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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. Yeah shipping wars can get incredibly ugly and nasty. Again, you don't want to hear the stories from the Harry Potter days. As for the stuff about disliking the actors and the hateful stuff, hey, you get no argument from me as I've always maintained any issues the show have should be laid at where it deserves to be - the writers.
  2. Honestly, I wouldn't pay that much attention to those tweets. Sure there are some people who truly lose sense of the difference between fiction and reality and honestly you can find that stuff in many fandoms. I mean you don't want to hear the stories about people who ship the actors on Supernatural or the days of Harry Potter shipping. However, they are in the minority and instead the majority of these types of comments come from people who just love being melodramatic, especially on social media, particularly for the attention it brings. Oh you must not follow many fandoms on social media. I have heard stories of people faking illnesses, dead and/or dying family member to get attention from favorite singer, actor, other people in the fandom, etc. The above stuff is actually tame.
  3. Except two things - one, Finn didn't have a very ugly, traumatic history with Brody. Brody was just a guy Rachel met at college and she got involved with him after Finn dumped her at a train station when she thought she was going to a wedding and vanished without a phone call for the whole summer. Two, she didn't know about Brody's being a gigolo and things promptly ended between them after that. For some reason, the Kurt/Blaine issues have always seemed a bit worse since S4. I remember reading many comments by fans who shipped the pairing who were trying to explain to people why they were so upset when the breakup happened in S4. As many noted, it wasn't that they broke up they had a problem with because with them in different locations, many expected it. It was the WAY the writers had them break up with Blaine consciously making the decision to have sex with some guy he met online whose name he didn't even know. The entire thing was completely gross. And when you look at other pairings, it's true no one had a situation that horrible save for the Quinn/Puck/Finn mess but that's just it, Finn and Rachel were the endgame couple so you weren't supposed to root for Quinn. So her banging Puck and lying about it was all in service for their endgame couple of Finn and Rachel. Not so with Kurt and Blaine. And now this. It's not that they have broken up AGAIN because apparently they couldn't stand living with each other AGAIN but it's that the best person the writers deemed for Blaine to move on with is the guy who tormented and tortured Kurt to the point that he was the impetus for Kurt transferring to Dalton where he and Blaine got even closer. Like the whole thing is just so bizarrely twisted and fucked up there are simply no words. As for that Joaquin guy, he's been saying that same "don't listen to the spoilers" crap since the first rumors about Blaine and Karofksy being a couple came out. Thing is, unless the spoilers all turn out to be one giant fake, there's no way for this not to be awful. So unless he's saying they're not true then the storylines and the show is shit. I don't care how much some people may say spoilers are just snippets of an episode and seeing it play out is different - bullshit. Since probably S3 of this show, everything expected to be shitty has been shitty.
  4. Seriously, that's what I've said. Every spoiler so far has seemed designed to piss off and alienate every poor little shipper who was still hanging on. And with Santana and Brittany getting engaged and seemingly having their happy ending and word so far is Puck and Quinn are still together, that's at least two couples that got the endgame treatment. I mean like you said there is moments of dysfunction but this...this is just "blow the fucking roof off of everything this couple was." Not only is Blaine diddling Kurt's ex-tormentor but now he moves in with him and I'm sure they'll be blissfully happy to further highlight how shitty Kurt and Blaine was since the impetus for their breakup was their once again not being able to get along for too long living together. Plus I know Adler is only signed on for four episodes but it occurred to me that Blaine can still be dating Karofksy without us seeing him so Adler's only being contracted for four episodes is no indication that the relationship will end. It's baffling though because while I've always heard the stories of how intense and downright crazy the Klaine shippers were, by all accounts I thought they always supported the pairing and fought for them despite all the setbacks. And the writers certainly seemed like they liked the couple but man, did a few of the shippers murder Ryan Murphy's dog, send death threats to RIB because this is just...wow. I have seen some bad writing for couples in my life but this one takes the case. Because with examples like Chuck/Blair on Gossip Girl and Damon/Elena for example on Vampire Diaries, the guys started the show as assholes and they were always written as "oh so tortured" which was used to explain all their shitty choices. But Glee with Blaine has just been taking a seemingly decent character and running them to the ground for whatever reason and pretty much destroying every last vestige of the same couple they created.
