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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. Um, did the audience boo the band after Derek and Bethany's dance? I just re-watched the dance to get a second look at it and after they're heading up the stairs Tom mentions giving a hand to the band and that's booing I heard. I'm even more positive it was because Tom makes a comment that it's getting ugly down there and Erin says something about that being terrible. Wow...as sucktastic as the singing of Harold Wheeler's band was at times, I'm pretty sure they never got booed. So speaking of Derek and Bethany's dance (and I also rewatched Val and Janel's), again one of my main issues is that it just felt so short. Like I felt like just as I was really starting to get into it, it was over. What they did, they did well, particularly their synchronicity which I think was really good and impressive on Bethany's part with the fact that she was handling the umbrella at the same time. But it was just so short that I felt like it never really took off. It also felt a bit slow to me which I guess was because of the song. Ultimately I feel like it was a cute, well-danced and performed dance but cute should not be getting perfect scores. Val and Janel I do think were a bit better and definitely a bit longer. I think the biggest factor with the two dances is that Janel outperformed Bethany which to be fair, she's an actress and a theatre kid but I think that made the big difference in my opinion, with the two dances. And okay, I absolutely love the America number from West Side Story so I may be a tad biased on that score. Still not perfect score worthy though. But like I said, maybe one 10 based on performance level.
  2. Forgot to note that I loved the opening number and so knew immediately that Mandy Moore didn't choreograph it. So apparently the show CAN use someone else to choreograph the group numbers.
  3. No, the producers actually showed what he said on the screen since he whispered it. So if he didn't say Maks, then put that on the producers who put it on the screen. And a quick glance at Tumblr has confirmed that it's already on. Oh what fun...
  4. Horrible for a tango yes but my favorite song of all the songs danced to tonight. But then again I'm biased because I think The Great Gatsby soundtrack was amazing from beginning to end.
  5. Gee, how pissed off do you think Val is...couldn't even enjoy that perfect score for one night. That said, both of those dances were overscored. I think Janel and Val deserved maybe one 10, likely from Kevin and all 9's and Derek and Bethany deserved only 9's. Once again, like last week, I feel like Bethany's dances are a bit shorter than some others. Btw, lmao at Kevin's giving Tommy that 10. Tommy has 34 points people. That's so awesome and that's why the random fourth celebrity judges are always amusing. They don't give a crap about technique and stuff and just score what they like. Calling it right now, the old folks are gonna knock out a bunch of folks. Well remember it was a jazz number and a lot of jazz numbers can be pretty theatrical. Honestly with that overscoring of both Janel and Bethany, I'm starting to wonder if they aren't getting a lot of viewer votes or the old folks are really killing it with the votes and the judges are trying to ensure something wonky doesn't happen like Betsey outlasting Janel. Or they just wanted to create some watercooler moment. eta: Had a feeling it would be Randy. Man, poor Karina. Two seasons in a row. And she's so gorgeous to watch too. Oh well. Btw, did anyone else see Tommy telling Peta after sniffing her that she smelt like Maks? That's gonna piss off some people. Tommy all up in Peta's business. The West Side Story people apparently after saying yes, called and said that Val and Janel could not dance to the first song they'd already choreographed and then they said that they couldn't recreate parts of the performance and do any of the recognizable choreography. So it wasn't the producers of DWTS who didn't allow Val and Janel to pay homage. Of course like I said above, I don't know why the WSS people would bother giving their okay in the first place and then create all this issue after and the producers themselves should have had a better handle on this. As for Derek and Bethany, well apparent;y any of Gene Kelly's work is especially hard to get rights to but his widow specifically gave her okay so that's why they were able to do the full homage.
  6. As a person who all her life has gotten the "why do you look so angry, why are you so serious all the time", I kind of feel bad for Bethany that people are judging her as a bitch or whatever because the camera happens to catch her with her serious face. Unless she is seen openly reacting to something or says something bitchy, i think it's kind of unfair to just assume she's mad or pissy or being bitchy or whatever. Girl's mind might be a million miles away and she doesn't even realize the camera's on her. Val and Janel's dance was really good. That drama about the dance was messed up though. Why would the West Side Story people bother giving the rights if they're going to make all those stipulations, have all those issues and the producers should have done a better job securing the song and the rights and knowing what could and could not be done. That said, as good as the dance was, after three dances I feel like I've only seen one speed from Janel. I want to see something soft, slow and gentle from her next.
