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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. Well I'm pretty sure I never mentioned anything about Damon killing someone 4 years ago so have no idea how that's even but good to know. My only mentions of Damon has been in response to the fact that he kept looking for Stefan when he was a Ripper and off with Klaus and as I noted, that's different in that they all knew for a fact Stefan was alive, he just wasn't in his right mind. A little different to Damon and Bonnie vanishing into somewhere no one knows since the Other Side that was originally the place people went to after death, no longer exists. The point is, all of these people are grieving in their own way. Elena is prepared to wipe out all memories of Damon because it just hurts too much, Jeremy is acting out, etc. This is Stefan's way of dealing. Again it may not be the healthiest but it's the fact that he's being made out to be a bad person for how he's dealing and grieving is what makes no sense to me. And that Enzo gets applauded for killing an innocent girl because "it puts that dick Stefan in his place" who once again is grieving the brother he has had for more than 200 years. Like the hell?
  2. But didn't you hear, per Ryan Murphy, they're giving the viewers what they've always wanted, lol. And when I read bullshit like that, is when I am further convinced that the writers are basically fucking with the audience and this is Murphy's punishment for the ratings falling hard in S4 and S5 because how dare the fans not appreciate his super revolutionary idea. Because there is no way that that man can believe ANYONE wanted to see this. There is just no way. No one can be that tone deaf to their viewers.
  3. I refuse to play this tired hypothetical Stefan vs. Damon crap because in the words of Anthony Anderson this week on Black-ish "ain't nobody got time for that." That being said, as someone who has never cared for Damon, no I wouldn't judge him if Stefan had vanished into thin air and he thought he'd lost him forever and he basically shut down because he didn't want to deal with the grief and the memories. I would see it as that was his way of dealing with the loss of his brother, healthy or not. And I would be just as annoyed if say Elena or someone else showed up and basically yelled at him for how he was choosing to move on and some random asshole just murdered an innocent girl who did nothing to him.
  4. I think there is a significant difference between KNOWING Stefan was alive, just not mentally in his right mind at the time and trying to rescue him versus someone vanishing into complete nothing. And let's not forget Stefan's going off with Klaus wasn't just for kicks - it was in exchange for saving Damon's life. So yeah he kind of owed Stefan in trying to find him and rescue him and during his efforts, he still took time out to make moves on Elena. And as noted above, they were all so caught up in their lives last year, the man was drowning and dying over and over for a whole damn summer and NONE of them knew. Caroline, didn't think it was odd she didn't get one phone call from her super special BFF. Damon, not one call or email from his brother - nothing but he and Elena were too busy having "the summer of our life." Stefan has always stood by Damon, supported, made excuses for his actions. Sure like any normal person he's had moments of frustration but he's always returned, always there to say "Damon has good in him", always there to eventually stand by Damon. Right up to when he lost Elena to Damon (which frankly was a good thing because her ass isn't worth shit in my opinion), he put his hurt aside to still tell Damon that he was happy for him. And now because the person is going through his grieving in his own way that some idiot asshole doesn't like because pretty, blonde Caroline started to cry, he's a bad person for it. Screw these people. Who the hell is Enzo, again some Johnny Come Lately who professes to have some great friendship with Damon even though Damon left him to die and their asses hadn't seen in each other in decades, to tell Stefan how he should be dealing with the loss of the brother he has more than 200 years of history and connection with.
  5. Cheryl would be wise to use a Flamenco expert to help her with the choreography. Derek did and he was pretty open about it. I mean if it's not a style they're used to, why not.
