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Posts posted by phoenixrising

  1. Harry Shum has a new job, in the TV version of Mortal Instruments.

    Oh no. Why are you doing this to me, Harry?! I love you but the Mortal Instruments was so bad I couldn't get past the first 50 pages.

  2. ...I am done. Forever.

    Carter really did lie to us if Amy is randomly going to be chasing a guy now, after he told us she was a lesbian. Uuuuuuugh.

    I'm all for bi representation, but not after you lie to us saying they weren't going to do this. I forgave the hulk thing in part A. I'm not forgiving this.

    Also, I foresee a Reamy break-up, and I don't want Karmy to be romantic.

  3. I thought about watching Supergirl, but then the lesbian joke happened, and I decided...nah.

    Also, I don't have anything against Melissa, but there is something I find mildly annoying about her in this as well as her as Marley. Little too wide-eyed and innocent for me, I guess. I thought it was just Marley, but I think it's her personality too.

  4. The shade sounds amusing, but I can't watch that show. I did for the other episode Chris was on and it was awful (not because of him, but just because it's so unfunny).

  5. Stating the obvious, more or less, but...the show was declining, creatively and commercially long before Cory's death...

    Yeah, season 4 was when viewership was really dropping. And the stuff they did that season...oomph. There was no recovery. Although I'm sure losing Cory didn't help.

    Still, Kevin's honesty is always a joy to hear. I'm still awaiting a tell-all from someone.

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  6. Yeah, based on that song, Finding Neverland is just not for me. Although honestly, something about Matt's style has never really been for me.

    The thing that annoys me about the Darren songs is man, the attempts at the accent are not good. Looking at the Broadway.com forum from people who saw it, and aren't Darren/Glee fans, or even know much about him, seem mostly unimpressed. It doesn't seem like he was awful, but definitely pitchy and I think some were disappointed in the acting.

  7. Yeah, I'm not saying Darren is the most talentless hack. I've enjoyed his starkid stuff and I've enjoyed some songs he's done outside of Glee, or even in Glee. I also think he can have a nice tone to his voice when he isn't shouting or straining for high notes. In general, I think he's got his good and bad days.

    I just think hyping Darren up that much is over the top, especially from the Hedwig people. I get they want to sell tickets, and maybe he'll do a better job than I anticipate, but it comes off desperate when they hype that much.

    I get stans tend to look through rose-colored glasses, and detracters look through shit-stained ones. I personally try to be realistic about my fav (Naya) and I try, in certain conversations at least, to not be too hard on the ones I dislike (mainly chord and Darren). I love Naya, and I enjoyed Sorry, but I'm not going to rush to its defense and I'd never claim it's amazing. This does happen with other stans too though. I once saw a Chris Stan compare Chris's writing to Oscar Wilde. While I enjoyed Struck by Lightning, saying Chris is anywhere near Wilde is as ludacris to me as saying Darren is a talent of a generation.

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  8. The more I have thought about it, the more I like that the show ended with 'I Lived' and not DSB. While DSB is the show's anthem, I think do have done it would not have paid tribute to the show properly because it would have emphasised Finn/Cory's absence. I think they maybe knew they wouldn't top what they had done and so left it alone. While 'I Lived' is not the best song ever, it was done more in the style of Season 1/2 group numbers. So for that, I appreciate it and I am happy with where DSB ended.

    That said, 'I Lived' didn't have enought Naya Rivera but had less Blaine. I will settle, but I'm just saying....

    I also think they kind of shot themselves in the foot with 2009, in the sense that nothing they could've pulled out would've topped seeing the original DSB. I think Cory's abscene would've been felt no matter what they did, but especially after putting that in the first hour.

    I Lived as a song I could've dealt with, if we'd gotten all the originals on a line, or at least all the original 5 (didn't Roderick get a line? And not Tina? I like him but what the hell?). Considering who they had singing primarily, it reminded me how much the show became the Rachel and the Penis Parade Show (with one WOC backing it up to avoid totally lacking diversity). I dunno, it goes back to what the show is for me, personally at least, and for me it's about the relationship between that original group of kids. Focusing mostly on a few was going to kill it a little for me.

