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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. Monica (is that her name - Ray J's supposed assistant) reminds me a lot of Mona Scott. Seriously, does anyone else see the resemblance. And she seems to be in with almost everyone in the cast and I get Mona vibes of her instigating or at least not helping to minimize drama. Perfect example, that messy radio interview where she claims to feel so bad for the girl but she's the one who was pushing and suggesting that the DJ show the girl the pictures. And she pretty much admitted that she brings jump offs to her clients. I also thought she was exaggerating about Tierra wanting to come at her. Crazy thought Tierra is, imo it clearly looked to me like she was just holding onto Monica to emphasize her point, while explaining what happened and not because she was trying to come at her. She got defensive when Monica started yelling at her to not grab her. But speaking of that nutjob, boy that "sisterhood" between her and Hazel ended awfully fast didn't it? Anyone else think this was one of those convenient "friendships" for the purpose of the show, like they often do with these reality shows? And so it was a perfect set up for the inevitable drama. Tiearra and Monica seemed more sincere in their friendship because even while going at it they still never got truly angry, somewhat violent with each other, etc. As for the crazy baby mama, well Fizz did warn the girlfriend it was a bad idea because she's a psycho. Guess it's one of those things you just had to see for yourself. Now she really knows.
  2. YMMV but I think she was just joking. Honestly, amidst the over the top giggling and squeeing when the judges like a dance, the ones trying to fake showmances (though I see Janel and Val toned that down real quick this week), people looking like they want to cry over one little criticism that wasn't that bad and people putting way too much pressure on themselves for what is a simple little dance show, I like Bethany's personality. Girl didn't even complain about her ankle injury, she politely listens to the judges' comments and moves on. Which incidentally may be why so far she's forgettable to some people because she's kind of just there - no fuss, no drama, dancing well enough but not the best out of everyone. Of course it was. As if I wasn't bothered enough that the show insists on having EVERY single opening Pro number done by Mandy who is not a ballroom choreographer, the Afterbuzz last week just annoyed me some more when they confirmed what I suspected. That is, Mandy basically has an idea in her head and knows what she wants the dance to look like but then has to use one or two of the Pros to convey to others what she's looking for and ultimately add the ballroom language because she doesn't know it. So basically the Pros are still more or less choreographing the number while I guess she says "I want a formation here, I want you guys down here, I want the girls along this way, etc.." So it once again begs the question of why not make the Pros do the opening numbers like they used to do in the older seasons. Now admittedly, I do remember many of the Pros saying that's why they would be so exhausted by the season end between all the work with their celebrity and preparing stuff for Results Show but hell, isn't that why they have the useless troupe there. Also, as couples get eliminated, use the Pro who was eliminated with their partner so it minimizes the workload. I'm just tired of the same damn opening Pro number every week as I really don't see much differences in the dances that Mandy is doing. The best opening Pro number from last season in my opinion was the one with Mark's song that she had nothing to do with. I believe it was Mark himself who choreographed it with help from Derek and Christopher Scott (I guess for the more hip hop lite/jazz parts of the number) and I can't be too sure but I think Val also helped too, with cleaning up some parts. The problem for me personally is that Alison made the dance too much about her. What little Jonathan did (and it was really little) he did okay but the problem was there wasn't enough to really judge him on because he was more or less just a pole for while she whipped and flipped herself all over the place. The dance was ALL about Alison in my opinion and that would be fine if this was an individual dance competition but it isn't and more importantly her job as the Pro is to make her celebrity look as good as possible. She did not do that, imo. I am also kind of ready for Micheal Waltrip to leave. Sorry, in my opinion dude is not nearly as clever and funny as he thinks he is and he is beyond awful. With Lolo gone, I really do think he is the worse dancer left and he might have been worse than her to be honest. Tommy for all his humor is actually moving around and doing some recognizable steps and showing some rhythm, especially for his age. Michael is just hopeless and I think Emma's choreography so far is reflecting that - that she really has no clue what to do here. And I'm tired of him bringing up Bill Engvall. One, Bill wasn't desperate in his humor like Michael comes across as and two, Bill's musicality was poor so he always seemed a bit out of time with Emma but he could move and wasn't entirely hopeless. I guess Tavis may go before Michael and he really did kind of suck so it wouldn't be a travesty by any means but given the choice, I'll take Michael leaving. Ah yes, a classic HMV move and we can all depend on our girl Peta to pull it out.
