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Posts posted by Waldo13

  1. Billy can suck dicks in hell because he’s using Jill’s “heart ailment” for justification to add Abbott to CW. Jill hasn’t been an “Abbott” for 25 years. Her most recent last name was Atkinson and Sterling in between. How did Jill get to use Abbott as her last name?  Besides it was Katherine Chancellor who built the company and Katherine didn’t even leave the company to Jill. Jill had to buy it from Victor. Jill’s legacy my ass. 

    I’m sorry to say this but continuing with Connor’s OCD is getting off putting. I’m sorry that Connor has OCD but do the monkeys with a keyboard have to make it worse. Can’t they just put Connor on the road to being able to handle his OCD.  The monkeys with a keyboard cleated up Harrison’s trauma in a matter of weeks. They cleared up Aria’s deafness in a matter of weeks also. 

    Now there is Jill’s unknown heart ailment that will probably drag on.  There is so many treatments for heart ailments, these days, that can leave a person to have a normal life. 

    There is one positive thing I can say about Chelsea. Her breathless delivery, of her lines, enable her to sound more sympathetic to what she is encountering with Connor’s illness. 



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  2. Stuffy has so much on her plate 😂.  Stuffy has less on her plate than an anorexic.  Actually the only thing on Stuffy’s plate is Finn’s balls  


    In the words of Jerry Springer, Bill, “YOU ARE THE FATHER”.  Thankfully, the monkeys with a keyboard are putting Li and Katie in their place. 


    If RJ gives Luna any guff about Bill being her father she could tell RJ to pound sand because she’s now richer than him. 


    Katie Katie Katie, don’t look so happy that Bill finally has a daughter.  

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  3. That’s a great Laura Ingalls impression Victoria. 


    Summer❄️x7 is back. Doesn’t that dolt Summer❄️7 realize that Victor insisted  on breaking the news himself so he could answer any questions his granddaughter will have.  If Summer❄️x7 keeps this shit up, she will earn another ❄️. Did Summer❄️x7 forget how many times she lied to Kyle about her mother being alive?  Summer❄️x7 thinks that not telling her about Auntie Jordan was a game changer for Claire/Eve being Harrison’s nanny?  Summer❄️x7 your lying was a game changer because it led to your divorce. Summer❄️x7 it’s not even remotely your decision. You don’t have a leg to stand on. Please please bring Tara back and put this idiot out to pasture. 


    To make a short story long, the monkeys with a keyboard come out with Alan having a twin brother.  Alan makes Ashley sound even more unbalanced before he hits them with the 411. 


    So Summer❄️x7 runs to Chance for validation of her paranoia about Claire/Eve. Even with Chance assuring Summer❄️x7 about the prison is being held in, Summer❄️x7 is still skeptical.  Chance you are a dumb as Summer❄️x7. Nobody’s peace of mind is more important than Harrison’s peace of mind.  Summer❄️x7 is turning green in the GC sun. 


    Mariah/Tessa please stop being so judgmental.  Both of you have overcome your past and even got to adopt Aria. 


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  4. Another bluebird of happiness, Liam, just had to chirp in on the Bill/Poppy/Luna situation. 

    Li, Poppy is not lying because she only said that there is a possibility that Luna is Bill’s daughter.  

    Another WTF moment. Li boasts her paternity test was sealed but so was Poppy’s until she opened it to begin the test. Once again I say, you don’t have to be a medical professional to administer the test only to interpret the results. Ancestry or 23 and Me would be out of business if you had to go to a medical professional to collect the DNA sample.  How many WTF moments can we get today?  The paternity test is not like a pregnancy test where two stripes show up to determine a yes or no result.  The swaps have to go to a lab. Why are the monkeys with a keyboard determined to give us false information?  Both of Stuffy’s children’s father was the result of a lab report.  The swap was all that was needed, I guess peeing, on the test strip was not required. 

    I’ve met in real life so many people like Li and Stuffy that are not happy unless they are making other people miserable as they are. 

    It seems, right now, that couture is doing worse than HFTF because Ridge wants to focus on designing.  Ridge proclaimed that couture needs more product. 

