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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. You gotta love tabloids. This story actually says nothing new from the previous one announcing Chris as the Bachelor, but I guess some editor read the comments, saw how some felt about Arie's tweet and has created a headline about how pissed he is he wasn't the Bachelor. Again with actually no new information. And I don't even give a crap about Arie but that's kind of shady. http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/arie-luyendyk-jr-is-pissed-hes-not-the-next-bachelor-details-2014268
  2. THIS. I've said it before and I will say it again, people have their favorites, I get that and the actors/characters they hate which I also get but I will never buy this "oh this person sang too much and that's why the show's ratings fell" excuse. The show's ratings fell because the writing for it sucked ass and ALL the characters suffered for it imo, solos or not.
  3. It's official...Chris is the next Bachelor. http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/chris-soules-next-bachelor-arie-luyendyk-jr-reacts-2014268 I can feel myself falling asleep already just typing this. Also, Arie really, really wanted this gig...hilarious. And he's getting a little skewered in the comments for his "good luck on the farm" tweet. Eh, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he was just trying to be cheeky.
  4. And interestingly, that was the opposite of Breaking Bad - Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul were being rewarded but the show didn't win Best Drama until last year. Well that is clearly not the case in the Comedy categories - see the repeated wins of Parsons and the Modern Family cast and crew.
  5. And this is exactly why I look a lot more forward to and enjoy way more the Golden Globes every year because it has far more variety especially because they LOVE celebrating and rewarding freshman shows. One of my all time favorite Golden Globes moments was Keri Russell winning Best Actress in a Drama for Felicity, a show that was on the WB (now known as the CW). The Emmys would never have even nominated that show or really anything on that network and they never will. And speaking of Keri, hell they're not even nominating her now for the brilliant work she does on The Americans - a travesty in my opinion, especially when the likes of Keri Washington gets nominated for that hammy performance she does on Scandal. Deserving winners or not, it is just incredibly boring to watch the same people win YEAR after YEAR. And the tired repetition is also probably the reason you have amazing actors/actresses who did fabulous work on successful shows but never won. See Steve Carrell for example and Jon Hamm seems to be on his way to the same path. It's my fault though because I should have known this would happen once the nominations came out and they turned out to be pretty lackluster - Tatiana Maslany for example getting snubbed AGAIN, WAY too many nominations for Downton Abbey AGAIN, the same faces in many of the categories save for maybe one or two surprises. As for Modern Family, I'll be honest, I watch the show regularly and it is a good show but I feel like that's just it - it's just good and more importantly, it's safe. It doesn't really deliver anything new or daring or innovative or bold. It's your standard family trope sitcom and in fairness maybe that's exactly it - the voters reward them for consistency. But for me, it's hard to enjoy a show that's merely good, winning five years in a row when there is so much great television out there with so much creativity, daring and wit.
  6. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    Well Stan did win Australia earlier this year but yeah, I hear you. It's unbelievable that no one but any of these 4 has won a major since 2009 and were it not for that amazing US Open run by Del Potro in 2009, the stat would really be since 2006. That's insane. But it's really been more a dominance of Federer and Rafa and then in 2011 Djokovic really joined the mix. I think soon enough a change of the guard, if you will, will come. Yeah Federer looks good but dude is still like 33 and Rafa is plagued with injuries and Murray is not that consistent. So I think we'll see fresh faces emerging soon - of course watch I say this and Federer and Djokovic end up in the final.
