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Everything posted by Wellfleet

  1. The 80s style makes perfect sense to me. Today's fundie Moms - or at least the ones there's documentation about [Me-Chelle, Kelly Bates etc] were teens and 20-somethings in the 80s. They're fixating on their own era. I mean, they're fundie - isn't fixating in the rule book? I was a 70s girl. I'd be wearing hot pants and Dr Scholls sandals right now. And getting my hair cut like Dorothy Hamill or Farrah Fawcett? :>)
  2. Well, this is for sure true. It sounds like Me-chelle was a "midlife, surprise" baby for her parents. I wonder if she herself was looked after mainly by her older sisters, just like her own kids have been. Maybe this whole "Sister Moms" deal is something she honestly comes by?
  3. You and your daughter are right, Jellybeans. It's rude to comment on any physical attribute, generally-speaking. And it's isn't any healthier to be underweight than overweight. But I become concerned about eating disorders or psychological pressures when I see any female go from an average-sized body to a bony, beanpole look.
  4. 100% agree. I'm guessing Boob - the Proverbial Geek - has never gotten over the thrilling fact that he landed the school's pretty but very naughty little tramp, to his way of thinking at least. And I'm not sure if the bikini-wearing, lawn-mowing Me-chelle was the thing for which she feels she needs punishment - or if there was something else entirely. In my own head, the theory that they "did it" before the wedding and maybe even became pregnant keeps coming up. Because there did seem to be a major rush for a wedding... Who knows?
  5. For those who may not know, the legendary "F word" began life in the pages of police reports from the late 1800s. When a woman was raped, the term used in the reporting was FORCED UNLAWFUL CARNAL KNOWLEDGE which obviously became reduced to its acronym very quickly. And there you have it - trivia for today.
  6. IMO, Kate Middleton, at present, looks like she's only about a year out of a WWII concentration camp. Very pretty girl but no shape whatsoever - all straight lines and angles. Clothes literally seem to hang on her. If I ruled the world, I'd pack an extra 15-20 pounds on her. Before seeing this photo I was thinking she must be one of those poor kids who just can't gain weight, but obviously that's not the case. This photo shows a Kate who probably would have looked better with 10-20 fewer pounds, but IMO, still looks better than her current beanpole self does.
  7. Ha ha! And so true. You realize you're doing Lenny Bruce's act here, right? :>)
  8. There are innumerable theories that could be put forth on Boob and Me-chelle - and how they came to become what they are today. We've been told some things outright, we can surmise other points, and we can just plain guess about the rest. In the end, though, I think these two were a Perfect Storm of psychology, just waiting to find each other. If either one had become involved with someone else, an entirely different situation would have resulted. Together, they were just the right cold and warm air masses needed for one heck of a storm.
  9. I'm more suspicious that Lady Whoever, writing the "lie there and think of England" line in 1912, was really borrowing it from Victoria, who supposedly said it to one of her own daughters just before her wedding. But I guess we can never know for sure. :>)
  10. I worked part-time in the bridal registry of a major department store for years while I was teaching - PS most fun job ever! - and it's quite common for a bride to have a place setting of her china or silver/stainless pattern long before she gets engaged. She may fall in love with something and get a gift of one setting, or buy one herself - one to "dream on..." It's really not unusual at all. My mom started asking me, and my sisters, in our early teens to watch out for patterns we liked so we could start the whole"hope chest" routine, though I bet not much of that goes on any more these days.
  11. My sentiments as well, Happy. Here's wishing you a great day - may all your wishes come true. And I'll steal a line going back almost 50 years - yikes!!! - from Lily Tomlin's little girl character, Edith Ann - 'Since Papa was laid off, he says Jack Daniels is his only friend..." Jack's Honey Whiskey is one of my favorites
  12. I think it is possible the bank gave John David that house in exchange for services. It's probably not much of a house, but solid enough to make a renovation possible. It's probably not in a great area of town either. My brother works for a large northeastern bank - in Foreclosures - and told me he could easily see a bank making an arrangement like this. Especially in Arkansas, and especially if there was a large parcel of land that needed John David's skills, and especially to someone with a known family history of flipping properties. Bonus - it gets this less-than-wonderful property off their balance sheet quickly too.
  13. The pool shown in the Instagram photo with Josie in it looks like the one they were swimming on a past episode during a warm spell in Arkansas. The friends who owned the pool were away at the time, and had apparently given Boob carte blanche to use the pool. He took all the kids and then decided to order pizzas for lunch - the film crew were shown delivering a tower of boxes poolside. Quite a while back. May have been pre-Josie, even pre-Jordyn.
  14. Queen Victoria famously told the first of her daughters to be married: "Just lie there, and think of England..."
  15. Good grief. If we were baffled and confused, can you imagine what the natives were thinking? I'd have given a lot to hear their "post-theater" comments about this little epic. Just when I think the Duggars can't possibly get any more feeble, they come through... SMH.
