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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    Well he just lost...kudos to Robredo. Just solid, classic tennis playing. That said, Kyrgios is definitely talented and for only being 19 he shows a lot of promise but he needs to be careful with the attitude sometimes. I think it was his first round match this tournament where he lost an entire game for his antics and attitude on the court. He definitely does not lack for confidence which is not a bad thing but sometimes a little too much of it, particularly when you haven't started really winning, can come back and bite you.
  2. The thing is though, yes these other versions have had four judges and it's worked but there are other things to factor in with the US version. For example I've heard there are almost no commercials during the airing of Strictly Come Dancing (UK version), which is absolutely not the case with the U.S. version as most American television, network television anyway, is practically built around commercials. So when you factor in all the time taken away for commercials which pays the bills, interaction with Tom and then interaction with Erin, that's already a lot for then four people to speak. And it's not like these four are all like Len who pretty much gets to his point fairly quickly. Bruno babbles on incoherently sometimes for goodness knows how long, same with Carrie Ann and now there's Julianne to speak as well. I mean sure, Tom does a really good job of trying to move things along with the producers screaming in his ear but it just has the possibility of making things incredibly rushed and again, yes it may work for other versions but that does not mean it's necessary which is what I think many are saying. The show has worked for 18 seasons just fine with three judges, a fourth judge is not necessary in my opinion, simply because other versions have always had four.
  3. Yes, just ask Ben. I guess the horrible dresser part is questionable but I could not think of a more unattractive Bachelor and he was still picked. Oh let me correct that, he and Bob may have been tied for the unattractive factor. Then there was that mess with Prince Lorenzo and let's not forget Juan Pablo who barely said two words during Des' season considering he left mid-season and never had a one on one. That being said, all the while many were jumping on Marquel for the next Bachelor barely before two weeks had gone by on Andi's season, I remember warning about learning from Juan Pablo's season. The jumping too quick on wanting someone to be the next Bachelor without really getting of sense of who they are so I actually don't care that much about Marquel not being picked. But I do think there is a very legitimate argument and discussion to be had, about the show's reluctance to ever cast a minority lead. Yes there was and of course he was the loudest in declaring Nick only being there for "strategy". And let's not forget Marcus who also accused Nick of only wanting to be on television, running down to BIP in his orange skivvies and hooking up with Booby Mcgee. You gotta love the hypocrisy.
  4. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    Yes, the name Daniela Hantuchova comes to mind. And even Ana Ivanovic sort of struggled with this as well. Ana has a very finesse game, she actually reminds me of Chris Evert in her heyday but she just didn't have the power to match up against those huge hitters like Serena, Sharapova, Azarenka, etc.
  5. Eh, I don't think it's such a sure thing.
  6. Just saw on tumblr that Peta is paired up with Tommy Chong. There was no link or anything so I'm not sure if that's verified. If true, I guess Peta's finally getting her turn with an old guy. They give every female Pro one at least once.
  7. Agreed actually and that's why I said his issue is more that he can be passive aggressive at times. Don't get me wrong, I don't think he ever gets ragey or even really mean with his celebrities but he can get a little impatient at times and then he gets passive aggressive in his impatience. But for the most part I will give you that I don't remember Derek ever having a really horribly uncomfortable season with his celebrity as we've seen with other Pro/celebrity pairings throughout the seasons.
  8. I don't know, I've never viewed Derek as an angry Pro or somebody prone to raging fits with his celebrity but he can be pretty passive aggressive and as "zen" as he may be he still had moments with Amber, his last celebrity before Amy. And there was the hilarious sequence with Kellie Pickler when in her adorable southern accent she'd tell him how he wasn't her favorite person right now when he annoyed her. I don't think Amy is a good measure of his temperament because deliberately or not I do think Derek treated Amy very delicately. Yes he pushed her with the choreography and encouraged her but I don't think he would have ever snapped at her when she was having her emotional moments.
  9. Karina shares her thoughts on Julianne being a judge. In short, she questions the ethics of her judging while her brother is competing. http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/karina-smirnoff-questions-julianne-houghs-dancing-with-the-stars-gig-2014298 Honestly, while I maintain I had no interest in watching Julianne on the judging panel, same as I felt about the rumor of Maks getting the gig, I think all the "bias" stuff is slightly exaggerated and pretty much agree with this quote. Yes the judges scores matter but honestly, in my opinion this show has always been won on fanbase. That's why it's never been and never will be fair. We've seen people go home through multiple seasons having high scores, sometimes the highest score. Hell the week Derek and Maria left they were leading on the scoreboard. Look at Val with Elizabeth Berkeley. It's exactly why Derek has said flat out on the show that it's more important to have a performance the audience loves rather than pleasing the judges which yes, I know is one more thing about him that pisses people off. But that is the reality of DWTS. It's largely who appeals to more people and/or has the most dedicated and vigilant voting base. See Bill Engvall's run on the show. How many times was he last in judges' scores?