  7. So based on what Tom said, whoever goes home tonight was one before Tavis, who last place right? Since according to him the elimination will be based on last week's judges' scores and last week's voting. And since I'm positive no voting was open after last week's show, I guess it will reveal who was the real bottom two. Also with both Betsey and Michael (ugh) already safe, I'm guessing there will be a "surprise" elimination since I'm positive Tommy will also be safe. Also, after seeing Betsey's beautiful dance tonight, I'm beyond over Michael. I know every season there's the older fun person, usually a guy who's not the best dancer who sticks around and it's fine or whatever. But with both Tommy and Betsey actually dancing and doing pretty well for their age, I have zero patience for Michael's crappy bumbling around that in no way resembles dancing. On top of that he's annoying and not funny. I mean I love Emma but just no...
  8. Surprised that CT would post such an intimate picture. So far it almost seemed like he has made an effort to not be visible, even though people who know them know he's been in NY the entire time with her. That picture is simultaneously beautiful and sad.
  9. Boredom had me randomly binge-watching this show this weekend. My only hope for Season 2 is that someone gives Ryan Devlin or hell the producers/creators, etc. anyone associated with the show, an English lesson so they can let him know that the grammatically correct statement is "and the number of correct matches are." Seriously I cringed every single episode when it got to that point and Ryan would say very loudly "and the number of correct matches is." How no one realized how grammatically incorrect that was is beyond me.
  10. Seriously...this isn't the Bachelor where you're just dating someone and if it doesn't work out, well it doesn't work out. And even then people have balked at someone like Emily who got engaged twice through the show and both times it failed. These people are supposed to get married. Why in the hell would either Vaughn or Monet want another divorce to their name in the event things don't work out. And I feel like something like that would further up the possibility of both forcing themselves to stick it out because they wouldn't want to have another failure. Yeah that would just be all kinds of crazy. .No one should want to be on television that badly. In my opinion, this show's premise is built for a fresh new cast every season.
  11. Remove the Blaine/romance factor and this would be awesome in my opinion and about three years overdue. Basically and it's why the only writing RIB needs to be doing in my opinion are one shot stuff like The Normal Heart or even a movie script where it's a beginning, middle and end and that's it. This is also why American Horror Story has been able to work so far (and even that still has issues because RIB can't even sustain a coherent story for one damn season but it's still an improvement over the mess of their other work) because every season is like pressing the re-set button. And in my opinion, that's the only serial style shows they should do. Ones where they're not expected to develop consistent stories and maintain consistent characterizations over multiple seasons because THEY SUCK at it.
  12. I think her mom died when she was young and she was mostly raised by her dad who is still alive. I think she also has either one or two brothers. I know she definitely has at least one brother. Her dad was actually seen in the previous article about the team who walked in her honor. He's the older guy pushing her in the wheelchair. I believe he's a retired military veteran. eta: I just remembered that she has at least one sister because it was her sister who spoke to the media when the news broke about her having colon cancer and being rushed to surgery.
  13. Seriously, I would buy Reed, Josh's boyfriend as a model before that guy and I think I did read along with his Broadway work, Reed has some done some modeling. It wasn't so much that the guy said this because hey, a couple of local shoots for some small town business is "modeling" I guess. It's that he felt so sure that we the viewers would probably recognize him. Yeah not likely.
  14. It's like the cancer is just eating away at her body. It's just a very sad story and in the latest article, I think that's the first time I've seen her express something of a defeatist attitude in one of her interviews. And I think that might be the final blow for her, that she'll get to a place where she may feel like she has no more fight left in her. Just very sad.
