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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. The only reason I don't buy that story though is because of that "smoking gun" video RS has of Nick talking to what sounds like his brother on a plane. If you believe that video is real, that scenario does not match up with what he's saying on the phone. Nick sounds completely confused as to why Andi chose Josh and sounded like he was truly gob-smacked by her decision and then he makes the comment that ultimately she went with what she knew, which sounded like he was assuming that's why she picked Josh. If she really had told him she slept with them both or whatever and he was upset about that, I feel like he would have referenced that or sounded more angry at her. Nick didn't sound angry in the video - confused and hurt but that was it. Of course there are some who are convinced the video is one big fake, set up to screw RS over. While I don't believe that, it would be awesome, if true, especially coming on the heels of the mess that was Desiree's season and all those poor Brooks fans who kept waiting for him to come back and swoop her off her feet because RS swore they were together and engaged and anyone who believed otherwise was a moron. Yeah... But personally, I think Josh is her pick, the Nick video is real and this article is just some usual speculation/fan fiction that comes up at the end of every season. I don't think it's so strange that Andi picked Josh. Yes, from the editing it's clear she has a really, really good connection with Nick that seems to work on a physical and emotional level and that according to her, he seems to just get her and she can be herself around him. All that said, Andi was clearly physically attracted to Josh from day one and on top of that, she herself admits that she's always gone for the athlete and consider her physical chemistry with Juan Pablo before he really pissed her off in the fantasy suite. IMO, it's as simple as what Nick stated in that video - she went with what she knew. Despite whatever connection she and Nick has, at the end of the day he's unconventional to her, not her usual type while Josh is everything she's always been attracted to complete with brother who played for the team her father and likely her whole family loves. At the end of the day, Josh is the one that just made "the most sense". I will also add that to be fair, the editing might have downplayed their relationship to not make it too obvious she picked him and because they were too busy trying to make Nick this "big evil villain".
  2. It's so funny and interesting how this show can be so subjective. In regards to the comment above, I just saw on another board a quote from former Bachelorette Jillian who is of course blogging about the show (I swear I think every single one of them have some kind of blog about the the show) where she says that Nick and Andi's relationship actually remind her of Andi and Juan Pablo's relationship (yeah confused me too) - that it's all just passion, kissing, heat and no real conversations and connection. That's the first time I've seen anyone view Nick and Andi's relationship that way. So go figure... eta: The Men Tell All was filmed this weekend and no major spoilers about what happened, yet…however there were many pictures of the guys hanging out backstage/later/etc. with Chris very visible in most of them which pretty much confirms he gets sent home at F3.
  3. Well, to be fair, Derek had Nicole Scherzinger who was also a professional dancer and I was personally just as unimpressed with her win as I was with Meryl. Because while Derek created some amazing routines that season, just as Maks did with Meryl, I was kind of left going - oh wow, the woman who was just as amazing a dancer in Week 1 as she was in Week 10 won…shocking.
  4. Congrats to Renee from Juan Pablo's season - she and her husband are expecting. I really liked Renee, she seemed the rare genuine person on a reality show. http://celebritybabies.people.com/2014/07/11/renee-oteri-pregnant-expecting-second-child/
  5. I said they gave her something to work with, I didn't say it was actually good or well-written because my main point is and always has been that NOTHING the writers have done these past two seasons has been good. Some things have been decent, serviceable but never good much less great. The latter is at this point an unattainable goal for them. Which is why I put any and all blame for the show's demise on them. As I said once before and I swear this is not hyperbole on my part, Season 4 of Glee was one of the worse seasons of a television show I have ever seen in my life - until Season 5 happened.
  6. This. I think they both have their appeal and are both talented. Honestly, I didn't think this past season was some of Derek's best work and I do think part of that was because of the natural limitations that came with working with Amy. So I am a little surprised he was nominated although one thing about the Emmys, they love their repeat nominees. You see it with the same shows/actors who are nominated year after year after year. And when you add the fact that Derek won last year, deservedly so, I guess it isn't surprising they included him again. As for Maks, much as he irritates me at times, I do think he did some good work this season and certainly would not have been upset to see him nominated. But in my opinion, if one's going to call out Derek for making all his dances about himself, which I too don't agree with, let's not pretend Maks doesn't have his showboating moments in his choreography as well. It's one reason why so much of his choreography gets criticized for being repetitive - particularly when it comes to the Latin dances, there is almost always the separate from his celebrity while they dance around the floor away from each other while Maks attempts to seduce the camera.
