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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. Speaking of media, as is customary, when the numbers dwindle down, the tabloids start reporting stuff on the contestants. Apparently a tabloid is reporting that Chris has something like 13 arrests from when he was teenager/college student, seemingly all for drinking and driving incidents. I think there was also some bar fight at some point. Reality Steve confirmed that the report is true but basically feels like it's not a big deal because it was long ago. Should be interesting There is also a claim that Marcus was arrested for drug possession and that this actually only happened four years ago. It's funny but for as much as some think Nick is creepy, Marcus is the one who while I wouldn't necessarily say I find him creepy, something about him has always weirded me out and I think it's because he seems dead behind the eyes in my opinion. I'm not sure what it is but I always feel like there's no "there" with him and he has this really soft, quiet way of speaking that freaks me out even more. I seriously get American Psycho vibes from him - everything seems so perfectly polished, tailored, etc.
  2. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    Yes on paper Federer would have had the tougher draw but what we're saying is the reality was different. Like I said, if Federer had beaten a completely healthy, mentally on Stan AND Rafa, I would be like "hand him the title now". But he didn't and yes that is through no fault of his and it's not a judgment on him. All we're saying is that because of this, Djokovic might be the one far more ready to battle and mentally able to deal with the clutch points and tight sets because he's had to do it for multiple rounds. Not to mention that Djokovic is a very tough player to beat in a tight match. Remember he's beaten Federer twice in GS when he was down match points.
  3. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    Honestly, they might have looked tense because Murray was having his ass handed to him by Dimitrov. This is why I would never want to be famous. You really always are under a microscope. Anything but shiny happy smiles and the speculations start.
  4. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    There was some feature article about two years ago I think about Djokovic that basically talked about him surrounding himself with his circle that included his coach, trainer, girlfriend, parents, etc. who were all responsible for giving him positive encouragement everyday. I think the article meant to suggest that he mentally wanted to only be surrounded by positivism to keep him positive but the way the author described the scene, it really came across as a bunch of people just telling Novak how special and amazing he is every minute of the day and I remember thinking how exhausting that must be for these people.
  5. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    Novak has definitely looked vulnerable but it means he's had to fight more than Federer has and that might actually be the difference that gives him the win. He had a small battle with Stepanek, Cilic took him to 5 and today he had to fight mentally against himself a lot in that match with Grigor when he kept blowing lead after lead. Nothing against Federer because he can only play who is across the net from him but what challenge has he really faced? Stan was the best possibility and after winning the first set, something went wonky with him (I didn't check out his post-match interview - did he confirm what was going on with him physically) and he pretty much was just hanging on for the rest of the match and Milos really had nothing today other than some big serves. I'd feel more certain of Federer's winning if he'd beaten a healthy Stan and played and beaten Rafa in the semi-final. As is, and certainly anything is possible so he very well may win, I actually Djokovic has the better shot.
  6. Actually I saw some people declaring it a PR stunt yesterday with Chris and the claim was that his book was coming out or just came out or whatever. The other theory is that it's being done to give publicity to the show since no one really cares about Glee anymore - critically and viewership-wise. And really, did anyone care or remember anything about the season and the last few episodes, but people sure did jump on all the Naya rumors and whether she was fired and if she and Lea got into it and all that drama. Of course I don't buy that but people always love a conspiracy theory.
  7. Actually I think she's been fairly critical of Andi at times - she agreed with others that Andi over-reacted in the situation with Eric, that she was too sensitive and misunderstood what he was saying. And she seemed to put a lot of blame on Andi in how things went with her and Josh in the day portion of their date. She pretty much stated that Andi seemed to be judging Josh for no reason and I loved her posting a screenshot of Andi's pissy face.
  8. Maybe it's an angry crew member pissed off they're about to lose their job because the show is pretty much over. Of course it would make far more sense to hack RIB's account since it's their fault.
