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Everything posted by TaurusRose

  1. Yeah, I'm an animal lover, too, and I thought "oh, no, not the chicken!" during that scene, but the subject matter isn't sparing anybody, so... And yes, BJ does bring the pretty. Why is he the anti-Christ? wah!!!!!
  2. What the hell was Hakeem wearing? He looked like Howdy Doody in newspaper print. And WTF does he see in Yo-Ho? Especially when he has that Latina cutie longing for him? I can't get with Jamal and the sex freedom thing. I know that's what people want to go with, but like Cookie said, pick a team; stick with it. I have to admit that the show he put on with his new song was hot though. Cookie, please beat down Yo-Ho and send her back across the pond. BTW, where is her lesbian wife? I guess she just used her to get what she wanted, revenge on Lucious. It's getting hard to keep track of the schemes and players. Poor Rhonda and Andre. Their scenes were heartbreaking. Yes, Boo Boo Kitty pushed Rhonda so that her illegitimate offspring can be the heir. She was so fake when she showed up at the hospital that I wanted to punch her in the face. I wonder how long it will take for her to mess up and wear the shoes she wore to the scene of the crime again. The dead cat. LOL Wow. That was as low as that bitch getting a free tongue job in the elevator. Waiting to see what Lucious is going to do next, because I believe he would kill Hakeem, if for nothing else than crimes against fashion.
  3. Pandora is okay. I watched A Knight's Tale the other night and SS was really very fetching in that. She is doing a good job as Pandora in SH, too, it's just that she's a bad guy; therefore, I don't expect her to have longevity. She may be helping Team Witness at the moment, but do you really think someone who is used to having ultimate power and immortality is going to just give that up? I'm guessing no.
  4. IMO, it's weird in any time. The question being WHY? It makes me think the mother has some twisted hang-up having a kid with teeth hanging off her tit all the time. YMMV.
  5. This show has some genuinely scary scenes. The last scene with the kid....yowsah. They should have killed the kid off, though. Evil doesn't spare little children. I keep wanting Damien to be good (probably because Bradley James is playing him), but I know that can't happen. Where is this going?
  6. I got the impression that Crane didn't know anything about CPR when Abbie nearly drowned. He is a quick study and doesn't remain ignorant of advancements once brought to his attention. So when Whispering Tits needed reviving he was quite capable and able to save her worthless life. I wasn't heavily engaged during S2, but I never got the feeling that Crane and Katrina were the OTP. They were just too bland, but what was the Wigstand gloating about? I will give you the writers have played a nasty little game with the fans since coming back from the last break and if I could hurt those fuckers, I would.
  7. LOL This is way too much reason and thought for SH. It doesn't matter whether or not he relinquished his parental rights because he didn't bother to keep in touch with his children. Besides, I don't give a rat's ass about Ezra Mills. As it stands, I view him as one more unnecessary person thrown into the S3 mix. He's definitely on my list of people who need to leave right now. Come to think of it, given the choice of Betsy, Danny, Ezra, THO, Pandora and Sophie, the only person I'd choose is Sophie. I like Sophie; Sophie can stay.
  8. If talea456's analysis comes to pass, I'll eat crow and take back every negative thing I've said so far, BUT (you knew there was a but) I think s/he is giving SH's writers way too much credit; therefore, I remain unconvinced. Yes, he did, and I'm glad you pointed this out because I thought I was all alone on reading his performance. I can't quite agree with this. Not in the same ways as Danny. Last season (gah! you're making me remember CFD) Crane was torn between his witness duties and being a husband, not to mention dealing with a geriatric adolescent he didn't know he'd fathered. Granted, he gave in to Katrina more than he should have when it came to witness issues, but I can empathize with his plight. (He was kind of between a rock and a hard place.) And in the end, he put his responsibility as a witness (and his bond with Abbie) above the Wigstand. Quite possibly, but I can't make myself care. If Abbie wants hamburger instead steak, so be it.
