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Everything posted by DearEvette

  1. Your lifestyle doesn't have to be big to be one that you enjoy and are comfortable with, though. It sounds like she has an apartment in an area she likes, her job, enough money to give herself some extras. She mentioned taking off for a weekend to go to Cabo once in awhile. I can see the idea of picking up and moving for two years could give her pause. It isn't something she planned for herself it is kinda being imposed on her. Yeah, I got this vibe very early on. He has a somewhat juvenile sense of humor. She can't seem to roll with that. It can be fun in some contexts and obnoxious in others. I know the show likes to play stuff up for drama when they are crafting their stories for the couples, and from what we've seen it feels like Zanab is more often irritated by his humor than not. It can be a small thing that looms larger. And given how they interact I can see the more irritated she gets the more obnoxious he gets. The only way they will succeed is if she can learn to just sigh exasperatedly when his humor gets to be too much and he learns to read the room when she's reached her limit and tone it a bit.
  2. Well, damn. Seeing it all laid out like that... I knew he had a lot of kids but I had no idea that so many of them were ,like, in such close proximity in age with so many different women at the same time.
  3. Yeah, I thought she was responding to somebody's Tik Tok that chastised her for not mentioning Francia or any of her other friends? So it wasn't even in response to anything Francia said. The quote in question is in present tense, so maybe they just aren't friends now.
  4. Yes. And it is most likely a Legendary Schools 🎶 🎼 charter because the commercial featured the teacher from Abbot who got fired in the pilot and who is working at that rival school.
  5. Mine fluctuates because I am an a la carte channel subscriber and will typically subscribe to channels in short burst when there are deals. Also I don't have cable. But primarily I have: Internet $70.00 a month (this is Spectrum after some wrangling based on customer loyalty. Got the highest tier which normally retails for 90 a month). But this is a necessity since I work from home. HULU+Disney (grandfathered in old price plan) - 9.99 a month. Locked that in before they raised the Disney add on price from 2.99 to 10.99. otherwise my monthly bill would have been ridiculous like 18.99 a month and I don't even watch a lot of Disney. Netflix - $16.00 a month Peacock+ - 19.99 for the whole year. It was a promotional sign up for new subscribers that ended in October. So I hopped on that. Will most definitely cancel when the year is up and the real price kicks in. They just bundled in the Hallmark Chanel into Peacock for free. So if you have Peacock, you'll notice now they have Hallmark as one of their 'hubs' Outside of those; I have Amazon Prime which is an annual cost of 129.00 which I don't consider tv necessarily because it comes with music, free books, free delivery and a lot of other stuff. But it is through them I add on a lot of the other channel deals. They'll usually offer short term deals for channels like STARZ, EPIX, Paramount+ , Britbox, Acorn etc. for something like .99 a month for three months. And I'll take advantage of those and do a catch-up watch. Thanksgiving is coming and that is a prime time they'll begin to offer those. I also have HBOmax but that is a free bundle with my mobile phone plan through ATT. it is a discount deal with my employer.
  6. This feels like a really harsh reading of her. There is nothing that Raven has shown to suggest she would be unfaithful. She certainly didn't even entertain Bartise's compliments nor his not too subtle come on. Nothing that she presented on screen seems to point to her being a playa. Even at the strip club she looked like she was clutching her pearls the whole time. All the other women were hooting and hollering and getting lap dances and she was sitting back with her girlfriends. She just didn't come off as flirty or coquettish. During a separation, SK being part of a fairly smallish cohort of the entering class of MBA students would be in close proximity with them quite a bit, taking classes with the same group and doing projects and group work or team projects. He'd actually have as much opportunity to be unfaithful given the probability that some of his cohort could be attractive single women. He'd be in close contact with that specific group for prolonged period of time. In my grad program my entering class of students was our friend group for the most part and that was a lot of intra-group dating. Sure unfaithfulness has a higher than normal likelihood in a long distance relationship, especially such a new one that has been fast tracked. But it seems unfair to automatically assume that she'd be the one cheating given the lack of anything indicating that. From what her friends said it sounds like she has a pretty solid client base. And apparently it is one that is stable enough to support her her lifestyle. So it might not be that simple to pick up instruction or to establish herself in a new place that quickly. It takes time to build a client base. And I could see how she could find it daunting. Marriage, moving to a new home and loss/change of a job are three the top ten lifestyle stressors. She'd be doing all three at the same time. Also SK is going to be in a full time, 2 year, very competitive MBA program. He'll be in classes, but he will also have to study, do group work, do projects, probably do a few practicums or some applied courses where he'll be onsite and placed in business offices. He'll build a social network with his peers that won't be hers. I know he said he is getting his tuition paid, but tuition is only part of the cost of going to school. He didn't explicitly say, but if he is getting a graduate stipend most stipends are calculated so that they would just cover basic housing, food and books. Most schools require you to have health insurance, if you are not covered they make you pay for the school's health insurance which is a cost on top of tuition. And then there are additional fees for various things that get tacked on. At our MBA program, there are several classes that require all students to wear actual Business attire to class suitable for working in a corporation, so if he doesn't have any he'll have to make an investment to get some. My understanding that this is not unusual in many programs. He won't be able to work while he is in school so he won't be able to pull a real salary. So unless he has money saved or plans to take out loans or that stipend is stupendous, then it will most definitely be a lifestyle hit.