    Katie, Poppy has a type?  I guess your type is poor and homeless.  

    Even if Bill is not Luna’s biological father I have a solution to stick it to the ingrates Li and Katie. Bill should marry Poppy and become Luna’s stepfather and treat Luna like she is his own daughter.  

    Another great solution to the Stuffy mean girl attitude would be Ridge to step down because he just wants to design and install Brooke a CO-CEO. 

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  5. I don’t understand why Audra thinks she has the power to conduct business while Tucker holds all the cards unless Audra is listed as a co-owner.  Even as a board member, Audra really doesn’t hold power over Tucker.  Audra bringing up Tucker’s previous nefarious does just as much damage to her as Tucker.  Plus what Audra thinks is a bomb about breaking down all the other business and selling the pieces off, is nothing more than a fire cracker if Tucker already owns the businesses. If he doesn’t then Glissade can still exist without the other companies just as a smaller major company. 

    Sally, Summer❄️X6 has given you a chance to be the temporary creative director and you’re going to stick your neck out for Chloe🐿️?  

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  6. What the fuck?  Thomas is gone not even a month and HFTF is already tanking?  HFTF was very profitable and now it’s not?  Existing orders have already dried up?  HFTF has a one quarter reprieve and, if you think about it’s not enough time to wright the ship.  From sketches to samples to marketing, especially with no fashion show to showcase the new line.  One would also think that when Thomas left for Paris, he left behind a few sketches. 

    Katie is and always will be a vindictive yenta.  What business is it of Katie’s to tell Li anything? 

    Li you are a hell of a lot more manipulative than Poppy.  Poppy lived her life but Li, you pry into everyone’s life. 

    I don’t get it. Bill is a monster and Shiela is a monster but other unpleasant people get a pass.  

    Don’t anyone ever knock anymore. Is barging in the thing to do on B&B.  Doesn’t Bill have some kind of security or at least a security gate?  You would a billionaire would require some protection.  I know there is security at Spencer Publication. 

    This is so stupid that it’s mind boggling. Li rushes to Bill’s house but she just happens to have a paternity test in her bag. Li is going to oversee the test. That’s like letting the Fox into the hen house. Bill is very capable of having a very professional lab run the results. Why is Bill even going to rely on Li not to manipulate the test knowing how she feels about Poppy?  Why would Bill take Luna’s future out of his own hands and trust Li?  I hope that Bill will know someone in the lab that will insure that Li didn’t tamper with the test.  You don’t need a doctor to take samples for a DNA test but you do need a geneticist to give the results of the DNA test. Unless I missed something, Li is not a geneticist.  One other thing is that the hospital lab should not be used.  Bill should get the LAPD lab or even the FBI lab to do the test. Even better than that get Maxine Robe, from CSI Vegas to do the test. 

    If memory serves, Brooke, Donna, and Katie were not born with a silver spoon in their mouths. Could they be considered “gold diggers”?  Especially Katie who is worried that Bill as another child that her son, Will, has his inheritance cut from 33% to 25%.  

    Li is one of those siblings who can be happy for another sibling. Li is a doctor and should be living high on the hog but she’s jealous of Poppy’s life style.   Poppy lives footloose and fancy free that is copacetic to how she views life.  Li, like Stuffy, is not happy unless she has an adversary.  

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  7. 1 hour ago, boes said:

    Sad thing is, I finished watching Show about half an hour ago and I'd already forgotten. 

    But I went back and rewatched the last five minutes and the previews.

    Dummer hired Sally after letting her know how much she disliked her in the past.

    Nikki returned home and told this aged garden troll standing in her living room that she and Jack would always be friends but that he would not be her sponsor.  Victor, of course, got mad at her because he wanted to be the one to forbid her to have Jack as her sponsor and that damn Jaggabbott had beat him to the punch.  Nikki, despite decades of being married to Rumplestilskin seems to believe all will be well.

