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Posts posted by Waldo13

  1. If Summer❄️x8 gets custody of Harrison, I’m going to start every post I’ll make with 🐂💩 from then on. 

    Back from the special report just in time to hear another rant from Summer❄️x9. Just like her mom, Summer❄️x9 can’t stand to be disagreed with. Support me even when I’m being a dumb shit.  Summer❄️x9, first of all you are not a mother. You are a mommy and not a good one at that. What mommy doesn’t really take Harrison’s best interest away because of being a jealous bitch.  Let’s face the facts. When life gets tough, the weak fuck the pain away. 

    Billy👃Billy👃Billy👃, another dumb shit. I’m not afraid of Victor. WTF!  The last people to say that well let’s say didn’t fare well.  

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  2. I’ve been out of the loop for 7 days because I didn’t have cable. Finally got a chance to watch today and basically nothing has changed. Katie is still a bitch, as is Stuffy, and Ridge is still an ass hole. 


    Katie, Poppy’s drugs are like herbal Xanax and not lethal.  


    Katie, you’re not manipulative or a “gold digger” that relies on rich men?  Give me a break. You could have reconciled with Bill at anytime before Poppy came back in his life but now that you are alone, you want him. If there is a marriage is Katie going to fake another heart attack?  


    Katie Katie Katie you were bitch slapped but will that stop you?  Not a chance!







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  3. I’ve been out of the loop for 7 days being without cable. Finally got a chance to watch and it seems I didn’t miss much. Still boring and much to do about nothing.  I’m glad I missed the Summer❄️X8 🐂💩 because watching that debacle live would have cost me a new TV


    Billy’s ego is larger than ever. The second thing that’s most important, to him, after the new logo is getting out a bunch of swag.  He just has to spread the wealth that Billy Boy is back. Billy’s ego just loves to write checks that his body can’t cash. 


    One of the greatest things that the game of chess teaches you is the importance of strategy. Victor is a master at chess and in live. He move real live pieces around the board like he’s gold and silver game pieces. 


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  4. 2 hours ago, boes said:

    Chance might have a better case than Summer does.  He was married to Abby when she had Dom and even though Devon is the sperm donor, Chance would have been named as the father on the birth certificate.  I don't remember hearing that ever being changed.

    He might have a better case but he doesn’t sound all that interested in being with Dominick. Chance hardly mentions him. 

    Summer❄️x8 only busts Kyle’s chops because she’s an unreasonable jealous spoiled brat who has to get her own way just like her mother dearest.  All the time she spends with Harrison she seems very awkward and sort of cold. 

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  5. Chelsea it’s not about only you. Billy👃maybe able to forgive you but you also have to think about Adam and Chelsea.  Think about it. Chelsea’s imbalance can be contributing to Connor’s OCD along with finding out Johnny is his brother and being bullied in school because his mother tried to kill herself. 

    Yesterday we found out that Claire/Eve has a passport and today we find out she’s a virgin. I’m more shocked about the passport than being a virgin. I always figured as much since Auntie Jordan didn’t allow her to drink so why wouldn’t she allow Claire/Eve to have a boyfriend. 

    As much as I’m not shocked about Claire/Eve being a virgin, I’m not shocked that Phillis🕷️sits around, all day, and passes judgement on everyone and everything.  

    Billy👃, true to form, really doesn’t want to work. He just wanted an ego trip.  

    Now is Chance being a clueless schmuck to play hero to Summer❄️ x8. Chance of course Kyle can take Harrison to Paris without her permission. The same is for Dominick. Abby doesn’t need your permission for anything she may decide to do.  Summer❄️x8’s lawyer confirmed that She can’t stop Kyle from taking Harrison to Paris and yes Summer❄️x8, you don’t have any rights. 

    Is Sharon escalating from being bipolar to having DID?  Sharon is right though. Phillis🕷️has no right to have deep conversations with Faith. 


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  6. 1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

    Hollis didn't have any family? Seems they should be the first to be notified of his death, but I guess finding out on the evening news is ok too. And wouldn't they be the ones to request an autopsy? 


