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Everything posted by ganesh

  1. It means when people say, "well, this show has officially jumped the shark." It's usually something fairly mundane on a show that requires a high suspension of disbelief. Typically, people misuse the term
  2. What's worse is when a show "officially jumps the shark." Especially when it's a show about zombies or dragons.
  3. Ugh. There was quite the tête-à-tête over at the old place between people who thought FD was The Best Evar and those of us who understood that she was being shoehorned in to plots where she shouldn't be. TPTBs basically just foisted Felica Day Character into the cast rather than creating a character played by Felicia Day. It's really a shame because I've seen some of her you tube channel, and she's funny and charismatic. Just terribly integrated into the show.
  4. I think they killed her off because they just didn't know what else to do with the character. It's not a "natural" character death to me than it is poor creativity. "Well, we have to kill someone off." Not necessarily. The "hostage" exchange could have been done without a hitch to show that there's still some organized society left in the world. If you're killing off a character in order to generate new material for other characters, I think you're doing a poor job. My UO to this type of thing is that GOT is practically farce with how many character deaths they have. Yes, stupid people tend to die because they're stupid, but lots of times people do get lucky. It can get silly after a while. I'm not really seeing much difference between S1 to the middle of S2, where I am now. It's not a character study show. It never was. The problem is, by now, I've seen Crane et al., react and thwart the bad guys' plans a little too often. The good guys need a few victories in there. The narrative complacency can cause viewers to look for other things that weren't intended to be there.
  5. Why isn't the thread labeled with the episode number? The marriage is actually legit. Mozzie said they had a justice of the peace. His ex wife was the "roper" for the con. They were legally married, and she [con] wanted to get married to someone else, so she tracked Mozzie down to get a legal divorce. Knowing he would flip out, which set the whole con in motion. Though, I agree that this came out of the blue. This could have been a great running gag throughout the series, to wrap up now.
  6. I'm doubtful Stan's "lesson" will stick in the first place because that's just not how sitcoms work anyway. I don't mind the AWL spoof, but they should have gone way more over the top. Did it need to be from Stan's pov, or could it have been another character for a change?
  7. No one was denying that Capshaw killed the wife though and they had an eyewitness. Susan rolled the hard six on Reid just imploding. Drake was shown to be more leveled headed this episode so I'm surprised he just let Capshaw go, rather than, hang on to him and let's figure this out.
  8. They did in 3.1, but I think that was it since S1 with the cop who thought everyone was JTR. I don't get how they just let Capshaw go. I get that Reid was WTF, but I figured Drake would at least arrest him and Jackson would follow Reid to the shop. Now their only eye witness (again) is dead and Capshaw gets away with a train robbery, at least negligent for the accident, and probably second degree murder/involuntary manslaughter. Long Susan is *cold*. Even Jackson was appalled. She is quite the crime boss now. Talk about good by ill gotten means. I do like Jackson's new gf too. The whole "feed me roast meat...defile me in unspeakable ways" was hilarious. Then when Jackson was screaming at Reid, she was like turned on by whole scene. I always liked the reporter. I'm glad he's still around, and he's legit on the case, not stirring up shit. And it's only been two episodes! This show is rocking pretty hard. I *need* Jackson's blue coat.
  9. Just another day at the office for Chelsea.
  10. ^Which I don't really think is a problem. It's not like I don't watch a show and only go to online to talk about it. I don't think live tweeting during a show is that big of a deal. However, I do agree with their point that the commentary is bigger than the quality of the entertainment is true, and very true of current pop stars. I would have liked to see more Randy/Lorde at the concert jawing with the other stars than with the kids because I think the first two scenes of them + Cartman's thing got the point across. I think the Wendy Williams show wasn't really necessary. The whole hologram subplot is great. The entire Randy plots this season has been some of their best stuff. So everyone in the family knows Randy is Lorde but the sister?
  11. I've only watched one episode of Sonic Highways, but it was really good. Foo Fighters isn't my kind of music, but I was riveted. I have to find the time to finish off the series. It's not like I don't think musicians aren't smart people, but I was surprised how sharp Grohl is in the series. The breast cancer lady was a really good sport too. I was surprised how straight she played the whole interview.
