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Posts posted by Waldo13

  1. Thomas, what would have you done if Hope said yes?  

    Ridge always defends Thomas. I get it that Thomas is his son but does he have to be a major putz in doing so?  Hope better get on board that Thomas has moved on?  Why does she have to although it’s better for Hope not to have Thomas, that man child in her life.  Thomas is much worse than waffle boy Liam. 

    Lisa, Finn is a doctor, he should be attending to medical needs after all that’s why he’s employed full time not part time by the hospital.  

    Paris is still a phony and nothing but a phony.  




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  2. Of course they knew what happened. Playing hide the salami happened but the actual question is why did happen.  Are Adam and Chelsea actually feeling guilty?  That’s the biggest question of all.  

    It’s standard operating procedure for Phillis and Summer❄️x5 to be so self unaware.  Summer❄️x5 can’t admit to herself that lying to Kyle, about Phillis🕷️ being alive, was the catalyst of the divorce.  Phillis🕷️, Kyle believes any lie his mother tells him?  Phillis, Summer❄️X5 believes, more so, any lie you tell her. 

    WOW!  Can you actually believe that Nick🦍 is the voice of reason?  He’s basically telling Summer❄️x5 that she doesn’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to Harrison. Even if they could take Harrison away from Kyle, Jack and Diane would have more rights, than her, over Harrison. 

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  3. That’s how much Douglas cares about his father and his soon to be mother. Douglas rather be with Stuffy than at the pool party. 


    Fuck you Thomas. Not only do you have to rub Hope’s face in their engagement but you have to give her a glare like this could have been you. What a putz. 


    Can Paris be any more of a phony to the point she’s being cringe worthy 🤢🤮.  Way too much PDA don’t you think?  


    Hope get a life. You already talked to Thomas and he doesn’t actually give a shit.


    Again Thomas, so many times?  Twice is so many times. Thomas you don’t have to try again. You just have to wait until Hope says she is ready.  Just by asking Hope to marry him again shows he’s not really serious about marrying Paris. 

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  4. Another 🥱🥱 of an episode. Please add an additional 🥱🥱🥱 for Chelsea and Adam.  Has anyone ever told Adam and Chelsea that if you are depressed that it’s not a good idea to drink alcohol?  Alcohol is a depressant and can deepen your depression.

    Victor is living in Jack’s mind. After the confrontation with Jack, Victor looked very please with himself. 

    Victor wants to give Adam a sense of purpose to focus but only on a temporary basis. WTF?  

    Are we going to get a redux of the scene where Chance and Amanda walk in on Abby and Devon.  Unless there is a 4hr session of playing hide the salami 

    I feel bad for Kyle. Jack treats Kyle like a useful idiot the same way Victor treats Adam.  They give than they take it away. 

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  5. Katie, you dolt, the only bad vibe you’re getting from Poppy is jealousy.  Again with Katie being the love of his life. I guess once again, Brooke is chopped liver. Also, wasn’t Bill in love with Stuffy?  I don’t think that Bill has a love of his life. He just loves the one he’s with. How many times has Bill said to Brooke you are the love of my life. Liam might be a waffle boy but he’s a chip off the old block. 

    Paris, full speed ahead and ignore the torpedoes.  Ignore what Thomas did to your sister.  Paris, Thomas is a one woman man?  Now I’m the one woman. That’s a stupid statement. Aren’t you the second in line of being that one woman?  Paris, doesn’t think that Thomas can have a third woman as being his one woman. To me, that only means for Thomas it’s one woman at a time. 



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  6. Stuffy you want Hope to stay away from Thomas but it seems Thomas is not staying away from Hope. Hope get a life. Thomas is no more than a spoiled man child. Wah wah wah, Hope won’t marry me so in going to sit in the corner and eat some worms. 

    Katie, your office attire is more appropriate for the beach. I guess Katie knew Bill was conning to FC so she needed to remind him of her ample DD’s.  Katie also gave a an excellent view that her heart transplant scar is no longer there.  Katie, it’s time for you to shut the fuck up and go eat your meow mix and lap your bowl of milk.  Katie, you wanted nothing to do with Bill until there is another woman.  

    So it seems that Poppy had feelings, for Tom, at one time and we got the possibility of Tom being the father.  I’m still not buying Bill not being the father, unless Li, who is not Poppy’s biggest fan, faked the fake DNA test. 

    Hold the phone Bill. All you wanted was Katie?  I guess Brooke would have to say something about that.  I always go the feeling that Brooke was more important to Bill than Katie. 

    My favorite character, the open door, is alive and well. 

    Paris, Hope stabbed you in the back?  I think it was the other way around. You knew that Thomas still loves Hope but you took advantage of his vulnerability and jumped at the chance to say yes to Thomas’ marriage proposal.  Hey Paris, time after time?  I guess twice is time after time. Paris, how many times did Hope reject Thomas when it became time to play hide the pickle.  That’s what time after time means. 

