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Everything posted by DearEvette

  1. Awww, the Shape of Water guys all have the same pocket square that looks very marine-like.
  2. She almost went down. I wonder if the floor was slippery and her shoes were too new.
  3. I kept waiting for them to clarify, but by then they had reverted to the old Glen and Old Sandra -- no assertiveness at all. For the brief time is lasted, bad Glenn and Sandra were fun. It was nice to see Sandra go to the dark side. The last she did that was the tornado episode. And I loved the end where Glenn was so overcome after finding out Dina was pregnant "I am having a baby with my manager, I can't wait to tell my wife." This was the most I've liked Amy and Jonah together. I loved them hanging out and having fun in their closet of misfit toys. Fun episode.
  4. I came across a series by Michelle Diener that features Susanna Horenbout who was an artist or, rather, illuminator, in King Henry VIII court. She was a lady in waiting. She was married to John Parker who was Henry's Keeper of the Palace of Westminster and Yeoman of the King's Robes. So they were real if minor historical figures. The series is historical fict/romance (heavy)/ mystery novel with the two of them acting as a pair of sleuths. I didn't get a real sense of history even the the author dropped names and Susanna painted. It really was heavy romance/mystery. I only made it through the first one, wasn't crazy about it, but it was ok. Rose Lerner writes romance novels that features the servant class. I've only read one of her books and the hero is a valet and the heroine is a maid of all work. I thought she did an interesting job of illuminating the class divide amongst the servant set. The hero is from a long line of servants who serve an aristocratic family. He takes a lot of pride in his work. The heroine is basically two steps up from a scullery maid and does just enough to not get fired and is resentful yet resigned to her lot in life. It also takes to task the precarious position a lot of female servants lived under. I liked it ok. If nothing else it was worth reading because it acknowledges at least in historical romances that people other than the nobility exist and can have love lives.
  5. Paper Boi is on house arrest and couldn't in person deal with Uncle Willy so he sent Earn. Yvonne was Uncle Willy's on-again-off-again girlfriend. I get the impression their relationship is ... volatile. This was a strong premiere, imo. Now that I know what to expect with Atlanta I know not to have a lot of expectations of what they are going to do and just roll with it. I loved Darius and his even more pronounced emergence as a conspiracy theorist. This goes along with his last season personality as an Observer and Commenter of Random Things. Wonder if they are ever going to revisit whatever the beef was between Darius and PaperBoi or if it'll just never be mentioned again and is just one of those Atlanta quirks? Katt Williams and Uncle Willy was brilliant. Just fucking brilliant! The episode immediately electrified with the scenes in the house. Not only were there absurd moments of comedy but the swift tonal shifts back to drama were effortless and believable. I think Earn's chip is his attitude of being over it all. Or just feeling like he is the smartest guy in the room and is impatient and condescending of everything else. I immediately think back to the Juneteeth episode where Earn was just so dismissive of it all. Yeah, they were over the top and a little ridiculous, but I felt they were more self aware than Earn knew. Like the conversation Van had with the owner of the house, these were the compromises she made to get what she wanted. Earn is too uncompromising. I get thought we were supposed to realize that Uncle Willy was Earn back in the day is now a cautionary tale. Final thought, I loved the music and thought the musical selection was supposed to augment the scenes, most especially at Uncle Willy's house. First there was Rene and Angela's 'I'll Be Good' when Earn gets to Uncle Willy's house. And then when he's talking to Yvonne Jeffrey Osborne's 'Love Ballad' comes on that contains the lyric 'what we have is much more than they can see' (which totally would describe Willy and Yvonne's relationship). and Finally Curtis Mayfield 'When Season's Change' which contains the lyric 'Can't call no names when you got your own self to blame' which closes the show and feels like a reference to Earn.
