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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. Just to be clear, I did not want or expect to see mascara/soap opera type crying make up running down her face. As I noted, I think it was because she took such a long time with her head buried in her hands and it looked like her shoulders were shaking that I thought she was full on sobbing rather than just being choked up like many other people got at points in their dance. And so that's what threw me when she lifted her head and it didn't seem like she had tears in her eyes and honestly seemed kind of composed. Again I am not accusing Lea of faking anything, it just threw me because I actually was emotional for her when I assumed she was full out bawling at the end but I guess now that she had her head buried because she was trying to compose herself before listening to the judges.
  2. Is he really fully out though? I ask this and let me be clear that I support Jonathan living his life as he wants to and don't think he owes people a public declaration of his sexuality but I just wonder if his situation is like what people call the "living in a glass closet". That is, where he doesn't really hide it but doesn't really publicly talk about it. Kind of like how Zachary Quinto and Anderson Cooper were for years. Because that's kind of the impression I've gotten from things I've read and observed. That it's fairly known because he dated a few people who were out but he's never actually publicly stated he is. And if that's the case then yeah there's no way he would have made his dance about that.
  3. YMMV but I thought Bethany's emotion was genuine because it wasn't overdone and over played and I'm a little uncomfortable with this attitude of "well everyone goes through that stuff so whatever." Yes bullying and catty, mean behavior in middle school and high school is common but that's also why school shootings are such a prevalent thing and also why teen suicide is such a high rate because so many times it is ignored because "well that's just high school, that's just kids." Yes some people are lucky enough to move on and eventually be okay and many others aren't. And I don't think there was anything wrong in Bethany, who has a young tween/teen following sending a message of self-acceptance and love. As for the notion that she made this up or played it up just for the show and it was some contrived set up, long before DWTS came calling, Bethany talked about being bullied and talked about it being the thing that led to her making videos because I believe she started being home schooled when things got very bad. And honestly, the short clip of her first video was not the look of some super confident and sassy girl, in my opinion. She looked and sounded timid in the video. I get that people have their feelings about Derek- that they're tired of seeing him win, he's the Golden Child, he's the devil's spawn, the producers' favor him, he's evil, etc. etc. but I have never understood the need to extend that onto the celebrity that gets paired with him.
  4. I think only Janel and Bethany had rumba right? But I do agree that I found Janel's sexy rumba tribute to How Will I Know for her dead teacher/mentor as odd as Antonio's shirtless samba tribute to his mom. Although I think Janel and the producers tried to frame it as she was going to give a showstopping performance in tribute to her teacher for all she taught her or something like that. It was just weird to go from her emotional blubbering in the package to "sexy face...sexy pose". But this show is notorious for that. I also agree about contemporary being more appropriate and thought Bethany's dance especially could have been a lot better had it been a contemporary. Not that being assigned the rumba stopped Derek from making it contemporary-lite but still. Of course that would have stopped the Producers from giving her and Janel the same dance for the fourth week in the row so they could feed into the online fandom's made up Hough vs. Chmerkovskiy war.
  5. I would never want to accuse someone of faking tears over something so emotional and I will give Lea the benefit of the doubt but I was a bit baffled when she lifted her head and there didn't seem to be any tears in her eyes or streaks on her cheek because I'd been certain she was pretty much bawling with the way she acting. So it was strange, I'll admit but still, I want to give her the benefit of the doubt and say in my low definition screen I just didn't see her tears.