  3. Yeah I remembered hearing about this and it just further confirmed to me I made the right decision not finishing the series because Meyers is an idiot. If I got the impression she made the comparison because on some level she realized that Bella and Edward were kind of fucked up and unhealthy that would be fine but nope, I think she said it because she sees them as "so romantic as Heathcliff and Catherine's love story" and I'm sorry, I can't respect someone who calls themselves an author reading Wuthering Heights and thinking it was some super romantic love story. No, it was the unhealthy and toxic love story of two kind of shitty people. Ugh that mess. Incidentally, I think Harry/Ginny is one of the most divisive fictional relationships and in my opinion, that's a testament to the shitty job JK did writing them. It's telling that just last year, what more than 5 years since the series ended, Entertainment Weekly wrote a piece arguing why the relationship made sense and why Ginny was supposedly this great character. And in my opinion, when an author has to defend something that much...you fucked up.
  4. Saw Janel's dance and it was good, if a tad overscored. The choreography was good but it got a bit manic in parts and that I think caused her to lose her frame. But definitely miles better than last week.
  5. And they paired her up with Mark...the King of Cheese. I expect a crazy costume to show up at some point. Great, so it wasn't just me. I am still confused by Lea's scores. She's not very strong and Derek knows it. I saw a clip of him doing some interview where he said that's been one of the biggest things that they've had to work on. You can look at Bethany and see she has very little muscle tone. At 18, my guess she probably eats whatever she wants and probably only does some light cardio/running every now and then but nothing like say someone who works out very hard or is a professional athlete. Didn't see Alison's reaction to the criticism of her and Jonathan's Cha-Cha but what I saw of the dance, lack of content aside, I think the biggest thing Alison has to be careful of is over-dancing. I definitely get the feeling that she's approaching this like she has something to prove, likely because she's aware of the reactions to her being made a Pro when she doesn't have a background as a professional ballroom dancer. However, while that's all well and good, what she's succeeding in doing is making Jonathan look bad because it just highlights his mistake and makes it seem like he can't keep up. I was eye-rolling all the melodrama for a second in their package, especially Witney's going to the producer but then I remembered how young she is and I think she's putting a lot of pressure on herself because in her mind, she got an absolute ace in the hole this season and if they lose it'll be on her. And seriously, yeah these people just need to relax and realize it's just a dance show and it's really not that deep. They need to be like Tommy - just chill and have fun.
  6. I mean she wasn't awful but honestly, I would have given her 7's and maybe an 8 or two. I don't remember seeing many flicks and kicks for what was supposed to be a jive and honestly, something about Lea's posture was driving me crazy. And I thought she was guilty of exactly what they accused Bethany of last season, that she was losing energy during the dance. Missed Janel's dance so can't comment on it. But yes she was definitely better than the mess both Michael and Tavis just did. Tavis was a smidgen better than Michael because at least there were Cha Cha steps. eta: And other times they seem to get it just right. I thought Alfonso's score was fair because he definitely didn't have the bounce and the Samba walks down. Still a fun dance and I loved the ending. Witney's baby voice still bugs me but I'm really loving her choreography so far. Bethany was good but there are two things about her dances that's kind of bugging me. One, they seem shorter than everyone else's and two, I definitely see what Julianne and Bruno said last week about her working on the in between parts of the dance. Derek needs to work on her fully finishing her movements so they blend seamlessly into the next step/section. Surprised Len loved it so much and I think Derek was as well, as he usually hates Derek's "unconventional" stuff. The bass stuff was cool.
  7. The judges have always been a little (okay, a lot) random but damn I am beyond baffled by these scores. I just tuned in and caught Lea's dance and I am really confused by those scores and all the gushing. Did I just miss something? And at this rate, they're going to have to pull out 10's by next week.
  8. Honestly, I have a feeling there will be no Kurt/Blaine wedding which should make a lot of people happy. In my opinion, these early spoilers make it clear RIB have zero fucks to give and could give a shit about pleasing the shippers and give a shit about their characters. So at this point, my guess is the Blaine and Karofsky (seriously I still vomit a little in my mouth everytime I type that) mess will run its course (correct me if I'm wrong, Max Adler is only confirmed for four episodes right) and just as it ends and Blaine decides he wants Kurt back after weeks or months of diddling his former tormentor, Kurt will move on to the new gay kid he's trying to recruit for New Directions (maybe he and Blaine will both be going through a jock phase). That way, the writers can spend another four/five episodes retreading the EXACT same storyline they just did the few episodes before, this time with Blaine doing the pining. Then the finale will come and at best, maybe they'll leave it ambiguous or they may get back together at the last hour but I will honestly be shocked if those two get married. Of course I guess the fact that it will make such little sense is probably why it will happen so nevermind.