    Claire got the hell out of the Abbott living room as baby Kyle took an emotional dump on his mother and she tried to spank him.  Jack walked in, saw things weren't good and after asking what was wrong and being brushed off by both of them, told them that he was no longer going to be Nikki's sponsor.  Kyle looked like he needed a new pair of Huggies, stat, and Diane looked like she was finally realizing you can't go home again, especially if the child you left behind has grown up to be Uriah Heep without the charm.

    That was it for Show.  Previews have Mariah making one of her infrequent appearances to blow smoke up Kyle's ass - maybe that's what inflates his bouffant?? - and asking him if he's so interested in Claire because he wants to play "find the caterpillar" with her, too.

    Audra, still wearing her white latex high gloss painted on  dress tells Tucker for the 13586th time to Pull Her Finger and she wants Glissade.  Audra's Air Fresheners, here we come!

    Ashley, apparently having a therapy session at a crowded restaurant/bar with Alan and Traci, finds out that previously, she had dinner and trauma with Alan's brother, not with him.  So it seems that Alan either has an evil twin or a sentient hand puppet with great hair.


    Thanks for the recap and coming attractions

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  8. Only caught the last 10 minutes because of the news conference but couple of minutes was long enough to get the gist of the beginning of the episode. 

    Katie I got news for you.  Poppy met Bill long before he became rich and famous.  Poppy didn’t seek Bill out but it was Bill who initiated the contact after 20 years.  Katie, Bill had two sons before he met you also. 

    Stuffy, still is an absolute turd in the punchbowl. Stuffy knew that forcing Thomas out would put a big hit on HFTF and would be the first step to being able to shut down HFTF.


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  9. Yes, Kyle is taking advantage of Summer❄️x6’s warm and fuzzy mood because it doesn’t happen all that often.  The only person who has less warm and fuzzy moods is her mother. 

    I guess Diane is defending Jack to Victor because he is no longer going to be Nikki’s sponsor.  The break up of Jack and Nikki brought a tear to my eye 😢. Yeah sure. 

    Victor you must be joking. Kyle taking orders from his mother is a lot easier than your children taking orders from you. 

    Aw!  Summer❄️x6 and Sally “kissed” made up. Good move now Marchetti is out of the schemata business. 


    News conference last 5 minutes. What’s happening next week. 

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  10. Of course Katie wants Bill back but only because he is seeing another woman.  I guess Katie is done with Carter. 

    Li, just has to stick her nose in other people’s business. Li confronting Luna is really low blow. 

    I still don’t get it. Carter is COO not the CFO. It’s not the COO’s job to opine over financial matters. His main job is to oversee the daily operations, of the company, to ensure it’s running properly.  Recommendations as to the financial conditions comes from the CFO. 

    Liam, you dolt, you have been working day and night to complete a task?  That a knee slapper. Does day and night include all the times you went to see Stuffy and Hope?  I guess playing with Kelly is also not included in your working day and night.  

    Another Red Herring?  First Luna not being pregnant and now Luna’s father is Bill?  


    ETA:  Hope challenges Stuffy to a mudd wrestling match. Loser leaves FC. 

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  11. What the fuck is Summer❄️x6 wearing. Is she going to work or a to a cocktail party?  Either way that dress sucks the big one.  


    I’m with Diane on this one. Jack should not be Nikki’s sponsor because of the possibility of risk to his own sobriety.  Diane is acting out of love for Jack and his heath than any animosity words Nikki.  The more Jack argues with Diane, the more he sounds like a sober drug addict that will say what is needed to convince Diane that he will refrain from using again.  


    Yes Summer❄️X6, Claire/Eve is a psycho’s niece but you are the daughter of a psycho.  



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  12. Eric says that Bill is full of himself?  I guess he hasn’t met Ridge of Stuffy. Ridge and Stuffy are so full of themselves that there is no room for anyone else. Even Brooke or Finn. 

    Yes Stuffy, you are Co-CEO but you can make unilateral decisions?  As Co-CEO you suck because you are willing to put personal feelings over good business. 

    Gossip is the most impotent thing in the Logan Cauldron’ life. It’s more important than Donna being with her Hunny Bear. 