    Both Tom and Hollis should have had an autopsy. Both died under strange circumstances, in a public place, Chief Hot Dog should have ordered a complete autopsy to determine cause of death. Toxicology is not the end all be all to determine the cause of death. An autopsy would have shown is there was any underlying causes. They say that Hollis didn’t use drugs but an autopsy could show he was a closet drug addict.  As for Tom, an autopsy could have shown the drug  triggered another cause of death. 

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  7. Give it up Phillis🕷️and Summer❄️x8. What has Audra done personally to you two that makes her so dangerous?  Is it because Kyle played hide the pickle, with Audra, after he couldn’t trust Summer❄️x8 anymore after her lies about Phillis🕷️ being alive.  If you think about it, Summer❄️x8 was the catalyst for the divorce. It was Summer❄️x8 that chose mommy dearest over Kyle and Harrison. Summer❄️x8, Kyle hurt you 😂. I do believe it was the other way around. 

    Like mother like daughter.  They never really blame themselves for what transpires.  

    Yes Summer❄️x8, the truth does hurt. YOU ARE NOT HARRISON’S BIOLOGICAL MOTHER!  

    WTF Summer❄️x8!  You’re fighting to stay in your son’s life?  When has Kyle told you to stay away from Harrison?  In fact, Kyle has bent over backwards to try to accommodate your unreasonable demands.  

    There is a conclusion that I just have to articulate. Claire/Eve was raised by a vindictive evil woman but has found understanding and conviction. Summer❄️x8 in the other hand was raised by a vindictive evil woman and has become vindictive herself but maybe not all that evil.  Sometimes I feel sorry for Summer❄️x8 knowing that her parents are enablers and feed into her delusional life.  Summer❄️x8 is a spoiled brat. She runs Adam and Chelsea off the road killing their unborn baby and her father buys her a new car. She comes back to GC in a car she stole, from her boyfriend, and doesn’t get arrested.  

    Going to her lawyer is going to stop Kyle from taking Harrison to Paris 🤣🤣🤣. Let’s see how the monkeys with a keyboard is going to make that happen. Besides any lawyer who takes on this custody battle is nothing more than a hack.  

    Phillis🕷️ a little revisionist history?  Wasn’t it Noah that broke Audra’s heart?  Didn’t Audra try to win Noah back?  Stink eye?  No Phillis🕷️, you have a resting stink face when someone doesn’t agree with you. 

    Victoria and Nikki are so vindictive against Adam, they think he will never leave NM. Did they forget he left before and it’s really up to Victor if Adam stays or goes.  

    I’m guessing that Victoria grew her hair longer trying to look younger. If so, it’s not doing her justice.  Either that or she’s trying to compete with Phillis. 



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  8. I know I say this every day but every way every day Ridge proves he’s the ultimate putz.  Ridge thinks he’s the paragon of virtue.  Can Bill please drop Ridge out of a helicopter one again. 

    Does Ridge realize that Shiela is only there for questioning?  Without evidence, Chief Hot Dog can’t hold her.  

    Brooke, wasn’t one of the mistakes you made resulted in Hope.  Do you regret that?  Let Hope make her own mistakes. 

    I guess Stuffy gave Finn her balls back so he could “scratch her itch”. Keep that up Finn and that will continue. 

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  9. I’m not a big fan of Shiela never was but Ridge, Li, and Stuffy are making me starting to like Shiela. 

    Work and the hospital be damned. Confronting Shiela, without any real evidence, is the most important thing in their miserable life. 

    Can you believe that Chief Hot Dog just stands around, with his thumb up his ass, and allows Stuffy and Li to accuse Shiela?  I can because he’s not paying attentions and thinking about the dirty water hot dogs he’s going to have for lunch.  Chief Hot Dog shouldn’t LAPD be searching for Tom’s backpack instead of Shiela’s accusers?  Of course Chief Hot Dog takes Shiela to the police station not based on probable cause or proof but only reputation. 

    That look on Li’s face, when Tom’s backpack was mentioned, a look of concern or a red herring. Did Li kill Tom and Hollis to set up Shiela or cover up fudging the paternity test to make Bill the father instead of Tom. 

    I’m firmly convinced that Stuffy “gets off” with a greater intensity, when she’s being a complete and utter bitch than when she’s playing hide the salami with Finn. 