  9. YMMV but I didn't feel like Monet mentioned this to show how scandalized she was by the comment or how it offended her delicate sensibilities. I thought her point was to give an example of how Vaughn at times was plain disrespectful and rude to her and to each his own but I thought her point was made. Someone who has just had surgery, no matter how minor he may have felt it was, says she's not up for sex and your response to her is that her hands aren't broken...seriously? She should have said back to him that his hands weren't broken either so if he was that horny he could take care of it himself.
  10. I think Kurt is probably the one who's come out of this the least unscathed. He's definitely lost some of the bitchiness and fabulosness of early seasons but that you can kind of rationalize as simply growing up and getting older - a natural maturity if you will. But for the most part, I do think the character has stayed fairly consistent which is why while I understand the frustration by those who love him and naturally want to see more of him, I keep thinking, "be glad he's been relatively ignored the last two seasons. It's probably for the best. This brings to mind the discussion on the previous page about the whole Finn/Quinn mess in S2 and what I said about their intent versus their execution. I remember when Finn broke up with Rachel for kissing Puck, that actually made sense to me. I know some saw it as something of an over-reaction but I always thought that it was obvious that he was as angry as he was because it was Puck, the same guy his last girlfriend cheated on him with. That of all the guys Rachel could have kissed, she kissed him. So Finn's anger and reaction made sense to me. Where I went "wait...say what now" was the whiplash of "I won't forgive you for kissing Puck but I'll start making moony eyes again at the girl who didn't just kiss but fucked Puck, got pregnant by him and tried to pass the kid off as mine." And then to compound the mess, let's also make him go after her while she was with someone else, thus helping her cheat on someone else, this time with him. And then because it wasn't all really shitty enough, let's have him spew some shit about Rachel apparently never getting his motor revving and making him see fireworks, apparently unlike what he shared with Quinn. Why...well because they needed a reason to have Lea belt out Katy Perry's Firework. And all Ryan could say was that it was a story about how we never really get over our first love. That apparently was what we were supposed to get out of that utter and complete mess. And that was when I stopped caring about and rooting for Finn and Rachel much as how the sex with the lighthouse killed Kurt and Blaine for me. But still, you can stop rooting for a couple to be together but still like the characters. However not with Glee...at this rate, when it's all said and done, you'll want them all to burn in a fire at McKinley or at least in the choir room. Well except for the ones they'll more or less ignore so they won't be as ruined.
  11. I think there was a moderator at TWOP for one of the reality shows who threatened to ban people if they started mashing names. So you guys are clearly not alone on that one.
  12. My guilty pleasure reading with books, is that at almost 30, I still LOVE a good Young Adult/Teen novel and I kind of have no shame about it. One of my all time favorite authors is Sarah Dessen. I have read everything she's written and one of my favorite books I read this year is My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick. The story definitely had its issues but it had one of best teenage love stories/couples I'd read in a long time.
