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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. Well clearly there are many who viewed him as nothing more than a junkie so they didn't do that great of a job apparently. I think the Lea/Cory situation was more a case of she, like many before and after her, fell in love with a co-star. It just so happened this co-star was an addict who later relapsed and died. It also helped that what happened with Cory, at least publicly, happened in the space of a few months. He publicly went into rehab then less than two months later was dead. It's not like Lea was dating a Charlie Sheen type with multiple stories of his having sex with porn stars, being violent, getting arrested, etc. and there she was through it all sticking by her man. But as I said above this is Lea's thread and I don't want to derail the conversation. I can respect people's feelings and personal experiences, especially as I don't know that I'd ever date an addict, recovered or not because it's a disease you never completely get cured from (see Philip Seymour Hoffman - 20 years of sobriety and still died from drugs) but I just don't see the point and the need to constantly vilify Cory when again the guy's dead and been dead for a year. Yes he was an addict, we all know that but I don't think Lea was being naive or that she was making him a "hero" when in an interview she said he was more than his addiction. He had a disease and ultimately it beat him but he was still a person who was somebody's son, friend, loved one and his life still freaking mattered.
  2. Yes a few idiots were going to judge her no matter who and when she chose to move on and they would likely be the same idiots who were saying the relationship was never real anyway and it was all for PR and she was milking Cory's death for publicity. That said, I'm sure if she'd started dating some low-key, maybe little known actor/musician, most people would probably say that's nice and move on. But you do have to admit, going from having a boyfriend who OD'ed to a guy who moonlights as a hooker is naturally going to make some people raise their eyebrows over her relationship choices. Which is why, as I said, I really doubt she knew about this and will be shocked if dude is not dropped in a heartbeat. And her and her people will likely do everything in their power to present her as single until enough time has passed where they hope everyone has forgotten about this little incident. Or I could be wrong and she's fallen so hard for him that she won't care - yeah I doubt it. Especially if all of the story is to be believed, she cared enough to keep the relationship very quiet.
  3. I really don't want to get into this because one, it's Lea's thread and two, the guy's been dead for almost a year now so I don't see the point. But I will just say this, I think Jane Lynch's Quarterback comment had to do with the sentiment that Cory was like a leader on the show itself and among the cast-members. And I do remember many of the cast-members expressing this same sentiment early in the show's success and saying it multiple times throughout. That Cory was the one often pumping people up on set, during the tours, was friendly with the crew, etc. So I didn't read her comment as anything more than that. As for the nasty comments about Lea, if any of that is from tumblr, I'm not surprised and why I have avoided Glee tumblr tags like the plague since I made the mistake of going on there once. Have never made that mistake again.
  4. Actually from the comments at USWeekly.com, I'm seeing a lot of people saying that if it is true Lea must have really bad taste in men and makes horrible choices to go from first falling in love with a drug addict and now a male hooker. A lot of the comments at ONTD have actually been people seeming amused, especially at the irony of the Rachel/Brody storyline and basically being like, "get it Lea." I don't remember anyone making Cory into a hero or loving him for being a drug addict. A lot of the fans who did love Cory seemed to love him as Finn and love him as someone who was always kind and gracious to his fans and were sad when he died. Not wanting to sit around and pass judgements on someone especially after they're already dead does not automatically mean making excuses for them. As for this guy, the TMZ story on this is a little strange. First they say Lea and the guy have been together for a few months now and that the guy has taken a hiatus from the company since he started dating Lea, yet they state that according to records, his last job was a weekend with a client in April. April was less than two months ago. So either this thing with him and Lea has only really been going on for a month or it means he was still working while they were already dating. And if it is the latter, that reason alone she needs to drop him and fast.
  5. How long was it between Enzo's death and Kathlena breaking up with Damon whereby he murdered Aaron and threatened Jeremy's life? Yes I can see how Stefan thinking Damon may react irrationally to unpleasant news is irrational on his part. Honestly that whole Stefan can't tell Damon Enzo was dead storyline was such crap I refused to judge any of the characters involved - Stefan or Damon. Instead it just made me even more annoyed with Plec and company shitty writing that they thought I was supposed to buy that Enzo was apparently this super special important person in Damon's life that losing him would just send him over the edge. Yeah okay what the hell ever. Not to mention it was just a really, really lame excuse to create some Stefan/Elena keeping a secret tension for one episode. I hate this show sometimes...