  7. Oooh, good points all. I also thought the abortion conversation was a way to undermine Nancy especially as her pro-choice self was completely outnumbered by him and his pro-life family. It was a super shitty, manipulative thing to do and forced her to have a conversation about a sensitive topic with people she just met nanoseconds ago.
  8. Well the editing was a true psych-out with SK and Raven. For what it is worth, I personally never saw their chemistry as a couple. They feel mismatched. But it could be that they are both pretty guarded/reserved people so they don't radiate all the big emotions or are super demonstrative or TMI like everyone else. I come down on the side I think Raven was blindsided. I think she thought they could weather the long distance relationship. I wonder if he was holding out hope that she would change her mind. But she might have been inflexible on that. So no shade to her if she doesn't want to move to California and basically live the life of a grad student. I can see that being an issue. But what kinda pisses me off about SK is his continued concern trolling about her family. She explained -- she has a mother, a sick grandma and an uncle expecting a kid and they either didn't want to or physically couldn't come to the wedding. She has her found family with all her bff girlfriends who were there. Like she said, what the fuck does he want her to do? I think he gets off easy because he's so very even keeled and there is nothing objectionable about him one way or the other. But like I said in one of my earlier posts, he gives a real passive energy to me where it feels like he has been silent about his real concerns and his own red flags only to finally confront them by saying no at the altar. I would hope that he would have warned her, but it doesn't feel that way, imo. I actually feel very sorry for her and don't think her motives were nefarious. I loved her moment with SK's mom. That felt very genuine to me. Also she and her bridesmaids looked gorgeous! I loved the detailing on the veil. I will say Bartise's suit and tie looked good. Nice outfit. And now I have come to the end of my nice segment about Bartise. I also think he is going to say no. This makes me both sad and happy for Nancy.
  9. This episode was like the calm before the storm. It started out so nice all the dates were nice, everybody was all in love and then... it took a turn. Yeah, I swear to God, the way they filmed Matt under those aquarium lights when he was doing the "Say, it. Say IT...SAY IT." he just looked sooo sinister. Like a demented Lance Bass. I mean it was truly like a scene out of a Lifetime movie where the audience sees the husband's true colors. I thought Colleen's parent were so darned cute. I wonder how they'll feel when they see this back? See, I think the Colleen stuff was a bit exaggerated. I do think we (the audience) got a lot of it because he did quite a few talking heads about it and we got to witness the conversations. But IIRC, in his conversations with Zanab he never initiated any convos about Colleen. Zanab always did. There is so much to unpack with Cole and Zanab and as much as I want to lay it on Cole because he is a just a big lunk head, I can't because Zanab does come off as a bit of a powder keg. Unlike Bartise who I think is a straight up villain, Cole I think his heart is in the right place. The last two episodes he has been doing his mighty best to hype Zanab up. He keeps calling her beautiful, he keeps verbally affirming her. I really thought they were turning a corner until the dinner convo. I did a re-watch of the bar scene where Matt and Zanab compared notes and got each other riled up over the non-existent Colleen/Cole love affair. And the progression of Zanab and Cole's argument in that scene was a lot like this one. Cole comes off as befuddled and Zanab goes on the offensive immediately. He doesn't have the verbal dexterity to argue with her. So at some point he realizes this and he starts to get really, really defensive. So he devolves into what feels like playground taunts. At one point during the argument in that episode after she keeps harping on Colleen and he is trying to reassure her that he loves her and is attracted to her, he finally says "Zay, I am sorry this whole thing happened." to which she sarcastically responds 'Yeah, I don't think you are, but that is fine." And then she says 'I am on team Matt with this whole thing." To which he says something so monumentally childish like, "Well you should go be with Matt then." This argument felt the same with him trying to ask her to be nice to him and he just wants her to like him and she seems to get impatient with him. That is when Cole retreats into childish defensiveness with the "are you bipolar" thing. It almost feels like she is hurting him and he doesn't know any other way than t try to hurt her back but does it rather stupidly. Alexa and Brennon seem to be the only unreservedly ride or die couple without any creeping issues... so far. I did like her grandfather asking Siri how to be Jewish. LOL.
