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Everything posted by Wellfleet

  1. I never warmed up to Tom Cruise, but before now, I could never pinpoint why. Twas a mystery - actually made me feel a little bad sometimes too. But not anymore. I think it was "bad vibes" from the beginning, and that I should trust my own "gut" reactions a little more.
  2. Ben really DOES needs to learn to write. But IMO, that ship has sailed. It will never happen for Ben. You can't be a good writer unless you read a lot, you read all the time and you have read all kinds of different things too. Almost without exception, good writers were voracious readers first. However it seems pretty clear Ben is not a reader, and that what he has read has been pretty much the Bible only [along with a little bit of other religious writing]. I don't think he could develop good writing skills at this point unless he suddenly starts to read everything he can get his hands on, and starts opening up his mind too - and I don't think Boob would be very happy about that. Or Steve Carell either, for that matter.
  3. I'll take it one step further. I think that old Bill did more than hear about the "good old days." I bet he lived them. Something tells me he was raised in a very strict and extremely-repressed Victorian-era way. In every single respect. Women did as the men expected - they married, raised babies, cared for the home. From sun-up to long after sundown. They always wore dresses - and probably a lot more underwear than most other women of their time. They did not go to college, maybe not even high school. They never even considered it a possibility. They were never in the company of men without a male chaperone from their own families either. Sound familiar? Oh yeah, the men were men too, dammit! And PS - the sheep were nervous...
  4. Yah. That breakfast is exactly Derick's speed. Of course we can't expect him to be up to Me-chelle's skill level yet - scrambling eggs is a ways off for Derick, I'm afraid...
  5. I'm the same way. Anything happening with an animal will get to me FAR faster and deeper than a human having the same problem. It's odd, and sometimes makes me feel badly. But I can't help it. Lately I've been thinking it's because animals can't talk and tell us what's wrong, or what they need, or whatever. So we just automatically ascribe nothing but positive and loving vibes from them. ???
  6. Wow, there were DOGS with the Navy Seals that went after Osama? No kidding - that's wild. And awesome. One more reason for me to love dogs [ and I do]. My mom said I used to nap on our first dog when I was little. I was my parents' second child - Duchess came 5 months before me. I still miss her, and I was 16 when she died. Sniff.
  7. Next you have to try making white sauce [garlic sauce] for your pizza - you will believe you're in Heaven! For God's sake, not Ben Carson - LOL! Seriously, when it comes to Ben Carson, I want a second opinion...
  8. My two cents, FWIW. I think everyone should post, and read, exactly what he or she wants here. And should not feel bad about it, either way. If you're having a health problem, tell us. Maybe someone here has experienced the very same thing. If you need to vent about an issue of any kind, do it. Personally I've sometimes received some terrific ideas on how to proceed with "X" after inadvertently flipping my lid in front of friends. And good news is always welcome. Tell us when you're having a baby, or a new grandchild is on the way, or your husband bought you flowers. By the same token, no one is required to read every single post, every single day. Read what you find interesting, funny, compelling. Skip the bad news if you can't contribute something positive, or when it would just bring you down. That's cool too. Unlike fundie females, we are not required to pretend that everything is Sweetness and Light all the time.
  9. Wow, I thought I was the only person left on the planet who did not care for "open concept." I like separate rooms, cozy rooms where a door can be closed and quiet descends. PS - I don't like those 2-story great rooms that seem to be so popular now. Who wants to pay to heat [or cool] all that unnecessary space?? Mostly I like having my separate dining room with a pocket door into the kitchen. A door that can be closed when I'm having guests and the kitchen is wrecked, but we're all still sitting around, having coffee and dessert and then a little more coffee and dessert - and awesome conversation. I don't want to sit there looking at the mess I'll have to clean up after they they all go home.
  10. Burlsa - may I recommend the Earth Clinic website? http://www.earthclinic.com It was there that I finally found out what was causing my rosacea and also how to treat it. After having it and struggling for 20 years. We humans are all so different that what works beautifully for A doesn't do a thing for B, much of the time. So it eventually occurred to me that I really needed to do some research. And it worked, although it's taken a year of experimenting to figure what my skin likes, and what it doesn't. And bonus - I'm not using anything expensive or toxic to treat it either. This is something I love - that's invaluable. I'm not saying you'll find what you need and even if you do, you may have to do some heavy-duty research first. But I read a great deal on Earth Clinic that never would have crossed my mind otherwise. Lots of ideas and possibilities from others who have had similar experiences. And there's no substitute for that. Two heads really are better than one. And of course, 1000s of heads are even better. Good luck and keep us posted.☀️
  11. This is what I wonder too. Has Josh really hauled his bee-hind - or is this just conjecture? No one really seems to know. At the rate we're going, I honestly think this forum will know before any of the tabloids. We have some awesomely-skilled and intrepid hunters in this group.
  12. Did you check out the reviews? Very positive across the board - and the color is just dazzling...
  13. Your 'Yoda' story reminded me. Twenty years ago, my sisters and I called our new nephew "Yoda" - secretly - for the first few months of his life because he had been born with the characteristic ears of my paternal grandmother's relatives. Most of them had ears placed directly perpendicular to their skulls. As my Mom said, the "sugar bowl" or "cream soup cup" look - LOL. Not pointy-ended like the real Yoda, however. We were careful not to let our SIL hear us though, and thankfully the little guy grew out of that phase in fairly-short order. By 6 months or so, his ears had flattened against his head nicely and he had a headful of blond curls like Harpo Marx - no kidding. Once in a while the 3 of us debate whether my SIL - who is very conscious of physical appearance - put a soft headband or something around his ears overnight for the first months. He is really a good-looking kid now, and really always has been.