  6. Well I guess it's a good thing I'm one of those who don't and never have thought anything was going on between Meryl and Maks other than competing together on DWTS, so much as I rag on Maks, if this J-Lo thing turns out to hold some water, I wouldn't worry about poor Meryl's heart since I doubt she'd care.
  7. Blanche: "Well I don't see what the big deal is in passing this boy. Why in my neck of woods, they practically gave grades away." Dorothy: "Blanche, in your neck of the woods men named Bubba get into Law School."
  8. FYI, the link above does not work. It takes you to the first page of this thread. If (big IF) J-Lo's camp is actually the one behind the People story, I can only conclude it's because she wants to distract people from all the talk of her and recent ex breaking up because he was sexting two transgender women. Because I highly doubt J-Lo would need to use Maks for publicity and/or press. Also if this is true - careful Maks, between Kate Upton and now J-Lo, you're on way to Julianne territory there. Meanwhile, how are the Meryl and Maks shippers taking this one? Man it's turning out to be a hard week for people who ship Meryl with someone what with Charlie getting engaged and now this Maks and J-Lo story.
  9. I feel fairly certain I never indicated or suggested that Darren was some special snowflake with the criticism or hate he gets. The discussion started because of a comment about not seeing a need to compare Darren and Chris and most of my comments has been in relation to that - that is, the specific nastiness I have seen because of the Chris vs. Darren stuff. Stating that does not mean that I somehow am negating what has been said or done to and about other actors on the show.
  10. See I don't really think it is that unbelievable. Apparently the guy went by a different name on the website/company he works for. And like I said, it's very possible it's something he does or did to pay the bills when he wasn't getting regular gigs. So he probably does have a genuine portfolio of a few modeling gigs, maybe some roles as an extra in a few shows, etc. So I can see her believing that he's a struggling/up and coming actor/model or whatever it is when meeting him and thinking nothing more of it. I mean maybe she does know but I don't know, Lea seems too conscious of her career and image in my opinion. I'm not saying I buy those who think she and Cory were PR and/or she's milked his death but I do think a part of her and hell her people would say, "umm do you know what the media will write and say if the first guy you start dating after Cory is some ex-gigolo?" Uh-uh don't buy it. And I can't see them being so delusional as to think no one would find out just because apparently the guy took a leave of absence of whatever it was from the company.
  11. Yikes! So while it was more than clear that the writers just gave up and started stealing from Lea's life for Rachel's character towards the end of the season, wasn't expecting Lea to steal from Rachel's storylines. So supposedly she's dating a guy who is/was an escort. Okay then. You know what, if this is true (and with TMZ confirming the guy was a part of the company/site and US Weekly confirming the relationship I'm inclined to believe it is) I'm going to say she probably did not know this about him as I doubt it's something the guy tells potential girlfriends, especially as they supposedly met on the set of her music video. My guess is this guy's story is that of sadly many who come to Hollywood/LA chasing fame. He is probably a wannabe model/actor who did the escort thing on a side to pay the rent/bills while trying to get gigs. He gets the gig to be in her video, they hit it off but because we live in the digital age and everything online is public no matter how you try to hide it, TMZ finds out. Will be interesting to see if she drops him quick because of this. So far there are no public outings, confirmation, etc. of the relationship. So she can just end it and just let the story quickly die down and go away.