  10. The give them the first one free and they'll come back for more, certainly worked with me. I remember -- and this was waaay before ebooks became a thing -- that Baen books had something called the 'Baen Free Library.' where they'd have the first book by some of their biggest named authors on the web and you could read them for free. I think I downloaded and printed (it was my at work -- I used my work printer) to print the entirety of David Weber's first Honor Harrington book., LOL. And it hooked me. I bought the rest. When ebooks came along for real, I was an early adopter of ebooks mainly because there were books I wanted to read that were only in e format. And the ridiculous ease of getting a book right now no matter where you were. The first generation kindles had their own internal internet connectivity. Like Amazon's version of their own cellular network. So you could just buy and then download straight from Amazon, no wifi necessary. A lot of really good (and a lot of really, really bad) romance came out of self publishing because of the rise of ebooks. With authors of color, especially, they were being gate-kept away from getting published, except for one small indie publisher called Indigo Press. Pricing wise, there is a long and nasty history about ebook prices. There are two models of ebook pricing -- wholesale and agency. Wholesale is when the retailer buys the book for half the price of what the publisher wants to retail it for and then goes on to sell it. The retailer can either mark it up to the Publisher price or they can discount it. Agency is when the price is set by the publisher. The retailer can not change the price at all, and gets a percentage on each book sold. When ebooks came about, Amazon wanted to sell Kindles. They bought books through the Wholesale model and would deeply discount them. The overall company profits were mammoth enough that they could act as a loss leader and of course their main priority was to move kindles. It paid off because the first kindles to hit the market sold out in like 6 hours. Amazon began to dominate the ebook market as a retailer to the point they provided the impetus for ebooks to outsell print and hardcover -- I think it was 2009? I am not gonna lie, I was all over those free and .99 cents book. I have an insanely huge kindle library with so many going back 10-12 years. Some I look at and go 'YIKES! what was I thinking this book is terribad!" but others I got some great early back list of authors who now do have big 6 contracts. But Amazon's strategy was drawing angry eyes especially MacMillan publishing. They got into a pissing match with Amazon and told Amazon they had to stop discounting their books. Amazon said no. Macmillan pulled all their books from Amazon. This lasted about... I wanna say a month? I remember so well...And other houses started holding back the release of ebook versions of books until a month or more after the hardcopy had released. Amazon blinked first and MacMillan books came back at the agency model. So now, Amazon had to sell all MacMillan books at their set price. I remember it well. Up til then romance ebook novels under the subsidiary of MacMillan had been -- at most 4.99 -- until agency model came back and they were at 5.99 - 7.99. Pissed me off. But I had a few favorites that I'd auto buy and it wasn't so bad. But then Apple launched iBooks. And it came out that 5 of the big six had colluded with Apple to price fix ebooks. So that was a nasty scandal. And the DOJ sued them all. Everybody else settled, Apple is the last man standing. I remember when they settled, I got a notice from Amazon I'd get money. And sure enough, I got a whopping $300 credits from Amazon. A lot of people were posting how much they got on social media. Now, I think that Amazon is fully agency model. Their whole thing about discounting books was to sell Kindles. Kindles are 81% of the market of ereader. So they don't have that driving force anymore and when they were doing it they were taking a loss. So now that is why I think ebook prices are all over the place. I see new ebooks from some of my favorites coming in at 11.99 - 14.99 and these are not fat door knocker books like Game Of Thrones. These are 250- 300 page book. I feel like with almost everything books are part of the whole price gouging thing. I'm seeing fewer and fewer mid-list authors new books being available via Overdrive or Libby in the library. I think libraries are being pinched by the higher prices too. So now I'm like, nah, I'm good, I can wait. I'll just track you on e-reader IQ and wait for your price to come down to something reasonable.
