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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. Well we know one thing for certain - she definitely didn't sleep with Sean. Wasn't he already a born-again virgin at that point?
  2. While I absolutely think Emily was a fake and let's face it, the fact that she and Jef split soon after pretty much confirmed that his brother wasn't lying when he went to US Weekly and said that Emily was sexting during a family weekend with them which yeah definitely not a good look to be sexting some other guy while on a family vacation with your new fiancé, not everything Courtney says here makes sense. I'm sorry but getting a wax is now proof that you're going to have sex with someone - really? Then apparently I've been foolish to be waxing this past year since I've been single. Plus The Bachelor(ette) often goes to to these tropical islands, especially towards the end of the season where the women are always in bikinis. I'm sorry but if that is all the proof that Courtney has that Emily had sex with any of her Final 3 then I call bullshit on that. The stuff about her texting Arie is interesting though - guess texting men is Emily's thing. And I'm not surprised about her and Jef hooking up after the break-up because there were pictures of Jef and Emily hanging out multiple times after their split. Honestly, I'm just more amazed that Jef and Arie were and remained so close despite this whole thing with Emily. I also remember that Arie was the one to throw some shade at Emily a few times after the season was well over and her and Jef had split. I don't think Jef ever publicly spoke badly about her. Also, maybe it's just me but I don't find Jef's comment to Courtney that awful. Sounded like he was trying to get her to come help out with his charity and basically said "hey, it'd be good press for you so not a bad thing." And I could see why he'd say that because Courtney did have such a bad rap after Ben's season. I mean it's not like he asked her to invest in some money making scheme.
  3. It definitely seemed like JJ had it in for Andrew. I watched the scene again and it looked like he, Marquel, Nick and Brian were talking about the possibility of a 2 on 1 dates and JJ mentioned wanting Andrew to go home and it seemed like they were just sitting around with JJ talking about how much he dislikes Andrew. And then he's the one that brings the whole thing up by telling Nick if he remembered what he told him and that's when Nick says to Marquel he didn't want to tell him because he'd get mad. And then JJ starts with the whole "blackie" thing. Oh and apparently after the episode aired he tweeted a screen cap of Andrew leaning towards him during the first rose ceremony as if that absolutely proves that is what Andrew said.
  4. Blanche: "I have great news...my mother-in-law died." Dorothy: "I take it the period of mourning is over." Blanche: "I loathed Mama Devereaux and she felt the same about me. 'Til the day George died, she always introduced me as his first wife. I just hope the ol' witch went slowly." The way Blanche says slowly always cracks me up. I also love how after she says this and says she forgot to share her really good news, Dorothy goes, "better than the dead mother-in-law?"
  5. I only caught two scenes from the episode - when Brandon was speaking to Stef about why Mike likely took Dani back and the ending when he talked to Mike about his hand. I will take that Brandon any day over the Callie obsessed mess. I get why Brandon didn't tell Mike the truth about Dani. From his conversation with Stef, it's clear he believes that Mike is with Dani because he thinks he can't be sober without her. So I get his reasoning in probably thinking that telling Mike will only hurt him, likely ruin things with Dani and then cause Mike to fall off the wagon again. I think Stef's comment to him during their conversation was key - that it's not his job to take care of his parents, that he's the kid. Because that's what led to a lot of his mess. He bribed Anna because he was worried about Mike losing his job, then after Mike had already gotten rid of Dani, he brought her back in their lives by calling her when he was worried about Mike because he didn't want to call Stef because she would know Mike was drinking again. And he's not going to expose Dani's creepy, inappropriate self because he's worried it will make Mike fall off the wagon again. Also, I still think David Lambert is one of the better younger actors on the show.
  6. Well it was all but confirmed he wasn't going to be a part of this current season until he heard about Amy and requested to dance with her. Btw, I read someone's recap of one of the shows where Derek talked about meeting Amy for the first time. And I thought it was cute that he said when she first walked into the studio, for a moment he thought the Producers were punking him because all he saw was this beautiful woman walk in and he was trying to figure out what disability they were talking about.