  6. Omarion's mother is annoying as hell and he's going to eventually have to pull some real tough love on her or else she'll never stop. That or Apryl's going to leave his ass and he'll deserve it. How are you going to tell someone at 26, she's not ready to be a mother when you were one at 16 and to basically say that she's not enough of a selfless person. And I didn't understand her assuming Apryl would dump the kid on her. Why would she when she knows how much the mom hates her. The woman is obnoxious. What I couldn't figure out is where's Apryl's own mother or doesn't she have any sisters/friends, someone that could have her back when this woman is being damned out of line. Because what she really needs is someone to truly call her out on her bullshit. Apryl doesn't want to go all out on her because of Omarion and the fact that that is his mom. The Nikki/Masika mess...whatever. Nikki really does look like an inflatable doll and not the least bit natural, Mally Mal is playing both of them so they look ridiculous yelling at each other over a fool playing them and Morgan is an instigator and shit-stirrer and good for Nikki next week calling her out on it. I'm sorry I can't with Soulja Boy who looks 12 and Berg who looks like a fetus but I agree with everyone that Hazel needs to get a clue. Yes she's not the most attractive woman but damn girl, love yourself enough to not be crawling after a guy who makes it so clear in so many ways he's not interested.
  7. Dammit...I had a feeling it would be Betsey. Damn you Nascar fans. Micheal is never leaving. Great... I actually agreed with a lot of Julianne's comment and especially liked her calling Derek out on lack of content because honestly, half of that rumba felt more like a contemporary to me. And what rumba there was, was not that great. I like the message of Bethany's dance and I definitely feel like she was open and vulnerable this week and it wasn't overdone where it felt like she was faking but Derek is going to have start cracking the whip on technique. Bethany's biggest problem is that she's not finishing her movements. It's funny but I feel like a lot of what the judges said about Antonio, could have applied to her. She needs to fill in the spaces, extend all the way, move her hips all the way around. Her movements all felt a bit unfinished tonight. But I did love the message of the dance and Colbie Caillait sounded gorgeous. Janel's dance was good and she definitely had the technique down but I felt it was a bit manic and I was left honestly kind of cold...like I felt no passion or real romance and chemistry with the number. I actually agreed with the scores and thought 9's were fair. Her hip action was gorgeous though. My, my Sadie is quite the little natural performer isn't she. I agreed with Julianne again that Mark did a great job of blending character/concept with actual content because that had a lot of Samba content in it and she performed the heck out of it. Wasn't perfect but pretty darn close. That said, two things - one, someone needs to get Mark some help for his costume fetish. It's ridiculous now. Two, I wonder how viewers will react to this with so much emphasis on her grandfather and the family and his comments. From what I heard, the ratings took a massive nosedive after his comments, so people were clearly annoyed. Probably explains why "America" gave them a 9 - there were probably a bunch of 10's and a bunch of really low scores that averaged to 9. I think Jonathan got hosed having Allison as a Pro. I loved Alison from SYTYCD and I have tried to give her a chance but I just don't think she's cutting it with Jonathan and rather than improving he seems to be getting worse. Tommy was awesome and I loved Bruno calling Peta rough. That's what I've been saying for many seasons now. Peta is a VERY aggressive dancer and it's why her moves always look extra sexy and explicit because coupled with her usual barely there costumes, it's often comes across as very over the top. I am loving her partnership with Tommy though. Alfonso brought out the Carlton and it was well worth it. I liked a lot of the small synchronized touches in the number and the flirty, fun chemistry between him and Witney. As I finished this post, I realized I all but forgot Lea's performance which I don't know what that says about her. Her story was beautiful, the dance was nice and emotional, the judges all seemed to love it but I didn't really feel much for it moments after it was over. Finally, props to Tom making the joke about Antonio's shirtless tribute to his mother. Only on DWTS.
