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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. Well yes, she was the default...oh I'm sorry, not default, she just barely made it.
  2. Oh she hates him right now, without question. She was pissed from the "break-up" when he didn't do the Chris and comfort her and tell her how amazing she is and instead basically challenged her and called her out and told her she took it too far. And as he just confirmed, what some suspected, he was referring to her sleeping with him. I'm sorry, yes it's dickish, yes it's an asshole thing but Andi is sitting up there on her moral high horse saying she knew from day one or however long Josh was it for her and still here is a guy you can see is falling for you, opening himself all the way and knowing she doesn't feel the same she not only takes him to the end but fucks him too. I'm sorry, I'm not buying this "the lead has to lead people on..." Yeah, sure but they are as far as I am aware, under NO obligation to have sex in those rooms. Don't tell me Andi could not have come up with some explanation for why she wouldn't sleep with Nick. No she banged him because she wanted to all the while she knew in a few days she'd dump him for her former pro baseball player. And listen again, as one who liked Nick the whole season, I freaking HATE this stupid narrative/bullshit drama that's happening right now. I wanted nothing more than for the season to end, him to say his one or two piece and that's it. I don't even know what the agenda here is. It can't be some play to be the next Bachelor because everyone just thinks he's some crazy stalker now. Which is why I still maintain it's Fleiss having him by the balls after he accidentally spoiled the season by talking too loud on a plane. This all also now explains Kellie from Juan Pablo's season, tweets. She and Andi are practically besties and Andi often watched the episodes with her, tweeting beside her and that girl said some of the nastiest things about Nick during the season.
  3. And he just put it on blast that she fucked him...DAMN!!! Told you she slept with them both. And I love her indignant "well first of all that should be private..." Here's my thing...I get that there is some level of "leading on" that goes into the show but if Andi's sitting there now acknowledging that she knew her feelings for Josh for so long, knowing how clearly all in Nick was and she wasn't feeling the same, why not send him home at F3. She should have said the same thing to him she she said to Marcus. Because that's why she sent Marcus home at 4. That she wasn't where he was at in her feelings. Why bring him all the way to the end and reassure him everytime he questioned her feelings. That said, maybe I'm being delusional on this but I'm still calling bullshit on some of this. The fact of the matter is once Andi picked Josh which every blind person predicted from the first episode and Nick just left, they were left with a pretty standard/boring finale. But then Nick unthinkingly goes and blabs on a plane and causes a spoiler of how the show ends to fall right in RS's lap, likely pissing off Fleiss and company. So at that point he's pretty much stuck with doing whatever they ask of him. I still want someone to explain to me how Nick would know where Andi and Josh were going off to vacation without some producer telling him. Reminds me of the whole Arie leaving his journal for Emily deal that many were convinced the producers were behind and encouraged him to do.
  4. All I could think when there was no Stef/Dani confrontation was "no fair, I wanted to see Stef beat her up." Really mad I was deprived that.
  5. So this basically ended up being the least climactic season ever with Andi basically picking exactly who many predicted she would from day one and essentially her just wasting 6 weeks of the other bachelors time - well they did get awesome vacations out of it so not entirely a waste. Not to mention that this was the most spoiled season ever, between Nick's plane video and Josh's entire family, friends, college coach, etc. basically all but tweeting out for weeks he was the winner. Meanwhile, as a Nick fan, all I wanted was for him to move on with his life and get back to reality. Instead, I suspect Fleiss and company were REALLY pissed off at him for blabbing too loudly on the plane and giving RS that spoiler gem and basically told him "we own you". And now they have him acting like some lovesick guy who can't let it go and Andi's telling stories about him coming to Mexico after her while she and Josh were vacationing there, so now everyone can be even more convinced he's some psycho stalker. I however call complete bullshit on that. Pray tell, how would Nick have known where Andi and Josh would be going considering how covert everything has to be with the Bachelorette and her pick so as to not spoil who was picked, unless a Producer let him know. Also, this little dramatic thing they have going on there right now with his family, was filmed a week and a half ago because some people got pictures of the filming while it was happening. This is all so staged imo. I'm sorry, I saw that plane video and Nick didn't even seem completely heartbroken - annoyed, sure. But I got no impression that he harbored any hope of Andi changing her mind or his planning to try and change her mind.
  6. Depends really. I always thought it was shitty of Andy Baldwin to tell Devin he loved her too during their last day together when he knew he was going to pick Tessa. I don't know if I'm fully ready to say Andi "went too far" but there was the moment during their date when he told her he loved her and she made a comment about wishing there were things she could have said back to him and then during the night, he expressed some fears and she told him he didn't have to be scared. Again not necessarily cold but yeah at that point, could have been more vague.
