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Everything posted by Apprentice79

  1. Sunny beautifully retorted that a Kamala/Biden ticket could be just as awesome and Joy conceded to that point. It is not just Joy who feels that Joe has it in the bag, it is the whole media who has anointed him the winner of the Democratic primary.
  2. Amen to your post. I would also like to add Andrew Donovan, Stefanie Johnson, Jeannie Donovan, Eric Brady, Carrie Brady, Benjamin Carver, Benji Hawke, Alexander Kiriakis, Joseph Kiriakis, Victor Kiriakis Jr, Sarah Horton, a child by Sandy Horton, Mike Horton, a child by Tony and Anna, a son by Eugene and Calliope named Evan after Marlena should have all been on the show for years driving their own stories.. Instead we got horrible retcons like Summer..
  3. I loved Will today. This is how Will should be without being a Sami clone. Chandler seemed to resemble Mophead Will who was so awesome as Lumi's son. Jack was great with Wilson as well. I wish the show would acknowledge that Jack is also Will's uncle. I loved Shawn-Douglas with Claire. He should be on the show driving his own stories. Ben being the lead hero over him the son of a supercouple is just so wrong.
  4. I don't know if you guys used to watch a living color back in the day, there was a skit where a character would used big words to sound smart and it just made them look dumb and foolish. That is Megan, a fool who has been told she is a smart, informed affable important capable woman.
  5. I think Eve being in her position is Ron's way of taking a jab at you know who's administration that are filled with people who are unqualified for their positions..
  6. Hope who was part of a supercouple pairing with Bo has to be demeaned this way by competing with her nieces is just sad. I am really over Hope and her pathetic drama over Rafe. How the mighty has fallen.. The show is not giving me any reason to stick around as a faithful viewer who used to watch Days as a kid to learn English..
  7. Why must Carrie be used this way, Ron is such a hack. Why can't Carrie help Marlena and John with Claire.
  8. Megan has always used that tactic to push back on any criticism regarding the USA. Yes, we have rights in this country but there is a history of passing laws that circumvent laws that are meant to protect the rights of persecuted minorities. Every American has the right to vote in this country as mandated by the constitution but there are laws passed that are meant to keep certain people from voting. Also, trans women are being murdered around this country, so LGBT people are killed in this country. Trans women of color on average don't live past the age of 35. What an ignorant bitch!
  9. The same Dana who called her dumb stupid ignorant and ill informed during the tea party movement in their party. Megan had said that the tea party was a joke and Dana responded with a barrage of insults at Megan..
  10. He is her son, I don't think you can compare little Kev to other men in her life. Wendy is clearly in pain and not acting right.
  11. It was probably a bit of both affection and molding him. He did love him as much as a psychopath can love. Anjelica did love him with all of her being. So Jack was loved as a child. Jack not getting love was a lie, he was extremely loyal to both Harper and Anjelica. It is why killing him to save Steve gutted him. Anjelica should have been in the role that Eve is playing Jack's life. Ron was so short-sighted in killing off Anjelica for his stupid doppelganger story.
  12. I did not understand that bit of dialogue. Were they implying that Jack had an unhappy childhood because Jack was never abused by Harper, he was given everything his heart desired. He was a spoiled rich kid and had every advantage his wealth gave him. It is that sense of entitlement that pushed him to do what he did to Kayla.
  13. Did you guys see how the ladies were eating like they had never had a meal. Whoopie in particular who claims to never eat had her head down the whole time. Stuffing her face is the only time the all knowing sage is not pontificating on subjects she knows nothing about. I find it extremely rude for the ladies to eat in front of the audience like they are not there. Why can't they have some of the food be given to them. I think that I will be taking a break from the view. I will read the comments on here but I have had it. Megan not giving a damn about immigrant children being treated worst than the worst criminals in our prisons was the last straw for me. What has been going on at the border has been very depressing for me and to see someone like Megan using her father's past as POW to minimize what has been going on was just too much.
  14. Thank you for saying that. I am watching the show less and less because of the serial killer with the abs.
  15. Also, Addie did not care that Doug wanted her for her money, she just wanted Doug, period. Addie died saving Hope from getting hit by a car..
  16. Why does you know who still have rallies after 3 years? Ron is loving using real life events into his stories. Jack is loving the adoration he gets from his supporters. He knows his family hates him, Eve is using him for her own purposes. They are all he has left for validation and love. Sad!
