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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. YMMV but I always thought Mark's work with Amy during the switch up was a bit exaggerated. It was a nice dance, sure, but I watched the dance and Amy never let go of Mark. She may not have been holding on tightly to him but she always had a hand on his shoulder or they were in hold in some way so he didn't exactly let her go off freely which was understandable for her circumstances. And I thought her mambo with Derek when they repeated the Switch Up dance had far more challenging content for her. What does Madonna's very, very successful tour have to do with this, simply because Carrie Ann deigned to have a not so positive opinion on Janel's dance? She gave an opinion on a performance as the judges do. Yet it almost seems like the comments against her are almost personal. At the end of the day it's all opinion - no more and no less. Some think Janel's dance was oh so amazing and hot and others well didn't.
  2. Masika's reaction might be one of the most mature reactions I've seen ever on any one of those ratchet shows. I liked that she didn't even bother to call him out and just shook her head and said "whatever." I also liked that she seemed to be done with him from the blowout with Nikki because she seemed to rightly figure out that dude was playing them all. But bless the inflatable doll, with her "promise ring" and keys to the condo, believing that proves something. Wonder what she told herself when the Feds came calling about his human trafficking business. Oh hell, what am I saying, she was probably using some of those women for her chain of strip clubs. Guess that's why they probably are perfect for each other. While I didn't appreciate Omarion's little attitude towards Apryl who personally I think has been more than patient, I sort of did feel his frustration and sympathize a little. And I think he did stand up to his mother later. I cannot believe the crazy woman is now going to act offended because Omarion and Apryl don't want her and her negativity at the birthing. This woman has to be playing it up for the cameras because no one can be that delusional and insane, talking about the baby needs her energy there too. Really, your energy that screams "your mother is going to be a shitty mother and she's selfish and narcissistic?" Really now. Also her lack of self-awareness is mind boggling. All the negative opinions she has of Apryl, I swear sound like a description of her more than Apryl. So as I suspected, that whole twitter drama that Morgan conveniently deleted was all the start of where this season is going. It's so obvious we're heading to a season finale where things come to a head with her and Ray J. I also look forward to Tierra making a fool of herself next week and going off on the guy for saying she sucked. She's nuts and her boobs scare me. Not as much as Nikki's mind you but close enough. Oh Hazel, there just aren't words anymore - love yourself girl. Though I have to say, ass though Berg may be, I don't disagree with his feelings on working with Tierra. It is business and it is delusional of Hazel to expect the guy to forgo his business opportunity because she and Tierra are beefing. Especially when she's not, contrary to what she believes, his girlfriend or anything but his hookup.
  3. I don't think the issue was the routine. In my opinion it was a Charleston with all the flicks, kicks, hand movements and even the lifts. The problem was with the costume and her in flats (I'm not sure if that was because of her height in comparison to Derek or her not being able to fully execute the moves in heels), the ungainly/awkward look of her legs and arms were more pronounced. At points Sadie was almost channeling Olive Oyl. I think the thing that's great about her, that is she goes big and throws her all into the performances, is what also may hurt her at times. That is, she's going so hard in the steps that it comes across a little awkward and not very delicate. It was still pretty good, don't get me wrong, and compared to say Jonathan's jitterbug was fairly clean but yeah there was an awkwardness about her movements at time that I think was just a result of her natural frame.
  4. From the episode thread... Mark can and has been a very creative choreographer. If we recall, when Mark first came on the show, he had some brilliant numbers with his celebrities. This was also the time when he used to meet his celebrities for the first time in a suit and was all "proper British gentleman". And for awhile there was that whole nauseating "Wonder Triplets" moniker about him, Derek and Jullianne who were all still on the show at the time. It was clear that they all studied together and had some of the same aesthetic in their dancing and with their choreography - some of the same flash and razzle dazzle. What happened with Mark though is one, his penchance for cheese (I blame Corky who I can't stand) got more and more over the top and then there was that period where he went all guyliner, spats and emo and just got kind of weird. I do think his choreography suffered but more than that he seemed to suddenly get this negative attitude, he didn't seem like he was having fun in a number of his seasons or that he even liked his celebrities at times. There were still moments and flashes of his past brilliance but not so much. In the more recent seasons though he does seem to be getting back to his old self. I will say that while I liked him with Candace and he did do a good job with Bethany and he has been doing a good job with Sadie, I thought he did a horrible job with Ali. Yes her musicality was not the greatest but I felt Mark could have done more with her than he did and instead he put her on a pole, had her crawling across the floor while he slapped her ass for what he called a mambo and it was just dance after dance of her shaking her ass. It was just a season of massive awkwardness with her.