  11. I didn't even realize this was back for this next batch of episodes because I am so very meh about everyone. So this was a heavy Raven/Sk episode for me. For all that SK is eschewing some of the Nigerian customs (polygamy) I knew that at some point the family and the different culture would come into play in a conflict way. I will say I loved how Raven looked in the Gele. But her face was my face when they were telling her about her 'duties' as a wife. It is one thing to have food in the house, it is a whole other to 'humble yourself' before your husband and I think at one point someone used the word 'bow'. Oh, fuck no. LOL. And then the woman talking about how she was to behave so as not to bring dishonor. I wonder what 'gallivanting' means? It feels all very coded language like oh, you're an American woman and therefore you are automatically expected to be loose or something. And then their surprise when she said she didn't want a full on Nigerian wedding and wanted to make sure it reflected her as well. I think that last conversation between Raven and SK felt heavily edited. I wish we had heard about her asking about those duties and what his expectations for her were and how that fit into what they were saying. I was glad to hear a little bit more about her family. She sounded really, really frustrated when she said 'I don't have 17 brothers and sisters to call on." It felt like it was the tail end of a longer conversation where it seemed as if she was being judged by her family not being there. Other than that the only thing that pops from this episode are Alexa's friends' very plump lips and Bartise going on about how he is till processing information about 'the abortion.' Dude... you do realize that no actual abortion actually happened? Right?
  12. He blackballed Janet Jackson for years from all Viacom owned anything because she would not apologize to him personally. Motherfucker!
  13. Yeah what @ZuluQueenOfDwarvessaid. Also in Episode...2? I think it was ...they showed Barbara, Melissa and Jacob hurrying to watch the morning news and Barbara has a big crush on him and his "non regional diction." LOL. Still one of my very favorite lines from the show.
  14. "Legendary Schools.." Curse you earwig! Now I have California Love and Legendary schools bumping around in my head while envisioning Roger Troutman singing it. I love the nice little easter eggs and call backs. Barbara's hope that Jim Gardner saw her commercial before it got taken down. Also I remember being happy with Janine saying 'Sit Down' in her no-nonsense deeper teacher voice during the Zoo balloon episode, only for the commercial to take it and make it extra scary with auditory manipulation. LOL. Tariq is such an awful boyfriend. But, no lie, he is great with the kids. I got a big stupid grin on my face when showed up at Janine's classroom and he was interacting with the kids. But then he got jerky by the end. Lots of great one-liners.
  15. I am mad late with watching Season 3, but I finally got through my 7 stages of grief with the egregious wrong done to the Haus of Tisci. Actually I am still not over it... And ha! I feel vindicated. They knew they were wrong, hence the Gag Flag. I have to say, though I think they over corrected a bit. First, I think they wasted the flags using them so early. Second the talent level was just not there this year, imo, in comparison to other seasons (I mean, somebody busted out a Fornite move. I about died from mortification!) The use of the Gags wasn't just early, but really undeserved in some cases. Juicy and Revlon were the best by far with Yamamoto having flashes of brilliance, but overall sometimes things just looked messy, chaotic, and the required the elements just didn't look crisp or clean. I don't think any house, imo, fell into a spot where they had been so wonderful all season where one off night put them in jeopardy. Which brings me to...The House of Juicy Couture. They were clearly head and shoulders above everyone else, but I do think they were madly over-scored in a couple of main challenges and in some of the extra challenges. My sense as the season went on is that they 100% knew Juicy was THEE house this season and they did not want another Tisci on their hands. And since the full season performance scores would also play a part in determining the winner in the event of a finale tie, they hedged their bets to double-dog make sure Juicy couldn't be Tisci'd. Even to a point where Leiomy gag flagged them on a night they got a perfect score. I actually thought Yamamoto's house performance on finale was better in every way than Juicy's. But again, they were not going to risk a last minute ouster over a house they had been giving 10s to all season long. So while I think the win was deserved on merit, there was still a 'finger on the scales' feel to it for me. Overall, I'd say out of the three seasons even with Tisci being robbed, this was my least favorite because I don't think there was any real suspenseful competition. And I couldn't really point to any performances that just wow-wowed me, not even any of Juicy's. Other general observations: I loved the Judge's outfits each episode. They really stepped it up there. So cute and on point. Keke was such a wonderful addition. I never was a Meghan-as-judge fan, so no loss for me, but KeKe I floved! Excellent guest judges this season. So much more intuitive-- except that one guy with the feathers. Who even was he? And he was not on theme. Ugh. Dominique came back and she was much less dramatic and messy this time around. But