  8. Frank is the male lawyer working for Annalise and has a reputation for sleeping with the female students that come to work for her. Sam is her husband who she thinks may have had an affair with the dead girl whose body was found in the first episode and Nate is the police officer she was sleeping with in her office when Wes walked in. As for the rest of the show, I can do a quick summary: There are two main mysteries going on in the show right now. There was a missing blonde sorority girl whose body was found in the first episode. She was one of Sam's (Annalise's husband) students and Annalise is convinced he was having an affair with her. She searched Sam's phone this episode and found emails from said dead girl but nothing too incriminating. When she checked the phone later in the episode, all the messages were erased. So she went to Nate to ask him to help her find proof that Sam is either telling the truth about not having an affair with this girl or that he is lying and he was. Meanwhile, Wes' neighbor Rebecca has some kind of relationship with the football player who was the dead girl's boyfriend. She and the boyfriend were both arrested at the end of this episode. She also placed a phone under the floorboards of Wes' sink when she came to use his shower because hers was supposedly broken (at least he assumed so. We didn't actually see her put it there). We don't know yet whose phone that is and why she put it there. The second mystery is what looks to be the murder of Sam and this is what there have been a number of flash-forwards to. The show moves between the 3 months before the murder of Sam and the night where Wes, Connor, Mckayla and Laurel are trying to get rid of Sam's body. So far we don't know what happened, who killed Sam, why the four are covering it up, etc. This episode used the flashforward to show other POV's of the current night. For example in episode 1 we only see Wes flipping the coin and his claiming heads. This week we see a closeup that showed he lied. Also this week we saw what happened inside the store while Connor and company were waiting in the car. He apparently called Rebecca who he's clearly gotten involved with at some point and is protecting her. And that's essentially the show so far. There's the usual murder of the week scenarios, there is a question mark about Bonnie and whether she is having an affair with Sam or just clearly wants him but he's not interested.
  9. But that doesn't mean the actors' chemistry is off and rather it could be what the show is going for. I don't know about anyone else but I never got the impression from the Pilot that we're supposed to believe Frank and Bonnie are super loyal/forever and ever/ride and die with Annalise. If anything and this episode's dialogue during Annalise's lecture further confirmed this for me, the show seems to be a portrait of how you never really know anyone and every single person is capable of horrible actions, especially when it comes to looking out for themselves.
  10. I don't know about anyone else so I'll just speak for myself and move on since this is kind of derailing what the thread is about. Maybe I'm misinterpreting but it seems like you believe that only Val and Janel are getting judged for something that always happens and that is not what I and I don't think others were saying. Using all these other examples actually just proves the point - it's overdone, it's tedious and more often than not people see through it which is why the showmance pairings have rarely won. That's all we've been saying. Which is what I noted when you brought up Karina/Mario, Julianne and Helio's awkward beach dance, Maria and Derek, Derek and Shannon, etc. That yes the producers clearly love going there and the pairings are just as culpable but the fact is while some certainly fall for it, most of the time people see through that crap. And in Val's case, he turned people off the first time he went there with Kelly Monaco and it's happening again with Janel. Seriously see some of the tumblr comments and there's a reason they seemed to pull back after the first week. Chemistry between a Pro and celebrity is fine and many people have had natural chemistry. It's when it comes across like trying too hard to sell the audience on something, that it becomes eye-roll worthy. And I like I said, the show's history speaks for itself. Derek has won 5 times and not one of those wins came with people he had showmances with. Peta for all her showmance with Brandt and James, only won with Donald Driver. Mark and Sabrina got axed in Week 5 and he won with 17 year old Shawn and married Kristy.
  11. While I actually agree with you, the way the show explained this was that Weber's character changed his name and identity after the incident in Sweden and when he moved to the U.S. Now yeah I guess you could also argue that since he changed his identity, that would mean there wouldn't be much about him from when he was living in Sweden which should have been a red flag but I guess maybe not. It also a key note that the Prosecutors didn't uncover the whole thing themselves either but rather the daughter, after going to Sweden and asking questions and doing some background checks found out the truth and she emailed the Prosecution the details.
  12. The Rumba has to have an element of romance yes but it doesn't have to be forced or the couple have to pretend they're madly in love or want to do each other to sell it. And in fact, often times the couples that go that route end up not having such a great dance because they're trying too hard. For me personally, two of my all time favorite rumbas on the show were Karina and JR and Mark and Shawn, neither of which had any over the top passion/forced chemistry. They were just beautiful stories told through dance. As for the other examples, I didn't mention it because I didn't feel like being repetitive but hey I can - as I recall people eyerolled Julianne and Helio's very awkward beach scene too, especially considering dude looked twice her age even if he was only in his 30's (of course she was only 19 at the time), Karina and Mario may have made it to the end but they didn't win either, did they and Maria and Derek got eliminated on a week where she topped the leaderboard which once again proves my point that showmances do not work. Yes Maks and Meryl won but that is because of how good Meryl was and how many fans she had in her own right. So again, no one far as I can tell was saying anything against Val and Maks but rather just rolling their eyes at this forced crap between Val and Janel that they were trying to sell even before the season started. The whole thing is embarrassing in my opinion because everyone can see through it which is why I thought they'd gotten a clue when it seemed like they were quickly trying to backtrack after the first week.
