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Everything posted by Wellfleet

  1. I do the same, Nik. I've been using cloth table napkins for several years and last year I found a seller on Etsy who makes the best "unpaper towels" from white birdseye cotton. Think old-timey cloth diapers. I asked to have them made in double-thickness, and have YET to find a household job they can't tackle. HIGHLY recommend them. Plus it's so nice to be scrubbing away and not have the towel come aparts in shreds. Or fill up a trash can. This birdseye cotton is tough! I bought a dozen for the bath, a dozen for the kitchen and keep a dozen in reserve, but I know the two sets that I've opened will last a LONG time. I also bought 40 cotton "rounds" - about 2 inches in diameter - that I use in place of cotton balls or puffs. Again it's so nice to hold something substantial in your hand, and not be contributing to landfills at the same time.
  2. There are only three movies GUARANTEED to make me cry - Dumbo, Saving Private Ryan and My Dog Skip. PS - If you've never heard of My Dog Skip, I can't recommend it enough. It's a true story, as the saying goes, of a boy and his dog. And it's terrific. The boy is the now-legendary literary editor Willie Morris, growing up during WWII in Mississippi, and how his life changed when his parents got him a Jack Russell terrier. Diane Lane, Kevin Bacon. Wonderful soundtrack too. I think it was one of those direct-to-video movies because I never saw anything about it being in theaters. But I promise you, your eyes will leak...
  3. Showers all the way for me. Haven't taken a bath since I was 12 or 13, the early 70s. I just prefer the feeling of cooties and dirt sloughing off me and swirling down the drain. Although I'm much "greener" than I once was. Now I scrub up with the water off, getting all clean and soapy first. Then I stand under a solid drenching rinse of the hottest water I can comfortably tolerate for a couple of minutes. Uses much less water but feels great.
  4. This reminds me of something Jacqueline Kennedy said when she was asked why she never kept diaries or journals, and wouldn't be coming out with a book covering her own very interesting and important life. Even though she herself had worked in publishing for years after Onassis' death. She had a terrific reply which I just loved - "I wanted to live my life - not record it..."
  5. Weighing-in on the side of trick-or-treating for only those age 12 and under. There comes a time when everyone has to "put away childish things." That means giving up on some of the fun childhood activities as well as accepting some of the responsibilities and privileges of young adulthood. If an older kid still wants to trick-or-treat, he's also going to have to be willing to accept other aspects of life as a younger child - earlier bedtimes, not being allowed certain games, videos, activities etc etc. Doubtful that most of the teens out trick-or-treating will be wanting that, however. For any older kid who really wants to celebrate Halloween, I'd suggest what a very good friend of my nephew did. When he felt too old to trick-or-treat, he turned the tables. Now every year he "does" his parents' entry steps for them at Halloween. He loves doing it and does an EXCELLENT job, as you would imagine an art major would. Full-size witch dummy dressed in black with the hat, broom and black cat. Spooky sounds playing on a hidden boombox. Wonderfully-carved pumpkins. It's the talk of their neighborhood every year come October - ever since he started doing it. He did a set of Minion pumpkins last year which were adorable! We all go to see what he does the night before Halloween, before all the little kids see it the next night. Tony is 20 now and has been doing this for 8 years. Now we wonder how we'll manage when he finishes college and moves away? Sniff. His new neighbors will certainly be lucky.
  6. Grace Kelly! Hahahahaha! OMG, I only just finished laughing!! Internet moment of the day. Thanks for the guffaw, some... ⭐️
  7. Today is also National Housewife Day, so Me-chelle - this whiskey sour is for you!
  8. I understand there are plans for Derick to be shown doing even more on Instagram in the future. In development at this time - addressing an envelope, tying his shoes and brushing his teeth... LOL.
  9. That's exactly what I did. Little kids - and everyone who was polite, didn't need to be prompted to say "trick or treat" etc - got a handful of candy, rather than one chunk. And sorry, burlsa - I think you're awesome and I'm delighted you weren't out doing drugs or getting pregnant - truly. But 17 is very definitely too old to be out trick-or-treating. Unless you're babysitting a group of younger children, or carrying a UNICEF box or collecting for some other charity. IMO, 12 and under is the age range. I was 11 the last time I went out in costume and even that year I worried about being too old or looking like a jerk. But then I'm a firstborn and we worry about everything...
  10. "Baby Chucky" - LOL - laugh of the day for me!!! Bolding above is mine. It would be nice. And it would be a miracle, IMO...
