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Posts posted by Wicked

  1. 6 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

    I could MAYBE buy this, if she didn't double down so hard on her OK behavior in part one of the reunion. There was no humility, no sign that she'd learned anything. It's just not okay to be a huge dick to others because you're insecure. I'm insanely insecure; but I don't take it out on others. (Just myself.) 

    I will have to re-watch part one, I don't remember that part, I thought she had apologized earlier and it seemed genuine to me.  Not saying I would want to be her best friend, just that I think I could let most of what she says or does roll off my shoulders.  I don't think it comes from a malicious place.  Unless she feels attacked (Margaret) and then she goes low.

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  2. I have to say, I don't mind Jennifer.  Her house is tacky and she spoils her kids, but I do think she's mostly harmless.  I think her bragging comes from a place of insecurity and low self esteem.  Yes, she was awful and rude in Oklahoma but I don't think she meant to be hurtful, I think she just didn't know how to navigate a new situation (being on a girls trip, being on a reality show). While I'm generally on Margaret's side, Margaret was so off base with the mail order bride comments, Jennifer was right to be offended by that.  Just remembering the necklace situation tho, and yeah, Jennifer was totally in the wrong there.  But again, I don't think she's mean spirited, just a little self centered but also insecure at the same time.

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  3. 11 minutes ago, howivesforever said:

    Well she should just show the text proving that! I still wouldn’t care because it doesn’t change the shitty thing Dorit did but according to these ladies she’s some sort of victim!

    Agreed about the text.  My take is that Dorit is 100% wrong in how she handled the dog, but also LVP is  trying to manufacture this whole drama on camera to punish her, imo.

    • Love 9
  4. Just now, nexxie said:

    True, but it won’t be easy and he’ll need to stay off alcohol and learn new ways of coping - hope he keeps going to therapy.

    I think James is legitimately a talented, smart, funny guy.  But he is also definitely damaged by his parents and he lashes out and hurts people because of it.  I really do hope he can get that under control because he does have a lot of potential. He needs to take responsibility for the mean and nasty things he has said and done.  Guy has some serious penance he needs to do.

    • Love 23
  5. I feel like Kristen has had a lot of personal growth since the first seasons.  She's still a little crazy, but that's what makes her fun to watch. I do not know if Tom and Ariana every acknowledged sleeping together while Tom was with Kristen.  I know that when Tom and Ariana went to work at Villa Rosa because SUR had the fire LVP came right out and asked them if they had been together way back then and they both denied it. Can't remember what season that was, the one before this one maybe.

    • Love 3
  6. I have worked in an mostly male environment, men can be just as catty/bitchy as women.  I have seen the pettiness and cliques with my own eyes.  It's not a girl thing, it's a people thing.

    Britney's behavior was really off this episode, she did not seem like herself to me at all.  She seemed so agitated and nervous.

    • Love 21
  7. 2 hours ago, rainsmom said:

    Episode 11 (and further) question:

      Reveal hidden contents

    I turned it off when the dog waled out the door without his collar. Not even sort of funny. Can you tell me if the dog is safely recovered, or am I swearing off the show from this point forward?

    You can keep watching.

    I just finished watching the whole season and I really enjoyed it.  It wasn't perfect and sometimes seemed a little recycled, but I'm a fan, I enjoyed all the characters.  I won't spoil anything, but someone needs to earn an Emmy or what ever award they give for special effects/make up for a certain make up job on a certain character in the last episode.  Insane!

    • Love 21
  8. 46 minutes ago, The Mighty Peanut said:

    I think the issue is he has sex with women too drunk to consent, then tells them they had consensual sex the next day. That's what happened when he and Lala had sex. Lala and James were staying in a hotel room and she woke up and there was a used condom on the floor. So she asked what happened and he said oh you don't remember, we did it in the shower. Lala did not consider this date rape. (For the full story Google The Dirty podcast with Lala from 2016).

    My purpose here is not to start a 'what is rape' discussion, just to reiterate that James has very hazy boundaries and is quick to slut shame...a combination which makes him very dangerous to be around while intoxicated.

    Replied in the media thread

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