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Posts posted by TheDoctorsCompanio

  1. https://youtu.be/LTo47o6tjyc

    So Ben interviewed a friend of his (and groomsman) about his rebellious and unchristian life.

    The video is 30 min so here's the abridged article that I originally found.


    Eta: it really grinds my gears when people outside of the medical and law enforcement field say methamphetamine instead of just meth.

  2. I'm already not a fan of the Josiah/Marjorie courtship.He is way too young and frankly he could have done better if he'd gone to college, started a career and waited a few years before courting. I wonder how many of these Fundies marry at 18 so they can get laid and end up regretting it five years later.

    I think maybe another guy had his sights on Marjorie so Si took action before she got away.

  3. I think for at least the next 10 years or so, we'll be shown at least one Duggar wedding. Assuming Josiah marries next year, there are 4 others in their 20's now, and I guess the show will continue to be popular enough that we'll see pretty much all of the kids get married. Except for maybe two or three who will stay home forever, but I can't imagine that enormous house with only 4 people living in it. I guess in the next ten years, there will also be at least 25 grandchildren born. I wonder if TLC will keep it as a weekly series...the longest running reality show of all time.

    I have been thinking what the parents will do with the enormous house when the kids get married off or move out. At what point will the house be too spacious to handle.

  4. I don't know what the timeline is between this episode and the episode when Cathy told them she was going out of town for treatment. If someone can clarify it would be appreciated. I just think Derick at least could have taken the trip with Dan because who knows when the last time he visited was. This would be a very good reason to.

  5. I didn't understand why Derick and Dan couldn't go together to deliver the news,and surprise Cathy. I'm fine giving Jill a pass on it if she didn't feel up to travel, but I can't fathom why Derick didn't want to deliver the news himself.

    Yeah. I wish Derick (and Jill) went to deliver the news personally then have the reveal party a few days or a week later.

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  6. Only seen the tail end of the special, but I will say I loved that Jessa wanted to recreate the picture of Michelle holding the wedding certificate and winking. Thought that was cute and surprised Jill didn't do it.

    Was mildly annoyed when the bridal party left, Derick had to dip and kiss Jill.

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