  7. That's what baffled me. Why publish something so obvious a few hours before the show was ending anyway. There is zero subtlety in that letter. The locations/dates/activities referenced in the letter don't match up to anyone else but Nick. The whole thing about it being good but not being great interestingly was the conversation Nick and Andi had during the second cocktail party when he asked her what she was looking for and what she thought she hadn't found. I guess one can argue that they figure the average viewer wouldn't be searching online and reading all this stuff so they wouldn't see it but then it begs the question, why publish it at all if not for people to see it. It's madness I tell you... Well the ratings apparently haven't been too great, so I've heard, so I guess they're just throwing everything and the kitchen sink at this point to heighten interest and excitement. Of course I thought the whole letter cliff-hanger was to get people to watch. Kind of useless when they publish it hours before the show airs.
  8. Apparently the show's official Facebook page put up a copy of the mysterious letter (sorry, don't have a link) and I will say that based on the words, it definitely sounds like Nick. One, because there's no baseball reference so it can't possibly be from Josh...I'm kidding. But on a serious note, it references things that only Nick was a part of. What I'm trying to understand is why would this be spoiled so blatantly but more than that, I find it hard to believe Nick wanted all of Bachelor world to read a private letter he wrote so that definitely seems like a deliberate slap in the face to a guy who's already going to be dumped on national television in a few hours. Maybe the producers were more pissed than we thought about the video slip-up.
  9. If I remember the video correctly, Nick never actually mentions Jason specifically. I think the person he was talking to mentioned it because then he said something like "yeah the guy changed his mind" and then said "but she won't." But at that point the person had already been filming for a few minutes. Honestly I could have understood someone being suspicious at that point and filming from there. It's the F2 thing and then the Bachelor leap is what confuses me, especially from someone who claimed they hadn't watched the show in years. Again, I'm not saying I believe the video is fake but the whole thing is kind of odd and random. I guess maybe it's because I'm imagining my day to day life where I encounter people loud on their phones all the time. Let's face it, we live in a culture now where everyone is attached to their phones and in one day I hear tons of phone conversations from waiting in the line at Starbucks, riding the metro, sitting in a restaurant and I can't imagine ever thinking when some random guy says final 2 thinking "oh he must be talking about The Bachelorette. Let me start filming this."
  10. Yeah even if I still believe the video is likely real, those details make me more suspicious rather than less. Someone who hadn't watched in years coincidentally jumps to that conclusion because of a guy on a plane saying F2 and this same person who Steve hasn't heard from in years coincidentally drops this awesome spoiler in his lap. That's some kind of unbelievable luck right there.
  11. As I said, the only reason I hope the plane is a hoax is because it would screw RS over. I swear, I think he gets way more obnoxious when he believes he has some smoking gun spoiler. And coming on the heels of Desiree's season that he completely blundered, it would be glorious. But alas, I don't think it's fake. I think it was one of those absolutely rare "what are the odds" moments in life. A little late on this but just to clarify, the impression I've gotten is that the people who believe the tape is fake believe Fleiss and company are behind it. And we know Fleiss very much knows who RS is. So no one thinks Nick on his own decided to create a fake tape to fool people searching for spoilers. The belief is if it is fake, it was the franchise itself filming a staged video that they made sure to land in RS's lap. Seems pretty outrageous sure but again, kind of as unlikely as a person following this show so well that without it airing they were able to spot a contestant perfectly and realize immediately that their comments related to the show. Yeah having the F2 spoiled would sort of suck but I think they're more focused on the winner being spoiled. I mean Desiree's season they weren't exactly doing a good job to hide how far Brooks made it and I think most knew fairly early that Chris got to the end as well. But that didn't matter because the show still had the surprise ending many did not see coming because all the spoilers said Brooks would come back and sweep her off her feet.
  12. He gave her a necklace and added a vial that had sand from the beach where he first told her he loved her. It was something that at least related to their "journey" and relationship and it is also at the end of the day a necklace, something she can wear. Again what does baseball have to do with Andi personally and/or Andi and Josh's "journey" on this show? Absolutely nothing...it all relates to him and his past.
  13. This exactly is my issue. I always believe if you're giving someone a gift it should be something that's in some way about them because it's a gift for them. I guess in this instance, I can also understand something that "celebrates/commemorates their love story" which maybe that's what he was going for with the card. But my thing is that baseball card and baseball in general has zilch to do with Andi and is really something that's solely representative of Josh. And then to have her name changed on it because of course she'll take his name. I just...again maybe I'm being too judgmental but when I saw the clip I just couldn't shake the, "really, that's your idea of a romantic gift?"
  14. E! News showed a preview of the finale episode with both Nick and Josh giving Andi special gifts on what I assume is their LCD. Josh's gift to Andi is a baseball card with her picture on it and the name "Andi Murray" and stats about their love story I guess, on the back. Seriously... I guess to each his own because I personally would have been "wtaf" with that but bless her heart, if Andi had already decided by that point that Josh was her pick, I doubt anything would have changed her mind anyway but again, seriously? I cannot be the only one who thinks that's the lamest ass gift ever.
  15. Saw this in my USWeekly e-newsletter. For those who don't feel like clicking the link - Maks was at J-Lo's birthday party. http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/jennifer-lopez-45th-birthday-party-details-with-maksim-khloe-2014257?utm_source=dailynewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter
  16. Eh, I say just write around him. It's not like Jesus' storylines have ever been particularly interesting anyway. Or maybe that's just me.
