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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. Actually I'm pretty sure she said as much in the wedding episode. I swear I even remember her saying that her dad hung up on her or something. No, she was pretty upfront about her family not being in support of her doing it at all.
  2. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    And we can agree to disagree because I think these new guys have had plenty of exciting matches. I really don't know what is so silly or really what is the issue about people wanting and being excited about seeing new talents emerge. No one, far as I can tell is basically saying that Federer, Nadal, Djokovic and Murray should all go away tomorrow. Rafa is still my favorite player and who I will root for as long as he's in a tournament. But the simple reality is that they cannot play forever. And at 33 for Federer, Rafa's 28, Djokovic is 26, etc. you do figure that the years are catching up and it's nice to see who may be around when they call it a day. And also, it doesn't even have to be about a whole new era but seriously I don't think it's so unreasonable that some people were just happy and excited to see new faces in a GS final when the same few faces have been there for damn near 10 years. That's a long time to be seeing the same people playing final after final.
  3. No you didn't hallucinate it, they just never showed it. It was in the season long preview. I think that might have just been editing tricks though played up for dramatic effect, like he maybe spoke to someone for a minute. But yeah it was shown in the preview but never shown on the show. There was also a shot of Vaughn and Monet dancing very closely that was never shown and based on their outfits, it looked like the same night of their date where he asked her about her thoughts on having a menage a trois.
  4. Yeah no kidding, considering he told Andi he loved her by like Episode 4 and they'd barely had much time together at that point. And despite claiming how still not over Andi he was when he got down to BiP, barely a few days there he was already so in with Lacy. Hey, it might work out, if nothing else because they both seem like incredibly dumb and dull people so in the end they may be too dull to break up and just spend the time appreciating each other's looks or in Marcus' case Lacy's boobs.
  5. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    I don't really think it's fair to the judge what all these guys can do based on one match. Yes, it wasn't the most exciting because sadly I do think Kei just had nothing left in the tank and also credit to Cilic, he was just dominating. But that does not mean this is how it will only be. Because it's not like every match and every final between the old guards was always this super amazing, exciting tennis match. In the 2008 French Open final, Rafa defeated Federer in three straight sets that barely took two hours. Similarly, Rafa's first Wimbledon final against Federer, the latter destroyed him in three straight sets. Djokovic and Murray's Wimbledon final, sure the sets were close, but Murray still won in straights. Just to be clear, for the record, I have no issues with Rafa, Djokovic, Murray and Federer still hanging around and kicking ass and taking names. But I do understand why many are embracing and are hopeful of the possibility of seeing new names and new faces break through. As Becker said in a BBC interview, post Djokovic's semifinal loss, while of course he's rooting for his guy to have a strong 2015 season and continue to win, the reality is in the game eras come to an end and new ones start. Federer and Nadal alone have more or less dominated the men's game for a decade.
  6. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    Honestly, the way he was playing, it reminded me of a tweet someone made during the women's final, that Serena was playing like she had somewhere to be by 6:30. That was Marin today.
  7. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    Congrats to Cilic. He was just punishing throughout the match. A little bummed for Kei. I think all the long matches he played to get to the Finals caught up with him and he just ran out of gas. His legs weren't moving as well and it didn't help that the way Cilic was playing, he had to hit like three or four extra points sometimes just to win a point. Still, it was a good tournament for him and hopefully he takes the positives from it and has a strong 2015. It will be interesting to see if this really was a sign of things to come and more fresh faces push through in 2015.
  8. I don't pay much attention to Mark's personal life but I do remember Witney saying she was single at the start of last season, when she had that very awkward exchange with Cody for their first practice. Also I know Mark is close with her and Lindsay because they were both his students at one point.
  9. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    Yeah it's funny, I remember the year before she retired, some commentators were having a discussion about it and Billie Jean King went as far as saying that she didn't see Steffi retiring anytime soon and that when she eventually did she might even have some kind of breakdown because the game was her whole life and all she knew. Yeah, not so much. Steffi retired and didn't look back and quickly moved on to her life with Andre, being a wife and a mom. She simply started a new chapter of her life after closing one. And I remember people being so shocked and confused when all these things happened, marriage and baby, because they'd truly had this image and idea of her as being "cold and stoic" so the thought of her as wife and a mother seemed like a foreign concept. And there are those that can appreciate both. YMMV but my saying Federer has a certain grace when he moves on court does not mean there is a lack of athletic ability, because I think he displays plenty actually. However, his athletic ability in my opinion, is just displayed in a different form than Rafa for example, and I can personally appreciate both.