  7. Oh sorry I meant JP that's married to Ashley, not Juan Pablo. Btw, there are two interesting deleted scenes on ABC.com from this episode. One, is Chris Harrison coming in to talk to the guys while Andi is on her 1 on 1 date with Josh and basically suggests to them that the bromance thing is all well and good but Andi is the goal. Interesting right, especially with what would come later with all the "drama" with Nick. Yeah I'm sure that was producer manipulated. The second scene is Nick, Josh. Marquel and JJ sitting around discussing the possibility of Brian getting a rose during his 1 on 1 date with Andi. JJ is the one who talks the most during that scene, along with Josh and they're all pretty much stating that Brian being a nice guy would not matter if Andi is just not feeling it with him. Which is nothing bad but I just find it interesting that for all the Nick is so arrogant, he thinks he's this huge front-runner, he actually says very little throughout that conversation. Oh and in the first deleted scene, Andrew points out Nick and Josh being very close and Nick, in a talking head admits to it being weird that Andi is off with someone he's friends with but that he won't let it bother him because if there is something real between him and her then that's all that matters. Yeah, super arrogant that one.
  8. Jillybean, with regard to the Brian spoiler, after watching their date last night, I'm actually not surprised by that. Watching Nick's reaction last night to that group date, it makes me wonder how he would have handled if he had been on the "strip" date. Maybe we would have seen someone finally flat out refuse to do something and would have been interesting to see if Andi would have sent him home because of it. The other reason I think Nick's attitude was partly the whole miming thing and not just being on a group date is because he was on the basketball group date and he seemed all in as all the guys. So I don't think his feelings were just about being on a group date and not having Andi pay him all the attention. I really think he just thought the entire thing was stupid which apparently Sean Lowe tweeted during the show something about "Unnatural. It's the Bachelor" which I guess fair enough. But I think his attitude was in line with someone who seemed skeptical of the process from the beginning. Also JP tweeted that he just didn't see the Nick is arrogant thing when all the night drama was happening.
  9. Maks always had his opinions and I guess you could say he was outspoken and he'd certainly butted heads a few times with the judges, particularly Carrie Ann. So that already created some of the pro and anti-Maks sentiment imo. However I think his season with Hope was the clincher for a lot of people and it was after that season he left for an extended period so not exactly the most positive lasting impression for some. He did return for the All-Stars season, paired up with Kirstie but I felt like they were mostly a non-entity during that season. But during the season with Hope, things got so tense that there was the live interview with GMA the morning after the infamous "this is my show" comment where he informed everyone that the only person he'd ever apologized to ever in his life was his grandfather, that he'd never said he was wrong, and that he had no interest in the reactions of Carrie Ann and others to his comment (speaking of Derek, I remember the camera caught him doing a "say what now" face in the back when Maks made that comment). I think that season is what really created the polarizing sentiments about Maks. Hope was in my opinion an incredibly entitled nutty bitch who sucked as a dancer. And rather than Maks being a great teacher who helped her get better, IMO he fed her entitlement, by getting all combative and pissy with the judges. Then there were the moments when he got frustrated at just how hopeless she was and he'd get incredibly angry like the group rehearsal he stalked out of that Derek had to take over in showing Hope the steps. That season was just incredibly unpleasant from Maks and like I said, it didn't help that it was one of his last and the lasting impression some had of him before this season's "love-fest" with Meryl.