  7. Billy Bell is a dancer with the Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet company (or was, I might have to check to see if he's still with them) but he's mostly moved behind the scenes, focusing on choreography. He's the founder of two dance ensembles and he is currently a faculty member/assistant choreographer for the JUMP Dance Convention.
  8. Interesting. I was going off the acting categories where I know the shows submit a group of actors for consideration and the actors and their people, sometimes with input from the show's producers/writers, decide which episodes to submit.
  9. I'm pretty sure the individual decides what pieces they want to submit for the ballot and the voters vote on it.
  10. I actually remember Kathryn McCormick being the focal point of that dance.
  11. To be fair, wasn't Lucas just as creepy for awhile when Brad insisted to him their hookup was just that, a hookup? And he kept coming onto Brad to the point that Brad had to snap at him like Lucas did to him today?
  12. Not that much of a stretch - television show seasons are typically either the 22-25 or 13. I believe most cable shows have 13 episode seasons because cable doesn't do repeats like the networks or have to worry about sweeps, etc. Shameless for example has always only had 13-episode seasons and it's not from lack of ratings/interest as it's the highest or second highest show on Showtime.
  13. Thanks, yeah I looked it up on YouTube. eta: And because I like to make an informed judgement, saw all the dances online and my vote is for Christopher Scott. I think he showed the most variety in his three pieces. Of course it's not like I can vote so my opinion counts for nothing but thought I'd share.
  14. I have been raging about so many of my favorite shows/actors being snubbed I honestly missed that category entirely. Good for him. I can hear the teeth gnashing and screams of rage all the way over here. I stopped watching STYCYD since they moved to the one night a week so can't say who I think deserves to win as I don't know any of the routines from the SYTCD choreographers though I love Travis and he's never won. Also I know the "Human" and "Too Darn Hot" routines but what was the "Ameska"?
  15. Admittedly I checked out of Juan Pablo's season by episode 3, once I realized the utter mess it was going to be, as amusingly train-wrecky as the whole thing was. But I did check out Andi's big exit online the day after everyone was talking about it, and I don't remember her issue with Juan Pablo being that he led her on, and more that she really saw him for the self-obsessed moron he was when they finally got to spend a few uninterrupted hours alone together. She kept stressing that he basically asked her almost nothing about herself and the few times she tried to talk about something, he found a way to bring it back around to himself. And then there was the infamous "it's okay" in response to everything, that really infuriated her. And I think she also mentioned his talking about the other women during their time and alluding to how Andi was lucky because she barely made it to the Final 3 which yeah, what woman wants to hear that. So I really didn't think Andi's issue with Juan Pablo was about feeling led on - that was more likely Claire. Andi, once she got to spend real time with him away from the camera just decided that he was a narcissistic tool with zero interest in knowing who she really was. And say what you will about Andi but I actually think she has genuinely made an effort to have real conversations with most of the guys and get to know who they are.
  16. But see this is my point that you have to lay blame at the writers. I have never seen Melissa Benoist (is that her name) in anything before Glee. I remember reading somewhere that she did some Indie film or something where she was actually kind of awesome and crazy in it. I wouldn't know. But here's the thing for me - Marley sucked as all get out but IMO she sucked because she was a boring, whiny, personality less Mary Sue who blabbed on and on about how much she loved her overweight Mommy. Who the hell could have made that drip of a character interesting when really that's just it - she wasn't interesting at all and wasn't given any interesting qualities. And that you have to blame the writers for because they crafted her and they wrote those horrible story lines. Look at the one newbie many people came to at least appreciate, if not love - Kitty. Why because yes, Becca Tobin is talented but in my opinion it was more because the writers made the character interesting and at least gave the actress something to work with. I mean you will never get any argument from me that that whole graduation/fire 90 percent of the cast was levels of stupidity that cannot ever be accurately put into words but still, with writers who were decently talented, the show could have been saved. But that's just it, RIB and company were always just average to adequate and after Season 3 they moved from adequate to serviceable at times and downright just awful most of the time. Not to mention lazy and uninspired. The NY/McKinley uneven split - that was all the writers again because they were too lazy or just too incompetent to write equally for two narratives. And goodness knows I waded through pages and pages of noobs vs. Rachel/Kurt/Santana discussion at TWOP but I believed then what I believe now - the problem was not the actors but the writing. NY was under-developed but what there was was boring and uninspired in my opinion. SJP was wasted, Rachel's storyline of struggling as a small fish in a big pond lasted all of two episodes before we were basically told that her teacher was just a raging alcoholic who was just jealous of her amazing talents, Kurt had a relationship that lasted a second and then he was just there to serve as Rachel's best gay. McKinley had Marley who I've already stated my issues