    Poppy road the stallion and still remembers what it was like 20 years later. Bill is the man. Brooke and Katie must be very jealous that Poppy is now riding the stallion instead of them. 


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  13. Chloe🐿️ you are a piece of work. If it wasn’t for Sally there would be no you. Chloe🐿️ is a parasite sucking on Sally’s blood. If memory serves, you and Chelsea were working for Summer❄️X6 until you quite for creative differences. Did you think about Sally when you were working with Chelsea?  Chloe🐿️ thinks but it was Sally who secured all the finances to the “partnership”.  Sally paid bills out of her own pocket. Did Chloe🐿️ took any funds out of her pocket?  

    Sally decided to move in with Adam 🥰 and she can redecorate as much as she wants. Even though Sally said she loves the place the way it is, please get a bigger bed. A double bed is not a good idea for two people to sleep on even if they are in love. There are instances where a little sleeping space is require 😜

    Jill is sick with some type of heart related problem.  As of now, it doesn’t seem the monkeys with a keyboard are preparing another PSA on the heart. 

    In reality, Auntie Jordan, could survive a fall of a hundred feet and she had access to water which is much more important than food to survive.  


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  14. 9 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

    How did Cole avoid tripping Victor's alarm the first time he went down to the dungeon?  He and Michael were either very trusting or very naive to let Victor handle contacting the authorities about finding Jordan alive.  He was probably talking to one of his goons who will be transporting Jordan to the Newman Palazzo dungeon.

    The alarm wasn’t there the first time Cole went to the dungeon. Victor placed it there when he saw that the secret panel was left slightly open.  

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  15. Liam you are such a fucking idiot. Finn should have put his wife and family first?  Liam, when was the last time you put your wife and family first?  If you did, then you and Hope would not have gotten a divorce. 

    So Poppy confesses that Bill could be sort of be or possibly be Luna’s father.  Now that is a lot better than Jack or Finn being Luna’s father.   

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  16. Summer❄️X6 sits in judgment just like her mother. Claire/Eve and Sally, is there anyone that Sunmer❄️x6 actually likes that’s not a family member?  There are also times that she doesn’t actually like her family. 

    As memory serves, didn’t Ashley’s trauma begin after being rear ended in the car she was riding in?  

    Once again I have to say that Summer❄️X6 is influenced for years, by her mother, to do her bidding.  Summer❄️x6 was also brainwashed by her mother but in Summer❄️’s case the brainwashing was much more thorough that she can’t make a reasonable thought. 

    So Claire/Eve was informed, by Victoria, that Summer❄️x6 was not Harrison’s biological mother and that the man he thought was his father died.  It seems that it was not mentioned that Tara was still alive and still had a claim on Harrison because she didn’t sign away her parental rights. 

    Sally should have said that the only stipulation she has to moving in with Adam is that he needs to buy a bigger bed 😇

    Sharon is so right, Adam has risen to the occasion many times as she knows first hand. 

    Isn’t it springtime in GC ? Why is everyone wearing fall colors?  


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  17. 4 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

    That whole scene was awful. And how tacky was Ploppy with her, "I had him first"? Bill said he and Ploppy knew each other about 20 years ago, which we all know should be longer ago than that, but I had to check to see when he first married Katie and that was 15 years ago. BTW, Will was born in 2012, so he should actually be 12 now.

    I believe it was the other way around. Katie was tackle with Poppy and Poppy was just reacting to Katie’s smugness. 

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  18. From OCD to DID and then to a sociopath before the first commercial.  This will be a very interesting week (not). 

    Chelsea’s creative work taps a different part of a brain?  That’s there reason she tried to kill herself because she’s not creative at all. If Summer❄️X6 was any type of businesswoman she would have put her feelings aside and hired Sally in the first place.  Summer❄️x6 fails to recognize that it was Sally who pushed Eric to recommend Summer❄️x6 getting the position at Marchetti. 

    Great plan Cole and Michael but will it work or will this be a never ending saga of Auntie Jordan’s revenge. Victor should have told Michael and Cole that you don’t piss off old people. The older we get the less life in prison is a deterrent.  

