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Everything posted by Wellfleet

  1. Yes - thank you. It crossed my mind that TLC was almost mocking the Duggars with that episode. Could this be the set-up for a fall? I can't say I'd be surprised. The comments from the "people on the street" were very different from any comments aired in the past. People seem a little baffled or bemused in the past, but this time the public came off as thinking they were flat-out odd. Different tone entirely.
  2. My sister commented to me, "Oh, all this abuse, it's happening more and more. What is WRONG with men these days?" I told her I don't think it's happening more - I just think we're hearing it more. I believe this kind of abuse, unfortunately, goes on to a much greater extent than any of us have ever imagined - in every culture, everywhere. It can almost be looked on as a part of the human condition - an ugly part of it. And the bottom line MUST be that attitudes toward women and about women must change. To do this most effectively, and easily IMO, we start by changing the way we raise our little boys - to have genuine respect for women and to value the women in their lives, and in the world.
  3. You just said a mouthful, Literata. I think we should all be afraid - very afraid...
  4. They did at least once - and TLC broadcast it. Several late night shows, Jimmy Fallon was one, did bits on it. Search using keywords "duggars golf course" on YouTube. Until I saw it, I thought everyone had been mis-interpreting or exaggerating. They weren't.
  5. True enough. MSNBC - where a survey presently shows that 81% of people are voting to see the show cancelled - just announced that TLC is "pulling the show from its lineup..." and went on to say that this is apparently not the same as a cancellation. I think - and fervently hope - that TLC will make this permanent. Setting everything else aside - for financial reasons alone - it's the smarter move. I hope they can see it that way. How long could it last if they do bring it back? Like the Gosselins, there will be people watching out of curiosity for a few weeks, but that will drop off quickly. In addition, there would have to be a lot of changes made. Josh and Anna completely eliminated. No more big, rattling "...and I delivered every one of them..." intro. Lots of editing to existing footage. And which sponsors would want to be associated with it? While all the time continuing to pay Boob? No, as poor as I think TLC management is, I don't see them bringing the show back.
  6. Having never been a 14-year old boy, I can't speak to the "waiting sex constantly" issue. I once heard a [male] school psychologist refer to teenaged boys as "hormones with feet" - but the Duggars and their kind are most certainly repressed, sexually and in many other ways.
  7. I think Meryl's point was that overall, education for women is a relatively recent thing - and I don't think she was referring to those exact buildings on the Barnard campus. At least that's how it came off to me. View the video - as I said, it's well-worth it. I think she was generalizing about the time frame too. Before 1900, there really was very little in the way of post-secondary ed for women in the US - and even less acceptance for it.
  8. No, I wouldn't have any trouble believing Boob had been involved either. And that is purely because of his frequently-inappropriate comments/behavior. Before yesterday's news I would have thought of Boob first if anyone had mentioned the possibility of abuse in their household.
  9. Maybe, but I think if one of the girls did take this very drastic and serious step in order to gain her freedom and maybe even freedom for other siblings as well, she would also have the fortitude and strength to overcome a lot of other challenges as well.
  10. While there are definitely other very conservative cultures in the world, I think it's quite a leap to say that "...those grooms managed not to fondle anyone through there teen years and often into their 20s..." I think that abuse goes on in every culture, at every socioeconomic level, at every age and much more often than we would believe. We're only beginning to discover how much, and for how long. Important to remember - it's only been in the last 100-150 years that some men have begun to acknowledge women as equals, instead of as property. Edited to Add - Give yourselves a treat. Go to YouTube and search for Meryl Streep's 2010 Commencement speech at Barnard College. Highly recommend this - it's a wonderful talk and well worth the time. Meryl - like I know her !!! - mentions the fact that very soon female college graduates will outnumber male graduates in the US, that until the early part of the 20th century women weren't even allowed inside the college buildings at Barnard except to clean them, and that women in many countries can now OWN property, when they used to BE property. Great speech - and entertaining as well.
  11. That would be awesome. And it would make me wonder if one of the girls leaked the story - which would be even more awesome.
  12. 100% agree. Dear Leghumpers - for once in your lives, listen up! Save your money. I guarantee that you need it much more than Josh Duggar. His father is a millionaire several times over, and he wants to run Josh's life anyway. Let him foot all of Josh's bills until he's earning for himself again.
  13. Agree - this was my thought as well. This whole thing is awful, and it's obviously never OK. But with Gothard's beyond-idiotic teachings - rules that go against the laws of nature - it would be almost - emphasis almost - explicable if it had been one very brief occurrence - and not multiple girls/multiple incidents over a period of months. Unfortunately it was - and that clearly indicates a need for intervention and therapy.
  14. And nothing being re-run either. 19 Kids has been re-run to bits, IMO.
  15. Don't these networks who run reality programming vet any of the people that appear - or even want to appear? Good grief - TLC management is showing themselves to be every bit as competent and professional as the so-called creative & producing staff - at least on 19K&C. Not very...
  16. Don't these networks who run reality programming vet any of the people that appear - or even want to appear? Good grief - TLC management is showing themselves to be every bit as competent and professional as the so-called creative & producing staff - at least on 19K&C. Not very...
  17. 100% agree. FRC will have a new bumper sticker now - Straight Perverts Are Still Better Than Gay Perverts.
  18. Absolutely. "Oh, that makes sense now..." has been rattling around in my head all afternoon. So much of what we've been baffled by for so long is adding up. Like when you are doing a connect-the-dots and first see clearly what the final figure will be. You can't believe you didn't see it sooner!
  19. Sadly, I think you're probably right. Even more sadly, maybe that's for best...
  20. Could it have something to do with Josh being a juvenile - and the priests weren't? Not sure - just a guess...
  21. Yes, I agree. I think she won't have to say anything at all from now on. She'll grab her jacket, her bag and her keys - and leave. Oh, and her buddy group reverts back to where they should have been all along - with their mother. Won't that be just so special and sweet and precious, Me-chelle?
  22. Hopefully the girls will have access to professional therapists, counselors, social workers etc who can treat, advise and [really] educate them on what the future can hold. I picture a lot of sympathetic people coming forward to help. Or do I just watch too much TV?
  23. Also very much doubt the Kellers will become involved. As far as we know, they haven't done much if anything for Anna's older sister, the one married to that self-centered "pastor" who dragged his whole family - of little kids - to Africa. And had them living in some pretty appalling conditions here in the States as well.
  24. Sounds like Maisie is well on her way - more proof that early intervention and stimulation can make all the difference! Go Team Maisie! :>)
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