  10. Especially since I think the reason Andi was laughing at the idea that Josh could beat her at tennis is because according to her US Weekly "25 Things You Don't Know About Me", she actually wanted to be a professional tennis player at one point and was home schooled for a period so she could practice. I think JJ told Nick the story and Nick told Marquel when they were all hanging out that there was something he knew but he didn't want to tell him to upset him. I don't think Nick ever claimed that he heard Andrew make that comment. The entire thing came from JJ. My thing with Josh is that he does nothing for me personally but I don't dislike him either. However the show is about Andi "finding love" and my thoughts and opinions about him aside, I think it is fairly obvious she's very into him. And in fact I feel like some of her "doubts" may just be played up as to not make it obvious how much he's her favorite. Although she is an attorney so it is possible she really is trying to pick holes and get at the truth of who he really is. Either way, like you said, they do have great chemistry, they look good together and they're from the city so if she does pick him, who knows, it might work. Without question Nick was being kind of a brat during the day portion of the group date but I sort of understood his irritation, especially as someone who came into the show skeptical that the process could work. I think Nick's attitude was just that the whole thing was kind of stupid and that he didn't see how standing around, making fools of themselves, all the while they're not saying a word to the woman they're supposed to be falling in love with made any sense. Yeah not the most fun attitude to have but I get it. As with the drama during the night portion, just like last week, I felt that the guys were the ones attacking Nick and why I refused to see him as the bad guy. Cody and company clearly started the conversation intent on basically using it to tell Nick he's so smug and awful for daring to think he has an amazing connection with Andi. And then because he remains calm and refuses to engage their nonsense, that makes him even more smug because he should have I don't know, apologize for thinking he is a frontrunner and listen to their criticisms and say "thanks guys for enlightening me to this horrible part of myself..." Whatever. I also liked his "whatever" shrug attitude when Andi tried to grill him about the situation. I also laughed when she asked him if he would tell her if they were married and again with a shrug, Nick goes, "yeah I guess..." I just feel like Nick refused to engage in the unnecessary drama these guys were trying to stir up and I don't blame him because the whole thing was stupid and contrived. This and that editing is what made the poem or whatever thing he read for Andi seem so awkward and random because it looked like one second she was grilling him about the drama going on with Cody and others and then he just whips out a piece of paper and starts reading this thing.
  11. This so much. There was all this "drama" about Nick that frankly I found very juvenile and almost producer manipulated yet no one seems to be noticing or pointing out how two major dramas that has occurred in the house has been instigated by JJ. I couldn't stand Andrew and not sorry to see him leave but I actually thought he seemed sincere when telling Marquel he never said that and I found it interesting that unlike the situation with the woman's phone number, JJ said zip when Andrew kept swearing to Marquel he never said that and was wondering who could have told him that. And meanwhile, before Andrew admitted he never made those comments about Marquel, a group of the guys were sitting there aware that he'd gotten another woman's number and possibly said something racially offensive about Marquel and yet not one of them said a word about any of that stuff to Andi. No, what do they make a drama about and Cody run to tattle to Andi about is - Nick is so cocky and thinks he's a frontrunner. Give me a break. Just as with last week, I felt like the guys, specifically Cody instigated that drama with Nick. They began the conversation clearly leading down the path and wanting him to take the bait so they could start ranting about how he thinks he's a frontrunner and is arrogant. I agreed with Nick's "why do you care" when Patrick was asking him to tell the truth and does he think has some special connection with Andi. I also agreed with his comment that he's not going to be fake and downplay if he thinks he and Andi are making good progress and that they have a good connection. Just like I said last week, I've never been on the side of the the ones ganging up on one person on this show. I always find the ones doing the ganging up more annoying. And Patrick's speech when he was eliminated showed how arrogant he was so who was he to talk about Nick being arrogant. Again, just like last week, I think it's very telling that the people who seemed to have the most issues with Nick are the ones who knew they were shaky ground with Andi. I will admit that Nick was being a pissy brat during the mime group date but honestly I found that sequence lasted about a minute or two longer than it needed to. Josh and Andi's date was nice though I'm not really sure why she still seems so suspicious or wary of him. Although I guess it could have something to do with her history, according to her, with jocks. I didn't really watch much of her date with Brian, will catch up on that on the DVR. Apparently Nick referred to him as Mr. Thankful or something and he felt Nick said it mockingly because he mentioned being so thankful to be there. But then Nick calmly said to Cody when he was getting all heated, that they all kick around and rag on each other and Cody agreed, at which point Nick said that that's why he didn't think Cody would get offended by his comment and then he apologized. Cody running to Andi about something so juvenile was just eye-roll inducing as far as I'm concerned. Which is why like I said I wonder if part of this wasn't instigated by the producers because maybe the guys were getting along too well and they wanted to stir up some drama.