  9. That is the way it has been presented on screen as well. Of course, they can always rewrite everything that has come before. Yes, I'm bitter and don't trust these ham-handed hacks with any aspect of SH.
  10. I will only concede to the fact that NR's portrayal of Betsy Ross was okay in this episode and this episode only.
  11. ROTFLMAO You say that like it's a bad thing.
  12. Here are my initial thoughts for this week's episode... First, I am glad that I went into this with no expectations; it saved me from the extreme frustration and annoyance I felt last week. I am of the opinion that Crane, now knowing that Abbie wants to pursue a relationship with Danny, will not make a move to inform her of his feelings. So, anybody waiting to see Ichabbie happen, will be waiting until hell freezes over because Abbie has to explore, revisit, WHATEVER "her and Danny." At any rate, I have no interest in an A/D pairing; if that's where they wanted to go they should have done it episodes ago. It won't even matter if A/C is the endgame because it will have taken too. damn. long. I'm not waiting 4-5 seasons, providing SH gets another season or two, to see Ichabbie happen. I'm also going on record with the A/D kiss did as much for me as J/J kisses do. That would be nothing. Second, Ezra Mills. What is the point of this character? I don't care about him and, TBH, I can't see why Abbie and Jenny do either after all this time. His lack of action as a parent informed the situations the girls had to face on their own. What exactly can he bring to the table besides taffy and photo albums? How can he ever make up for the years of abandonment? How can he fit into their lives? What about his new family? Has he run out on them now that he has adult children he can hang out with? Answers are not important because I am not interested in grown ass women allowing a loser father back into their lives. Sorry. Third, finally! Good use of Betsy Ross. I found no fault with her or NR's performance tonight. One question though, is she gone now for good? Danny learning the truth. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Danny asking about Crane. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Also, not the question he should have been asking. Danny and Abbie actually talking. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Crane appeared to be on the verge of confessing his feelings for Abbie a couple of times tonight, but we couldn't even get that because of interruptions (and now Abbie's Danny revelation). Good grief. I am so over the push/pull of Abbie & Crane. I won't continue to be a victim of ship-baiting. So, I'm officially accepting the company line...Ichabbie have an extraordinary bond as Witnesses. Other characters can stop telling me that they love each other. I don't care. I'm done. Jenny and Joe didn't annoy me tonight. I chalk that up to them actually focusing on the issue at hand rather than their love. Wait, Jenny did annoy me zoning out over fucking taffy when she was supposed to be researching flags. Does she always have to whine about personal issues while digging for intel? Again with the ineffectual guns. Enough said. I did like the backstory--AU history--regarding the flag, the Delaware crossing, the anthem. That's SH at its best. Pandora drop kicking THO was probably one of the best scenes of the night. Loved it. That's all for now.
  13. I'm only watching for Bradley James.
  14. Loved your entire post, but the part in bold made my day. LOL
  15. My unpopular opinion is this: I think the showrunner(s), writers, etc. are jerking our chains regarding a full-blown romance between Abbie Mills and Ichabod Crane. I have tried to "keep hope alive," but Incommunicado exceeded my tolerance level for bullshit. Also, I liked Jenny before she and Joe got together. Now I want to punch her in the face every time I see her, and her relationship with Joe is one step above cringe-worthy. I'm indifferent towards Joe at this point. They have no chemistry or heat. I felt nothing when she talked beastly Joe down and told him she loved him. Really? REALLY?! Which moron working on SH thinks anybody gives a flying fuck about Joe and Jenny? I am bordering on major dislike for them as individuals and as a couple. Nothing would make me happier than being proven wrong about the direction of SH and having my attitude changed before the season finale, but I am not holding out any hope for a miracle at this point.
  16. Box being a stand-in for her vagina. It's funny if you have a juvenile sense of humor. No offense intended to those who are yukking it up.
