating there's trouble in the marriage, said to make her blameless or was the context from Vicki harmless & Tamra is the one who twisted it. Meghan asked Brooks: Did you tell Tamra that when you saw Jimmy at the hockey game that Jimmy said to you we were married for 4 months "and only 2 months were good?" Brooks said something along the lines of : Not true, never said that to Tamara, you might want to consider the source, I didn't tell her that you heard it from her... There's a big difference between challenging and ONLY 2 months were good, to me. Of course, how was this edited? Will it change for tonight's broadcast, as sometimes producers re-edit what's even been aired previously. I'm glad that Jim continually tells Meghan to shut it down. It seems like the guys, except Terry, just want to hang out and enjoy not being at work while the ladies try to keep their orange while making it all about the drama.
  24. What a fall for Brianna. She was the mature, responsible OC teen. She seemed so with it, focused on going to college, managing Vicki...then she lost her cool when Brooks entered the picture and she met Ryan. Remember Andy Cohen commenting that Brianna was the mature adult as compared to all the OC ladies? My, things have deteriorated. I truly hope Vicki & Brooks are kaput, finished done for real!!
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