  13. I don't think anyone is saying that only the Chmerkovskiy brothers have done the showmance thing (though Maks still holds the record for the most so far) or at least I wasn't. And it's interesting you bring up Derek and Shannon Elizabeth because that's when it was pretty much revealed something was going on between them and they quickly got eliminated two weeks later after his crazy meltdown on her behalf. And that's still his lowest scoring season. The point being that the whole showmance thing doesn't work. So it's not a judgement on the Chmerkovskiys per se, at least not for me, but an eyeroll at the whole thing period because it's been done before, it's so obviously forced and frankly it's a little embarrassing and makes the pairing look desperate.
  14. TWOP - Television Without Pity, where most of the posters on here, posted regularly, before the site shut down in May of this year.
  15. It is. She has said that the bullying is what led to her making videos in her room. The song they're dancing to is also shockingly, for this show anyway, appropriate with the theme. It's all about people not having to try so hard and instead learning to love who they are. As for Alfonso, I could have sworn that I read somewhere that Witney said they're NOT doing the Carlton dance this week even with the Tom Jones song. Now maybe she's just saying that so it'd be a surprise but maybe they really won't because that's exactly when everyone is expecting it. I saw those pictures and just sighed. And I loved all the ones rushing to defend when some call out the obvious pandering with this stuff - "her boyfriend liked the pictures on Instagram so he's clearly okay with it, it's all performance, they're just doing what the producers ask so it's all their fault, etc." Meanwhile I too am confused by her song and what it means for her most memorable year. It's a cover by Sam Smith of Whitney Houston's How Will I Know which came out in 1985 and Janel wasn't born until 1988. So I can't see the song representing a big year in her life unless maybe it was a song she performed to for a first major performance.
  16. While I imagine there will be a bunch of twists and turns before the show ends so I'll probably change my mind on who is guilty a few times, here are my thoughts based on the Pilot. I actually don't think any of the family members did it. I do think the dad acted a bit oddly in his reaction but I thought on the couch he was just trying to stay strong for his wife and daughter and his reaction was that of someone almost choking on their grief. I also think he is or was having an affair and lied about where he was that night which will of course come out and make him seem guilty but I don't think it's him. I'm undecided about Ellie's son. I think he and Danny were involved in something that may have led to Danny's death and that's why he deleted all the texts and stuff but I don't think he killed Danny. I also wonder if they snuck out together that night which is probably what the texts were about and after they separated whatever happened to Danny happened. The old guy seems almost too obvious right now but a definite strong possibility. The sister's boyfriend was definitely acting a little odd so he's a possibility and the woman who owns the inn/hotel, something about her makes me think she may know something. And then of course there's the weird lady lurking around. I think I need to see another episode to truly start zeroing in one person but I am definitely intrigued. I can also see why so many are wondering about the timing of the detective coming into town but somehow I don't see him being the guilty one. Of course that might be the "shocking finale" so who knows. Interested to see what the reporter knows about him.