  12. Really Lizzie...couldn't wait two weeks after J-Lo's breakup announcement to plant that one?
  13. That's just it though, Plec and company give zero indication that they have ANY interest in bringing in someone new for Stefan. Every new person they've brought in has been male or a psycho a la Tessa. They introduced some new characters this season and who did they choose to stick around and be a regular, Enzo who is like Damon-lite. So my concern is that Stefan is basically going to what, hang around for another how many seasons until they finally write Elena as briefly being over wanting to bang Damon at every turn and she decides to acknowledge Stefan again or Paul decides to leave the show? If those are the options that's depressing as shit. It's not like I don't think for one second Plec and company won't ruin Stefan and Caroline because we all know Elena's vagina has magical powers that no man who has been there can ever fully move on but for crying out loud, they need to give Stefan something beyond just hanging around, playing sympathetic ear to Elena as she whines about her shit-fest relationship with Damon and vice versa and then either being thrown in a box underwater, having his brain fried or having his heart ripped out. Like enough. I want to see Stefan happy again for however briefly it lasts. I want to see him have fun again and smile and freaking get laid on a regular damn basis. If I have to put up with constant scenes of Elena and Damon banging across every furniture piece and gratuitous shots of Ian's bare chest and all his and Elena's so called passionate sex scenes, then dammit I think I am entitled to some gratuitous shots of Paul. I think Paul's talent is under-rated sometimes because he's not playing the "sexy, complex bad boy" (not that I actually see Damon as that since whiny is more the word I think of in regards to him but I digress) but I think his portrayal of all of those characters has done a good job of showcasing some of his range. For me what stands out is like Nina with Elena and Katherine, Paul managed to make all these characters unique sometimes with just subtle facial/physical expressions. I think it was interesting how many people knew immediately in the season finale that Bonnie was talking to Silas on the other side and not Stefan just by a few physical gestures. I also think his portrayal of normal Stefan is very interesting because I personally have always found that Stefan even in his "nice/normal" guy persona has this subtle undertone of darkness which of course explains the Ripper personality. And it's fascinating to watch when he lets it out every so often - see the Stefan/Enzo fight scene this past season when he threatens Enzo to leave town and stay away from Damon. Honestly if I was living in Mystic Falls, I'd be more afraid of Stefan than Damon and it's why I say I don't think Damon is so complex or layered. He's kind of an asshole who kills people and doesn't care and that's it. You know what you're pretty much getting with him most of the time. Stefan is like that individual that internalizes a lot and then they can just snap on you. He's far more unpredictable imo. And I find the way Paul plays him really fascinating.
  14. I have never bought into the "well this person/character has many pages of discussion so they must be doing something right or it means they're so complex and layered." Sometimes it just means that the writers have made the character do so many shitty things that their fans often have to vehemently defend said actions while others argue that no, they're just shitty actions - see Chuck Bass on GG. But then again maybe it's also because I'm one of those who as surprising as it may seem, does not really hate Damon but rather find the character more tedious than anything. What I passionately disagree with and argue against are the comments that either excuse/defend the character's actions. I actually don't find Damon that complex or layered. As for the show fizzling out without him - I personally think TVD worked because the casting for all three leads was well done. Like I have always acknowledged that as much as I hate Elena, I have nothing but respect for the work Nina does on that show and I think Paul is greatly underrated by some because for so long he was the "nice guy" to Damon's so called "complex/layered bad boy." And goodness knows it's not like the writers have given him shit to do in the last two seasons. But I personally think he has shown far more range between playing "normal" Stefan, Ripper Stefan, Silas, etc. Even the Tom character in the brief bits we saw of him seemed so different from Stefan.
  15. The writers just need to tone down Cam's diva tendencies and pettiness and in fairness that is true of all the really OTT annoying qualities about the other characters, like Gloria's being loud and obnoxious. Because it just gets repetitive and redundant after awhile, not to mention Cam's being over 40 makes a lot of his behavior less cute and just obnoxious and irritating.
  16. I don't ever see Derek leaving dance entirely. Unlike Julianne and even Mark, he really does seem to love it and where his passion lies. He may do the acting thing here and there, and some singing but I do see Derek moving towards being a Kenny Ortega, Adam Shankman, etc. type. Julianne just wants to be famous and she figures dance alone can't do that for her so she'll continue making mediocre movies and trying to date A-List stars. And poor Mark, I really believe music is his passion but I just don't see him having some huge hit/success with it so he'll stick with the dancing not because he loves it but because it pays the bills.
