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Posts posted by Wicked

  1. Quote

    I think the issue is he has sex with women too drunk to consent, then tells them they had consensual sex the next day. That's what happened when he and Lala had sex. Lala and James were staying in a hotel room and she woke up and there was a used condom on the floor. So she asked what happened and he said oh you don't remember, we did it in the shower. Lala did not consider this date rape. (For the full story Google The Dirty podcast with Lala from 2016).

    My purpose here is not to start a 'what is rape' discussion, just to reiterate that James has very hazy boundaries and is quick to slut shame...a combination which makes him very dangerous to be around while intoxicated.

    Moving from the episode thread, here is a link to an interview with Lala about this, wonder if her feelings about this have changed since then.


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  2. I am a big fan of the evolution of Stassi.  I think that is what I enjoy about this show so much, they are really friends, they really do things together when the cameras aren't there, and most of them have grown and changed over the years.  I think Scheana is the least evolved, and time will tell if Jax has really changed.

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  3. 8 hours ago, willco said:

      I did give a side-eye to the clock man, he just didn't look right, but I was stunned when Dad said the tree house wasn't real ! That never occurred to me, because it seemed so normal at the time. So what-- was Luke just outside sitting on the ground & he thought ( and Stephen thought also) that he was sitting in a tree house ? Or was he sitting on air, like 10 feet up, just floating on nothing ?? We probably won't ever know, but I do wonder how that worked !


    You'll find out about the tree house.

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  4. Quote

    Then they went away for the weekend and she had to drink liquor out of a bottle to muster up the courage to have sex with him?  There were red flags all over the place.

    So many red flags, but there's not enough alcohol in the world to make me feel comfortable making out with my husband in front of a bunch of camera/lighting guys.  She seemed much more relaxed on their solo vacation where they only shared home videos.

    Not everyone is like Tamara.

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  5. This season had many many many flaws, but I still enjoyed it.  It didn't seem as mean spirited as some of the other seasons, I just had fun and went with it.  Unfortunate that they couldn't have tightened up the story lines and made it a better quality show, but I enjoyed enough of the actor's performances that I was able to mostly look past the plot holes.

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