  17. I think you mean Wes. Connor is the other law student and Wes is Rebecca's neighbor.
  18. I think it got a 1.2 or 1.3 which is not bad for FOX certainly but not that great. Of course I guess it's impressive considering FOX for whatever reason scheduled it against Scandal. I can't imagine they were expecting something amazing making that move. Pity because as a person who can't stand Scandal and think it's overrated, I wish more people watched this show which I absolutely enjoyed. Of course I'm a total sucker for a mystery show so I am so all in already. Never saw the original and don't care to, just like I had zero interest in the Danish original to The Killing. I like to look at shows on their own merit and not spend time comparing this actor vs this actor and this scene vs this scene, etc. So that said, as noted I loved the episode and am fully interested in finding out what happened to Danny. A few things - one, I think the Dad is/was having an affair. His reaction when the wife asked him where exactly he was and why wasn't he home to check up on Danny after she did, said it all. It would also explain his guilt. I agree about the local journalist. I can see him maybe publishing that a child got killed having figured out what was going on when he saw the sister put the stuffed animal but publishing the kid's name was just absolutely wrong, especially as noted without knowing if the family had been fully notified. Of course you can argue that he would naturally assume if the sister knew, the parents especially had to have known. But still, it wasn't a detail that needed to be known immediately. The old guy (Nick Nolte looking unrecognizable) is obviously going to be suspected, what with the local kids hanging out with him in the mornings, especially with the detective not so subtly asking about his being married and having any children. And because of that I want to think he's not the guilty one because then it would be too obvious. So far I don't think it's anyone in the family, even though the season long preview does show the sister's boyfriend eventually acting strange. But I didn't suspect any of them and I also think Ellie's son is red herring. My guess is there was something going on in Danny's life, something they were both up to he doesn't want anyone to know and it may indeed tie into what happened but I don't think the kid knows what happened to Danny. At least I don't think so but he does make an interesting suspect.
  19. I think the answer to that is a resounding no. I mean I guess there will always be those 10 fans holding on no matter what. I mean hell, Chuck and Blair actually had people all happy and gushy about them ending up together and what a hot mess that was with his selling her for a hotel, her getting knocked up by someone else, his diddling Jenny, etc. But I digress. Honestly, considering there will barely be anyone even watching I don't know many people who will care about or be rooting for anything really. I think at best, some will just be glad if their favorite character got minimum damage in the character assassination train.
  20. This is exactly why the minute I heard this, I felt like this was just another FU by RIB, particularly Ryan Murphy because he is that petty. Because interesting that you mention the above because the fact is there was quite a vocal contingent of Kurt and Karofsky fans and this was even before the contrived "redemption of Dave Karofsky" arc began. I know because goodness knows I suffered through enough essay length posts at TWOP detailing all the apparent chemistry Chris and Max Adler supposedly oozed on screen and how their love story could be a powerful tale of redemption, etc. And best believe they were just as loud as other shippers. Hell even Ausiello from TV Line was hard on the bandwagon, using every single opportunity he could find, especially when interviewing any of the actors or writers, to talk about how there were "so many fans" who thought Kurt and Karofsky would be perfect together, how all of these people thought Karofksy was better for Kurt than Blaine and this was S3, long before the cheating arc. I remember all his posts that his readers jumped to parrot about how Kurt and Blaine were boring and predictable but Kurt and Dave, well they were epic because it was so dramatic and intense, etc. So when I first heard about that Blaine and Karofsky shit, I thought it is just like those writers because again Ryan Murphy is petty and I can definitely see him going "but so many thought he was perfect for Kurt so what's wrong with Blaine dating him. You all said a person could change and he has and Kurt and Blaine broke up." And honestly it's not an unreasonable point particularly to some of the Kurt fans who were rooting for him and Karofsky because they hated Blaine. It is interesting if these are now some of the same people declaring Blaine the most awful human being for dating Karofsky when once upon a time they believed Kurt and Dave would have been an interesting romantic pairing. That being said, thankfully I hated the shipping of Karofsky and Kurt back then when it was happening because I hate and am beyond over victim/victimizer pairings on television. So I feel absolutely comfortable in hating this Blaine and Karofsky pairing just as much. In my opinion, the period on the Dave Karofsky storyline should have been placed a LONG damn time ago. We didn't need to see him return creeping around Kurt in a bear suit, we didn't need to see his suicide attempt (a very cheap and manipulative ploy for ratings if ever there was one) and we damn sure don't need to see him with Blaine in this gross relationship. Oh let me rephrase all those and I state that I DIDN'T need to see those.
