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Posts posted by stafford

  1. My web based applications have been screwed up for weeks. I think the problems are finally resolved and I can rejoin my favorite political forum (and no, I don't live in my parents basement as Joe would describe their "haters"). I caught a bit of the show this morning. I too, was shocked that Mika was so "pretend" excited about attending the Super Bowl given their previous comments about the NFL and how Commisioner Goodell should resign. Such hypocrites. I only wish the halftime show would include Bill Cosby, Chris Christie, Bob McDonnell, Mark Sanford, and the police officer in Furgeson --all such good guys and friends of Joe and Mika. Ahem, maybe it's time to rethink your friendship standards...just saying...

    Having grown up in Michigan I enjoyed the segment on the couple in Flint and the non-profit that was rehabbing old school buildings into affordable housing for seniors. These are the stories that are so under reported because what...they look like community organizing gone wild and fight the narrative that organizing communities isn't a real American job or necessary if you have rich American businessmen doing what they think is right for disadvantage communities.

    So Joe, how's adopting Detroit coming along? Have you made one iota of a difference except paying the limo driver to drive you to an event and then right back to the airport? Hmmm, maybe if they were offered owners seats to a Tiger, Piston, Lions, or Red Wings game they might stick around? Or how about the FORD Foundation actually moving back to Michigan from NYC when the young scions of the Ford Company decided NYC had groovier parties as Detroit and their worker crumbled? Naw, that's just crazy talk.

    • Love 6
  2. I was just disgusted by the rhetoric this morning. The media all but ignores the fact that this guy shot his girlfriend before going to NY. Did he do that in retaliation for Michael Brown? No. He was a deranged man with a history of criminal activity but the media refuses to tell that story but focuses on his Instagram where he tries to justify his actions as retaliation for Michael Brown.

    Darrien Warren was eloquent in trying to separate the incidents and when Joe challenged it he responded by saying it diverts the conversation from police/community relations which basically caused Joe to shut him off. I thought the head of the police union saying Deblassio has blood on his hands was reckless and a disservice to those officers brutally assinated by a criminal. I thought it was brave of the one family to ask the mayor to speak at the funeral when the head of the Union said he shouldn't show up.

    I had to turn it off.

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  3. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do with out you guys. I was so incensed by Joe's comments on Bill Cosby that I had to turn it off. I agree with everything you guys stated. Mika's ever helpful comments that while 20 women have come forward they all could be using the same story as reported by the press and some of the women are not "credible". Sam Stien tried to helpful but I even thought he was too wishy-washy. Joe is out and out crazy if he thinks the Prosecutors can open up these cases again and get to the "facts".

    Why is it so hard to say Cosby is a slim ball and should have been locked up if the stories are true? Both Mika and Joe live in a bubble if they think that the women that came forward got their 15 minutes of fame (like that's the most important thing to women). I'd like to know what makes a witness credible in a rape case? Hmmm...white and well educated?

    I've said this before that I have abhored Cosby ever since he turned his unrecognized daughter in for extortion--after all he paid the mother off so why should he care about his offspring? He was the victim. Don't get me started on his Stockholm Syndrome wife.

    And apparently one lousy article in Rolling Stone proves that women make this shit up. I get the sense that Joe "doth protest too much".

    • Love 8
  4. You guys crack me up. A few years ago in my car my son let lose with the "F" word. I pulled over and started the "lecture". He and my daughter started to laugh and said "Where do you think we learned that word...every morning when you are watching MJ!" I was red faced for sure. I blame Joe and Mika.

    Edited to add that my daughter showed up at my house in 2008 at 5:00 AM so we could be first in line to vote for Barack Obama--so something stuck other than swear words.

    • Love 11
  5. I haven't watched The View but does Cackles keep her mouth shut most of the time on The View? I swear she was making up for lost airtime this morning as she cut everyone off and talked over everyone trying to get their point across. Ha, she even cut Joe off. She raised some totally outrageous points which Howard Dean tried to counter but then ended the segment by saying that Howard said she was right so no need to discuss it any further.