  15. Glad it's not just me. When she made the first comment, it wasn't so bad, but she kept going and then there was the really awkward camera closeup of her boldly and overtly ogling him and it's like "damn, seriously, the man's wife is standing right there." Kudos to Bethany for having a good attitude about it and just laughing it off but that was damn rude in my opinion. I mean it bordered on flirting and that's just rude to flirt with the woman's husband while she's standing right there. I remember Whitney and Keith but can understand why many don't. For starters the tribe/alliance they were in got pagonged after the merge when Cochran flipped and they were in a season that had bigger personalities and more memorable people. Coach and Ozzy came back that season, two people many remembered and either liked or hated from previous season and so they got a lot of attention. Cochran's flip was considered a key part of changing the game so most remember him and then there was the introduction of bat-shit crazy Brandon Hantz. On top of that Whitney and Keith's relationship really didn't play out during the season. I don't know if it was because they downplayed it so as to not put targets on themselves or the editors just didn't care. But either way, most people didn't know they were in a romantic relationship until after they'd been eliminated. I also remember them because there was some "controversy" because she was very much married when she went on Survivor and met Keith, which I think is the other reason, the relationship was downplayed on the show. He does come across a bit Ken-doll like and I'm completely confused by his bringing the empty chest to the mat. However he does seem to really love her and seem genuinely awed by her which is sweet. I didn't really care that much about the pen thing because yeah it's a race and some people do pushy things to get ahead. What bothered me was the one girl's hypocritical indignation later when this time the "playing dirty" worked against them. And really the guys didn't even play dirty since they were in the cab first. She and her partner tried to pull the same shit again as with the pen and push their way ahead but this time it didn't work. And suddenly people are so mean and horrible because she got her poor arm scraped. Well it wouldn't have happened had she and her friend not try to get into a cab already clearly occupied. So boo-hoo
  16. I'm pretty positive that's right because Kara mentioned multiple times her mom leaving her dad for "the help" and going as far as blaming said former nanny for the breakup of her parents' marriage. So it makes sense that last week the people we saw were her dad and other step-parent. I'm pretty sure the way that was explained is that the guy is some eccentric billionaire who donated money for an entire new wing which had a room built in specifically for him, so he can hang around all day because he's a weirdo. Not the most realistic sure but at least it's something of an explanation for why a guy not sick hangs around the hospital. This episode was slightly better than the Pilot. I chuckled a few times, I enjoyed all the adults a lot more and I continue to find Leo the most interesting of the kids and think the actor's pretty good. But all the medical/hospital nitpicks aside, which I can totally understand and agree with, my biggest issue so far with the show is that I'm having a hard time connecting with most of the characters. More importantly I don't find myself absolutely engrossed. As others noted in the Pilot thread, I do find myself watching the clock during the hour and that's not good, especially when I compare it the other freshman shows I was looking forward to. For example, many posters in the How To Get Away With Murder thread had A LOT of nitpicks like many have with this show, in terms of the legal profession and law school but I didn't care about that stuff because I enjoyed every minute of that show and the hour flew by for me. Same with watching Gotham. Red Band Society has moments that are engaging but many others that seem to drag and again I think it's because I'm not connecting with the characters. Kara's bitch schtick is kind of overplayed for me, though I loved her for saying that comment about the two guys being into Emma. Because yeah, another thing not working for me. I don't care about Emma's character AT ALL and so that little triangle being foreshadowed holds little to no interest to me. If anything, I was hoping Leo would go apologize to the co-ed girl just because one, he should have because he was an offensive douchebag to her but two, I would be far more interested in seeing that possible relationship. Someone living a healthy, teenage life falling for someone who is very sick, possibly could die. Along with not caring about Emma, I also don't care (and I know this may make me seem heartless) about Jordi either. The actor just does nothing for me and doesn't hold my interest at all and I find his and Emma's scenes rather forced, again just to set up this lame triangle or maybe square if Kara gets in the mix but I hope not because I don't want to see her and either of the guys as well. I will say the only chemistry I've seen with any of the kids was with Leo and Emma but I think that's more down to the actor playing Leo who again I think is the best out of all the kids. Still don't want to see them together or care about them being together or her liking him and Jordi or whatever crap is coming with that. As noted, I do find the adults funny and interesting and like all their interactions. I enjoyed the doctor trying to subtly tell Octavia Spencer's character she's mean, also his walking off on Brittany while she was babbling on, enjoyed Ricky's character and his interaction with Kara's parents. Honestly my favorite scenes the whole episode was anything with them and Leo's breakdown at the frat house. Finally, like another poster stated in the Pilot, I too thought, when I first saw the ads for the show, that it would be about a bunch of kids who periodically come to the hospital for their cancer/other terminal illness treatment and have formed something of a community/friendship because of that. I too did not expect that they would be living at the hospital.
  17. On the matter of clothing, I think the first episode does the "wear only what you have" but after that production does give both the men and women color coordinated swim wear to match whatever tribe they're on. So hopefully next week I won't have to see Rocker in his gross underwear since he'll have color coordinated swim trunks. Of course even with the trunks, Philip still walked around in his gross pink skivvies so that doesn't always happen.
  18. I thought it was all but confirmed that the mistress was guilty and that she was in on it with his wife. The whole thing was very Carrie Underwood's "Two Black Cadillacs".
  19. No you didn't but I'm pretty sure they weren't sleeping with each other yet. I think the other associate said that to him because she figured that's where it would eventually go, based on his history. Annalise also made a snarky comment about him and co-eds so he clearly has a reputation. And I guess judging by his calling the student and how guilty she looked when Pratt called her out on it, the associate was right.
  20. Not sure that stuff is a spoiler either but anyway, perhaps Josh didn't piss away his vote per se. Maybe, considering both Dalton and Probst's reaction to Baylor's comment, Josh wrote her name as a warning to her. Like maybe it was to give her a wake up call that "no, this could put you on the chopping block" since they do seem to have some kind of alliance/bond. So maybe seeing her name will make her more aware and alert of what she's doing and saying. Also, I guess the hooking up with Alec explains her not going for the all girl's alliance.
