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Posts posted by NikSac

  1. On Tuesday, March 07, 2017 at 0:30 AM, hoosiermom said:

    Question? Could Janelle really get Jace back? Will the way she is acting and the filth she talks about Barb have an influence on the courts?

    Considering she's not even getting him "back" (since she never actually had him in the first place) I really, really hope not. 

    • Love 5
  2. On Friday, November 18, 2016 at 11:56 AM, mamadrama said:

    The same publishing company that is releasing Matt's book is also releasing a coloring book of pictures from Maci and Taylor's wedding. At least it's not pictures from their bachelor/ette parties...



    That is disturbing. However must say I love that you get to color in the tatts.

  3. 13 hours ago, LBS said:

    leahdawn92mtv@d_w92 I've been doing much better I'll have you to know. Howeverrrr, I'm excited to expand my vocabulary and learn in English. I'm well aware I will benefit from those classes! ☺️??


    I really hope she's poking fun at herself and did not seriously use "learn in English".

    This made me so curious to know what language she "learned in" before.

    • Love 7
  4. Plus, there's the time factor. Matt seems to think your kids are no longer your kids once they hit legal adulthood, so with every one of their 18th birthdays he becomes a better "parent" because he's got fewer kids he's neglecting.

    • Love 17
  5. Makes wonder, what canned food are they serving in a yogurt shop?

    And also, even if she couldn't do it, try training her how (I am suddenly picturing these exceptionally complex cans lol), and see how she does.

    • Love 8
  6. Hooray finally found Patricia's topic. I've been looking since just before last weekend.  I liked her a lot on the show but have always thought maybe it wasn't the best fit for her. She seems to work a lot better on her own and without the crazy time constraints. Now I feel that way even more...

    ... because, my real reason for posting now is that I had such an awesome experience last weekend!  My little sister (about 23 years younger than me) is an aspiring model, among many other things. She recently moved to LA for college, and has been getting back into some modeling here and there.  Tryouts were technically over for LA Fashion Week, but she was strongly encouraged by a photographer she met at another show to go to the last minute call for Fashion Week models. She ended up being selected by Patricia! I live about 8-10 hours away (depending on traffic) but no way was I missing my sister's first runway show in LA, so our Dad and I went down to see her. We got super lucky and ended up seated basically at the end of the runway, right next to all the photographers, so we had a great view of all the fashions (and my sis of course). It was my first time seeing a runway show in person and it was so much fun!

    Lots of crazy fashions, mostly among the audience members LOL.  Patricia opened the Saturday night show and I loved almost all of her designs.  They were very "her" - no doubting who the designer was.  My sis was the first one to walk down the runway for her. I loved the dress she wore, and it was a thrill to see her on that walkway fulfilling a dream. She got to model one other great dress as well. After the show she brought us backstage to meet Patricia. I got tongue tied and couldn't think of what to say at first, but soon enough we were all having a conversation about family, importance of your roots, her Project Runway experiences, etc. We talked for a lot longer than I would've thought she had time for, but she was very bubbly, friendly, kind and welcoming. Then she asked my sis to model for her again in an upcoming November show in Palm Springs.  Sooo much goodness all packed into one evening!

    Specific to PR, Patricia talked about how it was a lot of fun and she really enjoyed it. I so wanted to ask if the time constraints drove her crazy, but didn't. I said I loved her work on there though and always wished they had more time, and she was nodding with a sort of "me too!" expression.  Some of the pics from that show are slowly coming out on the photographers' sites and on Facebook, so I'll post one of my sis in the show if I can.

    Here's a video of one of the designs (not my sis modeling it, but great video and gives a sense of the show): https://www.facebook.com/danny.go.3150/videos/1803593619897286/

    Here's one of the runway (different night, but same setup): https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/12719468_1151037554929742_16174138127996351_o.jpg

    Another of Patricia's designs: https://www.facebook.com/stylefashionweek/photos/a.180052002028307.40415.178451562188351/1311597122207117/?type=3

    Hope the links work, getting a weird error message. It was so neat to meet Patricia, and to get to see her latest designs up close and personal.

    • Love 3
  7. 7 hours ago, mamadrama said:

    I am NOT a fan of his, but we all like different things. What is a weird gift in your house might be perfectly normal in mine. And, as someone else said, maybe they were not gifts at all. At the end of the day they are records; it isn't like Ryan asked Jen to bring him Maci's wedding night sheets.

    The bolded part completely cracked me up - I couldn't help but think that Ryan's probably already seen those sheets anyway. Hopefully she's gotten some new ones since Ryan was around, though.  <shudder> never thought I'd think that much about any of these Moms' sheets.

    • Love 1
  8. 1 hour ago, WhosThatGirl said:

    The lady in the back seems to be giving Ryan some shade face as well as us. Yeah the sunglasses in church is really kind of rude and disrespectful. 


    Yeah she does!  I was wondering who that lady is.  I'm assuming you mean the one in the turquoise dress. It looks like she's not a fan of Ryan or at least not that day.