  6. CEG doesn't really delve into race. It tends to be more in your face about its LGBTQ representation. But there have been a few times: Rebecca hanging out with Josh's family and participating in some traditional Filipino customs. Rebecca is Jewish so that has come into play a few times most notably with the scenes that went along with the 'Oh How We've Suffered' song and the 'Jap Rap' with the two lawyer Jewish American Princesses battle rapping each other. We did get a smallish scene in S3 to find out that Heather was actually biracial half-black/half white but that was probably response to the actress always being mistaken for being Indian. I did like this season we got the 'Where are you from, no where are you really from?' conversation between her and her boss(?). And because she doesn't really spell it out for him, he hilariously gives her a gift meant to celebrate her heritage and it is I think a Sari or something really specific to Indian culture. So the mistaking her for Indian joke is played through again. Mostly though CEG is about mental health with the entire reason of the show being Rebecca's personality disorder. Overall, CEG has done a good job about inclusion and representation. With The Flash I am not really missing them not going into some overt examination about race wrt the West family. It is good enough for me that Iris is the leading lady and she is loved and loves and has a family and an inner life and is important to plot and drives plot sometimes. And that Joe is an emotional center for his kids and he is important and has a life and also feels critical to the plot. Making some conscious or unconscious examination about race doesn't feel like it fits the fabric of that particular show in the way it is essential to the DNA of Black Lightning. Frankly, I feel it would come off as more of a 'very special episode' vibe than something organic. To me Flash has its own particular lane. This is the show that is set in a city where a super powered villain can detonate a radioactive bomb in the middle of the highway during rush hour and the people will just glance over disinterestedly and keep driving. I guess representation for me at least isn't about 'let me show you I'm (insert race/ethnicity here)' but rather 'I am (insert race/ethnicity here) and I am on screen showing that we too can live and do the same things in the same ways as everyone else.'
  7. Don' forget the lovely picture of Sir Ray the medieval knight! I agree about Damien. Yeah, Neil McDonough is having a blast and you can tell. His brand of comic villainy fits the show's frenetic fun vibe it had since Season 2. But I am all for a new adversary with a new set of priorities.
  8. I am not getting the vibe the mom was an addict. Maybe it is just a simple case of her being an ex-con who can't get a job? Or can't get one that covers her rent & other expenses adequately. How much time has passed since Deja wet back to her mom and now? She could have been accruing back rent and late fees for awhile.
  9. I am sure he does but you don't obsess about the kid that is safe and ok as much as you might be concerned about one who isn't. He has the luxury of knowing that Tess and Annie are safe with their grandma, Deja had just called him with some news that raised red flags and alarmed him a bit. Given her past she is in a more precarious situation than they are. I know when I leave my kids with their grandparents to go on an overnight with my husband I don't obsess over their safety. I call them and wish them a good night before going to bed and remind them to be good. That's it. If one wasn't feeling well or some other situation arose with one that is outside the norm, then yeah I'd call more, keep checking on him and cut the trip short.
  10. Episodes like this are why a 22-24 episode season are not a good thing sometimes. It is just a lather, rinse, repeat. Team Flash figures out what they need to to thwart DeVoe, they rush headlong into doing stuff without any really planning, and he hands them their asses. I think this was the weakest episode of the season. I didn't care at all for Izzy or her lightning fast relationship feels with Ralph. The Becky Sharp actress was great as Becky. As the villainous DeVoe she is laughable. She just doesn't have the gravitas or the voice to carry off menacing. Also why is Team Flash so smart but so dumb? How do they not know DeVoe has access to the powers of the people he possess? They should know that because of Dominic. Why didn't they cop to the fact that because he had that tech guy's power that he could short out or cause a virus to mess up the cranial inhibitor thingy? So Jesse L. Martin had the day off. But it had the nice effect of having Harry and Cecile interact and that was great. The actress does have some nice comic timing. And I loved how he always called her 'DA Cecile Horton.' It feels like after such a strong start of the season, they are beginning to lose control of the story. It always happens around this time which is why I think a slightly smaller episode order might help them write more tightly. There is a plan, I can tell, but it is being needlessly spun out.
  11. Honestly, I would have been fine if Beth, Toby and Madison had ditched everyone else and gone off to have their own fun. Of all the people there, they seemed to be the only three who were really ready to have Vegas, Baby bachelor/ette fun times. To varying degrees, the Big Three seemed like buzzkills with Randall being number one buzzkill of all. I don't blame Beth at all, Randall could have left it alone for her to have her fun, even for another hour or two. He had to go seek her out in the middle of Magic Mike magicness just to piss on her good time. I love Randall dearly, but that was a dick move. On a shallow note, I loved that glittery mesh shawl thingy Beth wore. Also, I love that she used the word 'Chirren' LOL.
  12. Wally and Rip singing Careless Whisper in Tokyo in 1992 is just such a Legends thing to do. This is why this show is so precious. It had nothing to do with the plot, it doesn't move the narrative forward and yet it was so delightful! And it wasn't just that it was the pairing of these two singing this song, it was how they were signing it. They were soulful, there were gestures and at one point I think Wally whispered "mind" while pointing to his head. I mean, come on!