  9. Yeah, opinions are always going to be subjective. While maybe the Hedwig people think Darren is this talent of a generation, I don't.

    Maybe I'm weird, but I don't really care if someone's a good dancer or not when I'm watching a show. It can be fun watching the professional dancers, but as long as you look comfortable on the stage with whatever you're doing, I can enjoy it.

    I do think the hype around Darren is OTT, especially considering past Hedwigs (NPH and Michael C. Hall are kind of amazing. Not familiar with the other ones). It does seem like a slightly desperate move on their parts to get people in the seats (the hype more than the casting), but I find it bizarre that for their stunt casting, they didn't try to go bigger. Out of the group of people I know, anyway, only people I know who watched Glee have any idea who he is, and based on my conversations with the average person, most people forgot about Glee years ago. Until he gets another hit project, he's nowhere near being an A-lister. I dunno, I buy they like him, but to this degree? Nah. It'll be interesting to see how it goes.

  10. Yeah, but isn't Scream Queens going to be an anthology series like AHS? If it gets rebooted every season, you don't have to worry about that.

    Ok, I checked, and it isn't quite the same as AHS. Some characters and continuity will crossover from season to season, which, Ryan, noooo! You are not friends with continuity and long term character development.

    I thought AHS seasons 3-4 got really terrible. Although the continuity isn't as big of an issue, I felt like in those two seasons he was still very ADD and couldn't focus on anything long enough for it to be interesting. Or he'd focus forever on boring stuff.

  11. When you put Lea next to Dianna, she's looks slightly less conventionally pretty. But she is still way hotter than most people? Yes. That says more about how ridiculously hot Dianna is than anything about Lea though.

    But Hollywood has bizarre ideas of what "ugly" girls look like (see the trailer for DUFF. If that chick is ugly and fat, then most of us are).

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  12. But there are (in some of these anyway) excluded elements that make a huge difference. Like knowing where Bieste was going, getting a better idea of wtf is up with Samcedes (though still overly vague), etc. And im not sure whose benefit they were cut for.

    Although it is depressing to see they didn't even think of throwing the unfinished characters a line of dialogue about where they are and stupidly cut it.

  13. Two Naya acting moments that really stand out for me:

    1. Her face after she slept with Finn. It really painted a whole story about her sexual relationships with guys. At that time I doubt it was about being a lesbian, in the script, but just how empty she felt.

    2. The Quarterback, particularly during Fire and Rain. I could tell from just looking at her that she was probably going to lose it later.

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  14. The problem as it relates to this, though, is bringing things other people say on various other social media sites, and somehow relating it to this particular discussion. If you guys are talking about extreme Darren hate, unrelated to this discussion, then it really has nothing to do with our criticism of Darren in here right now. This isn't the Fandom thread, where the discussion started out as an observation of fandom across the entirety of the internet. So, I get confused about the white-knighting for him, in this particular discussion, over something so benign and minor as me saying I don't believe he seems like the kind of actor who really thinks about character choices and motivations. Or that I find it funny that he complained about singing live, given his career right now. Neither of which are extreme criticisms, or "hate" IMO.

    Anyway, it doesn't matter. Darren seems to provoke the most "hate", but also the most outrage on his behalf. We slam the first set of Noobs on pretty much a daily basis, over and over, and yet only one person in here comes to their defense.

    I wouldn't say I'm white-knighting him. Earlier in the thread, I acknowledged he says some stupid things.

    I just think everything he says gets picked apart, and it's just kind of ridiculous to me. I don't feel like it happens, as often, as it does with other actors on the show. And sometimes he does say things I agree with (like how dumb Blaine proposing was). Like, it comes across like he just always does everything wrong, and that gets frustrating, since I don't think that's the case. I also don't think he does everything right.