  21. No, you're right. She's a producer but it was written and created by one of the writers who worked with her on Scandal.
  22. Hell, it's why most "reality" shows aren't even real and most of the situations are set up and contrived.
  23. This...this is what I've been saying for seasons now and why I checked out mid-way through S4, barely watched S5 and won't watch one episode of that shitfest when it comes back if someone paid me to. Like I said once back at TWOP, most shows, if not all have their issues, some more than others. However, I can personally look past some flaws in a show that still gives me interesting characters and interesting storylines and more importantly where I can still feel like the writers are trying and actually care about what they're writing. That more than anything is what has made me just say "forget it" with Glee because I don't get any of that from them. I don't feel like RIB and company give a shit about any of this anymore - not the show, the characters, the viewers, etc. And it's not about shipping a couple since frankly I stopped shipping anything on Glee in S4 when I realized how fruitless an endeavor that was. It's simply wanting the show to respect its audience and characters and tell some stories that make any kind of fucking sense.
  24. I don't work in the legal field at all but I always go into shows like these - legal dramas, hospital dramas, etc. thinking that I shouldn't pay too much attention to the particulars and take it for what it's worth because it's an entertainment show. And guaranteed pretty much 90 percent, if not all of them, throw in stuff that would never happen in the real world. That said, even someone like me not in the legal field but who watch a lot of true crime shows, called bullshit on the evidence that was just dropped in the middle of the trial. But I didn't care because it was still fun and that's the main thing for me, I enjoyed watching the episode and am interested in all the answers to the questions it set up. Who murdered the husband, was it any of the four and why and if they didn't why are they getting rid of him, what's up with Wes' weird neighbor and her connection to the dead girl and the dead girl's boyfriend, how does the shy, seemingly sweet girl end up getting it on with the douchebag or is she or was he calling her for something else, does Annalise know that the blonde girl clearly wants or is already doing her husband, speaking of Annalise, does she have anything to do with her husband's murder, etc. I checked out of Grey's years before because personally I don't think any show needs to go past 6 seasons and I never got into Scandal to be honest. I never cared for Fitz and Olivia's so called amazing love and didn't care about any of the Gladiators much as some feel about the characters introduced here. I have to say though, I don't really agree about all the sleazy, awful characters and how there is no one to root for, etc. other than Wes. I thought the girl who figured out the wife and mistress were in on it seems nice enough and like she will have some of the same moral struggle Wes is going through. That is, the willingness to turn a blind eye to things if it services your case. Kayla was okay, just snooty and smug and even Walsh didn't really bother me because I thought they made it clear he didn't hook up with the guy for the information because he already had it. He slept with him because he wanted to and I liked that as the guy was someone with clearly not a lot of confidence, not used to good looking guys hitting on him. The only one of the students I didn't like was the annoying guy with his white boy trying to sound hip slang. So I'm glad it doesn't seem like he may be a major character on the show with his apparently not being part of the big mystery. And like others, for a moment I thought he was the one in the carpet. Wishful thinking perhaps. I think she was trying but her glove was making it difficult for her to work the touch screen which is why she eventually took the glove off to turn it off. That actually rang true to me because I can never work my iPhone properly with my gloves on. Two things I agree with - it being too dark. I watched online today because I missed the live episode last night and thought it was something wrong with my computer screen. So good to know that wasn't it. Two, I was with others who right up until the end thought the whole covering up a murder might have been a red herring for some class assignment. The only things that made me think it was likely real was Kayla's emotional state in the beginning and Walsh's near breakdown in the car. It seemed a bit too much for some faux murder assignment since they're in Law School not Theatre.
  25. I admit I haven't re-watched the episode but I could swear Mitchell did say something to the effect that it was just a work thing when he was at home and Cameron suggested coming. And yeah he could have been firmer when Cameron first showed up but well you saw the reaction when he did, which is exactly what he was trying to avoid. Which again is why the writers have made Cameron just beyond insufferable. Mitchell is always having to dance around issues rather than just speak to Cam as an adult because the latter responds to anything he doesn't like, like a massive man-child. Now here's the thing, I get that it's a comedy and comedies tend to exaggerate situations, personalities for the laughs. And I never like nitpicking when it comes to shows because I find that kind of annoying. So I get that I shouldn't apply "real life" logic to these situations. It's just that yes, it's supposed to be exaggerated to be funny but the thing is when something is done over and over and over again, it's no longer funny really and just repetitive. And I feel like that's where I'm at with Cameron's character at this point. I don't find his antics cute or funny but just repetitive and incredibly annoying;
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