  17. No, she didn't tell Wyatt what happened. The only thing Wyatt knew about Liam was that he was this creepy guy who got in Callie's face during the house party the former threw when his house was being foreclosed on. He and Liam had a brief shoving match then and after Liam left, Callie pretty much pulled her "I don't want to talk about it" attitude. Later I think Wyatt found out who Liam was and called and threatened him to stay away from Callie. Liam then came to the school and got in Callie's face again and mentioned Wyatt calling and threatening him. Wyatt came barreling from somewhere and he and Liam got into it again and Brandon separated them. Callie then yelled at Wyatt about calling Liam and for getting involved in something he knew nothing about which is when Wyatt snapped at her about not talking to him and being mad at him for wanting to help her. After that altercation I believe is when she told Brandon what happened because he was confused about who Liam was and why he was threatening Callie and why she looked a little scared of him.
  18. I know she danced on Madonna's MDNA tour but don't know anything recent.
  19. I have to mention one of my other major pet-peeves about the MTA/WTA and I find it's more a habit with the Bachelorettes - referring to the contestants as exes. Oh give me a break. Yes the premise of this show is supposedly "dating" 25 men but let's face it, about 5-10 of those guys are cut the first damn night and of the ones cut chances she never even spoke to them. Then there are the list of other guys who got strung along for a few episodes, never having any real one on one time, just showing up on some group dates, having a few moments at the cocktail party and that's it. That's not dating and that certainly does not make someone an ex. It actually reminds me of a hilarious moment in Desiree's season. I think it was the first or second episode, during one of her first one on one's when the guy wanted to reassure he he was nothing like her ex. Desiree went, "you know my ex..." only for the guy to mention Sean and then she got an "oh yeah right..." poker face. Because the fact of the matter is this show is really just a fancier, more expensive version of speed dating which is why even the couples who've lasted from the show have stated that the real dating, the real getting to know each other happened after the season ended.
  20. About the audience reaction shots, this is definitely one thing that's always kind of bugged me about this show. With the budget I know they have, considering all these location shoots they do, I don't understand why the MTA/WTA always comprise of these hideously dubbed audience reaction shots. Half the time there will be a shot of someone's "shocked" face like half a minute after the audio of a gasping sound. It's just strange and frankly incredibly distracting.
  21. And my guess is it's a complete fake-out. It's either from neither of her F2 or her pick and it'll be some corny love letter/poem that he'll read to her during the live reunion. But it'll certainly be played up as more and it conveniently happens as US Weekly starts reporting that her F2 is or was trying to win her back recently. My guess is the US Weekly story was planted by the show and the letter an added ruse. Anything to increase interest in the finale since my guess is nothing as dramatic as Claire going off on Juan Pablo happens or a Brooks dumping Des type situation.
  22. Well no, because like I said, I still don't think it is strange that someone would be hurt by being a victim of racism whether or not they are aware that it still exists. But I think this is too sensitive a topic, especially in relation to a show as shallow as The Bachelorette so I'll just say YMMV and move on.
  23. I'm not sure I really understand this statement. Knowing something exists does not automatically negate one from being offended or hurt everytime it happens to them. What is he supposed to feel and say - "oh someone made a racist comment about me well yeah, I mean I'm black so it happens". Yes intellectually most people recognize that ignorance and bigotry still exists in this world and by that token racism, misogyny, homophobia, etc. continues to exist. But knowing and being aware of something is still different than when it directly hits you. Which for the record does not mean I'm saying that I completely believe Andrew made those comments.
  24. Not shocked at all but what I found particularly amusing is, I guess during the media done around the weekend of the taping, the guys were asked about Andi's F2 (I guess who they thought she would choose and opinions of the guys) and Marcus stated that watching the season didn't change his mind about Nick and he was more certain now that he was only there for camera time. I seriously had to "WTF...." at that. This from a guy who a half a minute after his deep heartbreak over Andi who was supposedly his soul mate was already on Bachelor in Paradise and according to spoilers .
  25. I would say he had a lot to do in S3 as well. A key storyline of S3 was Rachel and Kurt's NYADA dream which included the election story and the West Side story, Sebastian who was supposed to be some romantic foil for Kurt and Blaine, really was more just a rival to Kurt, there was the creepy and annoying as hell to me Karofsky story and the writers actually attempted to give him and Blaine some relationship focus every 10 episodes or so. I will concede that the split diminished Kurt's screentime and storylines significantly because the writers were just incredibly lazy when it came writing for the NY narrative and what little attention they gave it, was dedicated to Rachel. And things just went downhill completely with the show and S5 isn't even worth mentioning really and that's really how things just all went to shit. And I did get the feeling that by mid-S4 onwards, the writers didn't know how or what to write for Kurt anymore. Of course to be fair, I think at this point that can be said for every character on the show.
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