still a welcome presence. Even though I said Juicy didn't wow-wow me, I do have to say they were incredibly intelligent about how they approached the challenges. For the Whorror House one where they pulled 'Hand Performance' as their element, they chose to do Nightmare on Elm street. Hand performance drawing attention to Freddy Krueger's iconic lethal knife hands is sooo smart perfect. Also, during the Octo-Puss-Puss challenge in episode 8, it was a full house hand challenge and their outfits were these spandex tight tops with two toned sleeves that were day-glo yellow on the underside and bright pink on the upper side, they 100% added a visual effect to the performance that locked your eyes on them. They really killed that one. I don't know if it was the Honey effect from last season, but the nastiness factor was a little more evident this season. There was the 'meet me outside' confrontation between the Makaveli and Law that got kinda ugly. Mama Yamamoto got nasty with Leiomy even after Jamilla gag flagged her. And then you had the judges kinda encouraging the competitors to be nasty with each other by praising someone giving someone else the finger or laughing when someone was rude. I get it can get testy but that really detracts from the competition to me. I fear they might be setting a precedent so the show no longer becomes fun to watch if the houses know that being extra nasty and shady toward each other will net them praise. The little wrangling I did like was amongst the judges. I find Jameela quite annoying and Jameela can come for Law everyday. But she knows she can never, never EVER come for Leiomy. She tried it and Leiomy shot her down with a look. She had no choice but to bow down in contrition. It was lovely. I also liked Keke's confrontation with Law. She read him. But the best part was him listening to her drag him a bit, and then after a second saying with respect 'You ate that." THAT is what I liked to see. Also when after Bob the Drag Queen has some critical words for House of Revlon, Law snootily said "well I got the Schiaparelli reference', and Bob the Drag Queen shot back "Well of course you did. But it may shock you to know we are not all stylists." I was such a nice clap back the way he said it. Again Law had to acknowledge the hit. DeShaun of course, was everything!
  16. Ok this is pretty cool. Sully Sullenberger gave Gregory a shout out.
  17. I thought the dad was suspicious at first. And Alexa's younger brother and Nancy's younger brother could have a sneer-off. Both of them were giving some big 'I am not here for it' energy. LOL. But the knives 'joke' and the dad later talking heads that he liked Brennan makes me believe the dad is welcoming. Brennan, to his credit, was great with the parents. But I am curious about the whole idea of taking care of her and making sure she can live in the way she was accustomed. If there is going to a source of tension in that relationship it would be it. For that amount of misery, Netflix would have to pay me enough to retire on to stick it out. I mean it couldn't have been too much to walk away from since Shaina dropped Kyle right after the meet the parents. I am wondering if it isn't money upfront, it has to be something in the way the contract is worded that they can't just leave before the weddings. Diamond and Carlton, I could see that being an untenable situation so that made sense. They were outright hostile and insulting each other. No way would we have believed they'd want to progress after that. But Shaina and Kyle? I wonder if she used some sort of Religious exemption? Mark and Jessica (according to Jessica) had agreed to both say no at the altar. But he reneged. I can believe it.
  18. Yeah, me too. I didn't like Raven in the beginning. But as the series progressed, I feel that her personality is just reserved. And her characterization of Bartise was very incisive. Not a lot of women would have insulted by that, but she was. There is one point, I think it was her talking to Matt, where she said she is the type to walk along very fast while SK trods very carefully. She was making a point about her vs. him. Neither is bad, but they are just different. I agree that the show is trying to make her out to be a bit more shallow than she is and the remark about him paying half her rent makes her seem like a gold digger. I am seeing that narrative play out on some social media. I mentioned upthread that they showed her seeming to care more about working out more than anything in the first three episodes but in this last set she hasn;t worked out once. Obviously it is reality tv and they use their edits to craft a story. But it makes we watch how they are crafting Raven with a more critical eye. I mean if she were a gold digger wouldn't she jump at the chance to move out to Cali, live off SK and wait for his future earning potential? But it sounds likes she is hesitant to leave behind her job and the lifestyle she enjoys -- one that it sounds like she can afford to bankroll all by herself. Now I, don't agree with the idea that he should pay half her rent, personally. But then again they'd be married and married people negotiate how they share finances in ways that make most sense to them. And then we have Nancy who is making bank on her properties and outright said that her money would be "their" money and Bartise simply nodded his head. He doesn't have any money and admitted as much. Could be double standard or could be that he is such a horror show on everything else characterizing him as a gold digger is the least of his sins.
