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Everything posted by Wellfleet

  1. Yes indeed, but he was BORN knowing that he knew everything. LOL - but no kidding too. And yes, it's been my experience that the 20-somethings definitely do outgrow this phase. At least, the more intelligent ones do. Sorry to say I've also known my share of 60-somethings who still believe they hold to keys to Life in their arthritic hands as well.
  2. I'm almost positive the Duggars watch commercial TV, perhaps all they want of it. Their speech patterns include words and phrases that they just wouldn't know otherwise, at least not IMO. While the kids are far from sounding like "normal" American teens and 20-somethings, it just doesn't seem likely that the Duggar kids would know the language I hear them using from time to time, without being somewhat attuned to popular culture. And we know they're not hanging out at McDonald's, the library or the mall. My theory is that, despite what they say, they are - and have been - watching TV.
  3. I think Boob would pretty much say "Wow" for any place where you weren't allowed to seat yourself. The bar here, we must remember, is subterraneanly-low. In fact, Boob's head would probably fall off if he was ever taken to any restaurant where the tables and chairs are not bolted to the floor.
  4. Just wondering - is your niece in her 20s? They're usually the ones with all the answers. I know I sure was... PS - to all fellow posters [lurkers too]. If you celebrate anything at this time of year, here's to the merriest and most wonderful of them! And may December 2016 find us ALL in a far more peaceful world.
  5. Why the one-up-manship? Because it's all they have. It's the only sphere of accomplishment open to females. The only one the men will ever be impressed with - or at least impressed with out loud. And PS - if fundie men could have babies, the females wouldn't even be able to compete in childbirth.
  6. Once again, all that isolation worked against Joshie. If he ever had any real friends, he'd probably be aware of the fact that most people - and all of the smart people - don't use their real names online. Especially on the kind of websites he was visiting. You blew it, Boob & Me-chelle. You protected Josh away from the cold cruel world and he still managed to screw up royally. Twice. You're a ringing endorsement of the Gothard way... Once again, all that isolation worked against Joshie. If he ever had any real friends, he'd probably be aware of the fact that most people - and all of the smart people - don't use their real names online. Especially on the kind of websites he was visiting. You blew it, Boob & Me-chelle. You protected Josh away from the cold cruel world and he still managed to screw up royally. Twice. You're a ringing endorsement of the Gothard way...
  7. Yes, but Spurge is born on the next episode. That could bring a larger audience - although there's nothing new or interesting about the Duggars having a baby.
  8. I'd pity the students in his class, but this is true. I could easily see Derick employed teaching English.
  9. My question as well. Just what would the last straw be? I think they will be back together for a while, maybe a few years, maybe not quite that long. But I just don't think Josh can do the upright-Christian, Dudley Do-Right husband and father bit. Not for long stretches of time. I think he loved living in Washington, out from under Boob's control [and pursestrings], away from the car lot and all the travel and opportunities the FRC position offered him. Like the proverbial traveling salesman, he could easily live a double life having that kind of job. Anna at home taking care of his kids - and himself - away from home for nights at a time - sitting in a hotel bar waiting for whatever. I think he's truly kicking himself for wrecking that situation. For what he wanted, he had it made.
  10. Derick should try to get a job in Central America - it seems pretty clear he's in his element in his current "free soul" missionary lifestyle. He's the type who just can't tolerate a cube farm existence, office politics, etc. Which does seem to make accounting a darned odd choice for him. I mean, not a lot of call for itinerant accountants out there. However, teaching would be an unlikely option for several reasons. His only credential is a BS in accounting. He had less than a year's experience in the corporate environment, and he's not working in accounting now. More than likely, he'd find it difficult to get adjunct/part-time teaching work - both in the US and elsewhere. But I'm sure there are things he could do if he wanted to stay in CA on a long-term basis. He could make it work, but he'd have to do it, and I think Derick has coasted along with others helping him, and for some very major things. Boob got him his wife, his mother the WalMart job - donors are providing his very living right now. He doesn't exactly strike me as determined, resourceful or self-confident. IMO, the only time he sounds competent and knowledgeable is when he's discussing Bible verses. He should have gone to divinity school.
  11. 100% agree. My first question was "Why doesn't Jill schedule her Spanish lesson for Israel's nap time?" She really is looking slower and slower lately. Seriously. she clearly can't manage, using Duggar ways, in the real world. Any other mother - anywhere - would have planned for the baby to be asleep or off with Miss Cathy or something else when the Spanish teacher came a-calling. I think you are spot-on, Jen. Jill has serious questions about her own ability to learn Spanish, and might even be questioning her so-called home education. They'll be back in Arkansas permanently within a year, if Jill gets her way.