  10. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    The comments to the article are cracking me up. It's like the Fed brigade got a "bat signal" that their guy had been criticized and all rushed to defend. Honestly, I've always been more or less indifferent to Federer. I don't love him but he's never really bothered me and I will say, I definitely agree with the superlatives about how beautiful his game is. I really do enjoy watching him and do think there's an elegance and grace in the way he moves on the court. And do I think he's arrogant - hell yes. But like I've said, I think almost all champions have some level of arrogance in them. Pete Sampras was incredibly arrogant. I will never forget his snarky response in a press conference after losing to Pat Rafter at the U.S. Open for a second straight year, when asked what he thought was the difference in their game and he replied, "5 Wimbledon titles." And he said it with that obnoxious smirk. And we've seen many players who haven't even won a major, be arrogant - hello Nick Kyrgios. Again say what you will but Federer has earned his bragging rights. That said, there's a part of me that suspects that love of the game aside, love of competing, etc. part of Federer's motivation for sticking around is that looming threat of Rafa possibly surpassing his 17 GS record. Let's face it, when Sampras broke that record, one that had been standing for decades, everyone thought "oh it'll be awhile before we see someone surpass it" and then, not even a decade into Sampras' retirement, there was Federer to not only break it but surpass it. And then people said "well surely that's it for awhile". And then Rafa came and suddenly started owning Federer in their head to heads, started proving he could win at the other majors, not just the French and proceeded to have an almost decade stranglehold on the French. So suddenly people are saying Federer's precious 17 is not looking so secure. And I really think that is part of his motivation to win at least one more or even maybe two - to put that greater distance between him and Rafa. And I think that's kind of sad really. I get being competitive, what champion isn't. But I just feel at some point, you have to say, "you know what I have nothing left to prove anymore" and walk away knowing you gave it your all and left your mark on the game. That's why I will always admire the way Steffi Graf walked away from the game. She was at 22 GS, so many said she was crazy when she was so close, just two away from the record 24. The year she retired she won the French Open and was the runner up at Wimbledon so she was still competing at a high level. But as she said later in an interview, she woke up after her loss at one of the summer Masters and just thought, "I don't want to do this anymore and I have nothing left to prove."
  11. I kind of agree. I don't mind viewers being irritated by something incredibly stupid that happens and in such a way that makes no sense. What truly gets to me is the nitpicking. That is, when an episode discussion thread will devolve into pages upon pages of debating something incredibly minor and not that important. And then people will start pulling out their own personal experiences and detailing how they or their husband or their parent or their wife's parents or etc. etc. had a different experience and it just goes on and on. Those are the times when I just want to scream, "it's not that serious..." Other UO's: Gilmore Girls - So glad to see others brought up Rory's whine-fest after Logan's dad gave her some bit of brutal honesty. I remember watching that episode and being baffled when reading comments after about how much of an asshole Logan's dad was. Yes, he wasn't the nicest guy but I didn't think anything he said to Rory was that out of line. Rory claimed she wanted to be a journalist, not just a journalist but an investigative journalist, and yet she gets a chance to sit in a room with all these experienced people in the industry and never says a thing. She never asks a question, engages them, nothing and instead just sat there passively smiling. Numerous times Logan's dad glanced at her and she never even picked up on it and that's essentially what he told her, that she didn't have that gut instinct and personality it takes to make it in that field. And then what does she do...basically prove him right by running off to cry to her grandparents and dropping out of school because ONE guy gave her negative feedback. And the truth was I found her reaction very believable because by that point in the series, I had come to a place of realization that I actually didn't really like either Rory or Lorelai and the main reason was because that entire damn town kissed their asses to the point that they were both incredibly entitled. Of course Rory felt entitled to have Dean when she decided she wanted him back, married or not because everyone in that town had always told her and treated her like the greatest thing since sliced bread. And it's exactly why she'd react the way she did to Logan's dad's criticism because god forbid one person not tell her how super smart, super amazing and super special she is. It's why I liked Jess when he first came to the town. Yes, he of course fell for Rory like everyone does but even while liking her, he wasn't above mentioning a few times how that entire town was basically kissing Rory and Lorelai's ass all the time and acting like they were the end all and be all of everything and it was obnoxious. Seriously, when I first started watching the show, I fell under the spell too so that's why I never noticed but by the time Rory got to college, I realized just how insufferable both women were and how obnoxiously everyone in that town seemed to cater to them. Glee - I hate the stanning/fandom wars