  19. Honestly, I did not get any racist vibes from Cole. He never once mentioned race or even alluded to race when he was talking to or about Zanab. The first time race is mentioned in relation to Zanab is by her stepmom in her little talk with Cole. During that talk she is trying to tell him why Zanab can be insecure and possibly wondering why his parents are not 100% ok with the marriage. The stepmom says specifically that one of the thought Zanab could be having is : "They don’t like me because my skin is a different color?” And how Zanab realizes that she has been with her stepmom longer than she had been with her mom. Cole gets a look on his face like the light-bulb just went on and says "Oh, I get it now." Even with the parents, Cole never mentioned race as a concern. Their objection came from a fundie religious place because they were sending him bible verses. He was insistent that once they met her they'd love her. Now, personally for the first two episodes I had a hard time telling Zanab, Colleen and Nancy apart. To me they looked a lot alike were all like brunettes with similar hair and similar voices. I think they are all equally attractive. But it is hard to get a sense of what they look like physically, how tall or short or thin etc. compared to each other. How people look on a screen is deceptive to how they look in person. Yeah, Cole was insensitive and an ass to tell Zanab so frankly that he was physically attracted to Colleen and she was a 10 (BTW, he also rated Raven a 10). It would have served him well to know you just don't say that to a woman. But to be fair, I think at that initial meeting of everyone, Cole was actually working through what the experiment of the show is trying to be. He acknowledges that if it were a purely physical thing, at first sight, in a bar he'd gravitate toward Colleen. But he also has been adamant and repeatedly said how he had 'zero feelings' for Colleen and he is emotionally connected to Zanab and his feelings for Zanab were "at an 11". Which is what the show is challenging the pod-people to grapple with. It is interesting because all Zanab (and I'll admit me too at first ) heard initially was 'I'm attracted to Colleen' . We get stuck on that because it is a needle scratch of a thing to say in a new, fragile relationship. But in re-watch Cole is adamant in repeating over and over and trying to say in many different ways he loves and wants Zanab because she is the person he wanted in the pods. My takeaway about the comment "I proposed to a girl named Zainab. Do you think I thought a girl named Zainab looked like girls I dated int he past the were named like Lily?" wasn't coming from a place of racism but was trying to address her insecurities as conveyed to him by her stepmother. Again, he isn't the best communicator, so it comes out sounding bad. But also that conversation in the bar, Matt had wound Zanab up (and outright lied to her) and she simply wasn't listening to Cole at all. Matt lied and told her that Cole said to Colleen "whatever happens in the real world will happen." implying that Cole and Colleen would act on thinking the other was cute. Zanab took that and ran with it. Matt fucked with her head and he is actually the one that dialed up her insecurities after Cole had pretty much put them at rest when they had returned to Dallas.
  20. I didn't even think about the Disney thing, because most of the kids who come to my door on Halloween are superheroes of some sort, usually the most recent super hero movie released before Halloween, be it Marvel or DC, or a Disney princess of some sort. I remember when Frozen came out there were like a billionty-12 Elsas. So it is actually quite realistic, imo. Out of all the characters, the only real visible Marvel costumes were Melissa's, Baby Thanos and Ava's. And while that end piece where they re-create the one scene from Endgame was funny from a referential standpoint, I actually think the funniest costumes throughout the episode were Janine's and Baby Mr. Johnson's. Gregory's costume was good because of the running gag that nobody knew who he was and all the movie pilot references. Jacob's was, well, Jacob. And Barbara's was exactly what a Kindergarten teach would wear.
  21. I think she was nervous more than anything. But I think mostly that part of the portrayal was heightened, giving the show the role as unreliable narrator to play into the Halloween horror-story like theme to make her 'Misery' Tom. As soon as they started to cop to it and the jig was up, Harmony calmed way down. Of course her name is Harmony so maybe she is supposed to be a little kooky.
  22. This was a fun episode. I see Connor's 2009 hair came back briefly in one of the Halloween prank flashbacks. Seems like they loved he hair too and wanted to use it again. LOL. It was a Halloween episode yeah, but I like how the "horror" element was mined by the uncertainty around Harmony. They read her weirdness as stalkery and all the music and everything highlighted it, so it was a nice other way to make an episode a little spooky without being too obvious. The bookstore employee was fun. I liked him. I liked the kids subplot. It was cute. Yeah, not crazy about Harmony as a half sister. Really curious about how they plan to have the parents reaction to it? I agree it would be cool if the mom already knew.
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