  9. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    Ugh that was a tough loss for Grigor. I wasn't rooting for him per se but I was rooting for the match to go to 5. And for him to lose the set after having break points and then later three set points in the tiebreak just sucks. But hopefully he takes a lot from the match and learns from it moving forward. That said, Grigor needs to either get better shoes for playing on the grass or learn how to move better on it because those falls were starting to get painful to watch. Surprised to see Maria there - although they're not exactly hiding their relationship, they do seem to keep the match-watching at Grand Slams to a minimum. Also, it would have been nice to see two fresh new faces in the men's final. eta: Ugh, I could care less about a possible Federer/Djokovic final. Will be hard to root for either. Djokovic kind of hasn't bugged me in awhile and he has been choking a few finals the last year and a half so I guess it'd be nice for him to have a win. And I have no issues with Fed and I guess it'd be nice for him to break another Sampras record (though I'm not sure Pete would feel the same) but I find some of his fans so obnoxious in recent years the closer Rafa has gotten to his total that the petty part of me wants him to not win just because of that.
  10. Hasn't Lea always been a lead on the show? At least I've certainly always thought she was. But that being said, to each his own really, but this is one thing I have zero interest in doing - the whole who is getting screentime, songs, fairness, etc. etc. To each his own, maybe that's not the point but frankly, I'm sorry, but I just feel like who cares? It's all shit, all of it. The storylines, the characters, the songs, etc. So like who the hell even cares any more and does it even matter other than for maybe the 100 fans who'll watch the last few episodes that FOX will throw into the schedule at some point. This exactly. Perfect example, the hospital scene with Burt after Kurt was bashed. That's the first time I can remember ever feeling absolutely nothing watching a Kurt and Burt scene. Mike O'Malley was trying but I got nothing from Chris Colfer and again I'm not necessarily judging him for it. Considering some of the comments he's made in the past about Kurt always crying, always being a victim, I imagine he read the script and thought, "oh joy, Kurt gets shit on again..."
  11. Obviously it's subjective but when I say I think Chris is over it I'm not referring to Klaine only or his being a rah-rah cheerleader over Glee. Because yes that's never been his personality but I disagree that he hasn't shown more interest and excitement in the past when talking about the character and/or the show. Again this is not some criticism on Chris' acting abilities (I would never dare...) but more that I get a sense of detachment from him both while in character and the few times I've recently seen/read him discussing the show. And to be honest, like you said, other than Lea, I think the majority of the cast is pretty much over it. And how can you blame them when they're basically given such utter shit to perform. These people are not stupid or delusional, at least I don't think so. They all see the writing on the wall and they all know and realize that the show is pretty much dead in the water at this point and is just limping along to a finish line.
  12. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    I forgot to mention that I think Eugenie's friendship with Jim Parsons is just the cutest thing ever, especially because it seems so random.
  13. I am always suspect when a celebrity falls on the "I was hacked" excuse, though I do know it happens since Adam Lambert interestingly had his twitter practically hijacked right after he was on American Idol and it took like weeks for whoever it was to stop and Twitter to fix it. So it does happen. I think the main reason I believe this wasn't Chris is that it seemed uncharacteristic of him. I follow Chris and frankly, his tweets are fairly impersonal. He talks about his cat, lately his dog, a few shows he enjoys and his books. I mean maybe he was more active when he first started but now his tweets are pretty basic and inoffensive. So I just could not see him mentioning personal issues or whatever in a tweet and basically alluding to being fired. It seemed more in his nature to have the official announcement come out and then he'd probably make some PC tweet about appreciating the show and all the years, etc. So that's what immediately made me go, "huh..." when I saw this. Of course there are still some "sources" claiming like Naya he no longer has access to the Paramount lot. Honestly Glee is just a sad, sad clusterfuck at this point that I won't be surprised if there is some drama going on with regards to Chris and the show. And frankly, I know some might take this as a criticism against Chris but I don't mean it as one, I do think Chris has seemed completely over and checked out of Glee. And it's not like I blame him because the show is just so awful. At this rate I'll be amazed if they get even more than 10 episodes that FOX will just throw on Friday nights to wrap it all up.