  17. I can't speak to the Teen Wolf and Supernatural fandoms as I've never been a regular viewer of either show (although the Jensen/Jared shipping is legendary) but I will say with regards to TVD, yes there is the inevitable who is better/worse etc. fandom arguments over Stefan and Damon. That is inevitable. However, and it is quite likely I just don't hang around these parts of the fandom, I don't see the level of vitriol and hate towards the actors as I do with the whole Kurt (Chris) vs Blaine (Darren) issue. That's the main issue imo. It's that liking one character versus another, liking one actor over another has spilled over into just plain hatred for some towards the other actor. And like I said I truly believe that the cheating storyline really elevated that whole thing which is why I've said that I really do believe that at some point, particularly with regards to Darren, the line between Blaine and him got crossed and he seemed to be loathed for the shitty things Blaine did or said. Like I'm sorry, I cannot buy simply thinking someone is a mediocre actor is enough to warrant that level of anger and just visceral rage that seemed to come from some towards him. Going back to Ian and Paul and for the record, yes I have seen some discussions about who some think is the better actor but I do wonder if part of why there isn't the same level of bitterness/vitriol is because of how much the two obviously seem to adore each other. And I do think that's been another thing with Darren and Chris. They're clearly not bosom buddies and they don't have to be. There's no rule that says people who play a romantic pairing onscreen must become BFF's in real life. But I think that has helped add to the meme of Chris hates Darren, Chris loathes the pairing, Chris has nothing but disdain for Darren and the pairing, Darren resents Chris's success, Darren is jealous of Chris and all that stuff has just rolled into one and created where we are at now with both factions. And like I said I think both sides over-rate their favorite. I do think Chris Colfer is talented but I feel like I haven't seen enough of him to declare him some actor of our generation. He very likely may turn out to be but I need to see more to judge that. Oh and I hate his singing voice - sorry. Darren's acting is very limited and I think he might do well to stretch himself on Broadway like Daniel Radcliffe has done since Harry Potter ended. Daniel took a lot of grief for some for his acting in HP, especially the earlier movies but he's really made an effort to get better and stretch his muscles, taking on obscure roles, doing theater, etc. That said, while I find him fairly mediocre as an actor, I actually do love Darren's voice and I'm impressed with him as a musician. As a person who could barely learn the damn flute in high school for music class, I respect anyone who can learn not just one but multiple instruments. That shows dedication and natural talent in my opinion.
  18. I think it had to do with the "big" Hilary Clinton interview ABC scheduled and rather than just go off-air entirely for a week, the show decided to throw together that recap thing just so they could air something on Monday.
  19. I just find it tedious and juvenile to be honest. Not to mention that this show is so god-awful that I just feel bad for all the actors because no one should have to shovel that pile of slop the writers throw at them. As for why it's such a thing with Darren and Chris, I think it's largely to do with what I posted in another thread. That oddly, from day one, even as "Klaine" the pairing exploded, factions were developing with those who loved Blaine but hated Kurt and those who hated Blaine but loved Kurt. And it was pretty much a given that the love for the character also extended to the actor. So then the same ones who loved Blaine, loved Darren and those who loved Kurt, loved Chris. Now obviously this isn't everyone of course but there has always been this undertone of tension from day one. And like I said, that cheating storyline took that shit to hell in a basket and it's never gotten better. Me personally, while I'm not like the poster above who dislikes them both, I do think fans on both sides greatly exaggerate and over-rate each and on the flipside I think some of the criticisms and attacks on either actor from those who don't like them are exaggerated as well. Personally I say just look at this way - the show's all but done anyway. No way Glee is coming back for another season if they even see a full S6. So just a few more episodes and these people never have to work with or be around each other ever again.
  20. Yeah sadly I think that ship sailed a VERY long time ago. Do what I do...just ignore all of it. lmao...that's hilarious.