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  10. A few questions come to mind right off the bat. Why does Phillis🕷️ even care what Faith thinks of her?  Why is Lucy wearing more makeup than she usually does?  Why does Sunmer❄️x8 get a life?  

    Kyle just dropped the mike on Summer❄️x8 with taking Harrison and Claire/Eve with him, to Paris, and there is nothing she can do about it.  Has Harrison ever said that Summer❄️x8 is his mother?  He only calls her mommy because Summer❄️x8 is the replacement for Tara who they are very careful in not mentioning Tara to him.  I don’t even remember if he was given an explanation of where his mother is. I know I’m beating a dead horse in asking for Tara to return. It’s time, in fact beyond time, for the delusional Summer❄️x8 to finally be put in her place.  Phillis🕷️ WTF?  Kyle is being insensitive because he’s telling Summer❄️x8 that Harrison is not his real mom because she’s not his biological mom?  No Phillis🕷️ it’s not insensitive to speak the truth.  Phillis🕷️ Kyle is playing dirty?  I guess you should know because you are the expert of playing dirty.  Kyle is just reacting to Summer❄️X8 delusional demands. 

    So Kyle is going to Paris with Audra. Big f….ing deal. That’s his business partner. Summer❄️x8 has Kyle said one word about you and Chance?  

    Poor Faith, she has a stalker in Lucy.  Lucy should be hanging out with Johnny not Faith.  

    Summer❄️x8’s delusions pail in comparison to Phillis🕷️’s delusions. Beside an expert on playing dirty, Phillis🕷️ is a thousand times more vicious than Audra. Audra is only vicious in business. Phillis🕷️ is vicious in all matters. 

    Totally random. Claire/Eve has a passport. 


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  11. Kyle should have quoted John Milton to his mom. “It’s better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven”. 

    Chelsea, doesn’t Adam already work for his father?  Adam/Chelsea, two can keep a secret if one of them is dead” 😉.  Chelsea, right now Adam is way more stable than you. 

    Fly Kyle Fly. Fly away from the nest and gather your own worms for you and Harrison. You can’t live in the Abbott nest forever.Natey Nate Nate is say this with all undue respect. Even Kyle is a better man than you. Here a pompous there a pompous every where a pompous ass.  Yes Natey Nate Nate that means you. 

     Victoria can never say anything good about Adam but she will beg him to give up a body part to save Claire/Eve if need be.  

    Preempted once again. 



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  12. Stuffy is now wearing an old wrinkled raincoat, ala Columbo, and Li is wearing her double brimmed hat, ala Homes and they are off to linch Shiela.  

    They are jumping to conclusions because Hollis and Tom died of the same drug. I would have been more concerned if they died of different drugs. After all with Tom and Hollis, sharing could have been caring. 



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  13. If Summer❄️x6 is so concerned about Harrison, then resign, from Marchetti, and protect him from that big bag father and his nanny.  Get a life Summer❄️x6 and like Phillis🕷️always making a mountain out of a molehill.  

    I didn’t get to see the entire episode because my DVR didn’t record but what I could glean from the last 10 minutes.  Summer❄️x6 is now Summer❄️x8. WTF!  Summer❄️x8 doesn’t want to disrupt Harrison’s life?  Two homes having two different places to live and trying to get him to live with his mommy who is not his mother.  Only in GC, Summer❄️x8 will be able to sue for custody without any and I mean any legal rights to Harrison’s custody.  

    Victor is right, as usual, Billy boy will somehow be a fuck up once again. 

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  14. 25 minutes ago, Js Nana said:

    Have to disagree with you there, Waldo13 - 1. Hollis' reaction when he noticed the intruder was surprise that that person would be there, which would not have been his reaction if it had been Sheila, who is married to the restaurant owner, puts in shifts at the restaurant, and lives right next door to it. 2. Even with no one being around to witness her finding Hollis' body, she was genuinely shocked at the sight of his dead body.

    Two characters I wouldn't mind seeing drive off a mile-high cliff together - Steffy and Li.

    What I actually was saying, which I omitted, for Li and Stuffy all roads to Shiela. 

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  15. I guess Stuffy/Finn and Brooke/Ridge like to take a sex brake to very little work.  