  14. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    Eh, I don't know, arrogance has never been something that bothers me particularly if the individual can back it up. Also I think sometimes the line between confident and arrogant can be a little blurred. I guess for me, as long as personal attacks aren't being made and players start throwing jibes at each other, I'm not bothered. Bouchard is definitely very confident and you can tell she not only believes she can win a Slam but that she also deserves it but I can't knock her for that. If it saves me from watching her mentally fall apart in her first final like poor Lisicki last year, then I'm good. I'm looking forward to a good match on Saturday and will be fine with whoever wins. With regards to Kyrgios, definitely more delusional than say Eugenie who has backed up her talk with amazing performances at all the Slams, but I can't get too outraged by it. He's a 19 year old kid who is full of confidence and bravado which in part is what has helped him in some of those big matches. But a few more years on the tour and he'll learn. Not to mention if none of the big wins and expectations people have started putting on him come, that bravado will quickly disappear into some humility even if its forced and a little fake. As for the men's semifinals, going by Federer's performance against Wawrinka, I definitely think Raonic could beat him. I don't know if I can say the same about Dimitrov and Djokovic. I think Dimitrov has the game but unless it's against Rafa or even Stan, Djokovic is very tough to beat in a tight battle. But it would be cool to see a men's final for the first time in 10 years that didn't have the name Nadal, Djokovic, Federer or Murray.
  15. Yeah I don't understand the people commenting on her blog almost like they're trying to make a case and get her to change her opinions. It's ridiculous. If a person thinks Nick is creepy, arrogant, then good for them but it doesn't make it it an absolute fact. It's all just opinions and Sharleen has every right to feel as she does. I personally don't think Nick is creepy either - arrogant sure, but I actually find him quite attractive while none of the other guys have done a thing for me. I find Josh too jock like, Chris has no neck and Marcus is just blandly good looking to me. But hey, that's just me. I'm sure others disagree. On a side note, I think Sharleen and Nick would make a very attractive couple. I ship it.
  16. Fair point but keep in mind, Sharleen came off Juan Pablo's season who by the end the only people who could stand him was Nikki and Claire and the moment he rejected Claire at the Final Rose ceremony she went off on him too. So I think from that perspective, I can see why she's saying the guys seem invested and all that. Of course most of those guys' feelings were from being in the bubble and thinking they were in love with Andi rather than actually being in love with her, but I do think at that time, in the moment, they certainly believed they were. And if nothing else, they do seem to genuinely like her, at least the ones who are left. Can't speak for the guys who left much earlier.
  17. Sharleen's recap http://www.alltheprettypandas.com/recaps/ - in which she pretty much confirmed the whole "sneaking out to see Andi and getting the room key" was all bullshit. As if we didn't already know but nice to have it confirmed by a former contestant. And once again, it's like she's just in my head. Her opinions on Josh and Andi are literally like word for word what I think, especially her noting that something may have been spliced and diced during the day part of their date. I thought the same thing and have thought so before in some of their other interactions. I often find with Andi and Josh, her mood and the tone of their interaction will change and I can't figure what just happened and why it did and what's going on. And I too was really baffled by how unnecessarily sour she looked during that part. Yeah she wanted to hear him say he loved her but still she just seemed to get all pissy when all he said was he was most looking forward to seeing his family and telling them everything and her talking to them too. It was just strange. I agree with Sharleen that this is so obviously between Nick and Josh and she is so going to pick Josh and on one hand I can see how they might have a better shot than many of the couples that have come from this show, what with being from the same city, his being her type, I think I heard her dad is a huge fan of whatever University Josh's brother played for, etc. But some of their interactions make me think they may implode. Like the passion's there and it may be one of those relationships that's just passionate good and bad but lasts or it just implodes very quickly. Also, Sharleen's Nick-love is just adorable. I love how she's like unapologetically on #TeamNick and I loved her calling out that bullshit gang-up on Nick and actually transcribing the stupidity of it. I also agreed with her that some of them looked slightly wasted too which probably just added to the stupidity of it all. Brian especially looked all red and slightly tipsy and was making no sense at all.
  18. To each his own but I'm going to give Lea more credit than imagine she's deliberately parading her relationship a few weeks before the anniversary of Cory's death as some big "fuck you" to a bunch of lunatics online making comments about her. Because as pathetic and insane as these people are, it wouldn't exactly speak particularly highly of her either. Not to mention since most of her most ardent haters were convinced she was only milking Cory's death for publicity anyway, they'd only see it as her confirming their opinions. So I'm going to choose to give her the benefit of the doubt on this. Good for her if she's happy and the guy is attractive. I won't lie, the escort thing does make me raise my eyebrows just because I know my nature, I'd be wary of anything the guy said or did as I'd feel like he was paid to make women feel special and desirable so how much is genuine or just a really good line. That said, I would not have dated an addict either, recovering or otherwise so clearly Lea and I have very different taste in men.