  11. Somewhat off-topic - a tip I learned while working a PT job in a dept store bridal registry... Anytime you have a bright color - or even THINK a color might run - soak the item BEFORE WASHING in a bucket with cold water and ¼ cup white vinegar. Be sure the item is fully-submerged and it's best to leave it soaking overnight. The vinegar will set the color. Then wash as you normally would - although I would never wash anything colorful in hot water, and especially not the first few times. It's just too harsh. Only whites and other colors you don't mind/wouldn't notice fading should have hot water.
  12. I think Derick's problem is not lazy as much as it is immensely-shy and socially-awkward. He was done with college, he was nearly done with his "mission assignment" and he wanted a woman. That was next item up on the list. But because of what I think is probably fairly paralyzing shyness and social anxiety, he had little if anything to do with females in high school and college. He didn't get a chance to practice then - and get the fumbling portion of the game over with. Suddenly Pistol Pete knew he really WAS the 25-Year Old Virgin, and he was scared numb. So he bought into the whole fundie consult-with-Daddy-let's-see-what-courtship-is-all-about deal. He basically opted for the drive-through window method. Boob did most of the work - which you can't often say about Boob - and handed Jill to Derick in a paper bag when he stopped at the pick-up window. There was the barest minimum of effort on Derick's part - and little risk whatsoever of public embarrassment or awkwardness either. Initially everything was online, they didn't even meet face-to-face in the US, and by the time he returned from Nepal they were virtually engaged - despite what TLC continued to show at the time. The whole thing has to be one of the most passive male performances I've ever seen.
  13. IMO, poor taste and no taste are the same exact thing. And Kanye has acres of them both.
  14. Boob has looked like Barbie's Ken to me ever since the show began. Same close-cropped, 50s-era barbershop training poster, male hairstyle. Why he needs the amount of hairspray he does I'll never know. I've never known any men who use hairspray. Maybe a quarter-sized blob of gel, but not hairspray. Boob will always me Ken for me. Well, hair = Ken, face = Howdy Doody.
  15. Yes indeed - no matter who made it or what it represents.
  16. Totally agree. Freedom of speech and thought means that YOU get to think and, for the most part, say whatever you want. But so do all those folks who diametrically disagree with you. Or as Bill Maher said, "The other guy has every right to be an a** hole if that's what he wants..." LOL. Bill Maher for President!
  17. Me too, only for me it would be a reading-in-deckchairs cruise with snacks and cocktails. Although after all the horror story cruises in the past few years, I'd be nervous to book with anyone but Cunard right now.
  18. I can't imagine Zoey asking for the haircut - I honestly don't think four-year olds think about their own appearance beyond seeing themselves in a mirror - but I suppose it's possible. If she did ask, it was probably after some prompting or cajoling by Jen. "Zoey, would you like a haircut like Will has?" I'm guessing she just wanted something simpler and faster to wash and "style."
  19. LOVE - THIS - POST. I am so tired of being asked "Are you on Facebook?" for 15 years. The last 4 years I was working, I actually tacked a little blurb on my signature template for e-mails etc. The template had the typical data - name, job title, university mailing address, phone and fax numbers, my e-mail, the office URL, hours etc. And just below this information I added: Yes, it's true. I'm not on Facebook.
  20. What's even scarier are all the naive, easily-led sheep out there who buy into every hard-luck story, who never consider that these scenarios are entirely fictional and being put across by an able-bodied, healthy, terminally-lazy, morally-bankrupt adults.
  21. Great post. And malignant narcissism is a phrase that will definitely reverberate in my thinking re the Duggars...
  22. Good grief. If that is the reason why Victoria Beckham never smiles, I can only say this. Victoria, who cares? Really. Who gives a damn how well-preserved you are or how beautiful you remain as you age - if to achieve it, you have to look miserable all the time?
  23. Bolding above is mine. Enjoy the lime, kid. It's the last piece of fresh produce you're going to see for Quite-A-While. Edited to add - Although, on second thought... maybe not. I'm sure the Dillards won't be able to get "canned everything" in Central America. And there won't be any room-sized freezer units available to them either. They may be forced to give the Iz fresh food. All that fruit they grow in that part of the world! It doesn't get fresher than that. Israel will become spoiled for fresh bananas, pineapple etc. Maybe he'll refuse to settle for a Duggar diet when they come back permanently. And that's a good thing.
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