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Posts posted by Waldo13

  1. I dont see disparagement. The thread is for discussing who we like and don't like and why..... if I understand the point correctly. ;)

    Disparage: to discredit; lower the expectation of.

    I used disparaging remarks all through this thread my-self. I could have used negativity instead of disparaging. A Nick and Clark F2 would be like Vanilla ice cream while either one of them with Jax would be more like a sundae with chocolate syrup, whip cream, and a cherry on top. There hasn't been a female winner since Jordan Sparks. It's time for a female winner and I'm going to speculate that AI will do whatever is necessary to make that happen.

  2. If Revenge ends with Amanda shooting Victoria and than there is a fade to black it will be the worse final scene since the fade to black for the Sopranos final scene. I care much more about Revenge than the Sopranos, so this ending would put me in a definite crappy mood.

  3. I know the commercial--unfortunately for Jax she is nowhere near as hot as that actress--or Borchetta might actually succeed in making her a star. That commercial is apropos for this discussion--"it's not just what you can put into the [car], it's what the car can do". This applies to Jax. I was watching the rerun of The Voice (final six), and everyone of their final six was a better singer than everyone of AI's final four! (Or should I have said "final twelve"?) BMMG should use "the steal" (it's a feature of The Voice), he is far more likely to find someone who might be made into a star.

    I don't understand all this Jax disparagement. As I said, she probably won't be a superstar but she can have success with Borchetta at the helm. After all, he did make a silk purse out of a sow's ear with Taylor. IMO the only thing that Taylor has going for her is that she is a very good song writer. Taylor is not all that pretty but she is cute and auto-tune is her best friend. As for the Voice, no one has anything close to the success of Carrie and Kelly. Danielle Bradbury is the Voice's most successful winner but she is only earning a living and not living the life of champagne and Cavior. Danielle is the complete package of having an excellent voice, attractiveness, and a great personality but I haven't seen her on any country music award shows or any other country music tv shows. This girl should be a superstar.

  4. This was just a death leg all around for Mike and Rochelle. Car trouble on top of a detour and roadblock combo that was going to be extremely hard without any time cushion. And yes it certainly did seem like Rochelle was assisted during the roadblock...it makes me wonder if they are so far behind they just needed them to reach the pitstop due to the nature of the non elimination.


    I don't like that Mike and Rochelle all but gave up but they will be on equall grounds because all 4 teams will probably be on the same flight. Also, there seems to be no additional task because Phil didn't mention it which also keeps M&R on equal footing. The TAR should go back to its original 3 team concept.

    • Love 7
  5. And after you reveal that you have HIV, vaginal warts, genital harpies, AND other STD's, are you still going to have sex? And what about those genital harpies, are they really obnoxious? Sorry, Waldo, I couldn't resist. Typos are heck, aren't they?

    Sorry about that. Yes they are. I guess I had a senior moment because I could of sworn I wrote herpes. My daughter is a Gynecologist and she would have a good laugh if she saw my post.

    Not revealing being transgendered is usually not life threatening as some STD's but, in this case, It could be if Rick goes ballistic. But somehow somewhere Quinn is going to be blamed. Mark my words.

    • Love 7
  6. Of the final 3, Jax is the only one that is unique. Clark and Nick sound like every other WBWAG winner. Philip, Lee, Kris, and David aren't over the top recording artists. Scotty was the only unique one because of his deep voice and being country. Enough is enough already. I still say that Jax, of the three, would be the most successful with the proper representation and songs written for her that don't suck. I'm almost certain at this point, judges comments and contestants performances don't mean much because it's now all about the fan base. IMO fans of a particular contestant, once eliminated, does not translate to votes for another contestant. Those fans don't vote anymore.

    • Love 1
  7. WTF is wrong with Eric? Maya this and Maya that. It sounds like he has the hots for her. Is he off his Donepezil or are Maya's farts an aphrodisiac? Brooke, if you don't want Rick to get engaged than forbid him or better yet snap your fingers. It's worked so well for you in the past.

    I actually got the feeling that Ridge felt a little bit sorry for Rick and debated about telling Rick instead of rushing in and gloating over the fact that Maya is transgendered. I actually think, deep down inside, Ridge feels a brotherly connection and was going to tell Rick Maya's secret in a brotherly manner. Rick is not going to take it that way though.

    • Love 12
  8. Sneaky ploy, show. Well done.

    This show was worthy of season 1. Charlotte rocked it. She finally divested herself of the Graysons and as she said she was much better off than she has been. Jessica Rabbit was back on drugs calling Victory her only benefactor than she saw the light only to be duped by Pepe Le Pew. Both Victoria and Pepe are out and out killers but they are able to justifying it to themselves because Amanda is the devil incarnated and breaths fire. I hate to say it but the Suffolk Cty Police Dept is as inept as the Genoa City Police Dept on Y&R. Ben finally realized too late that Amamda was right but now he is out of the picture along with finally doing some good detective work. I'm hoping next week we get a face off between Ben's killer and Amamda with Amamda shoving her samurai sword up her ass.