  6. Well to be fair one can argue that she could have done something about it before she chose to align with the guys and vote Nadiya out. Now in fairness, Josh was the key there and if they didn't have him, the guys would still have enough votes to get Nadiya out but with Josh's random vote for Baylor herself, had she stuck with the girls they would have had a tie and re-vote and who knows where Josh would have voted at that point. So she did have an option with the girls but that being said it is interesting that while she was the one who flipped to vote with the guys, she's the one who's been most targeted since. It really makes me wonder if there was a lot more to Josh's initial vote for her and what he said to the other guys about that vote, that the editors are not showing. As for Josh playing so hard, I don't think he's that bad just yet. His vote for Baylor in the first tribal was a little random but it didn't affect the majority and they still got rid of Nadiya so I doubt the other tribemates cared too much. His voting for Val to ensure a tie with her and Baylor helped prove that Val did not have an immunity idol and with the re-vote going all to Val, I do not believe for one minute that hadn't been discussed and planned with the guys. That is, what to do in the event Val doesn't have an idol. So with that vote, he was still playing with his majority. And with the John vote, Wes seemed on the same wavelength with him particularly with the fact that Rocker all but admitted he made some side deal with Jeremy and then admitted he had an idol. His problem may come if someone wises up to his being too much of a mastermind and orchestrates his boot but again, with how much editing does not show, there's no telling how close Josh is with everyone else in the tribe individually. I really don't think that's why John was eliminated because we saw Dale defend him and Alec telling him to just ignore Natalie when she was going at him after the IC. I think the real reasoning behind John's ouster was Josh deciding he couldn't really trust him, first because he found out about John's making a deal with Jeremy to protect Val and then his later admitting to having an idol and all but threatening them against voting him. Josh engineered his boot because of those things and it was easy to get the two women who were just happy to vote anyone but them and Wes, who also didn't seem to trust Rocker because of the idol and deal with Jeremy. And still, it looked like Alec needed some convincing because he understandably didn't think voting out their strongest player was wise. So I really don't think that vote had anything really to do with Natalie's rantings even though I'm sure the show would like to make it seem that way.
  7. Ah yes, thanks for bringing that up. Yes the summer where Damon and Elena, per her repeatedly, "had the summer of their lives" banging each other on all corners except for the times Damon took a break to go kill some innocent people. And Caroline, who I like, for all their BFF-ness and bond, also didn't seem to blink an eye and wonder about that fact that she didn't hear from Stefan once for a whole damn summer. It took crazy ass Tessa manipulating dreams in Elena and Katherine's heads for them to figure out something was wrong. But now Stefan is just absolutely horrible because he is grieving in his own way and couldn't handle being around all the things that reminded him of his brother and that life. Sure trying to just shut everything and everyone away is not the most healthy way to grieve but neither is Elena's shit she's on or Jeremy but only Stefan gets called a dick and made to seem like a bad person for how he's grieving. Only thing that will satisfy me this season is for him and Enzo to have another round of his ripping out Enzo's heart and maybe the fucker can stay dead this time. Isn't that what the show supposedly has Damon for? Well I think the writers have all but admitted he's another version of Damon because one was so awesome and it's probably why I can't stand him either. Whatever, those 0.5 and possibly lower ratings look great on them.
  8. But that's exactly why they kept Enzo around which is what I said last season when people were screaming about not wanting Caroline/Stefan together. Enzo was kept so they could put Caroline with him all while they dangle the Caroline/Stefan carrot for the poor desperate shippers knowing it will never happen because Stefan will NEVER get to move on and get a love life that is not Elena. Of course this while Elena continues to call Damon the greatest love of her life. I knew the girlfriend they were showing in the promos wouldn't last long - two episodes, guess it's better than being offed in the premiere. And guaranteed that's the last action he'll get for the rest of the season.
  9. Haven't watched one episode this season and reading the comments and recap, I can see I'm not missing much. Frankly I thought Enzo should have stayed dead last season because I didn't see any purpose that the character served, same as bringing Alaric back. And as a Stefan lover who makes no apologies for it, I damn sure have zero interest in watching Johnny come lately "Damon and I were the bestest besties even though he totally left me to burn in fire with no fucks to give" calling out Stefan because apparently he's not grieving properly for them. Stefan who lost his damn humanity for said brother to save his life. God forbid he grieves in a way not acceptable to people. What the hell ever. And this is all to eventually start the Caroline/Enzo relationship I for one have zero interest in seeing as I don't think there is any chemistry between the two and more importantly I don't give a shit about Enzo as a character - don't care about his past, care about his feelings, care about where his story is going, nothing. So much as I like Caroline, I damn sure won't be interested in watching her in a relationship with someone I don't give a shit about. Yeah I'll check back in for the season finale where hopefully Elena and Enzo will both burn in a fire.