  21. Josh seemed more annoyed with himself for not being the one to take the initiative and go after Andi, than being annoyed with Nick. Honestly the guys who seemed the loudest and most defensive are the ones who likely see or saw the writing on the wall - Tasos for example, who went home that night and Cody who is pretty much that contestant who gets strung along for numbers purposes and eventually gets eliminated. And then there was Andrew but Andrew just seems like a smarmy douchebag who is always going to have something to say. The preview for next week show him and Marquel going at it and if Reality Steve's spoiler is correct about what Andrew said about Marquel, color me not surprised. As for the guys not liking Andi, honestly maybe it's just me but I find that especially with The Bachelorette, most of the times you could tell that it is only a handful of guys who are really all in with the whole falling in love with the Bachelorette and the others are all clearly more in the friend zone but it's a show and they won't say that. I don't think the guys dislike Andi but I can absolutely believe people like Andrew, maybe Patrick, Chris and even Marquel have likely figured out already that it's not going to happen between them. Doesn't mean they don't think she's a cool woman and frankly, that doesn't bother me because we all know Andi likely already has her Final 4 and maybe even Final 3 figured out.
  22. Yeah it was him. So from the extra scenes shown in tonight's special, Andi apparently did apologize to the guys for getting upset at them and she also acknowledged in a private conversation with Nick that yes she can be a bitch at times. I will say I was surprised to see her say that. Oh and speaking about her conversation with Nick, apparently the guys didn't take too kindly to his taking the initiative and going after Andi. Honestly, I watched the whole scene and couldn't figure out what the guys were so angry about so I was only left to conclude that they were whiners and they were really mad at themselves for not being the one to do what Nick did. eta: And judging by the comment above I guess this will be just like the situation with Eric and opinions will vary. I just cannot wrap my head around what was so wrong in going after Andi to make sure she was okay, especially as this is a show based on the premise that they are all there for her. All I can think is the editing left some stuff on the floor because I don't see anything wrong in Nick's actions. Yes in the ensuing argument he started getting defensive but I couldn't blame him because he suddenly had 3-4 guys all coming at him including Andrew, the guy who got some other woman's number but actually feels right in questioning someone's intentions and sincerity. Like really dude? Also, the promo for next week, I'll be honest, I was totally nodding at Nick's response in the clip with Cody when Cody's all "do you think you're the favorite..." or whatever it was and Nick was like "and why do you care?" Thing is, I've rarely ever been on the side of the other Bachelorettes/Bachelor when there's a gang up on one contestant because most times I think the ones doing the ganging up are the ones being annoying. Fact, as far as I could tell, is that all these guys sat around, twiddling their thumbs waiting for the producers and/or Chris Harrison to tell them what to do and Nick took initiative and went up to Andi. If she wanted to be left alone and not talk to him, she would have said so. But seeing her walk back in holding hands with him, they all got in a tizzy because they were mad at themselves for not being the one to think of it and do it.
  23. I guess I should have made it obvious that I meant "some viewers" view it that way. Of course I know that not everyone feels this way or views the situation this way. Unless my memory is wrong, I thought she first mentioned the "we don't work in this situation" during their 1 on 1 time at the group date and ymmv but I didn't read that as defensive. She asked him how he was doing, what he thought of the whole situation and based on his responses and the fact that they seemed to be stalling in their interactions and "connection", she suggested that maybe together they weren't thriving in the situation. I didn't interpret that as being defensive or blaming him but more that the two of them just weren't clicking in the situation.
  24. It is an odd and difficult situation because there is a part of me that does wonder if some of the more negative reactions to Andi would have been the same had Eric not passed away or hell if some would have even cared as much about the whole drama or would it have been more of a "well yeah she was a too defensive but he was kind of annoying too and whatever..." But the reality is he did die and suddenly no matter that there was no way for any of them to anticipate what would come, his last moments on the show are viewed as mean, bitchy Andi screaming at the guy who die a few weeks later.
  25. It has pretty much been confirmed by multiple past Bachelor(ettes) that producers give them a list of at least 4-5 names that first night, to pick for the Rose Ceremony because pretty much most of the time the leads only remember maybe 10 men/women and usually are only really interested in maybe 5.
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