    • Love 5
  9. At this point I can't understand why the writers turned Amanda into the bad guy. No matter what Amanda did, Conrad, Victoria, Mason, Margaux's father, and other conspirator, who framed David, have done much worse. Even Daniel, who shot Amanda, became complicit with Conrad. Now we have Jessica Rabbit, Pepe Le Pew, and Hannibal Lector (Mason) conspiring to bring down Amanda who really has done nothing to them they didn't deserve. Hopefully the Sith Lords doesn't take down Princess Leia.

    • Love 3
  10. It's what he did with Taylor Swift. Ever heard her sing without autotune? Shudder

    I haven't but my friend has on her Fearless Tour and she had nothing nice to say about her singing. In fact, Kellie Pickler opened for Taylor on the tour. Most tour goers thought that Kellie was a much better singer. Maybe that's why Kellie was not invited back for the next tour.

    Jax won't be the next Kelly Clarkson or Carrie Underwood if she wins, but she would have some earning potential with the right promotion. Even if she doesn't win, there could be a recording contract. I think AI is ready for a female winner this year. IMO The guys that are left have nothing unique about them to warrant stardom nor to be recognizable on the radio.

    • Love 1
  11. Am I wrong or is Victoria's penthouse in New York City? If so, how does Amanda make a 3 hr drive both ways in time without anyone noticing? We know she used her car and not a helicopter to get back and forth. Didn't the writer ever hear of an E-Z pass. Amanda would have used 2 times to get into and out of NYC. And isn't Ben the one ease dropping to hear that Amanda chose to go to the airport to stop Jack from leaving. As I said before, Ben knew she was at the airport at the time of the explosion.

    The whole lets get Amanda thing because she is so evil while the rest rally around Victoria because she is so sweet that she farts Angels is ridiculous. I watch the show but I have to put my brain in its box to enjoy it.

  12. Doesn't the writers read what they wrote? Jack asked Ben if there was a conflict of interest because he was investigating his girlfriend. Ben said no because they broke up because Amanda chose him. Than Ben said that she raced to the airport to keep him from leaving. To me that means that Ben knew she went to the airport.

    WTF once again with the dumb blonde and Jessica Rabbit and now Mason? That they even exist is an insult to my intelligence.

    Once again I feel that Nolan is going to rise to Amanda's defence and produce the video of Victoria framing Amanda. It said its erased but as we know, in the real world, nothing is really erased. I don't know what the next two weeks will bring but if this is the last season and Victoria trumps Amamda, I'm going to be really ticked off.

    As for that private airport in the Hamptons, the control tower would be open at the time of departure and there are security patrols and security cameras. But I'm sure that the writers will probably ignor that fact as the do so many others. In addition, at the time of departure, the airport would not be as deserted as they made it look. There would be, at least, maintenance workers in the hanger Amanda ran through. It a fairly large airport and is very capable of handling private jets. There are over 80 aircraft that are based at the airport.

    • Love 1
  13. The thing with Maya, for me, is that she must have experienced bullying in her past so you would think she would be more sensitive to the bullying of Aly. Makes her an even bigger bitch for me.

    As someone else said, Aly needs to quit being a doormat and speak up. She should call Thorne and tell him, at the very least. She has no one to blame Ricky's continued bullying but herself now.

    IMO Maya is now enjoying being the abuser instead of the one being abused. Just because you witness you mother being abused or your mother cheating on your father, it doesn't necessarily mean that you will not be doing the same, as your parents, when you grow up. Rick was bullied by Ridge and now he is being the bully. Rick was a miserable child, now he makes everyone miserable. As for Ally, what happened to that in your face bitchy little girl who stood up to Hope? Or caused havock in meetings? Ally your a Forester. Act like one.
    • Love 7
  14. I'm not a pessimist but I was waiting for the other shoe to drop even when Deacon told Brooke and Hope to stuff it. It's funny that Hope, to me, looked like a talking head in a box and Brooke was Senior Wences the ventriloquist. Sorry I had to use the 1960's reference. No other show, yet, but ....

    Maya, STFU, Rick holds people to they high standards he does himself but don't have kissy face in the office or you may get shot. Oh, and fashion is a tough business and who you know can get you so far. WTF. Maya its all about who you know for you. Maya the. Has the nerve to diss on Caroline and Ivy. They have done more than you could no matter how many times you hoist Rick's flag.

    I enjoyed Quinn's and Deacon's wedding. Simple but more elegant in a way. No over the top wedding with horses, beaches, and yachts. I really liked the hand binding. It was typical Quinn.

