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Blue Banrigh

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  1. Nothing really new to add, but I just binged watch the four seasons and maybe that magnified his bad traits but Good Lords I hate this character. He's a moody and spoilt child who throws a tantrum and blames others whenever he doesn't get his way; Eli's assessment of him being a boy was spot on. Ugh, I don't understand Olivia's attraction to him and this supposed great love that defines him. He's toxic; the moment that sealed it for me was when he blamed Mellie for his affair. Plus every times Olivia tries to shake him off and say no he just overpowers her until she submits. Ugh, the thought of him even being remotely happy at the end of the series makes me want to stab him in his face. Every time he yells at someone "I am the PRESIDENT", "I am the LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD", "I am your COMMANDER IN CHIEF" I'm yelling back at my TV "THEN FECKING ACT LIKE IT!" Are we supposed to want him and Olivia together? Cause I sure as hell don't, my hopes and wishes for his character is him being dead or jobless, alone and miserable in his empty house in Vermont in the dead of winter with no heating. Rant over.
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