  13. You're way more charitable than I am. I don't feel this girl has an altruistic bone in her body. In fact as I was watching all I saw was a bully. She strikes me as the sort who picks out a person's weakness and capitalizes on it. Knowing Shaun, she'd know that his weakness is social interaction. Unless they come from a wealthy family, no medical student is going to have two grand to blow on a tux at that stage in their life. It makes Dr. Andrews' action at the end all the more admirable. I got the impression he witnessed the start of the awkward conversation and came to rescue Shaun in such a way that would make Shaun comfortable but not make it look like a rescue. By talking about the tux, it was the continuation of a conversation they already had and it was a tangible item Shaun could discuss easily and with some factual knowledge about ("Is that Armani?") etc. Poor Claire. I need her to get a win soon. Not just a win with qualifications, but a real happy win. Or maybe the show knows that Antonia Thomas is a good crier and they just like to see her cry. I did love her expression when the Russian mob guy shot himself though. Also glad she and Kalu are done. So little chemistry.
  14. A Q&A with Kim Engelbrecht who plays Marlize. So yeah we weren't reading her wrong. She is not 100% on board with some of DeVoe's latest decisions and he has gone off script.
  15. The CW is worth it for their superhero shows. Honestly I feel that thw CW is suceeding where the movies fail, imo, when it comes to DC comic book characters. They are interesting, relatable, telling good stories and are most of all fun. A lot of people felt that the 4 hour crossover of The Flash, Supergirl, Arrow, and Legends of Tomorrow was more intertaining than The Justice League movie. Re: Donald Glover -- man I knew Chevy Chase was terrible to work with, but that is foul. He was also the most useless character on Community.
  16. I didn't want pickles and ice cream, but I definitely craved pickles when I was pregnant. Actually I craved anything with really intense flavor. I remember loving Newman's Own Balsamic Vinaigrette. I'd throw some spinach in a bowl and practically drown it in that dressing. And I practically lived on wasabi peas.
  17. Either that or they'll write her like they did the character of Maris Crane on Frasier. "Where's Michonne?" "She just went on a supply run." "She took Judith for a walk" "She's sharpening the Katana"
  18. Yeah, the show is maddening when it comes to DeVoe's master plan. There is obviously some plan at play because I still think the non-sensical stuff Barry was saying coming out the Speedforce and the 'maybe Dawn Allen' character will come into play somehow. As far as DeVoe stealing the metas powers in 4.13, judging by Marlize's reaction, I am reading that as him going off book. That Barry busting them out wasn't something he calculated for.
  19. Not sure if it is just because I am intensely interested in it so it just seems like the movie is spawning more thinkpiece type articles than normal big blockbuster movies do (maybe except for LOTR which comes which a deep history of that sort of thing and possibly Star Wars) , but it does feel like everyday I am seeing yet another article taking a slightly different tack to try to delve into some of the themes about the movie. Mostly I am kinda surprised by the non-Hollywood, non-movie and non-entertainment industry articles I am coming across. For instance Scientific American did an article on the Shuri Effect. Christianity Today talks about what Black Panther Means for Christians, a few museum studies organizations have gotten into the mix to discuss the Erik Killmonger museum scene, and hilariously, National Geographic just wants us to understand real black panthers.
  20. For Devoe, it would be a useful power to have, though. And the bus metas were of his making. That said, not sure what his need for the Native American meta's power or shrinky guy's power is. Becky Sharpe's and even Dominics I get, and yes Ralph's as well, but some of them are puzzlers.
  21. Sterling K Brown plays a small but pivotal role in Black Panther (and yes there is a scene that involves crying). And he's hosting an upcoming SNL. This article is pretty funny Is it Sterling K Brown's Personal Mission to Make Us Cry? and I love one of the commenters that says: "He’s hosting Saturday Night Live in a few weeks. Watch me cry during his opening monologue"
  22. On thing I forgot to mention that I also thought was pretty great casting and something I didn't catch until Zuri confronted Killmonger, was that the actor who played young Zuri had the same squint/lazy eye that Forest Whitaker has. Not as pronounced, but it was there and noticeable where he revealed who he was and we saw that last flashback.
  23. I've seen white women cosplaying as Michonne and little black girls dressed up as Elsa (Frozen) so I don't think there's an issue. If she wanted to wear African garb then yeah, appropriation. But dressing up like a Dora, with the actual red armor and the spears is simply cosplaying a comic book character. Obviously no blackface, though.
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