  5. It's funny because S1 of the show I always used to wonder how Cam could put up with Mitchell and his uptight, perpetually snarky self but since S2 of the show I swear I always think Mitchell has the patience of a saint to deal with Cameron. One of my favorite Mitchell moments is when Cam was directing the school play and of course went way over the top and Mitchell determined to be supportive, eventually had to go outside and start screaming to himself all the things he was thinking that he didn't want to say to Cam. Because goodness knows Cam and his delicate feelings.
  6. DWTS often gets billed as a "family show" but it really hasn't been so to many people for a long time now. I found out a few years ago that the FCC has gotten complaints about the show almost from the beginning from Christian and Parent organizations who have always thought some of the costumes and performances were too raunchy. The complaints have always been minor though and ABC still makes money off of it so no one really cares.
  7. I'm pretty sure they're both on twitter and they tweet pictures of themselves posted on their instagram, every now and then. They just aren't as vocal on it as Jamie which is not surprising considering how all over social media Jamie was even before the season ended.
  8. I think Trish from last season said the same and talked about how her family had even told her to give it up because she'd tried for so long. Incidentally she was from Boston too. Must be something in the water there.
  9. Okay well first of all, I think it is important to keep in mind that a person can be offensive without being hateful. Those are two different things. Sometimes they go hand in hand and other times not. So I don't think many believe Nadiya was being hateful in her comments, or that she's even a hateful person but that doesn't make her comments any less offensive, in my opinion. And yes I for one am aware she is friends with the Beekmans as I noted above and it still doesn't change my mind that she and her sister were offensive to them as well with "the gays" references during the season. Great that they didn't take it personally but it doesn't make it any less offensive. But to me, that's what makes her behavior on Survivor even worse because the boards/social media were all up in arms that season about "the gays" reference which is why the Beekmans had to state how they loved the sisters and weren't offended, etc. So they knew many people thought that was out of line and you would think it would make them evaluate and realize what they're saying. These are not stupid women but both fairly intelligent. That kind of ignorance is just plain ridiculous and unacceptable. And in the case of Josh, I don't think it's "oversensitive" of us bothered by it when he stated clearly on the show he was NOT happy about it. He even went as far as saying that if you talk to his boyfriend, it's the one thing that will really annoy and anger him. So she was out of line and offending him. And then she just kept going at tribal where you could tell he was just thinking, "no really..." As for those who say, "well he said nothing to her." In my opinion that's because of the environment they're in. Survivor is a very social game along with the physical where many people come in not wanting to make any waves too early, get into arguments, drama, etc. because sometimes the smallest thing will get people to vote you off. I think Josh just didn't think it was the place to get angry about the situation or lecture Nadiya about her behavior, probably afraid to put a target on his back. I highly doubt he would have stayed so silent if she said that to him on the streets of New York. Honestly, that didn't bother me because I didn't buy that Dale was truly scandalized or offended by the Twinnies' behavior on TAR. I think he just saw an angle to try and save himself. That's Survivor really - try to take the heat off yourself by planting it on someone else and that's the only card he had to play at the time - well they're not trustworthy because of how they played that other game. As for John Rocker, I'm indifferent to him in the game. Not rooting for him by any means but if he just hangs around in his ugly underwear not saying much, I don't really care.
  10. Fish planted the evidence on Mario Pepper. Oswald explained exactly what happened when he ratted her out to the Major Crimes detectives, and she later confirmed it when she kicked his ass after Harvey told her one of her people ratted her out. Because as she pointed out, only Oswald saw her with the necklace so he's the only one who would have known what she did. There is a question mark of whether Harvey knew but when asked by Gordon, he said he didn't. Toss up whether he's telling the truth or not. I imagine the answer of who killed Bruce's parents is meant to be a season long, possibly series long thing so I don't think we were meant to know for certain one way, certainly not after one episode. Falcone and organized crime in some way certainly seem the most likely suspects but I guess it's just one of those things you would have to watch the series to find out. Which is pretty much what I'd say to all your other questions. It was only one episode, and so many of these things won't reveal themselves until later. I guess the show creators may know and hopefully have an idea where they're going with the show, but I highly doubt they'll reveal every single thing they'll be doing especially as it's a series where plans may change.