  5. Answering in Mark's thread... I don't think she missed it because based on her comments I think Carrie Ann did think Bethany had snap/pop of hip hop. As she stated, she thought Bethany had complete attack during the dance and hit everything and instead where she faltered were the brief ballroom moments in the dance. So I didn't think she missed that, so much as she didn't seem to see it that way. This is the second time I've read this and I feel like I might have to rewatch the episode because I don't remember their comments being that way at all. I thought they evenly agreed with each other depending on who spoke when. And Julianne was the one who first said she didn't think Janel's dance was Burlesque and said why and Carrie Ann agreed with her, just like she mentioned first that Sadie was a little ahead of the music at times and Carrie Ann came after and said that Sadie gets too excited sometimes and her timing goes wrong. And other times while they would both have criticisms of a dance, the criticisms weren't necessarily the same. Agreed. Feels a little too "Mean Girls" for my liking...as in "Janel is hot so whatever, she looked hot doing the dance and how dare that Carrie Ann criticize her". And well, while I agree she is an attractive girl, where some saw hot, I saw desperation and I have always been a firms believer in the notion that desperation is never a good look on anyone.
  6. Carrie Ann is the one that mentioned that stuff about the comedy clubs or whatever and I had no clue what she was talking about. Julianne's comment was that Burlesque has a certain cheekiness and flirtation to it, which I agree. Basically it's like one giant flirty tease and that was the problem with Janel's dance in my opinion. There was no tease, it was more "here I am wide open..." And like Julianne, I have no issues with raunch, but I do have a problem with desperation and it came across as trying too hard and a little desperate. YMMV but I think one of Janel's issues is that she's been bringing too much smolder and little else. I think what she really needs more than anything else is a nice, sweet and romantic number that showcases her technique beautifully. Again to each his own but I feel like I've had my fill of her smolder and pouty sexiness.
  7. Yeah I saw that on Tumblr. I'm guessing it's some promotional thing Bethany has going on but yeah when I saw that my first thought was, "it takes like 15 hours just to get to Australia". And then you consider possible jetlag and then the 15 hrs to get back to the U.S. and all this has to be done by next Monday for show day or hell they need to be back by Sunday actually for camera blocking and dress rehearsal.
  8. It is. The minute I heard it, and for Tommy, I thought "but of course..." I forgot to mention that the one moment that Carrie Ann almost annoyed me but luckily she didn't finish her ridiculous statement, was when she almost started saying she had never seen a female with that much swag on the show when critiquing Bethany's dance. As soon as she started going there, I immediately went "um..." but luckily she caught herself because if they want a female celebrity who had swag on that show, I'd say Amber Riley tops that. Her jazz with Derek (yes the one that often gets dismissed as a "hand dance"), that girl outdanced and outperformed Derek. Which I mean, it's not like I expect a blonde, white Mormon from Utah to have much swag but still.
  9. Is this a rhetorical question because when it comes to Cam especially, I feel like that's his default reaction to everything.
  10. Yes, just to be clear, I wasn't suggesting she's on her way to music superstardom. I was just one, totally surprised because I didn't even know she sang and two, seeing the song get that high even if it may only be for a few days makes me wonder about her voting base in regards to the show. Like obviously I knew she had a decent sized fanbase but now I'm thinking it may be even bigger and more determined than I thought.
  11. So um, am I the only one who didn't know that Bethany apparently sings? Because I was just casually scrolling through iTunes and there she is at #3 behind Taylor Swift and Megan Trainor. Okay then... I hope Mark doesn't find out. That's a number he's never seen for any of his many singles. Hell I don't think even Zendaya ever got that high on iTunes and that's with coming off a hit Disney show.
  12. Well in fairness she stated that she had nothing against raunch. Her issue wasn't that she was scandalized by the raunch but that the dance was not really a Burlesque.