  19. Quoting myself because right on schedule, People magazine has a picture of the two hanging out in a park. Honestly, I would think Lea and her people would do better because the way she and the guy look in the pictures, they don't even seem to be trying to pretend that they weren't practically sitting and waiting for the paps to take their picture. Also Just Jared blog has pictures of him leaving her place in the morning and grocery shopping with her car. So yeah, I have zero doubt in my mind now that her camp leaked the news about her and this guy and TMZ did a little Google search and found out he moonlighted as an escort. Good on her I guess but yeah I'm pretty sure the jokes will continue for however long they last and she must be in some serious attraction to one, make this public so soon considering she'd only met the guy in April which meant they'd only been dating a month and a half by the time the story leaked.
  20. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    Wow, go Dimitrov. He just destroyed Murray today. Admittedly Murray kind of looked lost and a little sluggish but Dimitrov was just focused and determined. It wasn't as bad as his humiliation from Rafa in the French Open semis but it was pretty bad. Meanwhile Djokovic and Cilic are in some kind of battle and Stan's taken the first set from Fed. Very interesting day of tennis so far. I think that was one of my other disappointments about Rafa losing yesterday is because I actually was looking forward to him and Raonic and I didn't think for one second it was a given victory for Rafa. But I'm sure Raonic and Kyrgios will have its own drama and excitement. Really looking forward to Halep and Bouchard in the semifinals. Pity they were on the same side of the draw because I think that would have been an awesome Final. Will be interesting to see if Bouchard can finally make it pass that semifinal hurdle. But Halep is looking amazing and she now has the experience of making a GS Final. Should be a good one. The last update I saw on Serena was she tweeted a picture of herself on a couch resting and I think the WTA made a statement that she's resting and feeling better. However they haven't gotten any direct statements from Serena and/or her camp. I agree with the above about her making very sure it's not something more serious because my mind immediately went to the blood clot thing she had some years ago where she almost died.
  21. LOL, poor Dylan. He's never going to live that one down. While I definitely think it's likely she picks Josh (putting aside if you see "it" between them or not, he's kind of an obvious choice in that they're both from Atlanta, like very close to each other actually and she admits to her history of dating/being in love with jocks. In fact that's why there were rumors when the cast was announced that they knew each other, maybe were already dating, just before she started the show and the whole thing is staged which the show and everyone else has denied) I actually don't view that as proof because sometimes I think the lead themselves get caught up in that "bubble" and they almost feel it necessary for everyone to fall in love with them. I remember Emily got a lot of flack for that when some viewers felt like she all but pushed Sean into saying he loved her when he was clearly trying to be as cautious as possible with his words, only to then eliminate him at the next rose ceremony. And as many noted, there was no way she didn't already know at that point that there was no future with her and Sean. I'm not sure how the former would work since the guys aren't there on each other's dates and she doesn't talk about other guys when on a date with someone and I haven't found her being overtly flirty/handsy with Nick while Josh is around during cocktail parties/group dates, etc. As for the latter, it's possible I guess. This is the woman who told CH during the live reunion show that if the one guy says "I like you a lot" at the end, she'd go to the next one. So yeah... But honestly, I think Andi's feelings with Nick have been fairly consistent. She mentioned feeling most like herself and most comfortable with him in like the second or third episode. I think she very likely had genuine feelings for him, she just maybe felt more for Josh. Like she was attracted to Nick, cared about him but believed herself in love with Josh. Now like I said, unfortunately I haven't seen this love story with the way the season has been edited so far.