    Sally looked fantastic because her makeup was perfect for her hair color. 


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  19. For someone who really wanted to play with his daughters, it’s quite ridiculous for Liam to let them go next door to a pool party. This is par for the course though.  

    Katie, the yenta, basically just barges in to Bill’s home under the premise to ask Bill about parents weekend. Gets her answer, that she could have gotten over the phone, then plants her ass, in a chair, and plays the jealous ex wife. 


    The advertisement say Red Bull gives you wings. On that note, Hope gives Finn Balls in not allowing Stuffy to dictate how Finn should feel about Shiela. 

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  20. Claire/Eve is upsetting your little boy?  First of all he is not a possession to call yours second of all you are putting more stress on Harrison by not letting him see Claire/Eve even though he keeps asking for her.  Every time Summer❄️x7 talks about Claire/Eve, she turns green. 


    Summer❄️x7, don’t forget that Harrison is someone else’s child. You are basically a mommy by proxy. Phillis🕷️🕷️, you interloper, stop blowing smoke your daughter’s ass. It’s not Summer’s call. It’s Kyle’s call. Kyle is just capitulating to your concerns. 


    Why is it that they harp on Summer❄️X7 feelings more than they do on Harrison’s feelings. They make it seem that Summer❄️’s feelings are paramount. 


    Claire/Eve it’s very important to wear boots while riding a horse. Not only that but it’s very important to wear riding pants also. While riding there is friction between your legs, knees, and thighs.  Boots and riding pants mitigate the friction which can cause you to develop sores.  


    Phillis🕷️🕷️ you’re such a transparent fool. You’re not attacking Claire/Eve just having a conversation but in that conversation you are attacking Claire/Eve. 


    They still don’t realize that Victor is smarter than the average bear and the rest are just Ranger Smith. 


    It looks like the bulb, though dim, went off in Summer❄️x6 head and will do what benefits Harrison more than herself. Is Summer❄️x6 becoming altruistic?  Only if bears don’t shit in the woods. 


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  21. Brooke maybe Deacon is pledging his life to a monster but Brooke you pledge your life to a piece of shit.  

    Liam is the turd in the punch bowl, a Debbie Downer, the harbinger of gloom and doom. 

    The homeless guy is actually a homeless minister.  Who would have thought?  

    Is El Giardino the only place in the Malibu are to get pizza.  This is so contrived. 

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  22. As usual, the monkeys with a keyboard, are trying to shovel more bull shit.  We have another very private conversation taking place in a public space. Plus Auntie Jordan is trying to open the cell door with a thin wire. At least, Auntie Jordan find a random paper clip 😉.  I’ve heard of speed dating but never heard of speed rehab. There must have been a revolving door on Nikki’s rehab facility.  Nikki saves Auntie Jordan’s live by calling 911 so she can reap more havoc and now Cole and Michael are going to allow Auntie Jordan out of her cell to reap more havoc because she will figure out a way to dupe the authorities once again.  

    Jack is channeling his inner Victor by blaming Tucker for what happened to Ashley as Victor blamed Jack for what happened to Nikki. 


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  23. I know quite a bit about horses and Victoria and Claire/Eve are not even close to be wearing the proper cloths, unless they changed, for grooming horses.  The proper attire would be clothes that you wouldn’t mind getting covered in horse hair and boots that you wouldn’t mind stepping in horse shit.  I find that most horses are really no different than big dogs. Horses are loyal and affectionate.  

    Audra is ok with vanilla ice cream before lunch but she would like a chocolate ice cream banana split, after lunch, for dessert 😉.  

    So Cole is bringing Michael into the fold so what?  Is Cole going to turn Victor in?  What Cole doesn’t recognize but Micheal does is that VICTOR NEVER LOOSES!  

    A couple of surprises today. Audra is a bit older than I thought she was when she talked about contemplating her life in her twenties; but on Y&R, mostly nobody is the age they should be. 

    Also Claire/Eve must have a 4 year college degree ir she’s going for a masters in early education. Did Auntie Jordan allow Claire/Eve to go to college or did she get her degree on line?  


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