  13. I guess the judges got word about viewers' reaction to their overscoring, because holy wow, not one 9 tonight so far except for Bruno's horny 9 for Janel's so called Burlesque number (although my reception acted up during Alfonso's scores so I'm not sure if he got a 9). And I kind of have to say I think most of their scoring and comments have been on point. I am especially agreeing with Julianne tonight. I thought she was totally on point about Janel's Burlesque. That dance was nothing but a bunch of lifts, which by the way weren't all executed cleanly and raunch. And putting aside the fact that it wasn't really Burlesque, I'm ready for something more from Janel than that pouty sexiness. As Carrie Ann noted "she gives good sex" as in good sexy faces, poses and steps but I need to see more now. Her foxtrot in Week 2 was beautiful but even that got a little manic at some points. I want to see something just slow, elegant and beautiful from her. I missed Antonio but from the little I saw during the judges' comments, it didn't look like he could keep up with Alison and even without seeing it, I'm baffled that Carrie Ann gave him the same score as she gave Alfonso. Speaking of Alfonso, I liked his Flamenco but I see what the judges were talking about with his frame. That said, I wonder if the problem was his technique or more just his natural body shape. In other words because he's short and kind of stocky, I wonder if the lines just didn't look right even while technically he was doing them well. It was still a gorgeous dance. Cheryl was weirding me out though with some of her behavior and comments during their rehearsal. Oh Jonathan, sweet, sweet Jonathan. The judges' comments were EXACTLY what I was thinking throughout his dance so I couldn't knock them for what they said because it was on point. I was terrified for Peta at many points during that dance. That said while I understand her strategy with the choreography, I'm a little mad at her. I get that she wanted so much to get his scores up and I think she figured if she gave him a crazy difficult routine that he nailed it would work. The problem though it was too much for him. Lifts are tricky when the male is the celebrity because a lot of it is on the guy to position and lift just right and Jonathan was just not equipped to handle all those lifts Peta threw in there. And there were so many badly timed arm passes, lifts, turns, etc. Yikes... Well, well...Bethany showed some personality and girl's got herself some swag. That was actually really good but more importantly this is the first time I didn't feel like Bethany's dance was shorter than everyone else's. It actually seemed pretty long and you could tell she threw her all in that number because her hair and makeup looked all smudged after she was done. Girl actually sweat. I really liked the performance and thought Mark did a good job with the choreography. But speaking of Mark, dude needs to quit with the whinging about scores. Think it in private, fine, but publicly whinging about how the judges just don't want to give him high scores is a little sad. Especially when both times he's done it, his celebrity, both of whom are teenagers were pretty much telling him it's not a big deal. So as I was writing this Sadie and Lea both danced. I really loved Sadie's number. I liked Jesse J's comment (I actually liked a lot of her comments tonight and thought she did an awesome job) that it was very clean. That was my thought too. The choreography wasn't out of this world but it was fun, fast and very clean and the few lifts were gorgeous and well executed. Only issue I have with Sadie and it was very noticeable tonight - girl spreads her legs very far apart to where they just look awkward and ungainly. I know she has those long limbs and she is in many ways still an awkward teenager so she can't really help it but it was a little distracting at times. I don't care about Michael...like at all. I just don't, so whatever. As for Tommy, what in the blue hell was that song for a mambo. Honestly I think that more than anything was what really hurt him with the dance. That was an awful song choice for that dance, much as I love me some Pass The Dutchie. But that's for grooving in a reggae club, not doing the mambo. And once again, I forgot Lea and she closed out the show. Okay then. It was okay I guess. Didn't exactly wow me. Ha, Derek pretty much said exactly that when he and Sadie got their scores and he said he was surprised they were so high because the judges have been crazy tonight. This is definitely a season where I believe this will most definitely come down to the freestyle but if I had to call a win right now, I actually think Sadie is going to take it.
  14. Well I think Jesse J just proved that the celeb judges aren't influenced by the other judges and told how to score the couples. Or if they are, she clearly didn't get the memo with Antonio.
  15. He found the phone in his apartment. He assumed Rebecca put it there when she conveniently needed to use his shower.
  16. All of that happened before the murder. The murder and the cover-up is what is happening in real time. Everything else was months prior and at the start of the episode, when they showed Michaela and Aiden in bed, "2 Months Ago" was written on the screen. So when she was confronting Aiden she hadn't murdered or helped murder or assisted in the cover up yet. Also, Michaela did not call Aiden gay, she asked him if he was gay and then assured him that if he was it was fine but that obviously they couldn't get married. And he said he wasn't.