  17. THIS. Except for the liking Jenny/Joe comment. Constantly having them in my face has pushed me from being neutral to I couldn't fucking care less about them. They have zero chemistry and NO heat. Why am I being forced to watch them for most of the episode? I am STILL pissed and haven't even bothered to re-watch the episode. I feel like my chain is being yanked and I don't like it. Taurus=Bull. Bad things happen when you mess with bulls, show.
  18. I don't have much to add to what's already been said. I didn't know what the hell was going on most of episode. I don't get Ragnar and Yidu. I can't stand Aslaug and want her dead. Ditto for Erlendur. The new king and his brother seem off to me. They are doing everything in their power to make Bjorn a bad ass, but he's still not clicking with me. Floki is an annoying mystery. At some point his duplicity is going to catch up to him (I hope). Pretty much bored by Wessex and Paris. I'm tired of Ecbert and can't stand Judith. I'm also RME big time over all this 9th century empowered women BS. I'm looking at you Judith. STFU and go sit down somewhere before I slug you. I hope future episodes pick up the pace and give me something other than sexy times, drugs and craziness. I'll settle for the following people murdered posthaste: everybody in Wessex; the sorry court in Paris; the backstabbing, double dealers in Kattegat (Aslaug, Loki). That's all I got. Edited to add: I can't believe Aslaug's reaction to Ivar killing that little boy. That was someone's child and her total disregard for that little boy's senseless death makes her even more loathsome. Would Lagertha please come back to Kattegat and clean house?
  19. Actually, I thought she was pretty much painted as an arrogant, spoiled bitch. It's not a stretch to think that in spite of herself, she softened towards Rollo while watching his efforts to transform himself into a man more acceptable to her sensibilities, she even said as much. Also, the Viking brute never lost patience or his temper with her no matter how rude she was to him or how badly she treated him. And she is married to him, so why not put forth some effort to make it work? But fair enough, a good dicking never hurts and has been known to tame lots of shrews. Ask Scarlett O'Hara. LOL
  20. I can't comment on this episode yet because I am so friggin' annoyed by all the Joe/Jenny love and the NO Ichabbie love. I am truly pissed right now.
  21. Abbie touched him on his arm when she bailed on the magnificent romantic dinner. And I count the gentle cradling of Crane as touching. *dreamy sigh* At this point, though, I'm expecting an explosion of feels when they next touch. The tension between them is palpable.
  22. Okay, so I re-watched the episode a couple of times and have decided that the Abbie/Danny conversation was just poorly executed and that there is NO chance of them going back to whatever they had. Someone wrote a very insightful post on the subject on Tumblr, which basically said that Abby was letting Danny know that she didn't think of their time together as nothing special and never would, but their dynamics had changed and that time is done. This makes sense to me and like I said, after re-watching that scene a few times, I can roll with it. Also, I liked how Crane moved Sophie along when she unwittingly intruded on his time alone with Abbie. Sophie: "Hey. Robbie's a lot better. No more worms." Crane: "Oh, good. I'm sure he'll be very grateful for your help." Unlike J/J, Sophie can take a hint and says she'll go collect their gear. This is a first for Crane--at least IDR him ever telling someone to get lost so he can talk to Abbie. But there in the woods, with the romantic lighting and tension between him and Abbie, he clearly made Sophie aware that her presence was not required. I guess he's tired of people hanging around when he wants to be alone with his "partner." (Yes, I'm looking at you Joe & Jenny.) Yep, things are definitely changing on the Ichabbie front. Color me happy.
  23. And isn't that what it's really all about? We all can be jerks. Fortunately, for the rest of us, we don't have the media following us around to make every one of our jerk moments public. The only thing we should be concerning ourselves with is TH's abilities as an actor and what he's doing with this role. This need to constantly judge other people's RL struggles really bugs the shit out of me and IMO, is another undesired result of our PC society. Can we please just not?
  24. Freckles. Always been there. And they've always been adorable. LOL Oh, hell yeah. About a zillion times more.
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