    Joe says he's totally onboard with LeBrone wearing the "I can't breath" T-shirts but NOT with the hands up in the air "Don't shoot" gesture. He then added an odd caveat that it should be okay for a player to wear "Abortion is murder" and that liberals should take heed. I don't think he's really onboard with athletes making any political statements.

    I really don't like the guys from Politico.

    • Love 2
  6. Can anyone tell me why the Ebola "Scandal" (other wise known as the Republicans and the Press stating repeatedly that President Obama's mishandled the situation) is no longer a crisis one month after the mid-terms? Did they cure everyone in West Africa and ban American health care workers/ citizens from returning the the U.S. from West Africa? Is Chris Christie greeting all flights at the Newark airport and secretly imprisoning people so he can protect NJ residents from this plague?

    I guess Dr. Nancy was interviewed by Matt Lauer last week where she apologized for "scaring" the public...once again not owning any personal responsibility just sorry to have frightened stupid people. Even though there appears to be no medical reason to be quarantined only to monitor her temp she went into a voluntary quarantine and broke her promise to her bosses and the public. She's still dead to me.

    I'm just so curious why the media has dropped this story and Joe has moved on to other "scandals". OMG Joe and Mika tried to defend Bill Cosby this morning as a counterpoint to the lousy reporting by Rolling Stone on the UVA rape epidemic. They decry "still no charges!"...ummm...statue of limitations has run out and yet they talk about one of the women trying to extort money from Cosby recently. You know, according to Joe it's a "he said, she said" situation and yet these blowhards wonder why women don't report sexual assault. Look, if even 20 percent of the allegations are true that's still sexual assault.

    • Love 8
  7. Nextiteration, I'm sure the MSNBC brass forced Joe to have Sharpton on to stem Joe's racist hemorrhage. I really hate it when Joe says something like "Al and I agree on 99.9 percent of everything" as if that makes it okay to spew racist remarks.

    I also thought Donnie and the rest were insane to compliment the NYC protestors. WTF? As you said no one complimented the Furgeson protestors but the NYC protestors looked (at least to me) like there were a lot of white, well dressed people. As I recall Joe was outraged that protestors shut down the exit/entrance ramps in DC earlier this week because workers were going to lose their jobs but today they seemed pleased that NY's Westside Highway was shutdown so "peacefully". It's as if they feel New York protestors are in the cool clique.

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  8. Nextleration, I couldn't agree more about Joe's abuse of Mika and I sorta feel bad that I pile it on but I so want an intelligent woman on the show to counter Joe's views. I just don't think Mika has the intellectual chops or backbone to do anything but mumble, pose for hootchie promotional shots, and look down on Star Wars fans while pretending she's too intellectual for that sort of stuff. She opens herself up to mockery but this morning's abuse by Joe was so bad.

    Joe was spoiling for a fight and she is his go to punching bag. He actually had the audacity to state that he never raises his voice at home. He said he grew up in a houseful of screamers and he wasn't going to repeat that for his kids. This guy needs some serious psychotherapy. I'm pretty sure he's delusional.

    • Love 4
  9. Yup Joe blew up at about 7:15 AM. He says policing is all about the data. He said he would shut up and let others talk but then he blew up again at Dorrian and keeps interrupting him and screaming at Mika. He's on a righteous rant. Of course Joe didn't want to talk about stop and frisk he wanted to talk about protecting the residents of Furgeson. It was a cluster fuck.

    Battered wife Mika called Joe "brave" for bringing up different views especially after all the Twitter comments. Joe said he doesn't care about Twitter (so why have Mika read disparaging comments about herself?).