    I can't remember if I ever slammed the newbies (I might've), but I suppose the Darren criticism does tend to come off harsher to me. On the record, I hated their poorly written story lines more than them. I'm actually happy Melissa is onto better things than Glee.

    Anyway, I'm going to back out of this thread until the topic changes, before everyone jumps down my throat.

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  15. It just depends on what the definition of "hate" is for people. Is it legit criticism? Is it for something out of the actors' control? Is it actual hatred aimed at them specifically? Naya doesn't get a lot of criticism as an actor because she legitimately elevates the material she's given. Santana doesn't get a lot of "hate" as a character, because on a show like Glee, she's still one of the more entertaining and consistently written. But Naya gets a ton of hate for her personal life. And that's ACTUAL hate, aimed at her for doing or saying things that people don't agree with. That's actually what I'd call hate.

    I don't think anyone is going overboard in their criticism of Darren to the lengths one would a pedophile or domestic abuser.

    Not so much on this board, but I have seen some really low blows at Darren for things unrelated to his talent (he's ugly, pointing out his bald spot, secretly sleeping with a producer, etc.). I think there's also ways to critize talent without being like "they're the worst person/actor/singer EVER!" And I do feel like a lot of Darren criticism does become that, even if there's truth in it. He's certainly not the worst. I get equally annoyed when people say everything Chris, Lea, and even Naya do is pure gold. I love Naya as a talent, but I've side-eyed some things she's said. I suppose extremes just frustrate me.

    Also, I wasn't trying to claim that anyone was equating Darren to either of them. I was just saying, I only have so much room for celebrities to hate, and things like that take more priority than Darren sometimes saying dumb things.

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  16. Darren, along with Chord and Kevin always give me that 'clueless college student, never worked a day in their lives' feel from their interviews. They're not stupid, but they're not smart either. Though frankly that won't harm them in their line of work.

    I really like Kevin, but Darren and Chord both kind of have a frat bro vibe that can be kind of annoying, for sure. But wasn't Mark accused of sexual battery a while ago? I don't remember that really getting talked about, and in the grand scheme of things, I feel like that should garner more attention from fans than some of the stuff we argue about a lot. I'll be fair and say that I don't think I was really in the fandom at the time so it might've been, but I'd rather have to deal with annoying than dangerous.

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  17. I think that many good actors "need" to , whether it's pointless or not; it's just part of their craft and approach for a role.

    It happens with all the actors. Chris, Naya and Lea get a lot of flak for things they said or did, so I do think it's also bullshit that he's the most maligned special cupcake either as you seem to be implying. I just get so tired that if he's criticized for foot in mouth it's "hatred". Sometimes he's polarizing because of things he says. It's not rocket science.

    On Glee, I feel like that's a road to frustration. I don't know how Chris didn't tear his hair out by the end of Glee. I'm not saying no one should do it, but I can understand why working on a Ryan show, you might not. If he has the same approach to other projects, I might change my mind, but I don't really have plans to follow his career.

    Also, I can confirm as a Naya Stan, she definitely gets a lot of hate, but I do think Darren gets more, and if I had to theorize, it's because his character was attached to Kurt. During Jagged Little Tapestry, I remember the Naya/Santana hate escalated a lot (also during Frenemies, because even though Lea also gets a lot of hate she's still more popular I believe).

    For some people it is mixing up the character and actor. But I also think he was put into a position of higher scrutiny than someone like Chord (who I dislike more). If Darren had come on to be Mercedes or Tina's boyfriend, he probably would've never gotten as much attention as he has (positive or negative).

    I'm aware he has said some dumb things, but I guess I look at it in the big scheme: he's not Woody Allen or Chris Brown who should really be jail and not in the industry. The dumb things he says don't bug me as much as some comments other celebrities have said. They've still taken him down a few pegs for me, but there are bigger celebrities who've done worse things.

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