  11. Ha, maybe he's taking a page out of Chris Colfer's book, who often looks downright repulsed and annoyed in any scene he has to share with Darren Criss. Putting aside once again Cameron's being incredibly and annoyingly over the top about something and the incredibly ridiculous forced scene of coming to Mitchell's work event and being over the top there too, this storyline made even less sense considering the show already did an episode some seasons ago establishing that Mitchell hates and is awkward with PDA. So in what world would Cameron think Mitchell would be enjoying any of that. Which interestingly is why I did find it kind of funny when Claire said he was "just being Mitchell" when Phil asked what was wrong. Because well yes...all these years together and Cam doesn't know and accept this about Mitchell?
  12. It's not surprising as she and her sister were the same way on their original season of The Amazing Race, towards the gay couple who ended up winning the season. I think their names were Brent and Josh. You would think they would have grown and educated themselves a little more since then but I remember Brent and Josh defended them on social media when people tweeted them saying how offensive the twins were. And they of course gave the, "they're sweet girls with big hearts..." line. And that may be true and it is quite possible they are unaware of how offensive the comments are but giving them a pass on it only makes it worse. Nadiya was as cringe-worthy as Corrine in Fans vs. Favorites II when she kept going on about "loving her gays..."
  13. Doesn't matter though. Come this time next year, they'll win another Emmy for Best Comedy.
  14. Oh thank you for reminding me of one of my favorite unintentionally hilarious moments from the episode. "So yeah I did some modeling, I'm sure you've seen me many places..." Uh no. And that fool is kind of butterface to declare himself some big deal model. Whatever. His name is Reed. I actually recognized him more than his boyfriend as he dated Clay Aiken some years ago and was the lead on Broadway's Spiderman which sadly didn't last too long. I liked Val and her husband, who for some reason his name is escaping me right now but if I had to put money on which might last longer, I'd say it's her. Val looks completely focused on the game period and she's not worrying about anything else while her husband can't help putting her in that "little woman I have to protect" role. When I saw the scene with him thanking Keith (is that his name) for protecting her out there, I just imagined her giving him the stink eye tonight, watching the episode. Like why couldn't it be she took care of Keith, especially as Probst pointed out, he and his idiot son were the ones who one, lost the thing to scrape the flint and then managed to break the damn flint in half. Val and her husband (really what is his name) actually remind me a little of Rob and Amber during All-Stars. I remember how many people were convinced Amber was playing Rob the whole time because she never seemed as emotional as he was and it always seemed like she wanted to win while he started focusing more on getting them to the end. And well clearly we know now she wasn't but I think Val, like Amber then, just realized this is a game, let's play it and go back to real life when it ends.
  15. I will have more thoughts later but now all I can think is "who the hell voted Baylor?" Talk about random. Clearly there's someone in the tribe that no one spoke to or didn't get the memo for who was getting votes. I guess it could have been Dale because it does seem like no one was really talking to him. But I'm really interested in seeing the vote reveal. One twin down - one more to go. Awesome. They're annoying. eta: So just saw the vote reveal and it was Josh. That's interesting and a little surprising. I guess he did it so his hand wasn't dirty either way knowing no one else would be voting for her. But I'm interested in seeing if he says anything about his vote next week. Also isn't Baylor the one who's all attached to him and needs his opinion to know who to vote for? Good premiere in general. I was also glad to see Josh express annoyance at that "he's one of the girls" crap and hopefully people start realizing that shit is annoying and offensive and quit with it in this game, particularly the women.
  16. Well being one who's never been a resident of the Grassy Knoll, I actually do think it's because of her past history on the show, whether or not some believe she isn't capable anymore. And as many mentioned above, she did just do a fairly successful summer tour with Derek that was all about dancing so I can very much believe the Producers and maybe even Julianne herself thought she was up to it. As for the other judges, Carrie Ann has no background in ballroom and neither does Bruno and Len is practically 100. I honestly think the performance was simply that Julianne got her start on the show as a Pro. The people who watch the show and have watched from the beginning likely still remember her as such and so the producers figured they would enjoy seeing her dancing again. eta: All I really got from that blog was the couples can now just change their assigned dance? I always knew they could request a different song but didn't know they could arbitrarily change their dance style. Okay then.