    • Love 3
  10. I hope John Stewart does a segment on the hypocracy of Joe's need to have an honest conversation about race relations. Joe started out the show this morning by saying he watched cable news shows last night and he was stunned that nobody wants to have an honest conversation about race relations. Both sides (liberals and of course the truly righteous right) go to their corners and try to out shout each other and no one listens to each other. I honestly thought he was going to laugh and then apologize for his outrageous behavior yesterday but he truly believes that screaming LIARS & LIES is having an honest conversation about race and the other cable shows are so much worse.

    Darrian Warren was terrific and stated that's why he thought John Stewart and Stephen Colbert did such a good job exploring the issues. Warren suggested that they should discuss specific policy issues that the President raised about arming police with military style gear etc and if that's a good or a bad idea. Joe of course let Warren speak for about 45 seconds and then changed the subject.

    Mika has so far contributed the following this morning..."Stop, just stop", "No, no, no", "Please stop", "Giggle, giggle", "Stop Joe, just stop" "Awww look at Willie...he's grown up" and that she was at a benefit last night handing out an award where she dragged the woman's little girl on stage to actually present the award. You know Mika standing next to a child doesn't prove you are decent person just media savvy.

    Joe's response to Mika at one point was "SHUT UP MIKA". I kid you not. Later on Joe had Mika read mean tweets about herself. Mika read two and then said "can we move on...I have no self esteem". She suggested that Joe stop reading tweets about himself and he readily complied. So Mika gets bashed by reading mean tweets but Joe skips it for himself. I swear Joe is a sociopath.

    I swear Joe is going to blow (again) sooner rather than later because his bullying Mika hasn't gotten the horrible comments about his behavior out of his system and you know he's gotta punish someone.

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  11. On November 18th the NY Post had a news article on Page 6 where they reported that Al Roker was told to take it down a notch by NBC Executives. Apparently his buffoonery finally caught the eye of the Today Show or NBC Executives. Now if they could also call in Tamron and tell her to take it to a different network I'd be so happy. Page 6 also listed Al's most cringeworthy moments on the show (geeze that wouldn't be hard just turn on the Today Show on any day). Whether it's true or not the article stated the Executives wanted Al to act more like a traditional weather forecaster.

    Here's a thought...take him off the red carpets and inauguration parades. I'm sure he believes he is hot shit because the VP greeted him during the parade. The whole Guiness Book of Records longest weather reporting was a new low for The Today Show.

    Of course I'm still amazed that some people loved Ann Curry. I was so happy when she got the boot. She was a horrible interviewer and made coffee nervous...little did I know that they would replace her with the "Sweetwater Valley High School" pep squad. Lord this show has fallen so low.

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  12. Okay, I seem to be a confused bunny. Why is it that when Bill Cosby's "troubles" are mentioned everyone lowers their head and Mika whispers "it's a tragedy". What the fuck does that mean? Is it a tragedy for the women that were assaulted or a tragedy that the myth of Bill Cosby has been unveiled?

    I stopped caring about Bill Cosby years ago when his heretofore undisclosed daughter tried to extort money from him by threatening to expose her story to the National Enquirer. Bill was such a stand up guy that he participated in her prosecution and somehow came through it smelling like a rose. He showed no remorse or caring for his daughter because he secretly paid the mother a monthly stipend and, well money does seem to be his "go to" get out of jail free card.

    Mika, where is the faux outrage you displayed when ranting about domestic violence in the NFL? Clearly there will be no trial (hmmm...just like Michael Brown). Why is it okay to decide guilt or innocence without a trial (Michael Brown, Ray Rice, etc.) but it's hands off Bill Cosby because he was a ground breaker with "I Spy" and bringing the black middle class to our TVs. I'll say it, I think Bill Cosby is a sociopath. The sadness displayed by the panelists (poor Bill had to resign from the Board of Temple University) diminishes the horror of countless women who suffered brutality at his hands.

    Yup it's a tragedy Mika but not for Bill Cosby.