  7. I think it will depend on how much they're actually told. In other words, if TJ and the producers just keep it vague, as in just saying Diem was too sick to compete but nothing about her having cancer again, being rushed to emergency surgery, etc. then I can see them continuing on with the challenge as normal. And I believe they're cut off from all their devices while doing a challenge so they wouldn't know the full extent. However, if they tell them the full story that she was rushed to surgery and all that, I do think some, maybe not all may struggle a bit. I'm thinking about the people who've been on Challenges for awhile and who know Diem on a personal level, like Johnny, Wes, etc. I don't think that's exactly the same thing. Yes, CT was a psycho that night but sadly, with all the increased drama/violence as the show has gone on, I think it was very easy for them all to chalk it up to people having too much to drink and well CT being a nut. But production stepped in, the situation got diffused - I can see why the competitors left would not harp on it for the rest of the competition. And as I recall, it was after that incident, some people like Evan and Kenny I believe were vocal about not wanting CT on the challenges anymore. Unfortunately for them, the incident with Tonya became public and so they had no say in anything anymore as they're not allowed to compete themselves. But this situation with Diem is vastly different. The girl passed out during the challenge and is maybe likely fighting for her life. I think that would definitely give some of the people there some perspective.
  8. This. I don't think this has a thing to do with budgetary reasons but like I said above, more to do with their complete delusion that the headline would be "so shocking" that it will entice people to watch if nothing else out of curiosity. And instead, all it's succeeding in doing is all but guaranteeing even more of the maybe 100 who were going to watch, won't. As I noted above, Glee barely has any casual fans anymore, hell Glee barely has hardcore fans anymore. And when they put out shitty crap like that, they're all but guaranteeing the few individuals hanging on will just throw their hands up and give up. I mean this one spoiler has succeeded in pissing off Klaine fans for obvious reasons, Blaine fans, Kurt fans who shipped him with Karofsky and see this as one more of way Kurt being ignored, Karofsky fans who've shipped him with Kurt and loathed Blaine, etc. That's a lot for a fandom that's already down to maybe 100 people.
  9. I just checked out Vevmo and according to their sources, yeah filming on the latest challenge had just started. Not sure if this is a spoiler so I'll put it behind spoiler tags
  10. I think this is the appropriate thread because I looked and she doesn't have an individual thread. Really, really horrible news...Diem has been diagnosed with colon cancer and is currently in the hospital, in ICU, after having two emergency surgeries. http://www.people.com/article/diem-brown-cancer-returns-colon?hootPostID=30dd57943354fc1fbf7b06b5b2014d02 Man, cancer is such a fucking bitch. I'm praying for her but it doesn't look good and her body must be so battered at this point.
  11. Honestly I can't even buy it's contempt for soul-mates/endgame because the simple solution to that is that you break the couple up, end of story. After the hot mess that was Kurt and Blaine in NY or hell since S4, I for one could care less if those two were ever together. So all the writers had to say was time jump, we find out in passing they broke up and we hear about Kurt and his new boyfriend in NY and Blaine and his new boyfriend in Lima or wherever they've stuck him. This ridiculous Karofsky crap to me seems more about one, being shitty writers, two, not liking their own characters and three, more contempt for the viewers than anything.
  12. This and frankly I view the character as this annoying rash that keeps flaring up everytime you think it's gone and is worse every single time it returns. I am amazed there are enough people left to care enough to even send hate tweets or whatever else to anyone. At this point, I'm amazed everyone isn't beaten down enough to just say "well of course..." to every new shitty and nonsensical spoiler that comes out. And this is exactly what I've been saying for awhile with regards to the criticisms about Darren and just to be clear this is in no way an attempt to rehash that debate because just...no. But that being said, while Darren is without question no great thespian, I can't place a lot of the failings on Blaine on him because I think from S4 onwards it's been clear the writers have no fucking clue who the character is and they just kept throwing random shit after random shit and it's all been one crappy thing after another. First there was the weird, gross cheating, then there was the creepy crushing on his straight friend, then there was the engagement that both actors playing the pairing hated, then there was that mess in NY that I don't even have words for. And now this - assuming it's not some fakeout, I can't imagine how Darren must feel. He's probably as confused as the viewers and thinking, "wait why would Blaine of all people have any interest in Karofksy?"