  22. It is entirely possible I misunderstood but I actually read the guys' comments as more that Nick talks about the specifics of the show all the time rather than his feelings about Andi meaning he'll talk about who will likely get 1 on 1's that week, how many there will be, how many people will be going home and then they mentioned that most recently he mentioned who'd be the Bachelor. They never stated that he referred to himself with that statement and if he is talking about the show in specifics based on what he's watched, then yeah he probably has figured out that around Final 6 - Final 4 is the group the next Bachelor is usually picked from. The guys seemed to be suggesting more that Nick is just competitive and wants to win which is why Marcus was mentioning how he'd walk at Final 2. So I didn't get the feeling they thought Nick was angling to be the next Bachelor and more that he is a salesman who by his nature is competitive, likes to win and that's what he was focused on more than genuinely wanting to be with Andi. Or they couldn't give examples because they had none, because what they're really angry about is how much time he's gotten with Andi and the reality they knew that they were likely in danger of going home but they're too cowardly to be honest and just say that. It's just like the drama after Eric left - the people who were the loudest and most aggressive were Tasos and Cody. Two guys who knew they were very likely possibilities to leave. And this week Chris was the most vocal who later verbalized knowing that it would likely come down to him, Brian and Dylan. So much so that he made sure to make some last ditch effort with Andi before she started handing out the roses. Before Andi gave the group date rose, her speech basically stated that she was giving it to someone she saw potential with, who she couldn't wait to go to their hometown, couldn't wait to meet their family, have them meet her, etc. No way these guys' egos weren't what was bruised when she gave that rose to Nick, essentially saying she was more excited to meet his family than theirs and that she was ready for them to leave so she could spend more time with him. And it's fine, but if they'd just own that I wouldn't be so annoyed with their junior high whinging. Or she was all set to and the producers came in and said that this was all part of filming for the show that she and all the other hotel employees had already signed disclosures for and so she happily handed it over knowing this was all one big production. I called Nick and Josh as the final 2 after the second episode, when she had her 1 on 1 with Nick and she spent her alone time with Josh on their group date being all giggly while he rambled awkwardly. To me the editing was practically glaring in projecting those two as the final guys. And I can totally see her picking Josh even though I disagree that there hasn't really been chemistry between her and Nick. Honestly, Andi and Nick's makeout after he came to see her in her room was almost uncomfortable at points to watch. I swear at one point I thought they would suck each other's heads off and there was some not so subtle moaning going on there. So I don't buy that she wasn't totally into Nick, she was. She just wanted Josh more. That said, this whole "Nick the evil" editing is actually hurting the Josh and Andi "love story" in my opinion because so much of the episodes are being focused on it. Seriously how much camera time did Nick get last night and a lot of the media recapping the show this morning focused heavily on him, the drama, etc. I imagine when it gets down to the end, her interactions with Josh will be ramped up a little more but honestly right now I feel like her and Josh's story is getting short-changed. Their date seemed short, though not as short as the one with Marcus because it was more important to show more of the drama with Nick. So I feel like in the end, if Andi does choose Josh, I'll think that's nice enough but not be all "aww" like I was with JP and Ashley for example or hell even Des and Chris who everyone called sloppy seconds. Of course it's not like I ever have high expectations for any of the pairings that come from this show.
  23. Maybe it's just me but I've gotten zero indication that Nick has any interest in being The Bachelor. Like as much of a moron as Juan Pablo was, I definitely felt like Andi almost over-played her dramatic exit like she was auditioning for The Bachelorette. Nick seems pretty Andi focused to me to the point if not caring if he's not like because he's so certain she will pick him. Which of course means she won't.
  24. I actually just watched this episode on Netflix this Saturday and it was definitely an odd case. While I can definitely understand why the boyfriend seems suspicious, I actually didn't think his comment about moving on was that strange only because to me he looked weepy and near tears throughout the episode and even while he was saying he'd moved on. I definitely think he's a sketchy individual and his relationship with Joey was strange largely because Joey herself was odd but I don't know if that means I think he killed her. But this is definitely a bizarre case. The first oddity was the car being moved and being returned, then moved again. I guess the boyfriend could have been doing it but what was odd to me was none of Joey's neighbors seeing anything and no one having any description of seeing anyone driving the car. Then there was the one neighbor's account of seeing Joey a day after Alexis claimed he last saw her and stating that she was pushing a baby carrier but it didn't seem like baby was in it. I definitely think it's likely one of two things happened. Joey accidentally killed the baby and went into some kind of trauma state which is why she wasn't answering her phone or the door and was seen pushing an empty baby carrier. And she probably kept driving and coming back, trying to figure out what to do, before finally setting fire to the house with the baby in it. Of course then the question is where is she? The other option of course is that it really was the boyfriend, which then still begs the question of where did he put Joey. I guess there is the off-chance it was some random/unknown individual who came in and killed Joey and the baby.
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