  10. As I recall, the twins were the ones who didn't really seem to understand the big deal about Obama being president which is not surprising seeing as he's been the president for most of their life. Considering Andre Jr. is a bonafide nerd I find it highly unlikely that he doesn't know about the Civil Rights Movement or slavery or any other major black historical events. I don't get the sense that the issue with Andre Jr. or his sister is that they have no clue about black history and struggles but that as kids who weren't raised around these struggles and much of their reality has been private school which is predominantly white, a nice big house, neighbors who are mostly white, etc. they aren't as conscious and aware of some of the realities of being black that still exists today. This reminds me of one of my favorite episodes of The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air where Carlton and Will got lost while driving Philip's business partner's car and the two white police officers arrested them because they were certain they'd stolen the car. After Philip and Vivian get them out, Carlton makes the comment that he understands that the police were just doing their job because they saw two strangers driving very slowly and it had to seem suspicious to him. Will, having been raised in an inner city neighborhood in Philadelphia before moving to Bel Air basically tells Carlton he's naive if he thinks that's why the police arrested them and the show ends with Carlton still trying to convince himself that's all it was. Because Carlton, with how he was raised, wanted to believe that color didn't exist and that people were just people and that there was no way that the police could have come after them because they were black. So my point is I don't think Junior doesn't know he's black or doesn't know about or understand the past struggles of black people. I just think because of the environment and reality he's been exposed to so far in life, he's one of those who probably does believe that he lives in a post-racial world. And so to him, it doesn't matter that his friends are white because it's not about that, but rather about the things they have in common. Unfortunately, yeah Junior is the kind of person who when faced directly with racism in their life it could be very traumatizing.
  11. Speaking of the credits, during last night's episode for the first time I paid attention to the credits and was certain I saw Jonathan Groff listed as a Consulting Producer. That was completely a random "wtf" to me, unless there's another Jonathan Groff in the business but I seriously doubt it because when people have similar names they tend to use a middle name or something to distinguish because one is already registered with the Guild.
  12. But do they need her help because it really just sounds like for whatever reason Sue has decided all on her own, that the two must be together and is scheming to accomplish it. But seeing as this elevator thing happens so soon with at least seven or so episodes to go after, I'd be shocked if they reunite at that point so her scheming likely doesn't work.
  13. Frankly I don't get the attitude about Mark and Derek switching partners when many fans of Val and Maks were all too happy about them switching last season and worked hard to make sure that only they got each other's partner. And this season I saw many comments on tumblr about making sure Derek didn't get Janel because, and I quote, "it would be a betrayal to The Fam" and "let's keep The Fam together..."
  14. As stupid as this plot is I don't think they need Sue to force them to talk to each other because by all accounts, the spoilers make it seem like they are somewhat cordial and friendly. I mean they're friendly enough for Kurt to tell Blaine about his date with the guy who turns out to be 50. Sue isn't doing this because the two refuse to talk to each other or be in the same room together, instead she's trying to force them back together. That's two different things. I don't think they have any problem having a conversation with each other, they just aren't getting back together at the moment which let's face it is a good thing. Unfortunately the writers couldn't just leave it as they broke up because they realized they were too young to be engaged and things weren't working out. They also had to throw in Karofsky and now the 50 year old guy. I don't know about anyone else, but I for one never thought that Facebook letter was irrelevant to the horrible cheating plot that was coming up (and how ironic that he posted it on Facebook). I always thought it was quite obvious that Darren wrote that because he saw the writing on the wall for his character with that plot-line, not to mention he was probably also not a fan of said storyline. And frankly I just thought that meant he wasn't an idiot and rightly realized that the whole thing was going to be a giant fail. Of course I don't think even he could imagine how much worse it was going to get for his character after that.
  15. Interesting to read these comments because I remember watching the Pilot of Arrow and being so bored, mostly because I found the lead so uninteresting and pretty much passing on it. So I was actually surprised when it seemed to be such a hit on CW, even spawning the spin-off with The Flash.
  16. Yeah this episode was the worse one for me. Even if I didn't absolutely love the first two, there were things about it I enjoyed and laughed at. Not so much this week. I was impressed with Julie Bowen's physical comedy and was very happy the writers didn't extend the gag to her awkwardly trying to get through the meeting with the guy. I liked that it ended with her just giving up and passing out with a sort of "hell no" when he mentioned going to the rotating restaurant. I did smile at Phil's inadvertent smile when Luke was trying to get him to cry by mentioning his going to college and Phil honestly saying "I didn't think you'd get in." Luke's reaction was cute. Everything else was just so predictable and not very funny. And I'm sorry, I can't with Andy. I don't find him funny or very interesting or good looking so there is nothing there to hold my interest. Like Dylan worked because the character was hilarious because he was such an idiot. Andy is kind of just there and the actor and Sarah Hyland have zero chemistry.