  13. Catching up on this show and agree completely with this post. I was seriously cringing the entire time and the fact that she thought it was so awesome that she brought it up twice was really horrible. What's worse is I bet the poor cousin mentioned this during some girl's night out, with a few cocktails/beer in her, never expecting it to be something broadcast on national television.
  14. That was a typo. I mean Dimitri, as in Dimitri Chaplin who competed in S2 of SYTYCD and later competed on DWTS. He came second with Mya the season Donny Osmond won.
  15. There is of course the very real and who are we kidding, likely possibility, that this is all some big fake-out because once again they stupidly think it will make people so curious that they'll rush to watch. Which again just shows how completely clueless and out of touch these people are - they really don't get it. NO ONE, other than some die-hard fans give a shit anymore about this show. So the casual viewer isn't going to rush to watch out of curiosity because they don't exist anymore and they don't care. The only ones who are still semi-interested are the same people they piss off and turn off with every new spoiler that is more stupid and shitty than the previous one. And if by some crazy insanity this whole Blaine/Karofksy shit is actually real, then there should be no more question that Ryan Murphy essentially sought to say "fuck you" to every fan/fandom who is watching and once watched the show and seems to be set on making sure he leaves the series with every single fan hating him. Because in my brief times navigating the insanity of the Glee fandom, I know for a fact that NO ONE ever shipped Blaine and Karofksy. Far as I could see, all the Karofsky lovers and apologists either wanted his character back because they thought Max was so amazing and those who shipped him with anyone, shipped him with Kurt because the whole victim/victimizer thing was romanticized. On top of that, many fans of Karofksy spent a lot of time arguing as to how Blaine was actually far more abusive and evil and horrible to Kurt than he ever was. So if this actually happens, no way will I see this as anything but just one more "fuck you" to the fans because I refuse to believe that the writers would think ANYONE would want to see that.
  16. Now Julianne annoys the crap out of me and I think she sucks as an actress as much as she sucked in her attempt at being a country singer and while none of her movies were smashes and she's not even B-List, I wouldn't say she's crawling back because she's completely flopped. According to her IMDB profile, she actually has three movies coming up which means that if nothing else she is still getting work. Trust me, as a fan of some other celebrities who I have seen go months, maybe even a year with nothing new on their profile, that's pretty good. If anything, I suspect she's coming back to the show to use it as a public platform to further help and promote her career - that is, have a weekly platform where people get to see her, maybe like her again and where she can constantly promote her stuff. Worked for J-Lo and all the judges on The Voice. I actually think Shirley would not have been a bad choice. Yes she's Mark's mom and Derek's pseudo-mom but she has a LONG history in the ballroom world both as a dancer and teacher and she's taught and had some kind of relationship with damn near half of the Pros - Val, Karina, Tony, etc. And they all seem to adore her. Of course once again, there was always the option of no fourth judge.
  17. I'm guessing this is probably because they couldn't get Sebastian back since Grant Gustin is now helming his own show on CW. My goodness, it's like they're determined to not have anyone watch. I swear, in all my years of watching television, I can honestly say I have never seen a group of writers so epically fuck up and ruin their show. The sad thing is, I'm sure they put this out there with the belief that it will get people so curious because it's "oh so shocking...". I mean what, Blaine and Karofksy and instead, someone like me who was once a loyal viewer just sighed, rolled my eyes and thought "when is this mess ending?" And some people actually said, there's no way the series finale can be worse than How I Met Your Mother's. Yeah I'm willing to take that bet. Whatever...I'll check back in after the series finale to see how it all ends because there is no way I'm putting myself through the torture of watching this shitfest. I barely made it through the end of S5.