    • Love 3
  13. Joe is so outraged about the minority small business owners in Furgeson not being protected. Joe did not connect the dots that the public safety apparatus in Furgeson doesn't give a shit about minorities PERIOD. He got Gene Robinson to agree that the small business owners were let down but let down by the protestors and outsiders coming into town to destroy the fragil economic structure. Somehow Joe's decided that all minority business owners are hanging on by a thread and the protestors/criminals have destroyed their lives. Don't get me wrong setting fire to businesses is a criminal act but I'm pretty sure Joe has rounded up every stereotype about minority business owners and uses those to prove his white supremacist points that minority business owners don't have insurance and certainly no reserves. Of course it's too much to ask where he gets his facts because he just knows.

    Joe then went on an epic rant over the Rams football team and several Congressional reps pictured with their hands up in the air when they know that was a LIE. He must have said they know it's a LIE at the top of his voice ten times. I don't know if they cut off Gene's microphone but no one countered Joe's statement that everyone knows that Michael Brown did not put his hands up in the air in the "don't shoot me" pose.

    Can someone please enlighten me how Joe knows this is a LIE? Did it come out at trial? Oh wait...

    He also implied that the Rams and those Congress reps shouldn't expect the police to protect them after perpetuating the big LIE. Hey Joe, what's different about that? To me, Joe is only reiterating the current double standard that whites and blacks are treated differently and not apologizing to the police for insulting them by LYING about the hands up pose justifies the double standard. Perhaps Joe might benefit from a refresher course on the Constitution.

    Edited to add that Joe's Twitter feed blew up demanding that Gene respond to Joe's rant. Gene did an okay job of pointing out that the finding of fact is the job of a trial jury. Gene did state that there is no real evidence that Michael Brown did or did not have his hands up. Gene said it was a symbol of two different justice systems. Joe then spent the remaining time talking about how he and Gene agree on almost everything regarding race relations. Yeah, sure. At least Gene was given the opportunity to respond to the big LIE. Joe said he'd rather people use the black power symbol (the 1968 Olympics were used as a reference point) because, as Joe said its not based on a lie and not as inflammatory (are you kidding me?).

    • Love 4
  14. I did find it astonishing that Joe would believe everything the officer said and then call out the other "thugs" (also known as witnesses) as liars. I applaud some of the Rams football players for entering the stadium yesterday with their hands up. Joe was disgusted. Hey, it's a non-violent protest that apparently makes Joe and his ilk (95 percent of Americans apparently) feel uncomfortable. Joe must feel more comfortable with riots and property damage because it proves his point.

    You could tell Mika wasn't buying Joe's rant but like the good little battered wife she cowered and tried to change the subject. Way to go out on a limb Mika...

    Of course their was no real discussion on the Republican staffer that wrote disparaging remarks about the Obama girls. They did read her apology tweet (Mika refused to read the original tweet because it was just too mean) which focused on her talking to her parents and praying about it and finally deciding to apologize. The only response was from Donnie who said what a good job the recent Presidents and the press did in keeping their children "off limits". Joe just kept silent until he started rattling off all the "scandals" in this administration. It's as if the Republican talking points always include the word scandal even if it wasn't a scandal. Good job Joe. I'm thinking he's toying with running as a VP with Mitt in 2016.

    • Love 8
  15. I was horrified by Joe's racist rant this morning and by all the bobble heads on the panel that agreed with him or just kept their damn mouths shut. He's crazy to think that his son would have also been shot if he'd done the same thing or that a 12 year old white boy would have been shot and killed by waving a toy gun around in a park.

    There are rules of police engagement and 99 percent of them don't include pulling out your gun unless, apparently, the suspect is black. How is it possible that an unarmed teenager is shot dead and the sympathy and outrage goes to the police officer that shot the teen? Using the term "thug" or "thuggish" is the new code for black teenagers because, what, they wear a hoodie?