  14. Amit - found your Joseph's Coat roses. And OMG, are they gorgeous! Hope this is helpful... http://www.heirloomroses.com/roses/josephs-coat.html
  15. Wow - very interesting. So basically, the bottom line here is that A Mommy's Butterfly - which I'm assuming consists of several midwives in their area, a midwifery practice? - is saying "Don't blame us for the Jill and Jessa birth experiences. Neither one of these girls takes birthing advice very well..." ??? Gee, I wonder which it was...
  16. I still have no idea what the future holds for Josh - none. Up to now he hasn't shown much of a propensity for hard work and achieving goals, so the possibility that he'll eventually overcome really doesn't seem very likely. But there's one thing I am sure about. Boob feels absolutely no responsibility for Josh's situation whatsoever. He was the perfect father. He did everything right. He did everything right MULTIPLE times too. But Satan still hasn't released the Golden Child. I think Boob is thinking, "It's Me-chelle's fault - we're still paying for that damn husband-stealing, lawn-mowing high school bikini..."
  17. I'm waiting for the one bit of news that I think MIGHT trump all other Duggar stories this year - maybe of any year. That Josh has had all-male "experiences" too. This would absolutely render Boob catatonic. What could he possibly say? I can't imagine anyone in the family or even extended family tackling this. Oh wait - I forgot about TFDW.
  18. Boob has to be one of the last people on Earth that I can imagine actually taking advice from anyone else. Anyone - including his own family and friends. He has some kind of toxic sense of superiority - and where that came from is beyond me. Unless he really was raised as the Golden Male Child in his family. Nope, unless it coincides perfectly with his own thinking, Boob is going to do exactly what Boob thinks he should do. I think he honestly believes his reactions, impulses and solutions are always correct and always godly - no matter what the situation. I think he'd cross Got-hard himself if he didn't agree with his assessment of what to do.
  19. Yep, I have to say I'd give a lot right now to have mind-reading capabilities for just an hour or so, if it meant I'd be able to know what Boob & Me-chelle were actually thinking and saying. In the privacy of their own home, and without any 'blessings' within earshot.
  20. Yes to all of this. In fact, I can't believe there isn't already some kind of a morality clause in the TLC contract. But then again, TLC doesn't seem to do business the way other networks do, so maybe they DON'T have that. However, I'd still like to hear TLC senior management explain why they bounced Honey Boo-Boo off within a day or two, yet continue to cling to the Duggars, despite all of Josh's issues and the continuing bad press they've been receiving - since people have begun taking a longer, deeper look at "America's biggest family."
  21. I think San Francisco and Boston are the only two cities I'd ever move to without a great deal of grumbling. Any other move of mine would have to be a country move - Vermont, Maine, any part of coastal Massachusetts or the Berkshires, coastal northern California [Monterey, Big Sur etc]. Apparently, I'm very very picky...
  22. Skittl - I love your idea of remembering your baby boy with a tree ornament. If I may, can I suggest planting a tree too? This was something which really helped a friend of mine who lost a pre-term baby boy in the early 80s. She and her husband planted a gingko tree in their little boy's memory and STILL live in the same house. They've been able to watch that beautiful little sapling grow taller and stronger every year, and apparently gingkos are one of the "best performers" when it comes to Fall foliage, so they have that to look forward to every year as well. Sometimes I even think they've remained in that house specifically because of the tree. They planted it where they'd be able to easily see it from their breakfast/casual eating area, and from time to time when I stop by to have coffee, we always sit there to yack - and look out on "David's tree."
  23. Your new house DOES sound great, some! I predict you'll have the BEST time fixing it up and making it all your own. PS - that picket fence would clinch the deal for me. Get yourself some Jackson & Perkins miniature climbing roses to plant alongside it and in a few years things will look like you've lived there for 30 years. FYI - this climber below is named "America." Gorgeous.
  24. Happy - my brother and SIL just installed very dark bamboo flooring throughout their whole first floor, it looks great and they love it. SIL's only complaint is that the dark color shows every little bit of fluff, cat hair etc. But she's OCD and just keeps a Swiffer and her Shark handy all the time. Looks really nice, the dark color adds a cool but formal feel. One kid is done with college and the second is ½ way through, so they're replacing a lot of beat-up kid-trampled furniture too and having fun doing that. Bamboo is also good for the environment, very sustainable etc. You can even get it wet to a certain extent without worries. I have a bunch of nice bamboo cutting boards that clean up beautifully. Obviously don't leave them to soak in water, but you can use a hot soapy dishrag and get them very clean with no worries about warping etc. Hope this is helpful for you... My sister's Golden retriever LOVES ice cubes and races to the kitchen anytime someone goes near the ice dispenser in the fridge door - and he hears the sound of ice dropping into a glass. He also loves celery and Romaine lettuce - no kidding. We've decided he's the Jack LaLanne of the canine world - very health-conscious. Oy. A girl, I hope?
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