  17. This is kind of where I am with the whole debate about the costume. Let me state that I respect people feel the way they do but honestly I saw the video when it came out and never thought anything of the costume and didn't last night either and I think that's largely because the performance, in my opinion, is not sexual. There is really nothing sexual about the dance and/or the song. As others have noted it's about Sia's struggle with addiction and the dark place she was in and came out of. So I think having that in mind I didn't look at the video or the dance and think "10 year old dancing nude". I saw it as what dance truly is in my opinion, using your body as art. Now the style may not have been everyone's cup of tea but again all I saw was body movement as art. Personally I would be far more scandalized by a 10 year old who was covered up but was booty popping and grinding all over the place to a song about sex. And trust me, just search Youtube, there are plenty of those out there.
  18. I really liked the episode. I can understand the criticisms of there being too much going on but at the same time, that might have helped the show from lagging because I was honestly never bored once. And I was so surprised when I checked the time and realized the hour was almost up. Some of the dialogue was clunky, particularly in the very early scenes and I found some of the early interactions between Gordon and Harvey a little hokey and awkward but they found their groove by the middle of the episode. Jada Pinkett Smith was awesome. I also didn't have a problem with the actors playing future Penguin and future Riddler. Yes they had the same lanky, pale build but Penguin with that nose and almost physically looking like Penguin is hard to confuse with anyone else. And I thought future Riddler matched the look of the character in the movies and comics. I also kind of liked the scene, showing how Harvey especially was so dismissive of him because as I recall from the story that's one of the things that led to Riddler's losing his damn mind and going all evil. He was constantly ignored and dismissed as weird. I also had no problems with young Bruce Wayne and thought the actor did a very good job. I think the creator's hyperbole around him annoyed some and I remembered reading comments before the show even premiered with many expressing that annoyance so I feel like there might have been some inherent bias coming in. Almost a "yeah let's see how super amazing this kid supposedly is" and an almost predilection to dislike him. In my opinion, he did a solid job. I never saw moments of awkwardness in any of his scenes, as often can happen with kid actors. And I think he and Benjamin McKenzie have a good chemistry. Speaking of Ben, he too did a solid job as Gordon. I don't think the role calls for him to stretch himself that much as an actor but what he did, he did well. I am interested in seeing where the show goes and how the tone shifts and changes if ever. Are they going to go for more darker, dramatic feeling or will it be more campy, comic book. I guess difference between Christopher Nolan's Batman versus Joel Schumacher's. Of course they can go more Tim Burton Batman which was just awesomely weird.
  19. I'm pretty sure that was a joke that he later confirmed.
  20. Yeah and I guess it depends on how the whole thing is played out. I mean if Kurt starts bawling in the middle of a date or starts babbling on about Blaine, I think it's understandable for whoever is on the date to think, "uh yeah maybe you still have unresolved issues about your ex." I also don't remember any of these people listed above telling Kurt how much he loves Blaine and should be with him. Santana - the only thing I remember Santana caring about in terms of Blaine and Kurt was when she was being a shit-stirrer which is true to her personality and almost brought up in front of Adam that Kurt had spent Will and Emma's wedding weekend banging Blaine. Other than that I don't remember her caring. The only thing I remember Rachel ever doing was actually encouraging Kurt to pursue something with Adam. Elliot listened to Kurt's gripes about living with Blaine and told him that maybe they needed to carve out their personal space and time. Even Isabelle who yes encouraged Kurt to call Blaine but if I remember correctly, her advice was that Kurt needed to talk to Blaine and try to forgive him because he would never really move on if he didn't, not so much that he should take Blaine back. I mean you can forgive someone for hurting you and still not want to be with them again. Now granted my Glee watching since S4 has been a handful of episodes so I will concede that maybe I missed something but that's how I remember things so I don't agree that so many people have been telling Kurt how he feels and should feel and encouraging him about Blaine.