as much if not more than the writing on the show. No, Lea Michele is not the greatest talent ever but no, she's not the reason the show failed either. Chris Colfer is talented but no, he's not the greatest actor of his generation. No, the show was not ruined solely by Darren Criss/Blaine, etc. The hyperbole on all sides - fans and those who hate a character/actor is just obnoxious and tedious. Especially as I always maintain that blame should be laid where it truly deserves to be - the writers. Twisted - I thought the Lacey/Danny pairing was incredibly overrated. The actors had some decent chemistry but all the hype about how amazing they were together was over the top in my opinion, not to mention I think the pairing as much as the #poorJo crap played a part in the show being a mess and not living up to its potential. In my opinion, it was not the writers messing with Lacey and Danny that hurt the show, it's that the mystery was horribly written and incredibly mediocre and was mostly brushed aside in favor of Jo's Creek and all this bullshit angsty high school triangle crap. True Detective - Binge-watched the season this past weekend. My unpopular opinion is that it was a good show but way overhyped. I don't know if it's because I watched way too many mystery shows growing up and watch so many true crime shows but I often figure out the guilty person fairly quickly and I did with this as well, so the end didn't shock me at all. The acting was good but I cannot understand anyone being upset at Cranston winning the Emmy over Matthew. The music was amazing though. The following are shows I have zero interest in despite all the hype surrounding them - Orange is The New Black (saw three episodes and just couldn't do it), Mad Men, Game of Thrones and Boardwalk Empire (though that seems to have lost some of its steam). I have also never really watched (and have no interest to) The Big Bang Theory. Dancing with the Stars - I find the Derek Hough hate and bitching over the top. It's gotten to the point where it almost feels like it's what's expected when watching the show. But more importantly, speaking of the comment above that it's just a show, my unpopular opinion is that no one should reach levels of vitriol and that kind of intensity for a show that silly and unimportant. It's a silly dance show for an ugly trophy. It's not that deep.
  12. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    Agreed. That's why sometimes I say the "Big 3" and hell for much of the decade starting from about 2004, it's actually mostly just been Federer and Nadal. That said, I think Andy gets included because while he only has two Slams, he made multiple finals, losing inevitably to one of those other three guys. So for awhile it has seemed to always come down to one of the four.
  13. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    And Cilic replied...holy crap. Marin and Kei weren't messing around today. I think what I'm so impressed by is how they both came there today with no fear - they didn't let the moment and who they were playing intimidate them. Man, the top and second seed taken out the same day. I'm looking forward to the final. I feel like it may come down to which guy can handle their nerves the best in the occasion. My gut says Kei will win but I don't know, could go either way. Either way I'll be happy for whoever wins. Oh and little tennis trivia, the last time none of the big four names were in a final was 2005 Australian where Safin beat Hewitt.
  14. I don't watch any of these RH franchise shows but I read in US Weekly and some other tabloid that there were also some episodes where Brandi confronted one of the new cast members, who apparently was one of Eddie's many indiscretions. I think this was the woman who Brandi had been friends with or at least acquaintances with and found out about her and Eddie after the LeAnn and Eddie cheating story first broke. So Eddie came up a lot because of that.
  15. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    Your move Cilic...Nishikori took care of business. Damn, Kei just taking names this U.S. Open. Good for him.
  16. I am with others about the bad boy woobie and the love triangle, which is why The Vampire Diaries makes me rage so much as it employs both of those and does so to the point that they dominate the show. That said, the other one that's very high up on my list is the victim/victimizer relationship and I largely blame soap operas for that one. Going all the way back to Laura falling in love with her rapist on General Hospital, time after time we see pairings and shippers rooting for pairings where one person has violated, attacked, kidnapped, etc. the other because "OMG the actors have amazing chemistry and they would be so hot together." I also feel like the bad boy woobie strongly intertwines with this one because the bad boy woobie often starts off doing heinous things but the actor's usually hot, he and the female look good together and so the inevitable woobification will begin so the lead can inevitably fall in love with him despite all the heinous shit he's done and many of which was done to her. Another one I absolutely loathe is the "couples can't stay together and be happy because that's boring so let's break them up and keep them apart as long as possible because it makes for great angst." And then after throwing every horrible and bullshit hurdle possible at the couple until they both become downright unlikeable and no sane and reasonable person would want them anywhere near each other again, throw them back together in some lame 13th hour reunion as the show is ending. And audiences are expected to cheer and aww and believe they'll live happily ever after even though they'd just spent years watching all the ways they were awful for and to each other.