with, that Ryder kid who had every after school special known to man thrown at him to make him interesting, Sam took on another personality to match his latest love interest, this time Brittany so it basically meant he became dumber than a box of rocks, Tina turned into a screeching, creepy vapor-rubbing nut job, Blaine became a guy who hooks up with randoms he meets online and then sings creepy serenades to his straight best friend. All of these things can only be blamed on the writers. And in all these horrible story lines, more and more people went away - the Klaine fans were pissed as all hell with the cheating plot, Blaine fans were pissed at what they thought was character assassination of the character, Kurt fans resented his not being given enough screen time, Brittana fans were pissed and all but started sending death threats to Ryan Murphy, Finchel fans were annoyed at how long the Brody/Rachel mess lasted, many of the fans who weren't resentful of the whole graduation plot and introduction of random newbies couldn't connect to the newbies as well because most of them weren't very well drawn out characters and/or particularly interesting. And all of this, going back to my point, can be laid at the feet of the writers which is why any and all resentment I have of the embarrassing joke this show has become goes to them. And after fucking up every single character/plot/storyline/etc. possible in S4 and the ratings all but plummeted, they were left with egg on their faces and no clue where to go from that point on and boy did it show in S5. S5 was a combination of throwing every opinion/thought/line stated on message boards including that pointless all NY mess at the end of the season and then ultimately recreating Lea's life for the end of the season. Considering her latest dating situation, I wonder if we'll see a return of Brody next season. ITA. I found Kurt and Rachel shockingly dull and uninteresting together and while Santana added some much needed spark, it still didn't exactly particularly interest or excite me.
  17. I was just coming in to post this. I saw it in my daily US Weekly e-newsletter. I really have no words. And from skimming the article, her issue isn't so much that she's realizing the enormity of what she's about to do, i.e. marrying a virtual stranger, but that she doesn't think the guy she got paired up with is very attractive and/or good-looking. Because that's what's most important. Man it is truly sad the society we live in today with the lengths some will go for some bit of fame.
  18. Moved to more appropriate General Discussion thread...
  19. My guess is it's stability seeing as the writers can't even provide a concrete explanation of his living situation and we're supposed to basically accept that his mother let him leave and come back to a state where he's pretty much homeless. Frankly being with Callie should be the least of Wyatt's concerns - how about finding a proper home. And no writers, the Fosters' home is not an option because the last thing the show needs is a triangle involving all three living in the same damn house.
  20. Yeah I heard about the snap chat stuff because it was another bit of proof that Andi picked him and I have an account so I know how it works. But my confusion comes in that I thought this Brittany referred to in the article and with the picture of them together is a different one than the one who follows him on snap chat. Unless it's the same person - this is where I've gotten confused. I honestly haven't noticed. I just remember Nick getting emotional last week and I really think that was a combination of all the drama with the guys combined with his feelings for Andi and then getting misty this week talking to his mom but Josh teared up seeing his family.
  21. Am I missing something? Has Nick been seen as this big crier on the show?
  22. THIS...THIS SO MUCH!!! I feel like I've been screaming that since S4. I know people clearly have their favorites but I'm sorry, in my opinion, trying to point at and lay blame on this show's failure at any one actor/character or even group of actors/characters is a cop-out. In my humble and sincere opinion, there is only one place to lay blame for the embarrassing shit-fest this show became and that's the writers, particularly RIB.
  23. Making sure I understand you, do you mean that she chose Josh because he was likely better in bed? I don't know, as they often say, "sometimes the quiet ones are the wildest". If some of Andi and Nick's makeouts are anything to go by, I wouldn't dismiss him that quickly. Not to mention, Josh may bring his "me-me" personality into the bedroom as well and yeah... But in all seriousness, I may be being naive, but I actually don't think she slept with them both. Although come to think of it, I was never entirely clear on whether she slept with Juan Pablo. Juan Pablo was definitely one of those bachelors I could see sleeping with all the women in his fantasy suite and he seemed so satisfied with how the night went with Andi before she basically chewed him out. So if she'd sleep with that horn dog, she really might have slept with both Nick and Josh.
  24. They didn't object. They were on a mission trip that could only be interrupted for family emergencies and the like. But Emily still met all or most of Jef's siblings. Jef had almost as many people on his HTD as Nick.
  25. Ah, that's why I got confused. I thought this was the same Brittany some referred to with regard to his snapchat account. But yeah this girl in the twitpic is likely just some fan and I still have no idea how the leap was made that Josh has hooked up with someone since the show. Though I still call bullshit on his 5 years without a girlfriend - sounds like 5 years of having hookups and casual flings and I would be suspect of someone who in 5 years didn't have at least one serious relationship.
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