    Li is now a medical examiner?  Why would she be looking into Hollis’s death. Is she going to perform the autopsy also?  Is the budget that tight where TBTB couldn’t afford a medical examiner or at least a coroner?  

    When did Luna and Hollis become friends?  That was very random. 

    All roads lead to Shiela. For me it’s two obvious to be Tom’s and Hollis’ killer.  

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  16. So many red herrings so little time


    Poppy has to go out, at night, and run an errand. 

    Li was there for take out and stuck around for the music 

    Jack asks if Finn has seen Poppy and Luna and comments that Poppy deserves a good life. 

    Stuffy speaks to Chief Hot Dod and basically accuses Shiela of murder. 

    Jack was there to have a drink at the bar with Hollis. 

    Hollis finds Tom’s backpack and Shiela tells him to throw it in the dumpster. 

    Hollis knew the person that walked towards him as he has going through Tom’s backpack.

    Shiela came to the apartment way after Deacon 

    Shiela made sure it was her that discovered Hollis behind the bar. 

    Shiela said she will do anything to keep her and Deacon together. 


    When Hollis was drinking that energy drink I knew he was going to meet the same fate as Tom.  

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  17. Was there any doubt that Sally would improve Chelsea’s designs?  Sally is a designer and Chelsea is …. well to be nice, let’s say that Chelsea is not nearly as good of a designer. 

    Summer❄️x6’s new ideas will make Chelsea the creative director for old and stodgy while Sally is the creative director and lead designer for a younger and trendier market.  Sounds about right. 


    OCD is a life long condition just as Sharon’s bipolar and Ashley’s DID.  It’s mostly a matter of how you contain it in order to be functional. 


    Welcome to the real world of being a CEO Audra. Those things you mentioned are only a small problem when it comes to personal, rules and regulations, and the protests for the research you are conducting and using toxins in your products that’s where the real problem are. 


    Audra and Natey Nate Nate, are now fuck buddies, and to think Audra doesn’t need a man 


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  18. Brooke please STFU and leave the psycho analysis to that world renowned doctor, Taylor. 

    No Hope is not a home wrecker. At least not yet 😜

    What the fuck!  Why can’t Thomas just leave Hope alone?  Does it give him great pleasure to keep rubbing Paris in her face. That Putz, Thomas has even grown a Snidely Whiplash mustache.  To Thomas, Hope was useful being Douglas’ mother when Douglas need one but since Thomas has Paris, Hope has become chopped liver  

    Luna could work for Spencer Publication and still have a love for fashion. Luna can be an editor with Eye on Fashion Magazine. 


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  19. The burning question of the day is not whether Lily will go or stay. It why did she fire Daniel because he betrayed her but is ready to work with Billy who also betrayed her?  Also, why wouldn’t she think that Billy👃 would betray her again?  As for Devon, I think he would be better off without Lily.  

    I saw nothing wrong with Adam and Chelsea hugging.  Would have Sally and Billy👃been happier with a handshake or would that be a bridge too far also.  

    Not only did Conor have a breakthrough but it seems Katie has had one also.  



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  20. I’m sorry to say this but Tom was a recovering drug addict. Even though we know the drugs where put in his blue tidy bowl cleaner, why can’t they wrap their heads around that he wouldn’t have a relapse?  In addition he needed drugs to perform. 

    Hope, does everything Thomas has done in the past outweigh the a future with Thomas?  Hope turned a blind eye to Thomas’ past by convincing herself that Thomas has changed because of feeling that she was the only woman for him. Deep down inside Hope’s brain took over her heart when she couldn’t commit to Thomas. Deep down in her subconscious, Hope knew that Thomas was still a putz.  The proof was in the pudding when he turned from a one woman guy to another woman in less than a heartbeat.  

    I just have to say, Stuffy looks like crap. Did she get more work done on her face because it looks swollen. Her hair has no life to it. 

    Finn you can promise always putting Stuffy first. You are a doctor first then a husband and father.   If there is an emergency, at the hospital, you can’t say my wife needs me more.  

    Once again we have a person talking from their own perspective. I’m talking about Brooke.  Hope is a grown woman. Let her sort out her own feelings without projecting what you think you may know. 