  17. Wow, I thought I was the only one who watched this. Like someone posted above, every fall season I too look for the new shows I think sounds the most promising to try and get into. I was really excited for this one because I love mystery type shows and the idea that a whole prison of men vanished, sounded awesome. But something just didn't work for me. I didn't really connect with the lead actress, the guy from Lost was okay but the chemistry was off between him and lead imo and ultimately I found that I just had little investment in any of the main characters. The weekly stories where they revisited a particular prisoner as they started up their crimes again was interesting but I just didn't really care that much about any of them. I just thought the cast chemistry was incredibly lacking. One of the more recent examples I think is absolutely perfect for this thread is the show Twisted on ABCFamily. The show had an AWESOME premise - boy "kills" his aunt at 11, goes off to Juvie, gets released and comes back to the same town where the murder happened. A week after he gets there, a high school girl is murdered. Meanwhile, his two best friends at the time the murder happened have both tried to put the whole thing behind them and move on but are now brought back together when he returns. Awesome premise and one that could have mined many seasons of mystery and twists and turns. The show was supposed to be the male version of Pretty Little Liars which yes has gotten really convoluted now but in the earlier seasons was awesome with the mystery. But instead, we got a high school angsty drama revolving more around one of the girls and the inevitable lame triangle happened where the one girl was in love with him while he wanted the other girl. Episode after episode, nothing happened in the mystery, the victims were all but insignificant so you hardly cared who killed them because half the time you barely even remembered them.
  18. I don't expect her to do anything but be a professional which by all accounts she has been. I was however responding to this comment And my feeling is it really hardly matters anymore - good actor, bad actor, indifferent, lazy , etc. it doesn't matter because everything they will all be given will be utter crap. And that's my point. Would it really matter if she comes on that set and puts her heart out in what she's given when all that will likely be written when it's all said is done is what an utter shitfest and disappointment Glee is? It's interesting when I read comments outside of the fandom (what measly is left of it) at general entertainment sites and it's pretty much, "is this show not canceled yet, god that show sucks, people still watch this?" No one really cares anymore about who is the best and worst. It's not like the show will ever get nominated for anything anymore (I don't count the PCA as a legitimate award show seeing as Adam Sandler wins acting awards there).
  19. Just found this thread and hands down for me is the episode of Hannibal where Hannibal got the guy to cut up his face and feed his skin to Will's dogs. That show is a complete mind-fuck but after sitting through every other episode, I thought nothing could phase me. I was wrong.
  20. Haven't watched any of this show since Episode 1 but decided to check out the thread today and with regards to the Brooks discussion, this has actually been a sticking point with me in this fandom for awhile, particularly in relation to The Bachelorette. Almost every season of The Bachelorette, without fail, there are always the comments about how many of the guys "are so clearly gay." And the majority of the time these comments come after the season premiere where half of the guys deemed "so obviously gay" never even say much in the episode. So that impression is made on nothing but the way they look. I remember how insistent some were during Emiily's season that Jef was gay because "he dressed in a gay way" (whatever that means) and he referenced a Chloe bag because "what straight guy would know about Chloe." Then there were the ones who were insistent that Sean was because he was a born again Christian and said he would not date anyone unless it was leading to marriage. Hell I even saw comments this past season during the first two episodes or so that Nick was gay. And with all these I remembered thinking "because that's not offensive at all." With regards to Brooks, granted I pretty much half-assed Des' season but the only thing I ever thought of him was that he looked kind of greasy and was unattractive. So I didn't understand why she was so hung up on him.
  21. I didn't miss it, I chose not to watch but I read the comments and some of the recap so I'm well aware of what happened and I still maintain my opinion that the whole thing felt right out of a fanfic, similar to Blaine going on about how he liked Kurt being weaker than him and his being the better looking one or whatever crap that was spewed in those NY episodes. My comment above was in response to the idea that Blaine flunking out of college is just deserves and comeuppance for "getting everything without trying and being so ungrateful". THAT is what I disagree with because I maintain that I don't remember where Blaine was ever shown as being ungrateful for the things he received and yes, on some level I do disagree that he was just handed things. The snark was actually in regards to Lea Michele as in great for her, she gets to kill her performances every week onscreen except no one will really care and what she'll be given to kill will be complete and utter shit.