  21. Not sure if this belongs here or in the media thread, so Mods please feel free to move if I'm in the wrong place. So wow, the young girls on the show have had quite the drama in their life. So remember Sarah Hyland and her seemingly adorable boyfriend who broke up "amicably" after 5 years this summer...well turns out he was actually an abusive psycho the entire time and she's just taken a restraining order out against him. Apparently Julie Bowen was there for her when she went to break up with the guy because she was scared of being alone with him. Between this and Julie being there for Ariel when the courts were deciding on her custody issues, I have to give Julie props for being there for these girls almost like they are her own. http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/91253867.html?view=15912713323#t15912713323
  22. I'm pretty sure that was on Val...he messed up the lift and the whole thing was so awkward and jerky that it affected her landing and made her stumble slightly. Seriously. I adore Emma but Michael bugs the effing crap out of me. As they say, "Michael, I knew Bill Engvall and you are no Bill Engvall" Well we know they're all about "the Fam..." and it's all "Fam for life" like they're in some goddamn mafia. So I wouldn't be surprised.
  23. No surprise there. I had Tavis picked as the first week boot until I saw how god-awful Lolo was. I figured he'd be one of those not pulling a lot of viewer votes and with a very lackluster dance, yeah I didn't see him surviving that. Putting Sadie in jeopardy was ridiculous since we all knew she wouldn't leave but it's going to fire up her voting base and since I imagine it's likely already pretty huge, she's all but guaranteed to make it to mid-season at this point. The Julianne/male Pro number was okay save for the point where Val very nearly threw her on her head. Boy did he struggle on that lift. And hello bodysuit...well then. All I could think was Peta was probably backstage going, "wait no one told me I could get away with the nude bodysuit" since you know she'd have worn one by now. I love Sia and I absolutely love Chandlier (one of the best songs in years in my opinion) but yeah I'm with others with the jerky, seizure inducing dance and also, that is a very hard song to sing live and Sia was struggling at points. The Nico and Vin performance was great and the dancing to it was also good but it got pretty manic at times and I swear at one point I thought Val would rip Peta's hair out with how he grabbed her.
  24. Thanks, I knew there was someone who was not a ballroom Pro. And I do remember Shirley, Mark's mom mentioning Derek helping smooth out some of the choreography when she was on the Afterbuzz that week. As for Christopher, no I don't know about that National Day Dance but I think he came to mind because he helped with the MSOD tribute to American Icons (or whatever it was called) number.
  25. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty certain the length of the dances are determined by the producers of the show. It's not entirely up to the Pro. So if a dance is lasting only a minute or less, that's usually a Production thing, which is why they do camera blocking and rehearsals because they have to time everything to make sure it gets in under or exactly at 2 hours. All the dances were short in week one and most last night as well not because the Pros are making the dances shorter to hide their celebrity's flaws in my opinion, but because they added an unnecessarily full time fourth judge and so between judges' comments and Tom and Erin's interviews, they don't have much time. As for the whole thing about Bethany, unpopular opinion perhaps but honestly, I say so what about how or why she's famous and if some deem that not enough to qualify her for being on the show. To each his own but is Bethany being famous because she gained a lot of tween/teen fans yes by making videos in her room really that worse than Sadie Robertson who is simply known because her family did some reality show? Or Rob Kardashian who competed some seasons ago and whose fame we can all say is largely tied to his sister's sex tape their mother expertly managed to turn into a million dollar success for them all? Or Bristol Palin whose sole claim to fame was being the daughter of Sarah Palin and getting knocked up at 17 and unmarried. Frankly in my opinion, pretty much all the reality stars can be considered questionable in their fame. Snooki...yeah what talent exactly did she have other than being a drunk hot mess on a hot mess of a reality show. Yes if you're not of the social media generation her "talent" may seem silly or questionable but I personally do think it's pretty impressive for a girl barely out of high school to build a brand for herself that gets her on billboards in Times Square. But more importantly, Bethany is one of twelve people in this competition. If some don't care for her, think she shouldn't be there then vote for others. So far Bethany has given no attitude, shown no diva tendencies, no whigning about her scores, etc. As Len often says, she just gets on with it. I love watching the Pros too, which is why I love the Pro numbers and why I'm still so bitter at all the overusing of Mandy Moore. That being said, there's being amazing in the dance and there's basically throwing your celebrity on the wayside and I really think that dance last night was the equivalent of that. I like Alison, yes she's amazing but last night in my opinion, I didn't see the amazingness, I saw desperation. It was just way too manic and over the top and let me show how super fabulous and how I can hit this and that, etc. And great but it did diddly for Jonathan.
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