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Everything posted by Wellfleet

  1. I imagine Bill is eager to franchise now while they're still on TV and have the exposure. I can't imagine that there'd be the same amount of interest once they end the show, especially with the number of larger pet store chains that already exist - PetSmart, Petco etc. But he could do well even with a relatively-small number of franchises sold, according to retail business-people friends of mine. Apparently, no matter what you're selling, that's where the money is - franchising. My guess is that Bill will be on to his next 'concept' once he's done what he can with Rocky & Maggie's. He strikes me as the kind of person who always has ideas waiting in the wings etc. Either that or he might just want to ease into being Stay-at-Home-Bill. Between Jen's MD gig, R&M's, TLC and whatever Bill cleared when he sold his former business [whatever that was], there must be plenty enough to make that do-able. I could see them hoping to stay on TV long enough to score the beach house, then calling it a day.
  2. Good grief! That looks like a real, actual, metal spoon!
  3. I remember thinking when we first learned about the pet shop, that it was probably just supposed to be something to keep Judy Arnold busy in Houston before she'd be needed for Grandmother Daycare - and to justify the move to Houston by Dave and herself. As it is I don't think Judy is involved at all with the pet shop anymore. That Long Island Medium hairstyle is the absolute worst, isn't it? Teresa is really cute overall and could look SO much nicer - but that 80s peroxided football helmet is just awful.
  4. Yes, I absolutely agree that some women MDs are just as bad as the men. But in my experience most females in health care do not pin the "this woman is imagining things again..." label as often as male doctors do. Some PAs are much worse than MDs also. I had some harmless but rather large moles removed once when I was in my early 20s by an absolutely-obnoxiously condescending PA. This was just when PAs were beginning to show up in medical offices and hospitals - late 70s. This one had been a medic in Vietnam. He had all the bedside manner of a potted plant.
  5. LOL! I imagine Donald just sets his hair on the bedside table - or puts it in its cage or whatever...
  6. Women the world over have been hearing this dreck from physicians and medical folks of all types for centuries - and probably longer. Which is why we need a LOT more females in health care, especially as physicians and in top positions. Females making decisions and creating policies...
  7. You said it. Proving one thing for sure - Donald Trump may be a billionaire, but all his $ still couldn't buy him any good taste, because he truly thinks his hair looks good.
  8. Burlsa - here is the Earth Clinic link I found for hypothryoidism - http://www.earthclinic.com/cures/hypothyroidism.html Start doing your research - if you haven't already - and try not to worry. There is help out there - and it doesn't always have to cost a bundle - but these days we all have to be pro-active patients, do our research, get our questions answered and if something doesn't work, we need to try something else. After having rosacea for 20+ years I finally found effective help through my own Earth Clinic research - and other sites too. The Internet has been such a boon for people who want to take charge of their own health care - the resources out there are virtually limitless. Try to stay positive and good luck!
  9. Thanks for the info. I know New Day has saved many kids, but I don't believe they have the funding, or at least didn't at the time Will was there, to do all the treatments, surgeries etc that might be needed to IMPROVE a child's life. There's no doubt in the universe that they saved Will. But I thought Jen spoke at some point about New Day not being able to do what was medically-indicated for Will's hearing, sleep apnea etc. That's why she and Bill made it their #1 priority once they got home. IIRC, this was part of the episode when Will was first taken for testing in Delaware - don't remember if it was a hospital, a large clinic or a university - but there were doctors who specialized in dwarfism issues. One was a pediatric endocrinologist, the other a pediatric orthopedist, and obviously a pediatric ENT specialist too.
  10. I'm guessing - hoping really - that some clueless and newbie 20-something People staffer came up with this idea for a "story." But scariest to me is that someone else, much higher up the pole that that staffer - actually had to sign off on this for publication. What a top-notch, crack staff they have over there at People now! Good grief...
  11. LOL, Aja. This leghumper couldn't have been more helpful in making your point for you - !!!
  12. Just shows what a good Mom you must be, Marys. Because you actually thought "carrots" first!
  13. Read the comments - they're great. Nearly every one slams People for being pathetically-needy for something to print. And the Duggars for all the usual reasons.
