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Everything posted by JudyObscure

  1. I read an online bio of Mr. Selfridge and yes, he did have big money problems in spite of the huge success of his stores, due to the sort of overly risky spending we see on the show and, of course, wishing to impress women. I was screaming at him to stop bidding during that auction. That look on Harry's face as he watched his new "housing manager," work made my heart sink. Harry just can't say no to the ladies. Agnes never should have gone to see Victor under any circumstances. That's not how you deal with a paranoid husband. I wouldn't have messed with Henri's brand, new beautiful windows either, to heck with Kitty's cosmetics. Poor Kitty! Those jobless men wouldn't be so resentful of the women having work if they thought about it a little bit. I'll bet her nasty attacker couldn't stand up straight, in tight shoes, with a patient tone in his voice and a bright smile on his face for 14 hours. That's something I think the show has skirted over. It's always been, oh aren't they lucky to work in this fabulous store! When you know that anyone with less than perfect health would be in total misery by the end of those days. I once worked part time retail and counted the minutes till my five hours was up. Harry should have decked his evil son-in-law and sent him and his parasitic mother out the door.
  2. I agree, Ohmo. He thought he was so smart that he would just call 911 and say, "I think my wife is having a stroke." and everything would be a breeze from then on -- wife dies of a "stroke," is cremated the next day, memorial service is tastefully conducted and no one ever, for one second, suspects the brilliant doctor. It would have worked for him, too, if someone hadn't noticed that her blood was brighter than normal. What a waste of a really nice person -- taking her dog's pulse in that picture was so cute.
  3. I enjoyed the whole story with Pete, Pete's mother and Bob Benson again. I loved it when Duck called Pete to tell him everything in Bob's resume was a lie, but what seemed to be the very worst thing of all? Like me, Bob Benson is from West Virginia! Gasp!
  4. Sean says, "On nearly every picture Catherine posts on Instagram, she gets flooded with comments from people who tell her she looks pregnant." What is wrong with people? If they're such huge fans of Catherine that they follow her daily movements they must know what was clear on TB, that she has had weight issues all her life, and has been bullied for being fat. I have no interest at all in whether or not people are pregnant unless it's a very close relative. It always surprises me that it makes magazine cover news that some celeb is going to have a baby.
  5. I remember that aunt saying, "No!" I think I usually imagine that relatives have tried to take the children out of the hoard and the parents have claimed their right to raise their children in squalor, but when an older child asks to come and the relatives decline, what's that all about? One thing about hoarders, what's theirs is theirs, by golly, and that includes their children. They may not be lifting a finger to raise those kids in sanitary conditions with unspoiled food available, but the parents will tell you their "greatest fear," is CPS taking their children. They "would rather die," than give up the kids but I guess they would rather die than take the trash out, too. They aren't giving up their kids or those old McDonald wrappers.
  6. Right with you, Ghoulina. Last week my Dan hatred overfloweth, this week the focus was on Jenn and she irritated me, I find Rodney too stupid to hate (Wile E. Coyote is perfect, Haleth) but with all these choices of love-to-hate people I can't find any to love this year. Maybe Shirin, just because Jenn wants her to not exist.
  7. I think Jenn does look down her nose at everyone. Almost every interview is Jenn both looking down and talking through her nose (like Mary) about someone she considers beneath her; the feather head guy didn't smell good, Nina was too much trouble because she was deaf. There's a secret scene where she says she hates Shirrin because she talks about Survivor all the time, "Who knows so much about a game? Quit existing." True, Jenn doesn't act like an aristocrat but the same, Mary-like, superior, little digs at other people seem like her to me.
  8. While Jeff was reading the votes, before Kelly's name came up, Jenn was rejoicing and high fiving Hali while it still looked like Hali might be the one going home. I hope Hali caught on that Jenn likes herself and chickens. I have a feeling that while Mike was so cleverly testing Will's loyalty, he lost Will to the other side.
  9. Only Downton Abbey watchers will understand this, but I think Jenn looks like Lady Edith, yet acts like Lady Mary, so I get confused and can't decide if I like her or not.
  10. I thought, when Trixie first opened the meringue that she didn't really like them -- a brief hesitation and then, "Do you want me to eat it now?" didn't seem like it was a favorite. Of course, Trixie will go to her grave receiving meringues from her husband and pretending to love them, because she is the nicest person in the whole world. I just love her! The way she made the children feel like the cleansing room was a fancy salon and not a place of shame, was so Trixie. I think she'll make a wonderful minister's wife.
  11. So many hoarders are like Shelley, totally confident that their spouse will stay and put up with all their literal and figurative crap. I would love to have updates on all those marriages. I want to see the non-hoarding spouse get free to a nice clean space almost as much as I want to see the children get away.
  12. I think the girls did spend more time in America while the son was in school in England. Or not? I'm finding it very hard to remember past seasons, there's just too much time in between, not helped by so many different actors in the same role. I do like the latest Gordon actor though, are we to find he is Harry's ultimate yes-man? I didn't recognize her in the model/dancer get up and thought this was going to be another sleazy tramp for Harry to hit on. Heh. Yes, Vee-oh-lette is ob-noxious.