  22. And you pretty much answered your own statement. Yeah one of many lines inserted in S5 that came straight off the message boards. That's where the depth of the writers' laziness had taken them, trolling boards and using criticisms and comments as lines for the characters to say. I remember hearing about that one, since I was already barely watching the season at that point and just rolled my eyes and thought, "gee I'm sure that appeased all the ones who've been ranting about this online for years..." Yeah she may kill it and it will still be a heaping pile of crap which is how I've felt since S4 when many went on and on about "Noobs vs. the NY group". RIB and company have proven repeatedly, talented cast or not, they will still deliver complete and utter shit on screen. So yeah, Lea will be amazing...amazing at delivering crap that no one will watch. Congratulations?
  23. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    Yeah it really sucks. It looked like she was having some trouble breathing at the end too. Classy of Wozniacki to cross the net to see how she was doing. That is just a crappy way to win a match. She wants to be happy making the finals and has every right to be but there's a woman on the other side looking like she's about to pass out. Btw, what are the rules for medical timeouts? Because I follow the matches online with Eurosport and the British commentators were none too thrilled when Peng didn't lose a point when she came back out on the court. They seem to believe that because the time-out was taken right in the middle of the game, a violation occurred and so a point penalty should have been implemented.
  24. I know this will be a massively unpopular opinion but I honestly don't see where Blaine was due all this comeuppance professionally wise because I honestly don't remember him ever being so ungrateful. I know this seems to be the acceptable opinion of Blaine, that is, "he gets everything handed to him and never works for anything and always wins everything" but I didn't buy it when it was said ad nauseum at TWOP and I still don't buy it now. With the Rachel situation, the writers clearly showed us Rachel blowing off both NYADA and Funny Girl, two things we'd seen her talk about wanting so badly, almost as soon as she got them both. That I can definitely see as reeking of being ungrateful, especially when she talked about how tedious doing the show was when she'd barely been performing for a few months. She willingly walked away from amazing opportunities because as soon as she had them, she decided the grass was greener on the other side. And prior to that, there was all the diva antics in Glee club, storming off, threatening to quit, sending people off to crack houses so she wouldn't have any major competition, etc. And mind you I always liked Rachel well enough. With Blaine, when you meet him he's apparently being handed all Warbler solos but we get no back-story on how that happened. But even with his cushy position in the Warblers there were still references to his auditioning for things when out of school so he was clearly putting in the work and time. He got WSS after he auditioned like everyone else. The people casting thought he was the best person for the lead and then he auditioned to get into NYADA. As for the Jude woman liking him, again, he performed and she decided she liked him better. And for all the talk of things Blaine got, I don't remember Blaine having many solos in New Directions. In S3, Finn was still lead, S4 he had a duet with Marley I think for Regionals and Nationals was a number of group numbers. But more importantly, I don't ever remember Blaine ever demanding he be handed things like Rachel did and I certainly don't remember him deliberately throwing away opportunities he was given. It seems to me, Blaine's being a shitty boyfriend to Kurt is being equated to comeuppance in his professional life and that makes no sense to me. I could understand celebrating Kurt dumping him and moving on to some amazing hot guy while he remains alone and no one wanting him. That I could understand making sense but to say his flunking out of school and ending up back in Ohio a loser is his just comeuppance because he's been so ungrateful and dared to achieve things makes no sense to me. But like I said, I've long made my peace with the reality that my view on the character varies immensely from others.
  25. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    It's disappointing but the thing is, that match actually in a way showed just why there's been such a dominance in the men's game. Tedious though it may be watching those same four guys, or really three, (sorry Andy, I'll include you when you've won more than two slams) guys win, the reality is they do because they not only have the game but the self-belief of a champion. They go down fighting until the bitter end. That's where in my opinion, some level of arrogance in sports is a good thing. Athletes need to believe that they're not only good enough to win but almost deserve to win. And the reality is a lot of the younger players and hell some of the older players, don't have that and especially when they're playing against a Nadal, Federer and Djokovic. They get a lead but then can't sustain it, especially when these guys fight back and level the matches. I don't know why anyone would want a Nadal/Federer final, we all know how that will play out...unless Rafa gets an injury during the match and even then he might STILL beat Federer. It is amazing to think though that they have never met at the U.S. Open for as many matches as they've played.
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