  13. Well maybe it was unsuccessful because none existed. YMMV but I honestly don't remember Brooke being that amazing that her saying she didn't have dance experience was so unbelievable. Brooke was flexible, kind of a little like Kellie Pickler in that respect though Kellie was better, and she had a good amount of grace but I honestly did see her grow throughout the competition. Like her first dance was okay in my opinion but not that amazing. And yeah I'm sure at some point in her life, probably Junior High//High School maybe she took some ballet or something but I don't think that means a person has dance experience. And I think that is at the core at times of the whole ringer debate. Some believe if someone has had a class or two in their lives or done some mediocre choreography a time or two, they're a ringer. It's like how some insisted Drew Lachey was a ringer in S2 and as a person who remembered 98 Degrees and their very poor man's version to N'Sync and Backstreet Boys, I was like "what...where?" To me dance experience refers to people like Corbin Bleu who trained with Debbie Allen and danced on Broadway, Nicole Scherzinger who was a dance minor and started her career in a dance troop, or Alfonso Ribero this season or Lea Thompson who trained under freaking Baryshnikov. These people had/have dance experience. And then you have your celebrities like a Brooke Burke and/or more appropriately Amber Riley who truly just have natural ability and natural rhythm. It does happen. Hell there have been many contestants who compete on SYTYCD who are self-taught and it's why they typically can't do other styles. But the fact is some people really can just mess around in their rooms and teach themselves. So the point is a celebrity can have no dance experience and turn out to be amazing because they just have a natural affinity for dance and have great rhythm because the latter is actually an essential part of dance in my opinion. It's like Julianne said in her comment about Alfonso when she was talking about some of his movements and attitude and saying that some of that stuff you can't teach it. Now with regards to Sadie, I think Serge is full of crap because nothing I saw from Sadie on Monday makes me think she has to be downplaying her dance experience and/or background. She shimmied well and when she did nail her Cha Cha walks but that didn't seem that impossible to me. And as for the turned out feet in her video, like others I agree that it could be as simple as her being flexible or hell maybe she's double jointed. So what, if she'd executed a perfect split, would that be proof that she has to have had dance training because plenty of people can do a split and they've never had dance training.
  14. Completely agree. That's why I noted above when some were stating that they were going to make Kurt the bad guy or questioning who would be the bad guy or whatever, that in their mediocrity, I really don't think they intend for either to be a bad guy. At least, not with their past issues. Like I really think Ryan Murphy thought he was telling some amazing story by having Blaine fuck a random and really did not think Blaine would be seen as a bad guy. After all, he snapped at some on twitter about whether they wanted boring, perfect characters or ones who were "real and flawed..." And it was the same with their lame "adult reality" at the end of S5 where instead of adult Kurt and Blaine just came across as two young people who couldn't stand each other or more appropriately Kurt couldn't stand Blaine and Blaine was a creepy, clingy mess. The problem again is that the writers are such hacks that their intent versus their actual execution of a storyline is always a complete and utter disaster. Speaking of Dave and his creepy bear suit, same with Tina and her vapor rubbing of Blaine. Ryan Murphy said what we were supposedly seeing was some amazing and heartbreaking storyline of loneliness and so we all should have been sympathizing with Tina. Uh-huh. And that's just it, when you have to explain your intent all the time, clearly your writing sucks because that should be coming across to the viewers. Though I will say, this time, with the Karofsky crap, I refuse to believe they don't get it and their intent was something else - no, I am convinced and will be convinced no matter what bullshit they say that this one was one final, giant fuck you to the fans since the show is pretty much over anyway. This. Good luck to those who can still sit and analyze the motivations of the characters on Glee and put deep thought into why they do what they do but at this point, for me personally, in the words of the great Cher Horowitz, "looking for meaning and sense in Glee is like trying to find meaning and sense in a Pauly Shore movie."
  15. So after struggling to initially get into The Magicians, I stuck with it, especially after reading others positive comments in the Recommendation thread and made it through. And I can now conclude that I hated it. The book had its decent points I guess but honestly, my biggest issues with it were two-fold. One, I felt like for almost 200 pages nothing happened. I just got a whole bunch of exposition and telling of facts and using scientific terms to show this book's magic was nothing like those other silly books about magic and it was just incredibly tedious. That's why I struggled to get through it in the first place. I felt like I was just going through page after page after page of nothing, other than the main's character's whinging of course. But the main reason I ultimately hated this book is that I HATED the main character and frankly hated or simply was disinterested in pretty much all the other characters. The one And this is for me personally, a major issue for what is essentially a book series. I ended The Magicians having zero interest in reading the second book because I don't care about any of those assholes and don't care at all what happens to them and their story. For a book series to work for me, I have to care about the characters and/or at least care about their story. That's the same reason I never finished Twilight. I got half-way through the first book and hated both Bella and Edward so I figured what the hell was the point. And on the flipside it's why I finished the Harry Potter series, whatever issues the books had aside, because I genuinely cared about and was interested in seeing Harry and company's journey to the end. It's why I stuck with The Hunger Games series - I cared about Katniss even while she pissed off sometimes and I loved Peeta. And to be clear, it's not that I am against unlikable main characters. One of my all time favorite novels is Wuthering Heights, a book I often sum up as the love story of two selfish, self-absorbed, toxic assholes. But the thing is even while Catherine and Heathcliff were horrible people, I found their story fascinating and was interested in seeing their full self-destruction to its end. The problem here for me with The Magicians is that not only do I not like Quentin or any of his friends but I don't give a shit about their story. Grossman didn't do enough in my opinion to build up the magical world so unlike Harry Potter for example where the wizarding world was almost like a character in its own right, I don't have that to interest me either. eta: Forgot to add that if I were ever so inclined to change my mind about reading the sequel and think maybe I was too harsh about the characters and maybe the point of the sequel is that things change, reading this in the book synopsis of the second book at Amazon, convinced me to steer clear. Because of course. Of course the little shit is not happy and finds more reasons to whinge and complain and be unhappy and be miserable, just like he did for all of the first book. Which once again further pisses me off that
  16. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    Sad to hear about Li Na. I enjoyed watching her play and she was an interesting personality on the tour. But I'm not that surprised considering her age, since she didn't really come into her own in the game until later in her career. But with her already in her 30's, I can see why a lingering, nagging injury would make her just decide to walk away from the game.