  12. That's different. Actors can tweet about what they want, but if they're putting out hateful garbage, I'm out. It's 2014 and people need to grow up. We had this this whole thing on different sites off FB about Orson Scott Card when Ender's Game came out as a movie. No one will dispute that it's a sci fi classic book, but the guy was on the board of some hate group that spends money for anti-marriage equality garbage. Sorry dude. Not seeing the movie, not buying any of your books. I have to draw the line on that. The movie didn't do well enough to warrant a sequel and there's tons of books in that series.
  13. My UOs today are that the Jane and Lisbon pairing on The Mentalist was not "natural" just because TPTB said so on social media. It was a plot device because the show was winding down and they didn't really have many other ideas and figured why the hell not. I'm not a shipper, and I don't like the show enough to care, but "natural" is a pile of BS. I'm of the mind that it's irrelevant what actors, showrunners et al., say in social media about the show; if it's not on the screen, it doesn't count. Showrunners use social media far far too much on many shows as a supplement to the aired episodes. I think the viewing of a show is greatly affected if one has the outside comments in the back of their mind. To that end, I think it's hilariously ridiculous that TPTBs on TWD had to come out and say that Daryl isn't gay [see what I did there?]. For one, way to marginalize some of your viewers by telling them they don't count. For the other, I haven't seen anything on the screen that tells me what his sexuality is either way. So, sorry, TPTBs, but nope.
  14. I have to laugh because it's so pathetic how Obama is fit into the latest rant of the day. He's the Imperial President, but then he's completely ineffectual and weak on Syria and can't out-bully Putin.
  15. That's an obvious one though. Others aren't. All sound stupid.
  16. First of all, if you're an adult and do this, you should ask someone to backhand you. But I mean, who decides if it's Spuffy? Why not Bike? Is there some naming authority like with the comets and the planets, and moons? I rarely ship anyone, and I rarely think when couples are canonically shipped that it's "natural". Unless it was planned from the get go, it's usually a hack. People can like what they like about a show, but using these smooshed names like Spuffy goes to Vegas, makes them come off like vapid teens.
  17. Oh good. I only saw the trailer. I must have missed it.
  18. Who decides how two characters' names are smooshed together? Why was this a thing in the first place?
  19. I've only seen 3.1, but I was floored that Susan was behind it all. I'm also interested if they're going to unite the 3 eventually, since it was pretty clear that they solved the case in about 45 seconds when they were together. I think it was a good idea to shake up the dynamic though; Drake can't and shouldn't be the 'lackey' anymore. I liked seeing the reporter return and the big cop with the red beard. I really like the move to Reid being more forensic and evidence-based in the crime solving, since they were alluding to that a lot in the prior series. He's really all in on it now.
  20. Is the full xmas special streaming anywhere?
  21. I don't think too many people were upset that Beth died. The whole back half of the season was plotted out rather poorly. There's a line you have to toe where you have a show universe where death is common, but you can overdo it and it loses its punch. I tend to think character deaths are being overdone because TPTBs don't really know what to do with a particular character. Killing someone off is as much lazy writing as anything.
  22. I thought it was too Stan-focused though I did like the "real family" twist. I'd like either the family verse xmas, like the big shootout with Santa, or the family being more involved in most of the show. I have a hard time thinking Francine would be so uptight hosting the party. She was kind of insufferable. I picture her fussing around beforehand getting set up and then drinking too much.
  23. There's tons of fun to have online snarking on a show. I mean, DaVinci's Demons is batshit; it's got its moments, but, I mean, blind Dracula on fire getting thrown out of a window. Not to mention the massive hoyay. The forum is a romp, but no one would really argue that it's not a silly show. He invented the parachute and jumped off a mountain ffs. What I'm saying is because we're in a such a cynical veiwing paradigm that crossing that line is more and more frequent. I question whether people are really watching the show that's being aired.
  24. That's basically what I'm getting at. It seems there's more that than legit criticisms about writing, pacing, etc. I think it's becoming farcical with all the deaths on GOT, but bitching about it is kind of short sighted on my part because that's been the show m/o from E1. People can say whatever they want but I tend to think a large part of it is what they think the show is and what it actually is. As part of that, "well this show had officially jumped the shark" needs to be retired immediately.
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