  10. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    She got there by being consistent in all majors/Masters series and likely not having a lot of points to defend from the previous year so she was only gaining. The rankings are essentially a point system. The further you get in a tournament, the more points you receive. But then you also have to defend those same points the following year. So for example, Rafa will fall to #3 or #4 (not too sure, have to check) because he lost all the points he won last year when he won the entire hardcourt season with his wins in Toronto, Cincy and U.S. Open, since he wasn't able to play and defend them. I hope this is not taken the wrong way because it is not my intention but I think that may simply be a case of how much of a tennis fan one is. If you're just a casual fan who pays attention to the big names, watches the slams and bigger matches then I guess it's easy to not know these players. But if you're a dedicated fan who follows most of the tennis year, then these guys are all recognizable in their own way. I mean Berdych has made multiple GS semi-finals and even made the finals of Wimbledon where he lost to Rafa. He's been around since 2000 or so and has been in the top 10 for a lot of those years. Dimitrov just made the semifinals of Wimbledon and if nothing else, you can always think of him as the guy who dated Serena for a minute and now dates Maria. Incidentally some people think that's what caused that little war of words between Serena and Maria a year or so ago. But in all seriousness, I think the point some are making is that's just it, some will never know these names if those same four players keep winning all the majors. So the casual tennis fan will continue to be like "who..." when you have someone like Ferrer who's ranked #4 but has never won a slam or someone like Dimitrov who does have a lot of talent and is decent looking enough to become a star if he starts winning.
  11. With regards to Andi being on DWTS, I'll say the same thing I said in that thread, if true, man I wish Maks was doing this season and she would have been given to him. That would have just been absolutely golden to watch. Especially as she's a shitty dancer which would have frustrated him. That being said, I'm not sure she's on because there are only six male Pros and there are already strong rumors that point to six female celebrities. Lolo Jones, Janel Parrish and Lea Thompson seem all but confirmed at this point, Sadie Robertson's family has confirmed she's on and the other two seem likely based on social media clues and media reporting. So I don't think Andi made the cut or maybe that's just my wishful thinking.
  12. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    Well that didn't last long, did it? Bellis is out. I will say she shows a lot of promise but her loss tonight really showed her youth and inexperience.
  13. Ugh...double ugh. I did hear the rumor that the Bachelorette would compete against her fiance but was hoping that was a lie. For crying out loud, no one wants to see pissy face Andi and her too waxed, blinding white teeth fiance. Or hell I don't. eta: Well I bit the bullet and checked out their twitter accounts to see if there was any hint and I got nothing from Andi but Josh tweeted only two hours ago about getting back home from some conference so I'm thinking it can't be him with Emma. Thank goodness. So yeah hopefully it's some Atlanta Falcons player.
  14. I can't find an article about it and I'll admit I stopped watching the show between S3 and S4 so this is more something I've heard referenced throughout the years from people who watched the entire series.
  15. THR article that first broke the story was kind of vague and to be fair about the MJ's spoiler, it likely could have just come from THR story because if I remember correctly she did state that she was looking for information on the actual details of that storyline and how it comes to be or whatever. So it still seems to mainly be the original spoiler of Karofsky and Blaine being romantically tied in some way without specifics. But as I at this point expect the absolute worse when it comes to Glee, I'm going with they actually end up in a romantic relationship because the fact that it will make zero sense, no one that still watches the crapfest actually wants to see it, is reason enough for the writers to do it. Wow, I wonder what that must feel like. As I found skipping about half of S4 very easy and then watching maybe a total of 5-6 episodes of S5 very easy. I look at it this way with Glee - life is too damn short and television is supposed to be, imo anyway, an entertaining escape. When I find myself hating EVERY single character/storyline and more importantly every single writer who gets paid to put that craptastic shit on screen, it's time to move on. There's just really nothing left anymore. At this point, I wish the cast of this show would pull a Dawson's Creek where at one point the cast collectively refused to show up for work unless the writing got fixed because it was so bad. But I know they won't because honestly I think at this point these people are just trying to get through the misery and put this show behind them.
  16. Well yes I cannot argue with that. It'd be cool if they gave him to Sharna, to see what she could do with him. Of course this all assuming dude can even dance.