  12. IMO, Anna was trying to convince herself - more than anyone else - of what she was saying to the camera. She seemed to be towing the fundie line now, or trying to. She probably feels completely flattened by Josh's betrayal and somewhat steamrolled by the Duggars and maybe even her own parents too. I hope she gets to a point where she realizes just how angry she really is, because Josh isn't the only one who cheated on Anna. Her own parents have done just as crappy a job raising their kids as the Duggars did. But I honestly don't know whether Anna will ever wake up to that fact. I doubt it. I think she's had a toxic amount of that Koolaid.
  13. That's also Boob's theory about learning a new language. Serious study is not really necessary, especially for Duggars who have better things to do. Just pronounce your English words with a Spanish accent, adding an "o" to the end of many words [road-o, game-o, food-o etc] - and You Are Set. When I was teaching first grade, my district added Spanish to the curriculum and no exaggeration at all, but my kids were leaps and bounds ahead of Frick and Frack here. Derick's progress has been slow at best, and Jill's - practically negligible.
  14. IMO, this is SOP for TLC, especially with the Duggar show. Someone on TLC's payroll must get extra $$ if he/she can squeeze in previously-unused footage. Which this individual seems able to do often, especially since TLC is not at all picky about making sense and fitting with the context of the "scene."
  15. Something else that IMO, there's no question about whatsoever. David may or may not be gay, but either way he clearly has a crush on Josh. Or at least he did at one time.
  16. Wow, but this really does seem to be the case. Spot-on observation, bitter. Jill, who has essentially been in training to care for babies and young children nearly all her life, has apparently not picked things up well at all. She can't manage to do - for her own child - what she did for her siblings, at least in part. Good grief, Ma & Pa - what do you two have to say for yourselves now?
  17. Of course it is. The Duggars have never had any intention to adopt a child. Of any color, of any age, from any country, with disabilities or not. They are, however, desperate for anything to keep them "in the news" at any level. Whether it's true or not.
  18. IMO, not much chance of that. What Amy has is a baby. She's pushing 30, she's got to get those reproductive organs earning their keep.
  19. I keep my house between 66 and 70 degrees year-round. And I like to feel the air moving, so I have a Vornado compact fan in every room and when they're on low, they make no sound at all. Very easy to fall asleep in hot weather if I have a fan on me. But I always end up waking up a little later and turning it off. I use cotton flannel sheets all year too. People are usually surprised but I don't find the flannel too warm in the Summer, probably because I have the fan on me so much. LOL. I just love the flannel's brushed softness. In the Summer I cover with just the cotton flannel flat sheet - usually no blankets. In the Winter I have the cotton flannel flat sheet, a down blanket and then a cotton waffle-weave blanket over that. The comforter gets folded at the foot of the bed.
  20. You guys with the annoying ads - try 'AdBlock.' I have a MacBook Pro and love the AdBlock - I see absolutely nothing ad-wise on the Prev TV pages since installing it. I'm not sure if it's available for PCs, but I can't imagine that it's not. It's doesn't block ALL ads on all websites, but to me it's worth just having Prev TV cleaned up. Give it a try, you won't regret it.
  21. I have 3 different CDs of weather sounds - mainly thunder. Distant quiet rumbles and big storms, soft pitter-patter rain on the sidewalk and windows - torrential downpour rain and everything in between. And it is incredibly-soothing to listen to while falling asleep...
  22. I used to peg the Duggars with junior high or early high school maturation levels - Boob & Me-chelle included. But in the last few years, I've amended my thinking. I was giving them too much credit. IMO, none of them have passed elementary school in the maturity department. Ten, eleven years old tops. When I was teaching fours, fives and sixes, I learned there was one sure-fire way to get the kids to laugh. And I'm talking cracked-up belly-laughing. Just stand in the front of the group, get their attention and then say, quietly and clearly, one of three words. Toilet, booger or underwear. Any of these would do it and with kids this small, it's really fun. After a while it became a way to settle the group - eventually - because in the middle of a noisefest, some brave soul would invariably yell - "Mrs Wellfleet, say booger to us!" No kidding - LOL. Anyway I have often thought of this while watching 19Kids and believe that - despite the huge age difference, Boob, Josh and the rest of the Duggar boys probably have the same reaction to "booger." I believe he teaches it - because he's insane - but then why do the sick fundies still see doctors, undergo treatment etc? If God caused them to be ill, isn't God the only person who can cure them? And there's that pesky logic that keeps on popping up...
  23. Wouldn't you HAVE to be mentally ill to marry Jim-Bob Duggar? Just kidding - partially.
  24. Oh dear. I'll have to check out this pouf. Hadn't noticed it, but then I tend to listen to the Duggars, more than watch them.
  25. Excellent point. So once again, I'll point to the extremely-feeble TLC management/crew. Do they think - AT ALL - about what they're filming and ultimately airing? Seriously. More than a few times, I've been sitting there thinking - "Is TLC deliberately trying to sink the Duggars? I can't believe they're airing this..." I have actually wondered if Boob had finally made himself such a monumental PITA that TLC felt like they had to scuttle the Duggars, rather than wait until they finally sank themselves into oblivion.
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