  17. My guess, probably a lot of yoga and some light cardio. Yoga especially would definitely help with the flexibility. I guess I can see that but for me, it's not so much I thought Bethany looked old, as I thought she came off as a very mature 18 year old while Sadie was very young 17 year old with the cutesy smile, dimples, giggle, sunshiney personality, etc. Bethany's intro package had a little of the perky but I found her very reserved and almost serious after she danced and responding to the judges and interacting with Erin. I don't know, I found the contrast between the two kind of interesting because there is only a year between them and they seem so different. But I kind of like that Bethany seems to almost have this serious, mature quality to her at only 18. I guess it's also not surprising when you think about how much she's managed to accomplish before even graduating high school. Girl has to have some kind of maturity, not to mention incredible work ethic to build something of a small empire off of making videos in her bedroom. It was the first week, give her time. Not to mention, unpopular opinion perhaps, but much as I'm hardly fond of Julianne, I actually was not really that bothered by the comments she made to both Mark and Maks and didn't actually disagree with her on either. Really...I may have to look at the pictures again but I'm pretty sure it was the same dress and I could see her wearing something like that for the results show because they're behind the desk, it's not like viewers would realize that it was all lace. Also, I've seen that look so many times on so many celebrities, I honestly didn't even bat an eye at it.
  18. I also thought Rose Byrne was awesome but yeah it amazed me the whole time watching, how a movie Wiig wrote and was the lead, she turned out to be the least interesting and funny character in it. In fact, she was the reason I didn't love the movie as much as so many did and definitely didn't think it deserved all those critical accolades.
  19. I want to quote this entire thing. Exactly, some want to make this about "well Blaine is awful because of this..." or "well Kurt is this because whatever..." and to me this has shit to do about liking one character or who one stans or whatever. Because the fact of the matter is they're all fictional characters meaning whatever fucked up thing they do is the writers' work and creation. And that's what I personally am ranting and bothered about. Blaine is going to be dating Karofksy because THE WRITERS think it is okay to make the character do so because they don't give a flying fuck about their characters and more importantly the audience. They just throw shit out there because they think it makes for buzz or controversy or whatever. Well good luck to them when no one watches. People were already barely watching and with this shit, most people are pretty much resigning themselves to watching clips on YouTube and just watching edits of their favorite characters.