  16. This is definitely possible. I'm sure Boob was strict, demanding, bossy from the beginning. The supreme, ruling Man-Father. And as my Dad always said, the first kid is like the first pancake of the batch - a little squirelly around the edges. You try all kinds of things with the first one, because you basically don't know what you're doing. I doubt anyone could offer Boob any parenting advice either. In addition, could just be that old favorite the Oedipus complex going on here too.
  17. Chocolate - I have blocked ears several times a year. Pediatrician told my Mom I had "tiny ears" and lots of wax. What works really well for me is Debrox - a kit you get OTC at the drugstore. First you use their ear drops and hold your head to one side for 10 or so min. Then flush with warm water. It's gross, but I've had some serious chunkage fall out afterward and then everything is unbelievably loud. As I said, apparently I have a lot of wax - yuck. Hope it works for you.
  18. Nope. Sorry but you are much, MUCH more than that. I've never heard of anyone being that purely unselfish and generous. To be financially-supporting the biological parent of their adoptive child, and in a foreign country to boot. Wow... and just - WOW.
  19. I know a LOT of people who are saying "no thanks" to the new Harper Lee book. In my case, it's because I'm not convinced she really wanted it published. There's a good chance she's being manipulated by various people who could profit from the book - she might not even know it's being published.
  20. OMG, happy, perfectly spot-on! Perfectly! Your post makes me SO wish we could get the management of these networks, not just TLC, up on display somewhere - similar to the recent Republican Presidential "debate" - and ask them questions about what and why they offer what they do to the American public. We know the answers in most cases, but I'd love to see them try to justify some of the unpardonable dreck they broadcast. I'm not for a minute suggesting that everything on TV has to be PBS-level quality, but surely there are better things to see, with positive and constructive messages behind them, than what we're currently getting.
  21. I'm a biography and history geek. Currently in my bedroom I'm reading David McCullough's 1776 and in my tote I have Sudden Sea, by RA Scotti, a story about the great New England hurricane of 1938, which I learned about while watching C-SPAN's weekend programming, Book TV. I'm also one of those who reads cookbooks - yes, reads them, cover to cover - and I'm currently drooling through Lidia Bastianich's Common-Sense Italian Cooking. But if you haven't already read it and are just looking for a really good story told really well, a can't-put-it-down read, go get yourself Daphne duMaurier's Rebecca. You won't regret it.
  22. I worked with Fours, Fives and Sixes for 25 years as a teacher and agree that it's very possible that Will could do reasonably well if enrolled in Kindergarten for Fall 2015, especially if he gets the auxiliary services he needs, continues speech therapy etc. But I also agree that right now, Will is not a typical Five in his skills or behavior. If asked for a professional opinion, I'd recommend one more year in a pre-school setting. He came to the US with significant disadvantages and has made great progress, but a little more time is still needed, especially socially. I could imagine Will entering kindergarten in Fall 2016 at age 6½ with strong skills, language etc. He might even be in line for enrichment activities at that point, which would do SO much for his self-confidence.
  23. Have wondered this myself. Narcissists and last-borns excel at seeing that the attention of the group is always being drawn back to them. I can easily see Me-chelle concocting an imagined "tragedy" - one that no one but her could ever be sure really happened - once she feels she's being forgotten about again. Who knows if there ever really was a J-Caleb? And did we hear one syllable about her "eating disorder" while she was still having babies? I can't remember for sure, but the bulimia story seems like relatively new news - something we didn't learn about until she stopped having her annual baby.
  24. All good points. Now we just need Time to tell us. It certainly will be interesting to see what is next for Josh. Maybe he WILL back in politics at some point. Maybe he'll slink back to doing something else Daddy has planned for him. As I've said his working in politics again would really surprise me, for many reasons. I mean, look at Monica Lewinsky, who after nearly 20 years is still having trouble finding a job and making a life for herself, one that makes her happy. And IMO, she really didn't do anything close to what Josh did. Of course, in Monica's case I think we do need to allow for the fact that she's female - and females are often judged more harshly, even by other females. But as Jerry Seinfeld would say, "Really - really?" Yep Jerry, after nearly 20 years, Monica is still walking around with her own scarlet letter. I wonder how long will Josh have to wear his?
  25. Oh dear, Derick really isn't a mustache guy, is he? But then my own personal view is - few men are. IMO, not a lot of guys can successfully rock the mustache-only look. I like a clean-shaven face or a full beard. No goatee only, no Van Dyke only. Yuck. And the beard should not be thick and shaggy, or long and wispy either. But something well-trimmed and very English professorish-looking. Also needed, a tweed jacket with elbow patches. :>) PS - the mustache does age Derick about 10 years though...
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