  17. I hate Megan. She has spent months as a grown woman crying about her dad's disease and subsequent death. She cannot show any type of sympathy for these children who have been forced to be away from their parents and they are being mistreated by people who see them as subhumans. These babies cannot see their parents and they are being brutalized daily. Can she not understand, that is torture for these children. Does she not care about how they are being damaged and will be that way for the rest of their lives. According to Megan, only her sainted father has ever felt any type of pain. She is a vile sickening hateful human being. I hope tweeter lights her up for her insensitive comments...Megan only cares about fetuses in the womb.
  18. Whoopie and Megan feed off each other's negativity when they are hating somebody. AOC comes to mind. I don't understand the ladies turning on Mayor Pete, he did nothing wrong in my opinion. I don't know if I could show so much restraint if people were yelling invectives at me. He was calm and at a loss on what to say. I just feel that the ladies want Biden to win, so they will pounce on any faux pas by the other candidates in the primary. It is really disappointing, it is not just the view, but the whole media who are painting progressives as far left socialists, it is only a matter of time before they call them the Big C word: communists.
  19. The writers were banking that since Kim and Shane have not been on the show since the 90's, the fans who are currently watching would not care about their character assassinations. They were dead wrong. Nothing about Theresa, Eve and Paige made sense. They have never mentioned Andrew.
  20. Slavery existed in Africa too. However, the enslavement of Africans was on another whole level. They were not only enslaved but dragged to other lands against their will. The largest forced migration in the history of the world. Africans were targeted because of their skin color. Africans before the slave trade never saw themselves as Black. They identified themselves with their ethnic groups. They were Ibos, Yoruba, Wolof, et.c The different ethnic groups did not always get along and the Europeans took advantage of that to enact the slave trade. It was the Portuguese and the Spaniards that called them Negro that means Black. They were the ones that started the enslavement of western Africans to be shipped to their colonies in the new world. Then, the other Europeans followed suit. The Atlantic slave trade was a lucrative business. The first people to enslave Africans were Arab Muslims who conquered East Africa and deemed the Africans to be inferior not only because of their skin color but also because they did not worship Allah. It was called the Arab slave trade or the Eastern slave trade.. Africans were kidnapped and shipped to the Arab world. Christianity was introduced to West Africa by the conquering Europeans and Islam was introduced to East Africa by the conquering Arab Muslims. So, the continent of Africa and it's diverse people never had a chance.
  21. I think Nicole's dark side appealed to Jack's and they should have done more to develop that dynamic. Jack worked best in friendships with women who had dark sides. Conversely, Jack worked wonderfully with Marlena and Isabella. Even with Isabella the show hinted that she had a dark side as well that was dormant.
  22. Also, Sami and Kate liked each other when Deborah Adair played Kate. The animosity did not start until Kate came back from the dead and she was stunned that Sami had given Austin a son and not Carrie. She began to have suspicions about Sami and the rest is history. You are right Nicole has always been the type of woman who hates other attractive women because she is very insecure. Chloe and Nicole being friends has never made any sense to me because Nicole tried to give her a flesh eating bacteria. Not only did she want Chloe to die, but to suffer excruciating pain. That is sociopathic behavior..
  23. Porsha wanted to be a mom and having had a miscarriage, she longed for a baby. In the previous season before this one that ended she was clearly looking a man to father her child. I remember that guy she was trying to have a kid with and he was not having it. I wish Porsha the best of luck, the sad thing is she is now connected to Dennis for life.. I hope she and Dennis come up with a custody agreement that benefits all..
  24. The nationalists will be triggered no matter what. No one has said that reparations would be in the form of money. The House wants a committee to study the impact of slavery and how that has affected inequality regarding Black people whose ancestors were kidnapped from Africa, sold into slavery and shipped to United States against their will. Also, the reparations would target the descendants of African slaves . It does not mean every Black person in America would get a check as reparations from the government. I am Black but I am from the Caribbean, my ancestors were not slaves here. In the Caribbean, we have issues as well that stem from slavery. They too are discussing reparations with Europe. It will be interesting to see what happens when Latin America starts to talk about reparations for the descendants of African slaves that were brought over there. Most of the African slaves who were kidnapped from Africa were sent to the Caribbean and Latin America and not to the states. It is why Black people were always a minority in this country. Reparations is connected to Spain, England, France, Portugal, Netherlands, Denmark who all participated in the enslavement of Africans. So, it is not just an American issue.
  25. I never understood why Sami allowed Sydney to call Nicole, mommyNicole. It always bothered me that she did that..
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