  20. I didn't think it was subtle actually. I think in S3, and one can say it was pandering because by then some fans were vocal about shipping them, they started hinting it clearly in some scenes that Holder could have a thing for her and there was of course that scene in S4 where Linden came over to have dinner with Holder and Caroline and with her there we had to be shown how Holder completely forgot it was Valentine's Day. And the entire moment was tense and awkward and definitely not subtle in my opinion. My issue with the ending wasn't that I thought it was pandering, it's that I never shipped the two and never bought the possibility of them as a romantic pairing even with the not so subtle hints of Holder maybe being into her. I don't believe that Holder and Linden are two beautifully tragic people who will find happiness and light with each other. Nothing about their partnership ever convinced me of that and if I had to write a fanfic about how they story went after the show ended I'd say they'd be done in a few months at best if they got together. Like I said, they were good professional partners and even friends and sure they called each other out on their bullshit at times but honestly, I never really saw or felt, in my opinion anyway that those two truly opened up to each other to the point I buy this "you are my home" and that only they truly see each other or whatever. Linden frankly remained just as sully and sour and remote throughout much of the series and Holder was open about his addiction but I never really saw him open up to her about his father and what was clearly a troubled childhood and life with his sister. Finally, and I acknowledge this is completely subjective, I never saw any chemistry between those two...EVER. The few times they kind of flirted I guess and Linden attempted a smile, I just found it incredibly awkward to be honest. '
  21. This so much and that's EXACTLY why I was sick of and more than ready to never see the character again since the SuperBowl Shuffle episode. While some who love Kurt constantly tout how he has been sacrificed for Blaine or whatever, the writers did the same shit with Karofksy and his man pain the second they started listening to a few online buzz and kept bringing the character back over and over and over again. Kurt and what he went through ceased to exist or it was incredibly minimized so we can focus on how much Karofsky was suffering. Like I said, the first time I got annoyed with this character and that whole arc was that Superbowl mess where Kurt was pretty much invisible in Warbler land and the whole damn episode was about Karofsky's whole "journey" or whatever and after all that, the episode ended on him still not giving a damn about what he did to Kurt. Then his whole little suicide attempt, a piece of crap episode I never watched, was an hour of Kurt blaming himself because he dared to not answer his cell phone when the creepy guy who'd first tormented him and creepily stalked him in a bear suit, kept calling. And now, because for the last two seasons they've made Blaine the constant fuck-up in that relationship, why not use him to once again tell us about how poor, sweet misunderstood Karofksy has grown and found acceptance in himself and is now such a great catch. If I didn't think RIB are so beyond giving any kind of a crap about the shit they write and having any integrity about it, I would say that even they probably figured it would be too fucked up to have Kurt date him which is why they went with Blaine, sense and continuity be damned. But nah, I don't think they care about that because whether or not Blaine was the one Karofksy directly bullied and tormented, as the poster above noted, considering the only scenes they ever shared and Blaine's meeting Kurt and befriending him was strongly tied to that, in my opinion, Blaine's only history with Karofksy is just as twisted and fucked up as Kurt's with him. So this is exactly why I honestly and sincerely say fuck this show and fuck those writers. Good luck with your point negative audience and becoming an even bigger joke than this show already is. There is WAY too much good stuff on television with writers who actually give a crap about their work for me to waste my time with the joke that Glee is. Like I'v said I don't give flying crap about Kurt and Blaine being together because those writers fucked over that pairing badly the moment they made the decision to have Blaine bang the anonymous lighthouse. Plenty of shows have had couples cheat and get back together but knowing even back then how lazy and shitty the writing on Glee was, I knew that whole thing would be a complete and utter mess and clusterfuck and it was. So I don't care about the writers breaking up Kurt and Blaine and them never being together but this Karofksy shit is just bullshit. And while I was already debating watching knowing no matter what they did it would be crappy, knowing this, there is absolutely no way I'm watching and endorsing that utter shit by actually watching it.
  22. Thank goodness someone mentioned this because I was starting to think I'd hallucinated this. I saw people mention the Unveiled special or something which I think is supposed to be a collection of unaired scenes from the season but nothing about the above. So good to know I'm not crazy. I wonder when they plan to air that one. I get that fyi is just thinking about ratings and I can certainly see the appeal to both couples just on a financial level, since I doubt they'll be doing the show for free but I feel like all this just puts more pressure on them to have to make the marriage work because the show and the so called "experts" are using them as an example of its success. In fact I remember reading from those who read up on the original Danish show that the one couple who stayed together after the show but then divorced after a year, said that they felt pressure to make it work because they were held up as this standard for the success of the experiment.
  23. I noticed the omission of Bethany and Derek which I guess doesn't bode well for them in regards to her because clearly they weren't memorable enough to her.
  24. So Carrie Ann blogs about the show for Parade magazine and this week she said this about Janel and Val's chemistry: Note who she compared them to. Now what I can't figure out is if this is more of Carrie Ann being incredibly loopy and she meant to write Meryl and Maks and somehow mentioned JLo instead or this was just some really awesome shade at the Maks/Meryl shipping. If it's the latter, I may just start to love Carrie Ann.
  25. There were two clips of her praying with her family. The one you described was shown in her opening package before her dance and there was another shown during the Results Show that was clearly of her and parents backstage before she performed. You can clearly see in her costume.
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