    Joe's new approach is trying to protect the black small business owners (yeah, right). It's the same stupid argument that somehow black on black violence is worse. Hey guys, violence is violence. That argument is never used for white criminals (I.e., Timothy McVeigh, Jim Jones, the Uni-bomber etc.) but it's a convenient argument to blame the black community for their outrage.

    • Love 10
  16. Thank you Shok for putting into words what I am feeling but I couldn't find the right way to express it.

    I've been trying to watch MJ in short bits (sort of like building up my immune system) but I had to switch it off today as the level of over-talking was reaching The Today Show levels and I couldn't stand it. Joe was his bloviated self cutting everyone off so he could ask his question (which are never questions but statements).

    I did catch the picture of the Republican Senate and House committee leadership (all white men...shocking). Even Joe and Michael Steele were taken aback. There was some woman on the panel that tried to defend the Republicans noting there were a few new women freshman Republicans so the picture might change in the future. Michael Steele scoffed and said what happened to the last couple of Republican classes that elected women...where were they? But that was it for what passed as enlightened discussion. They showed a video of the Republicans having their photo taken on the steps of the Capital and Mika started cooing as she saw some Republican women as if she had seen a group of puppies. WTF?

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  17. Can the Today Show sink any further what with the Al Rocker Weatherthon? *Sigh* I want news in the morning not this self promoting crap where the news/weather reader is the story. They are acting as if Al is a hero for breaking the Guinness Book's record for the longest weather forecast. Well at least Deborah Roberts got him out of the house for 36 hours. Now if he was reporting on a storm like Katrina and actually performing a public service that would be one thing but to be in a cozy studio with snow in the Midwest just doesn't mean a damn thing except to fall into the "selfie" trap that everything he does is news worthy.

    Lord, please deliver us from this type of self promotion (and take Tamron too). I just don't find anyone on The Today Show, but Willie, relatable anymore.

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  18. Oakville, Willie is participating in the Today Show's "No Shave November" challenge to bring awareness to men's health issues. They did it a year ago and I guess it's a thing now although Willie wasn't a big fan because he doesn't have much of beard unlike Matt, Al and Carsen.

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  19. I was diagnosed with Celiac disease three years ago. I would never expect a restaurant to accommodate my dietary restrictions without calling ahead to make sure they had gluten free items on the menu. It's not just about turning something into a GF item because preparation is equally important. Using a skillet, grill or pan that has been used to cook food with gluten in it can and does cause cross-contamination and for people, like myself, causes serious problems. The hardest part was that I had to give away my grandmother's cast iron skillet because no matter how thoroughly I cleaned it--after using it I become ill.

    People with severe gluten allergies or celiac disease are taking a huge risk by assuming the chefs and the kitchen know how to prepare GF items. Expecting a chef fixing pasta to turn that into GF is crazy unless they stock corn or rice pasta.

    I hate being that "person" demanding accommodations so I always call ahead to make sure they have GF already on the menu. If they don't then I don't eat there. Springing GF restrictions on the chefs was unrealistic and dangerous for Emmy. The chefs that were most successful made a new meal.

    By the way the best chain restaurants IMO serving safe GF foods are P.F. Changs, Qudoba, and Chipotle. Sad but true.

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  20. Panthergirl13, I totally agree that Allysa dresses horribly...of course I thought she looked terrible last season sans pregnancy. I'm just relieved she hasn't gone for the skin tight top/dress to accentuate her pregnancy (I, for one, hate the term "bump" to describe a pregnant woman's look. It isn't a bump it's a baby).

    I also noticed the boot shoes which look terrible on most women especially petite women. I just can't understand why she is the host. As far as I can tell she makes ridiculous fashion choices (hair, makeup, and clothes) and there is nothing about her delivery that has any spark of animation or quick wit.

