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Everything posted by Wellfleet

  1. When I was little - late 50s/early 60s - an old man a couple of doors away from us gave out pennies. I think you got one penny for each year of age. He was the only person on our street that gave out non-crap. We loved that guy! And this was smack in the middle of the Baby Boom. A big long street with a million kids. Gee, he might actually have spent more doing pennies that if he'd bought candy. A very nice old man...
  2. So true. I am powerless in the face of Reese's PB cups. Any size, any style, any time of year. The worst are those PB eggs they make at Easter. Those boys are really tough to resist...
  3. I'm a mad fiend for winter squash. Acorn, butternut, sweet dumpling, you name it. I have butternut squash ravioli in my freezer right now. Sometimes in the Fall I'll cut a nice smallish acorn squash in half, baked both halves with honey and some chopped pecans, then eat one half with a Romaine salad for supper and re-heat the other half the following day for lunch. Yummy-chummy.
  4. Stuffing and gravy for me too, although in our family stuffing = dressing. And I love sandwiches made the next day with turkey, dressing and a little cranberry sauce. If you want a hot sandwich, you drizzle leftover gravy on it. If you want a cold sandwich, you dab on a teaspoon or two of cranberry sauce and a little mayo. Yum. Actually any of the leftovers are awesome the next few days. The only things that never get a chance to become "leftover" are the pies - both apple and pumpkin disappear completely on T day.
  5. Delft - hope this is helpful: There are 17 threads for 19 Kids on the page, starting with 19 Questions & Counting and currently ending with Past Seasons Talk. The only way I could see you "removing" threads is that you might be sorting them so that maybe only threads with very recent posts display. Or maybe only older ones. Dunno - check your sort. It's the box directly to the right of the "eye" - looks like a bold asterisk. I have mine sorted so they all show, every time, but they're displayed [top to bottom] by Newest to Oldest activity. You can set yours up however you want them - there are a ton of options. However... if things still look different to you after you check your sort, do what every computer genius tells me to do when I've stumped them with a problem. Re-boot. When in doubt, re-boot. Computers are apparently like babies - they need to be burped to function best. Unless the re-boot brings you the Blue Screen of Death, you should be good-to-go. Good luck!
  6. Me too. My theory was that GEML has finally had enough, for a while at least, and now she has the excuse of being in Ireland. She's just decided to take a break and see Ireland. Maybe she'll be back, maybe not.
  7. My second and last job - before retirement - was at a university with 18K+ students, and we were constantly required to attend what were called digital self-defense classes. There were usually about 4 per year. I'm guessing I attended about 25-30 of them. We were instructed about ALL manner of cyber-security issues, obviously the biggest being prevention. And the biggest take-away I got over all that time? You should always assume anything you put out there in the Ether is gone forever and viewable by anyone. If not immediately, then eventually... Not my intention to be grim about all this - just realistic. One instructor told our group once - "It's just like the old line about writing. Don't put ANYTHING in writing you wouldn't want read in court..."
  8. Happy - no kidding but try honey on your son's finger. Should quicken healing, reduce pain. Most effective is unpasteurized, unprocessed. If the grocery store doesn't have any unprocessed, head to a health food store. Also if available, get manuka honey. It's pricey. My 18-ounce jar was $40 shipped. But it works and it works fast and it's 100% non-toxic. Manuka has more anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory properties than any other honey. The link below talks about honey's many uses but look particularly - duh - in the Cuts/Burns section for most relative info and how-to. And good luck to the patient, poor little lastborn. http://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/honey.html
  9. Smart... and humble too. Absolom, I hope you make a boatload of $$ at whatever it is you do for a living. You deserve it...
  10. I feel the same. Exactly. Except that my reaction was to roll-up my sleeves like President Bartlett/Martin Sheen always did after a crisis on The West Wing and ask "OK... what's next?"
  11. "Turned out pretty darn well?" You mean, they've all moved out and have jobs now? Geez, pal - even the sons-in-law don't have jobs here. Huckabee is clueless, and living in the 19th century too. What he needs is a nice pole to vault him right into the 21st century because he's clearly missed the 20th.
  12. Yes, and I'm not a mom myself - but isn't Paul a little old for one? He must be 3 or 4 by now, right? Gee, are these people EVER about doing the RIGHT thing? Or are their own needs always paramount? What would be easiest, fastest, cheapest for them? And will ensure a quiet kid at the same time...
  13. Happy - I can't wait until you get another Meryl Streep movie. Or Clooney. I'd be loving that too. Even though it would be "a degree or two" of separation [for me], I'd love that. Ah, vicarious living! ⭐️
  14. Completely agree, lookeyloo - and with frenchtoast as well. A - I really dislike shopping in crowds and B - I've never seen anything I want so badly as to risk being trampled flat. Although being old now, I have everything I need, and almost everything I want. So the issue is pretty much moot. In my 20s I would might have had a different perspective. Maybe. But I still can't see myself getting up at 3 am and standing in long cold lines to get an awesome deal on a LeCreuset Dutch oven or a Kitchen Aid stand mixer, which is what I wanted at that age.
  15. LOL - I just love the Most Interesting Man in the World... !!!
  16. Absolutely right. That last episode of 19 Kids was positively bizarre, even for them. Odd reactions, odd comments, odd glances exchanged - the Bizarro Duggar Universe. They absolutely knew something was up.
  17. Agree - excellent post. PS - I think history can show nearly EVERY immigrant group facing opposition and discrimination, at varying levels, when they first arrive in a country. ANY country. New arrivals always encounter examination, even criticism, by the established group, don't they? Whether it's immigration or a cocktail party. IMO, it really seems to be human nature. Who are these folks?
  18. Agree. Everyone looks better when they smile and little kids are no different. I'll go out on a bit of a limb too. IMO, nearly all men look their absolute best between 30-50 [for women I think this is between 15-25]. With all the capital C Crap he's going to be subjected to in his life, purely by accident of birth, I hope Izzy's going to be one hell of a handsome 40-year old. He deserves it - he never chose to join this funny farm.
  19. Freakonomics is a great book - highly recommend it. Digging out my copy as soon as I finish here...
  20. When one of them starts wearing a Phi Beta Kappa key they got from God knows where, then I'll be ticked off. But let's face it, Razorback wear is the closest they'll ever get to being college kids. And they know it, which is really really sad.
  21. Happy, you - are - an - animal, and I love it! Go get 'em...
  22. Too true. And not for nothing but Good Grief. If Wander's life over the past year had been written as a play or movie script and offered to me as a producer, I'd turn it down flat. No one would believe so much crud - so many 'life stressors' as we called them in grad school - could happen to one person in the space of just one year. And yet, they do - all the time.
  23. JenCarroll, I completely agree - except for one thing. I don't think you should say YOU "chose poorly" at times when making a donation that ended up burning you. It's never a poor choice to choose to help someone. If you gave $ help to someone who ultimately scammed you, the blame and the rottenness with that - in its entirety - rests SOLELY with the grifter, not you. Unfortunately the Internet has opened up a whole gigantic new platform for those people who are either too unskilled, too afraid or too lazy to find honest employment for themselves. And made it much easier for them as well.
  24. Agree - fuggar is positively dazzling. Should be added to the 19 Questions thread - along with any other new "vocabulary" that's been created a la the Duggars.
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