  13. Poor Mr. Crabb! He's always been one of my favorite characters and he was so miserable I was afraid he would become ill. It was so painful to him to have to go against Mr. Selfridge and now it looks like it's going to be a battle between the two from here on. Harry's weakness has always been pretty women, the real life Harry going to ruin over a vaudeville star, but I wonder if the show is going to make this young Rose-type his downfall? It's sort of terrifying to see him go into such great debt, good cause or not. The Princess Leech and son Serge need to be kicked to the curb at once. Thank heavens Harry's mother is there to keep a cool eye on everything. The jazzy previews to this new season looked like so much fun and what did we get? Heartaches, nothing but heartaches! Henri's PTSD, Victor being hounded by a thug, Miss Martle a widow, Rose gone, Rosalie's disastrous marriage, women workers turned off, dire money problems -- and Lord Loxley! So glad it's back!
  14. Rosie would be bad enough if she was just a childlike, hippie dippie, kook who is all about some sort of flowery, nurturing, freedom of expression, through art, sunshine, flowing dresses and butterflies. But no. She's not even honest about any of that because, I think, deep down she wants to trade in her soft, artistic husband for a macho, rich guy so she she can have all the expensive jewelry, clothes, cars, and big houses in the world, while telling everyone that it doesn't mean anything to her. I think she secretly wants Harry.
  15. That's the truth. Why doesn't someone testify about Hugo and the records and pulling up the flowers. Those are perfect examples of the fact that Hugo's parents weren't making any effort to control him so someone else had to.
  16. And even Robin Wright looked awful in it. Between Rosie's awful hairdos, Aiesha's hair getting between her and her patients and Connie's oily clumps down her collar, I find the hair even more distracting than the floating accents. I hated the Rosie/Gary marriage dynamics. He had apparently taken a back seat to all Rosie's hysterical mothering and whining, no doubt because any suggestion of draconian methods like time-outs was shouted down. So Rosie humiliates him for his un-bear like, beta male behavior by calling him a big wuss who doesn't earn enough money to meet her great expectations. I thought that was probably the end of the marriage, but apparently either her emasculating tirade, or the art fan's adoration, did wonders for him and now he's there to offer the strong arm of comfort. I hope the judge caught Rosie's contradiction in stating that no one should ever usurp her position as parent, immediately followed by saying it was okay to get drunk at the barbeque because there were lots of other parents there. What could that mean other than that she expected them to help parent her child? If four glasses of wine is equal to four rum and cokes, I would be under the table laughing about something -- probably Rosie's hair.
  17. Halfway through, I lost focus on the dickishness and started getting swoony over the handsomeness; Barrows, Sir Richard Carlisle, Tony Gillingham, Lord Sinderby, Sir Anthony Strallen. Great still pictures.
  18. Hali could sure give Dan some lessons in diplomacy. Dan may be the most socially ignorant person to ever play the game. Who thinks the way to apologize to someone is to list all their mistakes? Who does that three times without noticing the negative results? Who thinks, "Shut your mouth and open your ears," is ever going to go down well with anyone? My heart is so full with hatred of Dan and his beard that I don't have room for anyone else. Even Rodney is now just comic relief for me., I just want him to get voted off soon so he can go potty.
  19. Wow, that 48Hours piece is adding so much information. Rachael knew about the ashes, how the first wife had died, and had told friends she was afraid of Todd. One of those men who supposedly loved her so much should have taken her and the children out of that house and far away before she started divorce proceedings. Also, she only weighed 110lbs to his 240.
  20. I thought the reason Todd and Rachael's father carried the babies with them was just because it was either take them along or leave them home alone. From what the neighbors said, Todd had the kids much more often than Rachael did. In that particular scene, I thought it was the boyfriend allowing his teenage daughter to carry a semi- automatic weapon into a confrontation, who seemed like the worst parent. I could not stand that love sick, collapse on the floor drama queen or the mural painting, wimpy boyfriend who was living with a woman twice as good looking as he was, but "wasn't ready to commit," because he thought something better might come along. Then we have the murderer who, I believe, had learned long ago, to fake mental illness when the going gets rough. Caught shop lifting? Fake a little amnesia. Unprepared to give a presentation? Go catatonic. Notice the prosecuting attorney is telling the jury exactly what you did? Pull out your tacky Japanese accent and quote a line from the Last Samurai. I was so glad the judge was having none of it. That poor first wife of Todd's, no one even cared to look at that very hard.
  21. I'm not worried about the woman of higher standards who Rodney marries, because I have a sure feeling that his better half is going to be someone exactly like the vulgar, racist, prone to using words incorrectly, Joisey girl -- Gina Marie of Big Brother 15.
  22. Isn't it a basic rule of etiquette that, in a small group, you don't start talking in a language that only some people understand? I keep waiting for someone to mention that. I went back to wanting to slap Hector's mother for talking about Aisha right in front of her. That family doesn't deserve her loyalty because they aren't loyal to her. I hope she volunteers to take the stand and tells all. I can't figure Aisha out. Why was she ready to cheat on her own husband, but not willing to cheat on the hot one's wife? Why is she feeling guilty about doing drugs during her internship because she might have killed herself, but doesn't seem worried that she might have killed some innocent patient?
  23. If Jeff didn't dislike Max before the, "I just wanted to say that," interruption, I'm sure he did after that.
  24. Lindsey insults all religious people and Rodney insults all women. I think they're equally obnoxious.
  25. I would love it so much if Will was the stealth player this year. He knows when he's in danger from people like Vince who think being overweight means you're physically and mentally incompetent. I wish water wasn't his kryptonite because, as Dan has shown, swimming is often the large person's best sport. Will is slow to anger and that gives him an advantage over half this season's cast.
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