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Posts posted by Snow8585

  1. Will seems to really push back at Jen. To just about everything she says. She could not get him to quit playing with his tablet or whatever no matter what she said. And when she mentioned that one grandparent lived in New York he said he wanted to move to New York. And Jen nervously laughed and said she would have to get a job in New York. Seems like a real disconnect there.

    • Love 9
  2. On 2/27/2018 at 1:25 PM, BitterApple said:

    TLC foots the bill to bring along the extra adults as nannies. I can't see Bill spending thousands out of his own pocket to fly three or four kid-wranglers to China, especially if the trip was for business purposes only. 

    Good points. I just thought it seemed theoritically a good idea.

    On 2/27/2018 at 4:28 PM, mythoughtis said:

    Bill and Jen adopted for the same reason many people do..they wanted children. They couldn’t safely, and then just couldn’t,  have biological children. They have the money to do it.  They wanted little people because they understand the issues and because they could provide the emotional support. Doesn’t make them saints nor devils, just people. 

    I wouldn’t take a 7 year old on  business trip to a neighboring state, let alone  foreign country. Why should Bill?  

    Bill and Jen took BOTH kids to Scotland and London. Those kids have travelled more than many adults ever will. Of course TLC PAID for it though.

    On 2/27/2018 at 3:27 PM, floridamom said:

    When is this show coming back? ..or is it?

    Good question. Still some lawsuits going on. Bill and Jen's suing LMNO is coming up in June.

    • Love 1
  3. On 1/20/2018 at 10:01 AM, humbleopinion said:

    Bratty behavior looks ugly on TV.

    I hope Jen and Bill realize that their shelf life on TV is almost over.  Jen and Bill have accomplished what they wanted from life and they should get off TV for the sake of their family.  If they do not, then its about the money. They could easily keep fans up to speed on social media. But they do not get paid $$$$$$ for that.

    • Love 2
  4. Yes i recall reading that they restored the kitchen to avg people height but maybe they left some things AS IS like the height of counter tops in bathrooms, door knobs , elevator buttons, stairs. who knows. I am sure there were plenty of custom things that they thought were not worth trying to undo. From what i could glean online, they purchased the property in 2009 and totally renovated it for themselves. Totally appropriate. I remember the opening of the The Little Couple, Jen said they built their "dream" home and that was it.

    • Love 2
  5. I see where Trulia lists it as sold yet when i did a search on SOLD homes in that zip code, it does not appear so I am skeptical. Maybe they rented it or took it off the market to list it in the future. Further on realtor.com there is a note that the property is being sold AS IS... Thats odd.

  6. 2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    I was thinking the same as well. If they're deliberately encouraging this behavior then it makes me think a lot less of Bill and Jen. I would rather it be a case of parents who are just too permissive as opposed to ones who are exploiting their kid's delays for ratings and money. Although I guess putting your kids on TV in the first place is a form of exploitation in and of itself.

    I really wonder what it will take for the Kleins to say enough is enough.  I guess unless the ratings really drop. They claim they would stop if filming was having a negative effect on the kids. Well I for one think we are about there now. They have so much money now and fame, what more could they possibly want?

    • Love 11
  7. 1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

    Yea, I know that but it's not going to be convenient to expand his pet store business from Florida unless he gives up the Houston idea and focuses on Florida pet stores.

    I thought I saw Bill sort of roll his eyes and say "Hopefully" when he spoke about letting the Houston staff run the shop there. Not a huge sign of confidence in the folks employed there.

  8. 16 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    Jen grew up in Florida, right? Orlando area. If I remember correctly, the parents moved to northwest Florida, like Pensacola or Destin or somewhere like that? If that is the case, it's an 8 hour drive from St. Pete. Nowhere near close by. I could be wrong and maybe the parents did move to St. Pete. 

    At least during the hurricane, her folks lived somewhere near Pensacola.  It was a very long drive for Jen and Bill et al to get there and to get home.

  9. In the opening of The Little Couple, we hear Jen talk about Houston and how they built their dream home, etc. It sure seemed like Texas Children's Hospital was a sure thing.  Guess not. She does not treat patients anymore. Maybe head of the Sim Lab was really a temporary thing. Maybe no where else to go at that hospital. Hopkins in Florida building a Sim Lab was something Jen was certainly qualified for. She is a Hopkins Alum so I am sure she pulled strings for the job. At dinner with Bill, she said "I got the job." And then a discussion about moving??? Wouldn't you think they would have talked about it BEFORE she applied. Something odd about all that.

    • Love 7
  10. I have also read similar comments from true blue fans. I am sure Bill and Jen are thrilled with their following. But the fact is, they and TLC are making it difficult for Will and Zoey to be accepted into the day to day world outside of the TLC bubble.  If Will and Zoey are lucky enough to make new friends, it is possible that their parents would not want them over as guests behaving the way they do. And I am sure some businesses would be unhappy to have them in their stores or restaurants. In fact, I wonder if some have declined to be filmed knowing what they are in for.  I guess TLC reimburses the businesses for any mess or damage done to the property or products when Will and Zoey wreak havoc.  But one day, and I am guessing in the not-too-distant future, that the cameras will go away and then the REAL reality will set in for this family.

    • Love 10
  11. 11 minutes ago, sATL said:

    I wonder where his potty mouth comes from. It seems a little more excessive that what is picked up from  their school -which was stated/suggested/deduced   on another thread they attend a private ,probably small class size, school. 

    I wonder about that too. Maybe from their interactions with other kids on the show? We only see snippets so who knows what really goes on. Worse yet, i hope the TLC crew does not encourage that sort of behavior. The kids do seem to interact more with the film crew now. I even think i saw Will hit the camera focused on him last night.  I believe they are both in private schools. Jen had a photo on Instagram for their first day of school and they were  both in what looked very much like school uniforms.

    • Love 5
  12. We did not see Zoey asking to take a toy home like greedy Will.  His behavior is getting worse and worse. The producers can only encourage so much. Farty this Farty that etc. What is wrong with Jen and Bill and TLC? They should look at the camera and say STOP.  Bill and Jen are producers????  In the beginning, their whole premise was to educate the planet on how little people live in a world designed for big people. Goodness gracious we are way off the rails now. And as for product placement, they have been doing this for years...JELLO, Manwich, Chloe Dao, Hunts. Endless.  Total infomercial. Even the restaurants and stores they go to.

    • Love 7
  13. It was not much of a visit for Judy and her husband. Stop by the house, no meal that we saw, no gifts even though it was supposedly christmas time, and then a business related visit to Rocky and Maggies. I go back and forth on Judy. She seems to be the only one that the kids really listen to when she wants them to behave but then she goes and does a dumb thing like encouraging the adoption of two dogs knowing full well that there are already two dogs at home and then to encourage the adoption of dogs that will be bigger than the kids when the dogs are full grown.  She put Jen and Bill in a terrible spot. She is not a dumb person so why on earth would she do something like that, I do not know.

    • Love 6
  14. 1 hour ago, Rap541 said:

    I'm gonna take a wild guess and say the people at New Day and the Indian orphanage probably pray every day that every kid in their corral gets adopted by wealthy American parents versus the alternative they face as poor orphans. 

    Yes they probably do except that I think they also care how their kids are treated and how they are raised. 

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