    Hope you are lying. You definitely want to take Finn away from Stuffy because that would give Stuffy her just deserts.  Hope, I would have looked Brooke square in the eye and said so what. How many times did Stuffy disrespect my marriage to Liam?  


    Now we have a second mystery. What is in Tom’s backpack and does it mean doom and gloom for Popppy?  

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  21. Extra Extra Breaking New Alert, Summer❄️x5 is an adult. WOW!!!  Summer❄️x5 weren’t you going to buy a house yourself so Harrison would have a place to visit you instead of the GCAC. I would imagine that would include sleepovers.  The only selfish person is you Summer❄️X5. Summer❄️x6 didn’t fully transform into the Hulk. She only turned green. Can someone say jealousy.  Yes Summer❄️x6, it’s your problem. Summer❄️x6 is so delusional that she thinks what’s best for Harrison is an unfounded custody battle. How won’t that be disruptive to Harrison’s well being. Like her mother it damn the torpedo full speed ahead and don’t even think about the consequences.

    The monkeys with a keep boarding must be reading our posts. Kyle finally hit Summer❄️x6 with the unmitigated truth, you are not his biological mother which was implied but not actually stated. 

    Natey Nate Nate, is also turning green. Not only that but he getting even more smugly.  


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  22. WOW!  Paris, Thomas, and Douglas got the Stuffy seal of approval. Who would have thought?  Ok maybe Paris is not a phony but she’s being very obnoxious with dealing with Douglas. I get rhetorical feeling that once they are married and have a child of their own, Paris will become a wicked stepmother. 


    Would you believe that Donna is the smartest Logan sister?  Donna is not really buying into this whole Thomas/Paris debacle.  


    Finn is 100% correct. Hope can do a whole lot better than Thomas. Even a Golden Retriever is better than Thomas. 


    Arguing with Ridge is like arguing with a boulder to get off the road.  Ridge is incapable of seeing the forest for the trees. 


    Stuffy, did you see Thomas and Hope having sex?  Thomas looked extremely happy and content during and after. 


    How many times is Thomas, the child abuser, going to make sure Hope is out of the picture, with Douglas, so Paris and Douglas can bond even more. Unless Hope signs away her legal rights to Douglas so she could adopt him, Paris is only a step mother and can’t be consulted in medical emergency for Douglas. Paris is not a legal guardian in the US but I don’t know if France would recognize US laws. 

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  23. Do married couples sleep in the same bed in GC?  Diane didn’t know that Jack didn’t come to bed last night?  That’s odd. In addition they don’t know when their spouses awake before them. 


    Why do I get the feeling that Claire/Eve is stuck somewhat between a rock and a hard place. Auntie Jordan controlled her out of hatred and Victor is trying to control her out of love. They are both controlling and suffocating even though in a completely opposite way.  


    Why does Billy always have to add Adam into the conversation?  To him everything is Adam’s fault. Doesn’t he realize that his mother’s mental health is more in question than his father. No one mentions anymore that the root of Conor’s problems started when he was bullied at school for his mother’s behavior. 


    If Jabot is such a powerhouse in the cosmetic industry, wouldn’t it take years for Glissade to be a major competitor?  I believe when Tucker and Ashley bought the company, it was basically a start up.  Good executives wouldn’t have much of a problem staying ahead. 


    Claire/Eve was born Eve Howard and that should be on her birth certificate.  Why would Claire/Eve want to change her last name to Newman without going back to be called Eve. Clair Grace is a completely made up name by her Auntie Jordan.  Claire/Eve instead of using Newman as a last name can become Eve Newman Howard in order not to disrespect her father. 

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  24. Daniel please with all due respect, STFU.  Daniel you forget it’s not her and Kyle’s son, Harrison is Kyle’s son and if Summer❄️x5 keeps up her shit, he could keep her from Harrison completely. Once again I have to say, it’s time for Tara’s return. Tara is in jail for a crime that is drummed up in the minds of the monkeys with a keyboard. It was a privately held company owned by Tara therefore you cannot embezzle from your own company.  Billy👃’s embezzlement, from Jabot, was far worse and he didn’t go to jail.  

    By the way, I thought Danny only sung his own songs. Danny would be covering “Rock On” which was first recorded by David Essex in 1973. 


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