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Everything posted by Wellfleet

  1. Key and Peele would be awesome. They'd fit right in - and they can do just about ANY character!
  2. Absolutely right. Will has to learn to behave in public places when there's nothing of interest to him, no entertainment or activities. I think he did well in church at his christening, when Jen was speaking on Capitol Hill about child health legislation and on other occasions. Also reminds me of something Jacqueline Kennedy once wrote, something along the lines of "It never hurts a child to experience something that may be a little over his head at the time..."
  3. Oh wanderwoman, you poor kid. It's been one thing after another for you - for months now. If I could, I'd beam myself to your house and take over all the "heavy-lifting" for the next couple of months. Or until you get tired of me, whichever comes first - LOL. I'll handle all the chores and any Maisie-tending that's difficult with the broken wing. I'm not a Momma or Grandmomma, but I am a fully-certified aunt. You concentrate on relaxing, de-stressing, SLEEPING and knitting those bones back together. Feet up, baby in your lap, computer and remote nearby. You and Lil Bit can play, talk, walk or hike, get to know each other even better. PS - my specialty is Mediterranean, so start making a list of the Wander family's Italian and Greek favorites.
  4. Yes, this one fact alone is very disturbing. I don't think I've ever seen an application that requires submission of a photo. In the case of a job where security is an issue, the organization may take a photo, if and when needed, and usually not until the individual was hired. But an applicant wouldn't be providing one. Not at that stage of the game. Very, very odd. I think needing to leave behind cell phones, iPods, books etc is odd too. I can see the suggestion being made, but not an all-out edict. Not surprised by any of this however. Every new nuggest learned about "Gothard world" is weird - and confirms all the other weird nuggets. PS - haven't looked yet but I'm willing to bet applicants for the ALERT academy aren't required to send photos.
  5. Exactly. Boob thought he and Me-chelle would be able to explain the family's side of the story to the general public out there, when in the end the only people they reached with what they said were the leghumpers, people who were with them already. Maw & Paw should have stayed completely out of it.
  6. I watched it, and I never watch FoxNews. Even had to look up which channel it was in my region - never programmed it as a "favorite" on my remote when I switched to digital TV 14 years ago.
  7. For sure. Reminds me of something - LOL - I saw in junior high English about 45 years ago: Let's eat, Grandma. Let's eat Grandma. Commas save lives.
  8. No idea how many branches there are, but unless I'm mistaken, Jen and Will were at the main branch of the New York Public Library. It's a gorgeous building, inside and out, and would be a beautiful setting for a wedding. If they allow that.
  9. Check out any educational discounts you may be eligible for through Apple too. One thing i learned working in college admissions - the kids told me - was that Apples are far and away the superior choice in an educational setting - and PCs are the world's corporate/business computer.
  10. Your news about clothing and shoes, sadly, isn''t surprising, LIGirl. I feel your pain. I wonder if there are any fledging dressmakers, tailors, designers on Etsy that would be interested? Etsy has craftsmen and free-lancers from all over the world. Someone may not get a fashion house in Paris out of it, but I'm sure there could be a few steady and very respectable livings made by making custom clothes for little people. Heck, if I was in my 20s now, instead of my late 50s, I'd do some nosing around into this myself.
  11. Why not e-mail the photographer and ask? I still think it's a brown paper bag, but who knows? I don't think it's anyone's hands.
  12. No kidding! Jill could stand around a pothole on a city street with those nails - traffic cone orange!!
  13. Especially since it seems Zoey is into books much more than Will.
  14. Condolences on the loss of your "snuggly bed buddy" CalicoKitty. Those first few days "without" are always pretty awful. Hope your memories are smiley-ones soon. I'm sure there's someone who just can't wait to meet you at the kitty shelter too. Big Boy will make sure of it...
  15. The chalkboard thing is a template for Jill. The Duggars like templates, or ANYTHING that can be used over and over again. Once found, no additional thought is necessary. "1 - take photo, 2 - write on board, 3 - post online..." She'll probably be doing the chalkboard schtick for the next 20 years.
  16. My take as well. Derick is definitely not opening his mouth, and Jill's just a maybe. Maybe the "we still do" is really - kiss with our mouths closed?
  17. LOL! No, actually I can't see Boob putting an in-law in charge of one of his own special offspring. Ben will be stepped over. Josh will get the Toilet Brush command.
  18. Agree, but I think this is just a gender distinction and not specific to Zoey. I'm guessing that - overall and in general - most parents would say boys are easier to raise. My mom had 3 boys and 3 girls, and to her last day she said that girls were only easier when they were quite young, maybe 8-10 and under. Once they entered the pre-teen years that was it. I know my Mom would definitely vote for boys needing FAR less care-and-maintenance than girls.
  19. Oh, I forgot about Prosecco. Love that too!
  20. Maybe this could be a topic for discussion at an LPA convention or conference? The market is missing a real opportunity here. What if the LPA formed a committee or task force or something and approached some designers - Chloe Dau for example? And asked them to produce a line of clothing especially for adult llittle people - both men and women? I have no idea how many Little People there are in the US, but I'm willing to bet it could be a real success and met a real need for a segment of the population that has been pretty basically ignored. Just an idea. Maybe it's been tried before?
  21. I love Tazo passion tea iced - and no sweetener too! Such an unusually delicious flavor...
  22. Otis was the town drunk. And then there were those two "party" girls that attached themselves to Andy and Barney a few times. Guess that got past Boob's radar. And of course in the first season there was Ellie, the lady pharmacist who had a job and was unmarried. Boob missed that one too. And Barney and Thelma Lou certainly didn't have a "pure" courtship... LOL!
  23. I do - especially the homely ones. The funny-looking little kids in my classes have always been my favorites, and I freely admit I spread a little extra butter on their bread. They'll need it - because Life sure isn't going to cut them a break, that's for sure.
  24. I think the circled "??" item is a crumpled up take-out brown bag. Or something equally ubiquitous.
  25. Yep, if I had to put $$ on what's going on, it wouldn't be that Derick has accepted employment elsewhere either. Not even at his mom's Treehouse deal, whatever that is. (It doesn't count when you get the job because of your Mommy). Nope, I think Derick's immediate future is TLC and assorted stops on the Stinkbus Tour, with mission work in the future. And I'm sure he's hoping not far in the future...
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