  18. I already said how I feel about a fourth judge period and how not interested I was in Julianne or Maks being a judge. That said, putting aside Julianne's obvious "watercooler bait" comments to Mark her first time and Maks the next time she judged, I actually thought she did a pretty decent job and hell certainly made more sense than Carrie Ann and Bruno on a normal day. A lot of her comments were fairly detailed and I liked that she would pinpoint specific things that she thought were wrong and give specific advice on how to improve it. But yeah, the show would have done better to just forgo this fourth judge business or at least get someone not so previously tied to the show. But then again, who are we kidding, they did it specifically for the "controversy" and cries of outrage because reality tv producers specifically always think that kind of drama equals ratings. Except there are times when it backfires spectacularly in their faces - see American Idol's ridiculous decision to make Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj judges. Ratings dropped drastically and no one cared. So it remains to be seen how the viewers respond to this decision when the ratings start coming in.
  19. And it's official, it's Julianne. Which honestly, after TMZ's story, likely came as a shock to no one. They may be a tabloid show but they're rarely wrong about stuff like this. Oh fun times - and we all thought last season's Maks vs Derek fandom drama was bad. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/julianne-hough-returns-dancing-stars-726718?utm_source=twitter lol...I don't envy you.
  20. Just to be clear, as someone who has mentioned the "piece of paper" part, I am well aware of the legalities of having Callie be legally adopted and I noted that I do believe that is part of her determination to be adopted - the stability of it all. My comment was in response to the comments that "Callie needs a family" as if that is the only way she is family or can be family. That is what I do disagree with, that somehow if she's not legally adopted by The Fosters, then she doesn't have a family. Because as I said and still believe, I think that belies the show's message that family at the end of the day is really just about love. If Callie somehow ends up with her biological dad, I personally don't think that automatically makes her not family to The Fosters simply because she is not legally their daughter. Because they will still love and care about her and support her.
  21. I really don't know why everything gets attached to Derek. I swear if Derek was half as powerful as people seem to think he is, he'd be running the universe. I don't know what Mark being on the show has to do with Derek - Mark has won the mirrorball trophy twice, his parents are legendary in the ballroom world and for all the cracks about him, he does have his fans. Mark's continued inclusion as a Pro is no more surprising than Tony, Cheryl, Karina, etc. all still being around, all of which have been on the show longer than him. And as for Allison, I don't get all the surprise or it being thrown onto Derek when it's been clear for a few seasons now that DWTS and SYTYCD have started interweaving with each other. SYTYCD has been using Louis van Amstel for multiple seasons now for their ballroom dances, as well as Damian (though he was a former contestant) and Mark choreographed once as well. Derek has actually never been on the show. Many former SYTCYD ballroom contestants have found their way onto DWTS - Chelsie, Damian, Witney, Lindsey, Jenna, Lacey. And who has the show been using to choreograph every single one of the opening Pro numbers the last season - Mandy Moore, a woman most known for her contemporary work on SYTYCD.
  22. Actually no, I would never say that to someone who's been through what Callie's been through, "oh quit your whinging". That was not my point and I noted that I do think part of Callie's desperation to be completely and legally adopted is a fear that if she's not, one day Lena and Stef may just get tired of her and send her away and I totally get that with what's she been through. My point about the legal adoption not being the one and true measure of family is my disagreement with the sentiments that Callie and Brandon is especially awful because Callie needs a family as if she doesn't get legally adopted suddenly she's not family to The Fosters anymore. And I don't see it that way at all and feel like that's not the message the writers and show has been sending either.
