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Everything posted by Adultosaurus

  1. We do let kid siblings talk to adult siblings like that - don't pretend that Southern manners dictate Nikolai should be "ma'am"ing Stassi...she's his sister, not his parent. Shay is not even attractive, not merely "not hot" - and he seems really, super dim.
  2. I think the only way they can stretch this into another season is to have Kelsey collude with Liza and continue the lie...which is really disappointing but I suppose they had an end-game in mind when they started writing the reveal.
  3. Not sure if this has been answered before, apologies if it's an old topic. What is the demo for this show? Is it older women like Liza (with an empathetic nod to the age range) or millenial with a judgmental view toward a middle-aged woman? Not the writing, the audience.
  4. As much as I enjoy Nico being on my screen, I'm actually surprised they gave his character as much emotional gravity as they did. I would have preferred him being a fun fling/friend for a 40-year old woman than where they ended up taking it. Not only is Liza 40, she's an otherwise (lie notwithstanding) seemingly really mature 40 year old - so it was always hard to buy that he would be as interested in her as they made it out to be. The recap states it very well - the female relationships in this show are far more interesting and thought-out than then male-female dynamic.
  5. This entire bit was the most ridiculous in the entire episode.
  6. http://jezebel.com/the-hamlet-of-montauk-is-also-extremely-embarrassed-to-1790091696?rev=1481736688483&utm_campaign=socialfow_jezebel_twitter&utm_source=jezebel_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow
  7. Hayes Pullard, who plays for the Jaguars, is the football player but I thought he was an ex?
  8. (Watching on delay) - STING, please don't be on WHHL. Ugh.
  9. Instagram "Influencers"? Probably something else but they are all over social media.
  10. So who thinks Bravo is trotting out the Wirkus Twins on VR for a future franchise?
  11. SO much to hate on these people for...and you choose BMI?
  12. Well, she was going to work out, so it's possible - but eww.
  13. I was looking for something bad to happen when Diana's new bf asked for her key - they even gave him a sketch moment before they cut away from the scene. Hillary Duff's stylist should be re-assigned. Josh is fantastic eye-candy but the storyline has surpassed ridiculous.
  14. Kate has a book... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01NCJIZCN/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_awdo_x_aPesybD03XY3R
  15. I don't like Katie, either - but side-eyeing the hell out of this statement.
  16. I think that was a series finale, y'all.
  17. Ugh, Ben and his BAY BAY shit. He's such an anachronism that isn't relevant anymore. He needs a new schtick.
  18. Serhant (Million Dollar NY) is getting his own show, plus like 5 other new Bravo shows.
  19. I read something different - Bravo franchises were renewed before the current season ended. I think BD is dead.
  20. It hasn't been renewed....so I think we just watched a series finale.
  21. Your reference is all over the place and...? I don't think BD had guest stars...really? Just Bravo-adjacent people.
  22. Calling it now, BD won't be back for another season. BUT, I'll just bet the cast members will show up in other Bravo shows.
  23. I'm not sure this is a shame on Kyle as it is a shame on the producers. They really wanted the trans storyline, but they didn't control the cast well enough.
  24. Actually, they get 2 days off in between, according to the sloppy tweeting of the "cast". I think Bravo really dropped the ball with the BD "cast" this season because they didn't control the social media posts. Maybe that contributed to the non-renewal and the non-reunion?
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