  17. Watch this week's episode. He returns.
  18. Agreed. Also, question, because as I noted before I don't follow any of those people on social media, is that tag and pictures used on the official FOX Glee page? Also have RIB and company been using it, the show's official Facebook page and other social media, etc.? Or is it still solely some pictures posted by the three actors with the hashtag? I ask because if it is the latter, I agree even more that this is really no big deal and a mountain being made out of a molehill. Because so what if the actors' are posting some pictures with a lame hashtag. One can simply ignore and not follow them, especially if the spoilers so far don't match up to this DeLeawhatever conspiracy theory and none of this supposed pimping is coming from the show's official accounts and writers and producers. And since so far we seem to all assume MJ's spoilers have been accurate, I haven't gotten any indication of the pimping of those three as some unit based on those spoilers. Like caracas1914 noted, they don't seem to interact until Episode 4 and honestly, Sam especially I noticed is barely mentioned in the spoilers until the Sue hypnotizing him episode, other than a line that he's helping out Coach Bieste. Rachel for much of the spoilers seemed to be a combination of dealing with her failures, battling Sue to get New Directions back at the school and then battling with Kurt as co-leaders of the group. Blaine is in his gross relationship with Karofsky and the spoilers seem to suggest his storyline is still tied to Kurt. I just don't get the annoyance over something that seems easy to ignore considering that until people mentioned this on the boards, I honestly didn't even know it existed.
  19. Shawn and Derek did an excellent mambo during the All-Stars season. It's one of the dances that won him his Emmy.
  20. In my opinion, Josh wasn't calling all Southerners a hick and inferring that because one is from the South, they are a hick. He was simply calling Keith specifically a hick. And I can understand if that bothers some but then I can't see how one can say that Keith himself wasn't just as offensive with his "not my kind of good 'ol boy" and let me be clear that there will be no spooning and no sleeping next to each other and apparently no gay people exist in Louisiana. Both said something dumb but I actually don't think Josh's comment was offensive because again I didn't think he was speaking about everyone from the South at all but referencing Keith specifically. Whereas in Keith's world view gay people don't exist at all in Louisiana. Okay then... YMMV but I can't buy that as Keith's meaning particularly because he didn't make any mention of Wes or give any indication he wished he was at Exile Island with him. And then he later followed up that comment by making sure it was known that absolutely no spooning would be happening between him and Josh and informing us that apparently no gay people existed where he is from. Except she didn't engineer that. Based on what the editing showed, her trying to get Alec and Wes to vote with her and Jacqueline to get John out, basically fell on deaf ears and all she did was get frustrated and snap at them. And when she walked away they both basically were like "yeah she's trying to save her ass but whatever we're sticking to the plan." It was when Josh went to Wes first about John revealing he had the idol and then floated the idea of getting him out that things seemed to change. And then Josh was the one who said they could do it with himself, Wes, Alec and the two women. And we see Baylor come into the water, Josh tells her what he's thinking and she jumps at it and in her talking head states that she's putting her trust in Josh again for things to go as planned. And when Wes brings up the new plan to Alec, he mentions Josh saying they should take John out. Baylor did not engineer that move - Josh did and of course it benefited her. That said, I will agree she's not a complete idiot and so maybe down the line she'll notice that Josh so far is the one with all the power and try to engineer a move against him but honestly if that one scene between her and Alec and Wes is anything to go by, doesn't look like either have much use in entertaining her ideas. But this is Survivor and things can always change.
  21. I think unless something really crazy happens the Fnial 3 will be a combination of Alfonso, Sadie and either Bethany, Janel or Lea. Lea so far has the judges but I don't know how big her voting base is and Janel seems to be a mixed bag for viewers, just like some feel they don't connect with Bethany. So I think it will be a matter of which of those three has the bigger voting base when it comes down to it. But I definitely see the mirror ball coming down to Alfonso and Sadie and with no telling what Mark will put out in the end, an Alfonso win is not a sure thing.