    ETA: I just saw the TVLand awards and they honored "The Wonder Years". I forgot that Alley Mills played Mrs. Arnold for 5 years.

    • Love 7
  15. Mason is probable right about Amamda in that it's going to be hard for her to adjust, to life, without revenge. It's all she knew and I equate it to a soldier returning from a battle zone. That's why quite a few serve additional tours of duty. Victoria, if she is really dead, lived to be a socialite bitch. Victoria, unlike Amanda, took the cowards way out because, all in all, she always felt inadequate. Her arrogance was just a facade. Now if she is alive, which I think she is, than I give her kudos for pulling off something that Amanda and Nolan never saw coming.

    No way that entire house could have been blown up with just gas from the fireplace. With that much gas, Victoria would have been dead before she could flick her zippo. Also you would think that there would be a safety device, like a timer, that would shut down the gas flow if a flame was not sensed within a minute.

    Why didn't Nolan remind Louise that she was complicit in Lymam's death? Why did the FBI agent tell Victoria that he is going to believe her because she brought them information on Conrad? Didn't a FBI agent die in the plane that Victoria so conveniently got off?

    Two graves huh. Wouldn't it be a hoot, if the show is finally over, with Amanda faking her death and the last sceen is Amanda and Victoria, on a beach, holding hands.

  16. This episode was meh. Louise could've been a great mole, but instead she's just angry and jealous of Nolan. The preview made me sad. The chair is going to die :(

    the chair maybe, but I wouldn't bet the house, no pun intended, on Victoria being dead. Victoria you and Conrad started this shit but as far as Amanda is concerned, it was ended. Louise, is back on the drugs and Margaux is probably sniffing too much ink. I still just can't understand Victoria's power over the stupid. I'm still guessing Margaux still has no idea that her father was complicit in any wrong doings. Mason seems that he also forgot how much he was involved with framing David.

    And now Ben is bent all out of shape because Amanda didn't love him. Boo hoo. Let them bastardized Amanda, Nolan and Amanda are good once again, and that will make all the difference. I'm also betting Jack and Amanda will reunite. It's the old story; Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl.

  17. That's what I meant. We patch tubeless tyres all the time, but usually they take the tyre off the rim and apply the plug from the inside. Never seen one patched with that needle thingy. But it looks to work fine, so maybe I'd better make me one!

    I'm dating myself but in the old days when tubeless tires were bias belted that's the way they were repaired especially when the cause of the flat was obvious like with a nail. I've repaired many myself without a problem. When radial tubeless tires where introduced, the preferred method is to patch the tire from the inside. I was a little surprised to see the way the tire was fixed and didn't know that method was even available anymore. They could have left the nail, in the tire, if the roads were well paved. If it was me, I would have taken a chance and just used the spare tire.

  18. Like mother, like daughter ... annoying, arrogant butinski's.

    Well in a way like daughter like father. Deacon made a surprise visit to Hope, in Italy, to try to sabotage her marring Liam. Now Hope made a surprise visit to Deacon to try to derail him on marring Quinn. Let's hope it's only a slight delay because I would hate for bitch and bitchette to get their way. If the marriage is derailed, I would love for Quinn to put some of that toxic jewelry making material on their tampons. Well maybe Hope is the only one that has to use a tampon anymore so Quinn would have to put it on Brooke's broomstick or vibrator. Maybe Quinn has a "little" worse way about preventing marriages, but why does Brooke and Bill get a pass? Do you think that Quinn and Y&R Sharon are kindred spirits? They both live at the bottom of the hill that shit roles down on.

    ETA: If Quinn is so bat shit crazy and capable of terrible acts of agression, than why would Brooke or even Hope not worry about Quinn's retaliation? It's like someone trying to go swimming with the Polar Bears at the zoo.

    • Love 4
  19. Hayley didn't outright suck this week. Nice of her to play with the local kids, though she's lucky they can't sense shrews.

    Jenni doesn't to seem to be a bargain either. She can get pretty surely. The best thing I can say about Blair and Hayley is that they must have mad navigation skills. It propelled them to 1st place in Monaco and then 3 rd place tonight. Hayley must be a pediatrics nurse because she handled the little baby very well and said something about seeing healthy children for a change. Hayley also did a good job with the box drop and with handling the tires. She does put her money where her mouth is.

    My son would have loved the sand skiing. He is a snowboarder so they call it sand boarding. He goes to Great Sand Dunes National Park in Colorado. He said it's about a hour trudge up the dune for about a 45 second ride give or take.

    The African animals are just beautiful but I don't know why they called the animals, being fed, dogs. They looked more like Hyenas to me.