  12. Well I get my fill of hate-watching television from The Vampire Diaries, so I don't need another show for those purposes. I think once the season was done and I looked back on everything, I realized how many things bothered me but more importantly, reading the spoilers I realized how much I'm actually not looking forward to and it just kind of feels like what's the point? The following are not spoilers but just more stuff I assume will happen and general observations. I already ranted PLENTY once the season finale aired about the Dani/Brandon hook-up nonsense and once she found Mike all bloodied I assumed her character would be back and I have no time for that. Other character I wish would disappear and stop popping up like an annoying rash, Anna and I know she'll likely be around too. I also actually don't care about that baby mess with Timothy because I think not only was it incredibly stupid for Stef and Lena to have a baby so soon after adding TWO children to their household but using a surrogate they know personally and who never signed away his legal rights. All those issues aside I find that I actually kind of don't care about a bunch of the characters anymore. I don't think I ever really cared about Marina and Jesus and i foresee that continuing. And this may be the biggest one which makes the show really hard to stick with - I'm kind of over Callie and her drama and her issues. I know this is going to sound almost callous because her issues are such a big part of the importance of a show like this but I don't know it's just one thing after another with her - the rapist/abusive foster brother, now the dad she thought was hers actually isn't, the kids at the high school don't like her and there's always something coming up to make her look like the bad guy, troublemaker, oh and with the dad bombshell, this season will likely deal with her finding out about her real father which will likely be more drama. Oh and I don't care about her and Wyatt together because I don't care about Wyatt either and I certainly don't want more drama of her and Brandon either. About the only characters I actually sort of am still interested in is Stef because I just think she's kind of bad-ass, Lena is sweet when she wasn't going crazy baby obsessed, Jude and Brandon. With regards to Brandon, I want the writers to re-set the character and focus on his relationship with Mike, who I also kind of like and him picking up the pieces of all the crap they had him do last season. The Callie shit needs to end period and as I still suspect they're dropping a baby bombshell when the season ends, that's the biggest reason I refuse to watch. I'd rather just not watch than watch and start to get comfortable and then be blindsided with that shit.
  13. Didn't even realize the show was coming back today until I saw the ad for ABCFamily's marathon today and I know they only do that when the new season is starting. I don't know, I think the show has a lot of positives but I think the finale really turned me off and I was one of those defending the writing for much of the season. Also, the few spoilers I've read is also not making me too excited or interested. I think I'll just skip the season premiere and follow comments online and stuff for the first few episodes to decide if I'll get back into watching regularly.
  14. truthaboutluv

    The NBA

    That was a masterclass performance by the Spurs. They just simply outplayed the Heat in every way possible during this series. What amazed me about the Spurs was the offense and how in sync the players just seemed to be with each other which made their passes and transitions often so seamless. It's like they just always seemed to know exactly where each player was and what they were thinking.
  15. While RS obviously has legitimate spoilers about the episodes (although he has seriously screwed up the ending of some seasons - see Desiree's season), I never fully take seriously his comments like the one above because in my opinion, how would he really know things like that and most of these just seem more like his opinions more than anything. Like I said I'm sure there were guys who were there just for the adventure, just as with every season, and there were some who quickly realized nothing was going to happen between them and Andi but that's also true of every season. Like I said above, I honestly have never believed that more than maybe 10 guys are truly in with the whole idea of falling in love with the Bachelorette and that's likely true for every season.