  22. Because anything for what they think will be interesting, even though it's mostly just annoying. Early speculation, Janel and Artem is an interesting pairing and I can see her doing a great job with burlesque. I also suspect Sadie is going to kill the Charleston with Derek and Peta might do a good job with Jonathan with the jitterbug. Kind of worried about Alfonso with the flamenco which as I remember when Derek and Kellie did it, is very similar to Paso in its staccato moves and tall/aggressive posture. Cheryl is an awesome teacher so it may work but as much as I like Alfonso, I have to agree that he's done better with things like the Jive, Jazz whereas his frame was not so great in the Quickstep. So I wonder if he'll get the character and movement of the dance right. Bethany and hip hop sounds like one big disaster waiting to happen but I think Mark may pull something out of his hat that will make her come off at least serviceable.
  23. I saw that scene entirely different and think Keith is the one who came off looking bad. Yes, Josh stated that he and Keith were an unlikely pairing and you wouldn't think they would get along but then added that's what he loved about experiences like Survivor because it allows you to meet and interact with people he ordinarily wouldn't in his everyday life. Keith pretty much said the same thing about them being so different and an unlikely pairing, saying it was like night and day. And then he proceeded, right after Josh is going on about having a nice time and seems to be enjoying himself, to say that Josh is a "good 'ol boy - just not his kind of good 'ol boy." And then he makes certain to of course state that they would be sleeping on opposite ends and there would be absolutely no spooning because gosh, can't have anyone thinking that, what with the gay guy there with him. And then he apparently thought this was the most hilarious thing ever. I liked Keith and wouldn't say I actively dislike him now, but his comments made me uncomfortable and it was a pity because the scene started off really nice, when it seemed to show how well these two unlikely individuals were getting along. Agreed. Goodness knows I am no fan of Rocker and I care not a lick that he's gone but Natalie really was the one who came off very confrontational and volatile in that situation, especially considering they'd just won. And honestly, all I was thinking while she was going at him was that "there is no way she's winning this thing." And we saw her go at Drew this episode as well - like everyone knows one of the basic rules of Survivor is to keep your mouth shut. Jeremy for all his anger at Val being voted off and him being the one who brought up the article to his tribe, notice he was very quiet throughout that confrontation. Because even he knows going off and making yourself that visible is dangerous in this game. To be fair, a lot of that focus may be because Coyopa has been sucking so much to this point and have gone to every single tribal council where as you pointed out, he played a heavy hand in controlling the votes. So I can see why he's been shown so much but that's why I hate when there's such an imbalance with the tribes because I always feel like we miss out on the dynamics of the other one when only one tribe keeps going to tribal council. So hopefully Coyopa can attempt to not suck next week and win a damn IC so we see some Survivor play from Hunahpu. As for the season being boring so far, I think it's because of the personalities. Last season, we had Brains sucking just as much as Coyopa but it was entertaining to watch between batshit crazy J'Tia, the way they kept flipping around in that small tribe of 5, Spencer's stress level, nutty Kass and of course there was Tony's constant boasts to the camera, Morgan's boobs, etc. There's none of that this season. There's no crazy, fascinating personality which is probably why so much focus is on Josh at Coyopa. I mean that short exchange between Wes and Alec didn't convince me there were two sparkling personalities there.
  24. Not sure if this is unpopular or not but after watching many a good show fall to the wayside, I have come to the conclusion that frankly no show needs to go past 6, maybe 7 seasons. I feel like there's a reason the standard contract actors sign for a series is 6 seasons. I just feel that after 6 seasons you've likely told all the stories you need to tell with these characters and it's time to let them move on. Especially when it's a series with the regular 22-24 episodes a season. That's a lot of damn shows and I just feel that by that point the writers get less and less creative and that's when the crazy, half-assed storylines start coming and the quality just keeps dropping.
  25. And that may quite possibly be the saddest part of this entire fuckery of a last season and goodness knows the list is already long enough. To be perfectly honest, and I imagine this may be sacrilegious but does it really even freaking matter? I watched the show faithfully up to S4 and I honestly can't remember Kurt playing the piano other than maybe one time. So honestly, who the hell unless you're a hardcore stan of the character even really remembers that supposedly in canon he can play the piano, especially since we're talking about Glee where at this point it's like "canon, what canon." The damn writers have fucked up their own canon so many times it's like practically watching stand alone episodes with this show. Not to mention I'd be shocked if THEY remember that Kurt supposedly played the piano once in one episode. I just think of all the MANY, MANY things wrong here is some likely throwaway moment of Blaine teaching Sam and Rachel how to play the piano that important? Especially because I think it's really as simple as we know that Darren Criss really can play the piano.
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