    • Love 3
  20. Did you know that Quinn is responsible for WWII,

    The Korean War, the Gulf War, and Ebola in Africa? Did you know that Quinn is the Devil incarnated? How in hell did Brooke make the 50 minute drive from LA (Beverly Hill) to Malibu in 3 minutes? Is she using the Y&R transporter?

    Now Hope is not only sucking the life out of Wyatt and Liam, but her father. Hope is definatly her mother's spawn by forbidding her dad to marry Quinn. If Hope snapped her fingers, than B&B would owe me a new TV because I would have thrown my cup of coffee at it. Screw Brooke and Hope and go through with the wedding. They don't actually give a shit about anybody but themselves.

    Ok, now Liam is on the scent. Fashion industry accepting Maya is not the problem, Rick is but social media can also be a problem if they perceive FC not being open about it from the get go.

    • Love 7
  21. Personally next season I would like to see JLo and Harry get the boot and be replaced with Kelly Clarkson and Adam Lambert, or maybe JHud. It's high time an alumni returns to judge. The ratings for the episode where Adam filled in for Keith soared, imagine if he was on every week. A lot of his hardcore fans would tune in just to see Adam. And I thought Kelly did a great job as a mentor. Both of them have undeniable talent and credits in the industry, they've been in the contestants' position, and they are nice and warm people. It could be a good panel. I'm tired of Harry's arrogance and tired of the JLo reaction shots. The only current judge I like is Keith because I think he makes interesting points the others don't and he can give constructive criticism without sounding mean or arrogant. He has a warmth about him.

    Harry is the musician who is all about the vocals and musicality of the contestant. JLo is all about the look and the performance because she is a performer and not a singer. Keith is both about the performance and the vocals. IMO this is the perfect balance, for the judges, and with any replacements, AI should keep this in mind. Harry is not harsh he is just truthful and is commenting with the contestants well being in mind. Simon was much harsher but didn't give the contestant anything to grow on. Quentin should count him a very lucky man that he didn't have to suffer the slings and arrows of a Simon critique. We will see next week if Quentin's goose is cooked. If it is, I'm pretty sure that haters will say it's because of his comments and not because he had a bad pervious week. At this point though, is it more about the judging or the fan base of who moves on?

    IMO the only way any of the current judges will be replaced is by their resignation.

    • Love 4
  22. Maybe instead of "this whole thing is wack" he could've picked an actual word, something that wouldn't get misinterpreted. Urban dictionary defines 'wack' as 'lame, sorry ass, not even legit'.

    "This whole thing is difficult for me." Two totally different meanings.

    They absolutely are not unpaid.


    I stand corrected about Idols being paid but I had it on good authority that there was no payment thru season 5. I forgot about the Jena kiss but those moments are few and far between. IMO Jessica should have gotten the kiss instead of Jena.

  23. What Harry was talking about was Idol spending money for him to be their is strictly production costs. The only compensation and I mean the only compensation the contestant receives is for doing the tour. The compensation is around 100K.

    This year only 5 will get paid. I guess you can consider exposure,to the masses, as compensation. Sort of like product placement.

    Harry was absolutly right to consider Q's words as an attack on AI. I'm sure someone clued him in to back peddle his remarks. If anyone thinks that Harry was harsh on him, what do you think that Simon would have done to him. I couldn't imagine Simon having one good word during his comments. As for JLo defending him or giving him some praise, JLo has never met a top 10 male contestent she didn't like. As for the females, you never hear her say that they give her the goosies nor out and our praise.

    • Love 5
  24. What, the all and powerful best CEO ever doesn't read his e-mails nor critic's reviews. Way to stay on top of everything Rick. Even if you have an assistant read them, it's still second hand knowledge. Maybe the only e-mails he reads are the ones that he sends.

    Wyatt was really being charming in his talk with Nicole today. Bonding with her over just finding a sibling and Rick being a brother-in-law and never knew what he was thinking. Kudos Wyatt, even the mention of secret was cleaver in its content but Nicole's reaction did speak volumes. Oh, Kattie, STFU your sister would cut your transplanted heart out to get back with Bill if she could but finger snapping doesn't work with him.

    Speaking of charming, Quinn knows exactly how to handle Rick by stroking is ego and kissing his ass. Rick thinks he's to good to go to anyone's wedding. I can see Quinn, but his own aunt.

    Once again, Brooke is using her children as objects only to make Ridge or Deacon feel guilty. Even after Deacon said he spoke to Hope and Hope didn't forbid or snap her fingers, Brooke didn't stop the guilt train. I'm wondering what Brooke is going to do to stop the wedding. Is she going to have one of them pushed off a bridge or declare she is pregnant by Deacon? At times, Brooke can be as vengeful as Quinn. Is just that Quinn is in you face and Brooke is passive aggressive.

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