  16. Haven't watched GH regularly in forever but I still catch the show every so often and have a good idea of most of the characters and what's going on. Anyway I caught the show yesterday and the actor who plays Felix, why would the writers be so cruel and put that scene on him? Bless his heart I could see the effort he was putting forth and how much he was trying but that was painful in the worse way. Aside from the fact as someone else noted there were no tears actually falling ever, his line readings were incredibly awkward. I wish the writers had made Felix and Britt best friends and Brad and Sabrina best friends and I say that only because that way the better actors - Britt and Brad -would have helped elevate the scenes with the other actor. Making Sabrina and Felix have scenes together is like watching weak and weaker. As for the Lucas/Brad/Felix situation, I'm with the others that the writers need to give that up and just put Lucas and Brad together and leave Felix out of the equation. Aside from not being able to do anything dramatic, the actor playing Felix also has zero chemistry with any of those two actors and in fact it's kind of cringe worthy watching him in romantic scenes. I think Felix is best left as Sabrina's sounding board since no one else wants to listen to her anyway and that's it. I have to also say that as someone who grew up more with the CBS shows and watched Luke and Noah from the beginning of their story on ATWT, a little part of me felt bitter and resentful, even more so than I did back then against P&G, seeing some of those scenes between Brad and Lucas, especially the one of them in bed. Luke and Noah fans were lucky to get a kiss back then. And it was always frustrating because we always knew it was not because of the actors. But the other part of me is happy to see that things have changed in a good way and still changing between then and now.
  17. I'm pretty sure it was. There was a shot of Sam in the finale, when he's walking down the walls of McKinley, looking into a room with a bunch of kids at computers that I always just assumed was the old choir room. I'm guessing the McKinley plot will be Sam and whoever else somehow re-starting the club.
  18. Well whatever happens, she is or was definitely seeing him as People magazine just confirmed it and People is like the go-to for publicists. They don't say something is confirmed unless it's likely been confirmed by the celebrity's camp. And now I'm even more convinced of my theory that this "leak" was planned to announce Lea was dating again but TMZ got ahead of the story and changed the narrative by revealing the guy was an escort. I'm kind of fascinated by her camp's response so far which seems to be to just stick to the narrative they already planned (i.e., she's happy, he treats her well, they met on the set of the video, etc.) and I guess just hope everyone ignores TMZ's story which I mean I guess it could work especially because the relationship is so new and it's not like she's been seen all over the place with the guy so everyone was aware of the relationship. However sometimes TMZ can be like a dog with a bone with a story and keep digging up stuff to keep it going. They've already added the latest bit about his telling her he did it for "research" purposes. I'm also surprised if they were planning to go public with this that she would do so soon. Her music video was only filmed in mid-April and if that's where she met him, that means they've only been seeing each other a little over a month. Seems quick to make it public.
  19. Well according to TMZ's latest (and keep in mind of all this is coming from "sources", well except the proof the guy was working for that escort service), she didn't know but she was pissed when they broke the story and confronted the guy where he admitted to going out with a few clients for research purposes, to be a better "life coach" to actual gigolos. This sounds so ridiculous that I'm just going to chalk it up to fanfiction and say if she stays with the guy it's because she wants to despite what he did before meeting her. Because I cannot believe anyone is that naive to believe that story - and naive and stupid are not words I've ever thought to use about Lea.
  20. Just for the record, when I say announce, I don't mean I expected her to tweet about it or that she would make a public statement but more that the story would be "leaked" to the media but her and her people would be the ones doing the leaking to the media. It's a known fact that many media stories, especially in publications like People are planted or leaked by a star's publicist. My point is if it is something that's not entirely a fling or at least something they figured would likely come out soon if she's spending a lot of time with the guy, her and people may have planned to leak just a small story, give that time to settle and maybe the next month or so, she'd be "caught" by the Paps with him and this way the public was already told she was seeing someone new. By the way, none of this is me criticizing or somehow making Lea out to be manipulative - this kind of stuff just happens all the time in Hollywood. It's just like the break-ups that are always announced months, sometimes a year after the couple have more or less been living their lives separately. This is a lot of what publicists do - control a story whatever it it is. Try to control how it's released, when and the general narrative. And I just think TMZ with their story significantly altered the narrative her camp might have planned but then judging by the E! Online and US Weekly story they're trying to damage control and stick to the original script and hope everyone just ignores the TMZ story.