    • Love 1
  9. On 10/7/2016 at 5:27 PM, Katt said:

    I don't know what happened to that adorable kitteh with a Sharpied blue face, but that poor kitten the twinses had in the SUV was ran over shortly after that was filmed. :'(

    Aww poor thing! I was worried about when I saw them putting it in the car. I thought if it got away it'd run right into the street most likely (not sure if the kitty getting killed was THAT close to the time of the filming, but it wouldn't have surprised me).  I hope Leah's not the one who ran it over.

    • Love 3
  10. 11 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

    If I were Brandon and/or Theresa, I would be SUPER wary of letting him spend any extended amount of time with Carly. His passive aggressive bullshit, his "no girls allowed!" comments...nope. Big fat nope.

    Not to mention,  how long will it be before he's posting skeevy photos of her just perfect for pedophiles? 

    • Love 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Vandy10 said:

    I remember when those photos first surfaced; I'm pretty sure they really were taken the same day. But this is why you always see Kail in the exact same pose in her bedroom mirror. Got to give the girl respect for one thing: she knows how to pose well for her Instagram photos. She knows which angles make her body look good. Turned sideways to get the flattest tummy and the most curve from the T&A, arms back to make them look thinner, and head down in shadow or behind her phone so you can't see the chins. It's always the same damn pose for that one reason.

    I thought some of the fat from her chin was injected into her butt as part of the surgery, or was that just rumor?  If it's true, you can in fact still see her chin... just in a very different location. :)

    • Love 2
  12. 1 hour ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

    There's almost nothing more annoying as a runner than having a random dog run "with" you or at you. I understand if the dog legitimately gets out or breaks away from its owner, but PLEASE don't just let your dogs out without leashes. It's scary as hell (especially if it's a big dog) to have a dog you don't know running at you. I've had friends who run get bitten by random dogs. It's not cute, it's not funny, and I might use my little stun gun or taser on your dog (particularly if it's a big dog) if I'm even remotely scared it's going to attack me. If I'm pushing my kids in the running stroller, there's an even greater probability I'm not going to give the dog the benefit of the doubt about whether or not it's going to attack my kids if it gets close. (And I like dogs! I just know too many people who have been attacked by one while running.) It's not fair to the runner or the dog. Even in the best case scenario in which the dog is super friendly and just wants to "say hi," it still interrupts the runner's run/pace/mojo and is annoying.  Matt & Amber suck.  

    And on the flip side, as a loving and responsible dog owner, I find it scary as hell for my dog to go off running with random people, too!  No good for the dog, or the person. He's only done it twice when he broke away and I couldn't catch him, and fortunately he's fairly small and super friendly, but I STILL felt terrible for the runners he decided to go on a little jaunt with, plus scared about getting him back safely (not because of the runners, just the situation in general). 

    I can't even believe anyone would intentionally let a large dog out unrestrained, but then I remember how totally irresponsible so many of the moms/significant others are on this show.

    • Love 11
  13. On 9/22/2016 at 10:10 AM, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

    I'm not a big fan of Maci......but I think the engagement photos are really nice and she looks very pretty. 

    There, I said something nice about someone from TM today.

    Agreed, she does!  What's so funny is I still have a hard time 'seeing' Maci in these photos. Maybe I'm too used to the orange hair or something. I like the pics a lot but I wouldn't have ever guessed it was Maci in them without knowing where they came from.

  14. Maybe it's just me.... but I kinda thought she should have waited til she was a bit further along for her maternity shoot - and, of course, done it more tastefully instead of like boudoir photos. There's a time and place for both maternity photos and boudoir photos, but I don't think the SAME time and place is appropriate for both. And to me in these she doesn't particularly look pregnant. I kept thinking "could be a baby, could be she overate at lunch shortly before this."

    • Love 8
  15. 4 hours ago, mamadrama said:

     When our children were in daycare it was so that we could work, not because we were choosing not to spend much time with them. 

    The biggest difference here is that I am guessing C&T would be keeping up their family members whether they were providing care for Nova or not. So I don't see a parallel there. 

    True - and I'm so sorry, it didn't even occur to me how my post could sound until later. Having kids in daycare so one can work, help the kids learn social skills, etc.  or even just get a break sometimes makes complete sense to me, and it doesn't mean the parents don't want to spend time with the kids.

    What I was getting at with Tyler and Cate is that they choose not to take care of her most of the time, so they need that nonstop available family to provide "daycare" (and overnight care, for that matter).  Daycare has lots of good, important uses, but Preferring to spend all day smoking pot and monitoring social media isn't (in my opinion) a good reason.  Again sorry if that came across wrong - I didn't mean to imply that daycare was a bad thing whatsoever.  For that matter Nova'd probably be better off in real daycare than bouncing around between family members who've already been pretty dysfunctional in the past.

    And good point, they'd probably be paying money to their families for various things with or without them taking care of Nova anyway. Poor kid.

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