  21. To me, Connor and Michaela have "chemistry" due to the often used television trope that a guy and girl who snark at and seemingly can't stand each other, eventually end up hooking up because all the fighting is to hide their attraction to each other. So it doesn't surprise me that some see chemistry between them but far as I can tell and based on interviews with the actor and the creator, Connor is gay, not bi-sexual. And I for one hope they don't change that just because some see chemistry between the actors because that will be disappointing in my opinion.
  22. If I read the spoiler correctly, I don't think it's so much Kurt's okay with the guys' lies or omission of the truth but that despite being slightly freaked out by the truth, after talking to the guy he finds him to be nice and sweet and so agrees to see him again as friends. So it also doesn't sound like it's a one date thing. But I imagine the whole thing will play out in one of two ways - the guy tells him he still loves Blaine to facilitate that reunion or the guy turns out to not be fully ready to openly date and embrace who he is. I mean if this is someone who was married to a woman, had kids and in his fifties - it's likely he was in the closet for a long, long time.
  23. This is actually why I have so much annoyance whenever I think about that Blaine and Karofsky mess because honestly, that grossness aside, Blaine is really not doing anything so wrong in moving on or at least trying to. I think it makes perfect sense that after two failed attempts to live together, Kurt breaking things off and his being so dependent that the breakup caused him to flunk out of school and spiral, that he gets to a place of trying to move on from Kurt and accept that the relationship is not meant to be. Hell, that's actually kind of mature. So I for one would have had no issues or judgment of Blaine's dating some random Joe. But no, that would have been too simple and drama free for the writers so let's add in the ick factor of making him date Karofksy, the guy formerly known as Kurt's physical, emotional and mental abuser. That's why I disagree with the comments that only Kurt has never been allowed to move on and is presented as so unattractive that only some old guy would want him because in my opinion, NEITHER Blaine or Kurt have ever been fully allowed to move on. For all the "Blaine is presented as so attractive or appealing in canon", Blaine's only romantic interests or love life or whatever beside Kurt has been a hookup with a guy who didn't even have face because it was set up purely for him to feel shame as soon as it was over. Then he had a crush on straight Sam so RIB could have all their homoeroticism entendres and wink-wink moments all while telling viewers theirs was an inspiring depiction of friendship between a straight guy and a gay guy. And now he's dating Dave Karofsky, the once creepy, psychotic guy. As for Kurt, he was actually given a fairly decent alternative love interest in Adam. Sure I was one of those who thought he looked like he was in his 30's but he was still a decent looking guy who seemed nice enough but the writers pretty much dropped the ball on the entire storyline and got rid of him without even so much as a decent follow through. One day they were going to see a movie and the next he no longer existed. And now I guess there's the old guy to explore Kurt's Daddy complex or something, I don't know. The point is neither Kurt or Blaine have truly been allowed to truly move on from each other, which I guess is the evidence that despite all the shit the writers are doing they mean to have them end up together. Of course par the course with these kind of pairings, the contrivances to keep them apart get worse and worse that when the end comes absolutely no one will care and more importantly no one, even ones who like the characters would want either of them near each other.
  24. I think with regards to the Kurt/Blaine spoilers, I imagine Blaine looks bad because predictably, as Kurt indicates he's moving on, he suddenly decides once again Kurt is the love of his life. This after moving on with Kurt's former tormentor to the point of having nauseating pet names for each other and taking a step as big as moving in together. I do agree that I don't see how he looks bad for saying he won't make The Warblers throw the competition for Rachel and ND. As for Kurt, I don't see how he's being thrown under the bus by dating the older guy, unless the term is being used in another manner. The previous episodes having him hurting and pining over his ex and I imagine the whole thing will likely play out as he's lonely and talking to the guy is nice so he looks past all the other awkward stuff because it's just nice having someone he can talk to. I think the only person who would looks bad in this situation is the 50 year old guy who creepily went after a 19/20 year old kid.
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