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  7. Audra is so fill of herself that her chest has increased from a D to a Double D.  Her head hardly fits through the doorway.  It’s hard to believe that Audra is more full of herself than Summer❄️X5.  And there is Billy.  Should I say more. Chance mentions blind ambition. That something Audra and Billy also have in common. 

    Audra, Tucker is the master of manipulation?  Next to Victor, Tucker is a rookie. 

    Same old shit.  Chance and SummerX5 are having a private conversation about confidential business activities and the are two people sitting right behind them trying not to listen. Billy offered Chance the COO position but did he ask for Lily’s opinion?  Of course not. 

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  8. I watched over and over again where someone was putting drugs in Tom’s Tidy Bowl Drink. The leather gloved looked more like men’s gloves than women’s gloves.  In addition, the hands looked more like a man’s hands.  Red herring?

    I guess that love on the couch is better than love in the bedroom. With that said, I was so anticipating Katie barging in.  

    Yes, Tom was in recovery and was drugged but Deacon, couldn’t you even realize that Tom might have needed dugs to be able to perform. Deacon didn’t you need alcohol to deal with your problems.

    Was Poppy surprised or only faking it?  Poppy is not out of the woods yet because there still maybe a blackmailer in her future.  Poppy seemed to be crying over Tom. I’m guessing she cared about Tom but not his lifestyle.  Poppy wanted to protect Luna from a possible life of drugs, alcohol, and rock and roll.  Now that brings up the question when did Poppy actually leave Tom?  Was it after the night, with Bill, or after Poppy found out she was pregnant?  


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  9. What a waste of 40 min. The only thing that came out of today’s episode is that Victoria needs to get a life. In a way, Victoria wants to control Claire/Eve’s life much like Auntie Jordan. 

    Victoria now wants to hear every detail about her date with Kyle. If I was Claire/Eve I would tell Victoria that me and Kyle had sex in Society’s Men’s Room. 

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  10. Bill👃 tells Lily that her would never betray her. Doesn’t he mean he will never betray her again as he’s done many times in the past?  The truth will out. Billy👃wants this separation of companies more than Jill wants. Jill will not backstab ME. Jill knows how important it is to Billy👃 PERSONALLY and PROFESSIONALLY.  What a putz. 

    No Summer❄️x5, Claire/Eve is not an expert but you think you are.  

    As usual, Abby makes it all about herself. Should I start putting a ❄️ after her name?  Ashley had an opportunity to call Abby before she went to the clinic, so blame your mom not everyone else. 

    I have to say, Jill looks darn good for someone with a heart condition.  Her complexion is good, her voice is strong, eyes clear, and her breathing is good or she would have an oxygen tube in her nose.  

    Jill, the company I built?  No Jill, Katherine built the company, you were the custodian that didn’t fuck it up. 

    Again and again the monkeys with a keyboard keep bringing up Harrison’s custody agreement. Again I have to bring up that Summer❄️x5 doesn’t have a legal leg to stand on. Even as Harrison’s step- mother, Summer❄️x5 has no legal rights to Harrison’s custody unless she adopted him. 


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  11. WTF?  A woman that Douglas adores. Stuffy, I’m quite sure that Douglas adores Hope more than Paris.  Hope adopted Douglas. Hope is his legal mother and Stuffy and Thomas are ignoring that fact. Even Douglas by calling Paris mommy is ignoring that fact.  Stuffy, since Hope is legally Douglas’ mother, she has every right to be in Thomas’ and Douglas’ life. 

    All of a sudden Luna doesn’t need breath mints to kiss RJ. I guess now bad breath is no longer a factor in their relationship. 

    Tom says that Luna is her Dad not her father. There is a big difference between father and dad because a father is biological and dad is just a title.  Tom keeps insisting he’s the dad and thinks the paternity test is 🐂💩.  One of my senecios was correct. Poppy was with Tom until she was tired of his crap and went to the festival without him.  Poppy must have left Tom right after she got to ride the stallion. 

    So now we have a murder mystery of who poisoned Tom. Could it be Poppy who just happened to have leather gloves and poison in her bag or Justin on orders from Bill, or even Li, who faked the paternity test knowing Tom was the father?  It seems that Li didn’t even make an attempt to come to Tom’s aid. Justin just stood around looking smug when Tom collapsed.  Last but not least, Shiela.  Hasn’t Shiela used poison before?  

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  12. I had to laugh at the interchange between Lucy and Faith. As a young lady, in HS, Lucy has a typical grandiose view of college life but Faith gives Lucy a dose of reality being it’s not all fun and games.  Faith, you left out the part that Adam brought you to the hospital after crashing the truck so in essence he saved your life twice within a few days. 