  17. Don't be so certain...they might give Lea to Derek. And if they do, two words - Jennifer Grey. I hope they don't give Antonio to Cheryl (though now that I've seen that link above, I'll be absolutely shocked if the show resists) because in more recent seasons, I feel like when Cheryl has gotten the hunk and he has some bit of talent, she's relied way too much on the sexy. It worked somewhat with Gilles, though she screwed up big time with the freestyle but I was really disappointed in what she did with William. I think William could have done a lot more than he did on the show but it was like 90 percent of his dances were basically him and Cheryl gyrating and her ripping off his shirt. I think she does a lot better with someone a bit more unconventional who turns out to be a revelation like Jack Osbourne and Rob Kardashian.
  18. That didn't really happen with either Zendaya or Shawn during her first season, who were both only 17 at the time. Yes there were a few cracks about their ages because this show just can't help themselves but for the most part, I don't think it was really that much of a focal point during their time on the show. And both Val and Mark did amazing jobs with each girl.
  19. Why would Tony care if that ever happen, I'd think he'd be thrilled - Sara Evans sucked as a dancer. And on top of that she was the worst kind of celebrity, the ones who suck but actually delusionally believe they don't and so get pissy at the scores when most times the judges were being generous. And what was worse, was that she had a motivated fanbase that would have dragged her all the way to the end if she hadn't dropped out. No, please, she can stay gone...imo. As for speculations, US Weekly has released an article with what looks to be the most reliable speculation and they mention Janel Parrish as mentioned above, from Pretty Little Liars, Lolo Jones and Antonio Sabato Jr. http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/dwts-season-19-cast-janel-parrish-lolo-jones-among-contestants-2014278 I did read TMZ's article which speculates Andi (The Bachelorette) being on as well - ugh, just ugh. Although if she is on, it'll be the only thing that would make me wish Maks had come back and they paired her up with him. With her pissy, "no one can ever say anything to me" attitude and Maks being well, Maks, that would have just been fun times between them.
  20. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    What exactly have they said? I tend to mute the television so I can avoid the inane commentary. So some early upsets on the women's side. I think the most shocking, at least to me was Aggie. And that it was so straightforward. Meanwhile is the CiCi girl (is that her name) that upset Cibulkova going to be the next Melanie Oudin? A magical run at the Open and nothing much after that.
  21. Yeah they did, it was Jake's season. Because he was a pilot, the whole season they used the corny "On The Wings of Love" tagline and played the cheesy song at the end of the season when he and Vienna got engaged. They also used a tagline for Andy Baldwin's season. He was a naval officer or something so all season they had the "Officer and A Gentleman" tag running. They don't do it all the time though since obviously some of the leads haven't had careers that lends itself to that but no way are they avoiding the corny farmer taglines with Chris.
  22. I will take this and add that while I too appreciate the amazing world she created (and as I'm currently reading The Magicians and am struggling to get through the first few chapters, I appreciate the clever, humorous writing of hers even more) and the mystery elements of the book, it's my opinion that she never should have included romance. I know that would have bothered so many readers who were all about their shipping but I'm sorry, that woman can't write relationships for shit. Every relationship in the HP series was horrible in my opinion - yes that even includes the glimpses we got of the sainted James and Lily. And I have to say after reading A Casual Vacancy, I'm wondering if the problem is she just can't write healthy, happy and interesting relationships as everyone in that book was screwed up.
  23. Saw Chris on GMA for the announcement and he came across well enough but there's a part of me that finds it fascinating how he was one of the ones leading the charge against Nick in that confrontation about how "strategic" Nick was and it was all he was interested in. Because honestly, if anyone played it perfectly last season angling for that Bachelor position, I'd say it was Chris. Good for him, it worked out, just as it worked for Andi with her "dramatic" exit from Juan Pablo's season. I don't know, with the show's constant recycling of contestants, I think it's made me wary and suspicious of contestants who seem to say and do all the right things that they think will make the audience root for them.
  24. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I do think they're bringing back the Results Show just for the first two weeks of the show. So I think that will help things with having 13 stars. My speculation is that the show got a celebrity to sign on at the last minute, which necessitated another Pro.
  25. Yeah Reality Steve has jumped on it as well. He had a blog to gloat about being right about Chris being the next Bachelor and not only called Arie bitter but then threw shade at him by claiming he was hooking up with someone named Chelsie and that as soon as he thought he was going to be The Bachelor, he suddenly stopped calling her and ignored her. He doesn't say who this Chelsie person is but states her name like people should know so I'm wondering if it was the Chelsie who was on Juan Pablo's season. I can't think of any season where RS seemed to hate both of the F2 as much as he hates both Arie and Jef. It almost borders on obsession with him when it comes to those two actually.
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