    Again I don't see why Dmitry gets a pass on using Chris' concept just because he asked what color Chris was going to use for the the skirt and Chris didn't tell him to not copy his concept. Dmitry should have known better. I thought Chris was trying to avoid a major confrontation in the work room and I still believe he had a right to quietly complain about it. Can you imagine the scene if Gunnar or Michelle thought their work was copied? Dmitry admitted he had to scrap his first concept and knew Chris was already using the bungee cords. He should have done something else.

    PS I guess you can tell by now that Chris is my all time favorite designer on PR!

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  21. I think Chris March had a right to be upset with Dimitri. From what I could see there were any number of different colors of the bunge cord (there was a quick shot of them piled under a table) yet he picked the exact same multi-colored cord that Chris was working on and the same design concept. I though Issac was an asshole to Chris (jealous much?) during JP. I'm 99 percent sure if the situation had been reversed Dimitri would have raised holy hell. If I were Chris I'd be livid. Dimitri uses Chris' concept and sends his model down the runway with her ass cheek hanging out but he's safe and Chris gets the harsh review from Issac?

    I'm speculating but my guess is that Allysa cannot color her hair during her pregnancy and she has a nasty ombre thing going on so they pull it up so only the non colored hair shows. Hey, I have a lot of sympathy for pregnant women and I think there should be a moratorium on criticizing weight gain but I couldn't stand her as a host last season. Her voice and affectation grates on me. She talks as if she is reading everything. It's stilted and garbled.

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  22. Persia wins for the worst vocal frye I've ever heard and I'm including the Kardashian's. Why would anyone want to spend the rest of your life with that voice? "You have to find the dress" repeated over and over. I'm sure it was all a big set up and they hide the dress in Pinnia's office. "We came all the way from Caliii". Seriously?

    I'm fast losing faith with this show although the NFL brothers were adorable and I enjoyed that story. The rest of the stories not so much ("OMG it has a flower on it...I'm going to dieeeee"). Puhlezeee.

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  23. I always hate the way most pregnancies are written on TV. All of a sudden women are so hormonal they cry, rant and scream, they hold their stomach (I mean really, walk around a mall and see if pregnant women really do that...they don't). I think it's just lazy writing. The only time I touched my stomach was to try and push my baby from pressing on my bladder.

    I really don't understand why people like Zeke. I don't know any grandparent that would drag their grandchild away from studying to go shooting. He is so selfish and narsasistic and yet he's the "sage" of the Braverman's? No wonder the family is so screwed up. My brother divorced his wife--a very nice person and I was sad about the divorce but I would never get in the middle of that situation and try and fix it. He's my brother and for whatever his reasons were for the divorce he deserved my loyalty. The only person Zeke should talk to is Julia.

    Given the way Max has been written I don't believe for a second he would warn Amber about the kid running into the street although I do believe he would totally freak out after missing the trip to Alcatraz.

    Gawd, you could drive a truck through the way Hank has been written or re-written to show his Asberger's characteristics. The writers have moved him from highly functioning to being a complete clueless asshole. When he was first introduced to the story there were at least some moments of charm but now he is completely unlikeable. I'm kind of sad about it. So it seems like he will go back to his first wife and Sarah will be set up to run back to Mark or whatever the hell his name is.

    I'll be glad when this show finally ends. So much promise squandered by going for the over the top portrayal of each and every characters flaws. Katim's focus on Max's storyline could have been really good to educate people about the trials of raising an autistic child but his portrayal of over indulgent parents with no boundaries or consequences set the education of the viewers understanding and compassion for Autism back (IMO).

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  24. I don't think I've ever been this depressed about an election cycle but then I remind myself that I survived Bush 41 and Bush 43. I can't even watch the news or MJ. I feel like I'm sitting Shiva and I'm going to need seven days of mourning to turn on the news shows again.

    My solution to fill the time normally set aside to watch news programming is to clean out a drawer or closet. I'm going to have the cleanest house on the block and Goodwill is getting a boatload of donations.

    Thanks to everyone for watching and making comments so I don't become part of the uninformed electorate.

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