  14. Looks more like tater tots to me. Or maybe a hot dog sliced up. Carrots sliced that thickly would be tough for little kids, even if boiled/steamed to mush first. The taters and hot dog are much more Me-chelle's speed, I'm guessing...
  15. Yep - me too. Josie is a dead ringer for Me-chelle physically. And likely to be very much the same in other respects too. Both are family lastborns, and it sounds like Me-chelle's parents checked out long before she was raised, much like Boob & Me-chelle checked out on their litter around child #7 or 8. I do feel safe saying we probably won't hear bikini-wearing lawn mower stories about Josie ad nauseam however.
  16. Day and night difference in these 2 photos, not to mention a miracle. But finding a permanent home for Will was a critical need. IIRC, New Day did not have the resources to pursue the medical consultations and treatments that Bill and Jen have initiated. I'm guessing that New Day activity pursued Bill and Jen to consider Will, based on his very great need. To their everlasting credit, they picked up the baton and ran with it. A qualifying-for-a-spot-in-Heaven move if I ever saw one, because they bit off one heck of a chunk with Will. With no guarantees. And as others have said, some of the issues he faced or is still facing may have been a result of his birth or even genetic. Some may have developed because of the starvation and lack of medical care. I truly believe Will will get there eventually, but it will take time. He may need therapies/assistance of different kinds for quite some time. Being compared to children of the same chronological age is not really valid unless they've also faced the same physical, social and emotional challenges.
  17. This is what I remember thinking when we studied about the causes of WWII in junior high. Hitler blamed the Jews for ALL of Germany's troubles - but that kind of thinking didn't make any kind of sense to my pre-teen mind at all. And still doesn't. I remember thinking - didn't Hitler realize that Jesus - was Jewish?
  18. They pray it away. Or - actively implement the Denial cure. Nothing to see here, let's move things along, folks...
  19. Jim C was hilarious on the Globes. He could literally walk out on a stage and just simply stand there - and I'd be laughing. He doesn't need to say a word. Not one syllable. Others witht this gift, IMO - Tracy Morgan, Zach Galifanakis, Jay Pharoah, Patrick Warburton. Born funny - because you really can't learn it... :>)
  20. 100% true. This forum is the "MASH" of the Internet. One moment I'm crying, the next I'm LOL-ing - LOUDLY - all alone in my apartment. Bless all your pea-picking hearts!
  21. Thanks for this post, Marys. Never been any kind of a fan of young Mr DiCaprio. Always felt he was highly-overrated. Titanic remains the only one of his movies that appealed to me. Saw The Aviator because of Martin S only.
  22. MOE LESTER - MERV [with all apologies to the late, great Merv Griffin] - QUEASY RIDER.
  23. Yes, I have to agree on social development. Will's language has not yet caught up with his age but he's really making a lot of progress. Much better and faster than I expected so just goes to show you. Or rather, me - LOL. Socially I still consider Will quite young in his behavior though, but thankfully he's 'happy-young" and not "frustated-young." He may eventually hit his stride here as well. At the risk of repeating myself, his behavior with the karate teacher gives me a lot of hope. Will did not behave like a baby with the karate teacher. He was a serious young man. I was proud of WIll in that clip, and he's not even MY kid. Clearly eager to do well, to please etc. IMO, Bill and Jen have to get it across to Will that they expect the same kind of behavior. They need to be Will's parents, not his best friends. Being his parents means that Will will sometimes, maybe even often, be angry or upset with them. And they have to be able to tolerate that and realize that the rewards for "being hated" lie in the future, not in the present. Show me a child who grows up never feeling frustration or anger with his parents, and I'll show you a poorly-raised child, one without friends but with a massive sense of entitlement and frustration when the world does not constantly adjust for him.
  24. Completely agree with the sheep theory. Terrified of being outside of a group, of not belonging. And unless I'm mistaken, people who turn out like this as adults like were probably pretty severely "dealt with" as children [looking at you, Boob] whenever, as children, they had a "different" or independent thought or idea. I don't think JR tolerated much from Boob in the way of clever ideas, backtalk, independent ways etc. I expect his childhood was largely seen-and-not-heard. IOW, a lot of fundie parents, being sheep themselves, teach their kids to shut up and put up with whatever comes their way, girls in particular. An ancient story, sadly.
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