  23. Never saw The Middleman and saw two episodes of Kyle XY and it was the most boring thing ever to me so I can't speak on those two shows. That said, I loved Greek but that show was heavily focused on the Cappie/Casey relationship and back and forth of that mess. While I don't think the poster's intent was to somehow blame the viewers and I somewhat disagree that one should have just expected it since it is an ABCFamily show, I will say that it should have been obvious after the pilot. As I noted before, the Callie/Brandon hinting was not even subtle in the pilot and I do think that many should have realized that if the writers were going to be that obvious THAT soon, then the reality was that the storyline would likely be a major focus of the show. This makes me think of if the show had gone with an alternate scenario where Brandon met and fell in love with Callie and later found out about her situation and then convinced his parents to let her stay with them because she had no one. I wonder if there would be the same sense of "ew it's creepy" and more importantly, "she needs a family not a boyfriend." Because that is something I've noticed a lot in some of the outrage about the Brandon/Callie situation - the often-repeated "she needs a family..." And to me, she does have a family, it's just not a legal binding document but there seems to be the sense that without that then it's not real. And for me, I feel like that is missing one of the points the show is trying to show. That family is not about blood and it's not about a signature on a piece of paper either - it's about love. At least that's how I've viewed the show. It's not like Callie's not getting adopted will suddenly mean that Stef and Lena will stop caring about her and stop loving her. And I actually think that's what Callie herself will slowly come to realize because I think part of why she is so obsessed with being adopted is because there is a part of her that probably is still afraid that if she isn't, one day Lena and Stef will just get rid of her and/or stop loving her and I don't see that ever happening. As I've said, I don't ship Brandon/Callie but I just frankly don't have all the outrage that some have about it. Because as I said, I don't view Callie's being legally adopted as the be all and end all of her having a family and being loved. That's not how I view the show and their message about family. I will admit that the show adding Jude in the equation is what really complicates thing, much as I like sweet little Jude. Once they added Jude who is her brother and had him be adopted by The Fosters it made the whole thing that much murkier but I just can't be all up in arms about Brandon/Callie. Frankly, I place some of the blame of the Brandon/Callie situation on Lena and Stef because I honestly feel like they never really dealt with that situation. It was pretty much, "this is how it's going to be, this can't happen" and just sweeping the situation under the rug. It is ridiculous in my opinion that two sixteen year olds were or are expected to be so mature that simply saying "well she's getting adopted, it can't happen, get over it" was enough to deal with the situation. The Mariana/Jesus or whatever situations were irrelevant. You cannot compare two kids coming into the household when Brandon was 8 to having a teenage girl come in when he is 16. That is why I doubt they allow many foster homes with teenage kids to have foster kids of the opposite sex.
  24. Well like others, I don't want either Maks or Julianne as a fourth judge because I find both insufferable. I don't even care about the sibling element - I just don't want to deal with them on the judging panel week after week. Although it would be great if Maks is made a judge and some Pro gives him a taste of his own medicine as he did to Len and Carrie Ann throughout the seasons. It would be funny if the two people angling for the position are the two who most acted like they were too good for the show. Frankly, I don't even want a fourth judge - didn't the show see how that worked out for American Idol? Let me answer that, not very well. Wasn't Season 10 the season Nicole won because ymmv but I remember that season having the whole Maks/Erin showmance, Cheryl/Ochocinco showmance, Nicole's obvious ringer-ness that everyone tried to conveniently ignore. I guess they weren't throwing contemporary/jazz at the couples yet so that was a good thing and there were some really great dances but I don't know I guess I just feel like the show has never been "pure" or genuine since maybe Season 1 when they didn't know how it would take with the public and how successful it would be. But once it really took off, madness ensued. And with a new producer coming on, likely wanting to create his own stamp on the show, yes there's bound to be more craziness.
  25. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    Really sad that after such a spectacular run last season, Rafa didn't have the chance to defend any of his titles. Sadly it is what it is, hopefully he gets better and makes another strong run in 2015. I always need to remind myself to not read comments under these articles because the stench of desperation by fans of other players who want to discredit Rafa is mind-blowing. As for who will win, well whenever Rafa is out of a tournament my interest in the men's side diminishes because I have no investment in the players so I'll just sit back and see what happens. Right now, I'd like to see Stan make a strong run like he did at Australia. At #3 he would likely meet Novak again in the semi-finals assuming no upsets happen and it'd be nice to see if he can finally get the win after coming close last year, just like he finally got the win this year at Australia. It would also be nice to see Ferrer make a nice run.
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