    Kyle wasn’t a team player?  The way I see it is that Kyle was trying to do what was the best for Jabot and mommy dearest took it as a sign of insubordination.  Even the best CEO needs some help now and then.  As CFO, I’ve corrected the errors of the CEO many times and have been thanked for it. 


    Next week - Adam and Chelsea seemed to be hooking up. Please say it isn’t so and it only goes as far as a kiss. 


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  13. Stuffy keeps harping on the Logan card. Stuffy, you slept with the same number of men as Hope. It’s 3 to 3 but Stuffy you needed two more paternity tests than Hope. 


    Kyle, Hope was committed to you but you needed more.  Marriage is a commitment for now but it doesn’t mean for ever. Prime example, Thomas, is your father. 


    What contrivance is the monkeys with a keyboard going to come up with to try to make Luna’s father Tom?  The DNA, which was administered by a licensed professional, Li, wrong.  Why is Poppy so secretive?  What would be wrong with hooking up with that one time rock star, Tom. Is it because Tom appears to be 20 years older than Poppy. Bill is probably 10 years older than Poppy.  



    Tom and Poppy hooked up after she hooked with Bill and she was already pregnant.  Tom thinks Luna is his. 

    Tom took care of Poppy while she was pregnant but blew the relationship when he cheated because he was a horn dog. 


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  14. Live and learn. Clint Howard actually can sing and her has his own band called The Kempsters. 


    Can Stuffy be anymore ridiculous?  She actually doesn’t care anymore about Thomas’ well being than Hope being out of his life. Ridge is actually stepping up to question Thomas about his engagement to Paris. Thomas doesn’t say anything about being in love with Paris. 

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  15. So Diane makes a unilateral decision to fire Kyle. Now Kyle is free to take up Victor’s job offer without having to quit first. 

    Audra, you could have had the company for nothing but you chose to open the front door for Victor.  Audra is gloating to Sally about beating Tucker but Audra is out of the frying pan and into a blast furnace with being in business with Victor.  Tucker can be outplayed but never ever outplay Victor (because it’s in his contract 😜). 

    Audra STFU and stop projecting your biases on Sally. Sally is alright with Adam spending time with Chelsea for Connor’s benefit. On the other hand you were very jealous of anything Tucker had to do with Ashley. 


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  16. What’s wrong with this picture?  The hotel room only had on bed but Chelsea said she wanted to book a room, for US, overlooking the harbor but there weren’t any left.  Even if the US doesn’t include Connor, are Adam and Chelsea going to sleep in the same bed 🤯?  

    Devon is correct about having to sell Billy on the plan and Lily is showing a bit of paranoia. I’m now questioning Lily’s motives. I didn’t see Devon being anything but his authentic self.  Check that. Devon seems to be the one exhibiting more paranoia but for a better reason. The truth came out by Lily saying she may reconsider working with Billy instead of Devon. 

    Is there a realigning of the couple situation in the future?  Adam and Chelsea are becoming more “chummy” which leaves Lily to become more “chummy with Billy👃.  Sally becomes the odd person out or maybe that leads the way for a Sally and Nick🦍 reunion. 

    Now another unqualified person is moved into the C-Suite in order to back Billy’s👃play. What, Chance has been in the business world about a month and he’s qualified to be COO?  I guess Chance is a fast learner and Billly👃, is an amazing tutor. Billy👃has become even more smug than Nate.  I didn’t think that was possible. 

    The monkeys with a keyboard just couldn’t leave well enough alone with Connor. They could have just left it alone the Connor was getting better and move on. Not am I getting sick and tired of this story line, I’m getting sick and tired of Chelsea. 


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  17. Tom, you are supposed to clean the toilet with the blue liquid not drink it. 

    So Tom is a musician. Does that mean that Tom was also there at the music festival 20 years ago?  Was Tom in a relationship with Poppy before Poppy met Bill?  

    Is Paris that dumb not to realize that Thomas is not on the rebound?  Does she realize that Thomas proposed to Hope less than a month a month ago.  

    Thomas wanted to marry Hope so he could have a child with her. WTF?  Not only it was too soon, for Hope, but did Thomas ever discuss have a child with Hope.  

    In keeping with the LA tradition, Stuffy had traded in her gas powered broom for an electric broom.  Stuffy now holds first place in the list of LA witches.  If I was Hope, I would dump a bucket of water on her head and watch Stuffy melt. 

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  18. Why does Phillis look so washed out. The color of her dress even looks more so. Isn’t Phillis still

    on probation but of course whatever nefarious act she is planning for CW will be overlooked. 


    We are all here?  Where is Abby?  Has she become chopped liver?  It seems that unilateral decisions can be made without the entire board. 


    Poor poor Tucker. He’s now penniless and begging for bread on the streets of Paris.  Yeah right. 