  21. Well more power to her if she says "screw the jokes and comments" and sticks with the guy. Although reading the article I wonder if some lines got crossed here. E! Online does not reference the TMZ/US Weekly story at all and the article reads like it had already been planned pre-TMZ bombshell. So I'm wondering if Lea and her people were planning to announce the relationship this week and all the regulars like E! Online, People, US Weekly got the heads up, including TMZ. But then TMZ being TMZ did some digging and found out about the escort thing and basically leaked it and jumped ahead of all the upcoming "Lea is Dating Again, Lea Has Found Love Again" articles that were scheduled to come out. I just think it's too coincidental that all these publications already had some kind of source, confirmation, etc. of this relationship that before that TMZ bombshell no one even knew existed.
  22. Yes and like I said there are always a bunch of idiots in every fandom. I'm sure the people making those same comments are people who accused her of milking Cory's death and have always hated her. That would be like me taking seriously any comment some of the nutters who ship Chris and Darren make about Chris' boyfriend and their relationship or Darren's relationship. There are always disgusting comments but a couple of idiots and nutjobs online does not make a consensus opinion. So in my opinion, I still don't think that anyone, meaning the average person, who didn't already hate Lea or were some obsessed stan of Cory's perhaps, is judging Lea or this guy because of Cory. The story was surprising yes and some made comments related to that. And as I noted above, if that stuff is happening over at tumblr or wherever, then address it where it is happening so there is no confusion and wondering in this thread , "where is this coming from since no one was saying or suggesting that Cory was some saint and Lea is awful for dating some loser hooker." IMO it just creates an unnecessary debate.
  23. This exactly. Lea, if the tabloids are to be completely believed, has been keeping this under wraps so who even really knew she was dating anyone. Tom87 noted above that she was just in NY recently for two weeks seemingly solo. Then randomly, a TMZ report pops up saying Lea Michele is dating a guy she met on the set of her video who apparently also moonlights on the side as a male escort. Of course many people would go - "wait, what?" And like I said, most of the immediate reactions I saw were one, people saying she must have some really poor choices in men, including yes, the fact that her last boyfriend died of an overdose and a lot of obvious jokes over the fact that her character dated a guy who moonlighted as a male escort because the jokes just pretty much wrote themselves. What I have not seen is anyone acting like how dare Lea sully Cory's memory and their relationship by dating some filthy hooker. I have not seen that anywhere which is why I still say I don't see the point of bringing up Cory's sins. The only comparisons being made about Cory and this guy in the thread were in the same comments going on about Cory's being an addict. Which is once again like I said, we get it, he was a drug addict and he OD'ed.
  24. The whole damn storyline was OOC imo. I still refuse to buy this bullshit Enzo/Damon BFF'ness the writers tried to sell and are trying to sell what with Enzo sticking around next season. Oh hey, with Alaric alive again, maybe he and Enzo can fight for Damon's heart.
  25. Or it's her life and it was her relationship and she has every right to talk about it however she wants and anyone is free to not read or follow any of her interviews. It's interesting to me that between the comments that fans aren't letting Lea move on and judging her for moving on are all the comments and criticisms about Cory. Cory is dead so obviously he is no longer a part of her life anymore, what is the point of constantly bringing up his addiction and how he died? I'm not telling anyone how to feel from their personal experiences but I also don't think it's fair to project that onto Lea and Cory and what their relationship was. I don't know how things were in their relationship and during those last months and no one does either, no matter how many personal experiences one has had with addiction. I just don't get this need to harp on and pass judgement and comments - we all know how Cory died, we all read the news media and tabloids and saw the headlines. I don't buy this idea of "well people make Cory into a hero..." No one was doing that here in this thread and I don't see it being done anywhere on the Glee board and in the last months on TWOP most of the last pages of the Finn thread focused on the character of Finn. So I don't see where the "Cory was a hero" thing is happening and if it is, then address it where it is happening. But this just feels like let's take an opportunity to again go on about how much of a junkie Cory was and how dare they not say that to every tabloid before he died.
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