    What is Lily’s malfunction. Devon played his part very convincingly with the plan’s intentions. Now is Lily thinking about staying with Billy?  


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  19. What I hate the most is when someone projects their bias onto other people.  They act like they know what the other person is thinking. How does Stuffy know that Hope was never planning to marry Thomas?  Hope never told Thomas that. It wasn’t just that she wasn’t ready now. Thomas knew that but he just had to push the issue.  Thomas, Hope left you no choice?  🐂💩 you Impetuous putz?  What was so wrong with maintaining the status quo?  

    Yes Paris, Thomas is over Hope 🤣🤣. Wishful thinking I believe.  Don’t marry Paris, Hope says, but the scene fades before Hope asks Thomas to marry her instead.  


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  20. The DNA test was done proving that Bill is Luna’s father so we know that Tom is not Luna’s father but can Tom be Poppy’s father?  I wouldn’t put it past the monkeys with a keyboard. After all, Li never knew that Finn’s birth mother was Shiela. 

    Hope stop lowering your self to that insufferable ass hole putz. Why was it so important for Thomas to marry Hope?  Thomas already had Hope’s devotion.  Was marring Hope just a sign of total control?  Thomas that insufferable putz couldn’t come out and tell Hope that he was engaged to Paris?  He just had to listen to Hope graveling to make himself feel superior.  Maybe this was not a whirlwind romance, with Paris, but they sure got engaged in a hot second.  I’m almost positive that Paris is a ploy to get Hope to marry him.  Hope don’t take the bait, Thomas is not worth it.  

    Have some pride Paris. You know or should know that Thomas was just madly in love with Hope.  Now he’s madly in love with you and wants to marry you. I guess you don’t give 💩💩 that Thomas used your sister. 


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  21. Tracy stay in your lane and stop trying to analyze Alan. You sound more like you’re interviewing him for a book. 

    Katie is a typical preteen who thinks the world revolves around her.  But in all fairness, Katie is no different from her parents who also think the world revolves around them especially her father. 

    Wouldn’t you think by now that Victoria would be building a new house?  I’m quite sure she can have it rebuilt in a couple of months.  

    Diane just talked Kyle into going to work for Victor.  If funny how circumstances always work out when it’s least expected or should I say absolutely expected. 

    By the look on Victor’s face he’s thinking Audra who?  

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  22. 3 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

    Not really...Thomas did seem smitten with Paris back when everybody was swooning over her, and she seemed interested in him as well.  They also lived together briefly (roommates only) when Paris moved into his apartment and the house Thomas wanted to buy fell through. Douglas really liked her, too.  It does seem like it's coming out of left field because Paris just vanished without a trace or explanation a while ago.  I guess Paris has been in Paris all this time!  

    As an aside, it's hilarious to me how both B&B and Y&R always use Paris as the destination to send characters you'll never see again.  Paris is the Bermuda Triangle of LA and Genoa City!

    Tom has quickly become the most intriguing character on the show!  What in the world does he have on Poppy?  Also mildly interesting that his name is Tom.  Stephanie (advocate for the homeless, and once homeless herself) used to call Thomas "Tom".  I don't know where I'm going with that.🤔

    I didn’t recognize Paris. I thought that Thomas said he got engaged in Paris. If memory serves, Thomas used Zoe, Paris’ sister to get Hope to marry him. Is Thomas going to use Paris as he did with her sister?  We shall see.  

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  23. This Hope/Finn “friendship” reminds me of a Gene Pitney song, “ It Hurts To Be In Love”. It hurts to be in love when, when the only one you turns out to be not in love with you.  He thinks I’m just a friend, though I must pretend the only way to keep him, is keep it to myself. 


    Ridge is and always be a putz.  It’s his business that mother and daughter are hugging. Of course he has to think that it’s nefarious. 


    A new mystery to come to light with what has Tom to do with Poppy?  I don’t even want to speculate but it looks like blackmail will be in play. 


    Speaking of a major putz, Thomas is back next week and the one woman guy is engaged. Unless Thomas knew this woman a while ago, in Paris, it’s a world wind engagement. 




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  24. Very interesting that Faith comes home because Moses broke up with her but it actually was he prelude for the greatest love story ever told. I found the Nick Newman saga somewhat interesting because of the flashbacks to the younger characters. By the way, Nick became much better when he began sporting facial hair.  Today Nick’s salt and pepper beard, as makes him look more distinguished. As for Sharon, her body hasn’t change all that much over the years. 

    What was really nice to see a very young very cure Camryn as Cassie.  It was also nice to see a younger Sharon. She seemed to be a much better actress back then.  She could show a lot more emotion with facial expressions. 

    Did Faith know that her parents weren’t married at the time she was conceived?  

    Am I wrong or does a younger Nikki and a younger Sharon look like they could be sisters?  


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