  17. I must have missed the part where I ever stated I FF any scene that does not include Stefan, so that's clearly your little assumption. For the record, I saw every single episode last season including every single scene and know every single little detail you felt the need to outline above. And I maintained last season, just as I do now that I find the character and this whole Damon BFF backstory contrived as hell. That's my opinion. And I don't care if Enzo wants to declare his love for Damon on the rooftops forever and ever but I still call bullshit on some guy who knew Damon for a period of time where Damon later left him to die in a fire and murdered his so called great love, telling Damon's brother who has had more history with him than ANYONE how he is allowed to grieve said brother. And I also do have an issue with someone murdering an innocent woman for no other reason than to be an asshole. Or another convenient and contrived rewrite in Damon's history to further justify his so called "complex bad boy nature." Funny it took FIVE seasons to get this amazing back-story that was responsible for the Damon Salvatore we know. And like I said last season, this organization existed that Damon was apparently meticulously murdering members of the family every generation and yet somehow completely missed that the whole thing was still thriving at a college a few miles from Mystic Falls and that Enzo was still very much alive.
  18. This. Also I found Michaela's reaction fairly reasonable. It doesn't matter what she supposedly would have known or observed from college. Knowing that things happen is always different than experiencing it first hand. The first thing she noted is that they both talked about their exes when they started their relationship and he never mentioned Connor because he claims "it was just some one time young and horny thing." Maybe so but then as soon as he saw Connor he probably should have mentioned it because then he allowed Connor to drop the bombshell on her publicly. The girl basically had the guy she's competing with who loves getting one over on her, get the chance to vindictively gloat about fucking her fiance and she was expected to be perfectly fine and sensible in everything she said because "it's 2014, everyone knows sexuality is fluid, who cares..." And as noted, Michaela did not hate Aidan for his necessarily being attracted to men if he was. She was angry he lied to her and she did not want to go through with some marriage if he secretly was still interested in men. I don't see how on any level that's unreasonable. She tried to before she mentioned her dress. Yes she was still upset but she asked him about the fact that they were supposed to tell each other everything, that they talked about their exes and he never said anything and he got defensive with his whole "it wasn't a relationship, it was one stupid hookup." Then she asked him if he was gay and said that she didn't care and that they could be friends. He again got shouty and defensive claiming he's no down low person, etc. Some make an issue of Michaela not considering bisexaulity but Aidan didn't say he was bisexual either. His argument was that it was a 16 year old horny mistake that would never happen again. And that's when she issued her threat because her reasoning was probably that she was giving him an out, giving him a chance to be honest with her and he didn't take it. So if he embarrasses her later, after she gave him that chance, she will destroy him. A little cold and mercenary sure, but again, she gave him the option to walk away without either of them getting hurt. YMMV but I don't see a correlation between going to some affluent school where a bunch of rich kids party too hard and are self-indulgent so they spend some time in some pricey rehabs, to being an accessory to full on murder. Typically most of these rich kids never see a day in jail for all of their drug use. This is a full on murder of another person and covering it up. Not to mention, I thought the point of showing more of Michaela's back-story this episode was to show that she is very set on a certain path for her life. And I don't believe someone who sees herself as becoming a top attorney and then the wife of possibly the next black president, not freaking out that she's now an accessory to murder. I don't think her threat was about the affair with Connor but rather if he was lying to her about not being attracted to men and only wanting her. In other words, if she found out later, after marrying him that he was still hooking up with guys, she'd destroy him. And as many strides have been made in the LGBT movement in the U.S. , politicians stepping out on their wives is still news and yes it would still matter if a politician with a wife, was caught with another man.
  19. Yeah the whole girl alliance depended on Josh being with them which Nadiaya just assumed he was because he was "as good as a girl anyway." Except not so much and Baylor, who was close to Josh (or at least thought she was), once he told her he wasn't voting for Dale and instead for Nadiya, realized the women's alliance wouldn't work anyway which is probably why she figured why bother wasting a vote.
  20. I don't really see that with Stefan who hasn't had a girlfriend since Elena. He had one random hookup with Rebecca and last season a hookup with Katherine but he's been pretty much single since Elena. And since his trying to move on was so offensive to Enzo, the douche-nozzle murdered his girlfriend, we're likely looking at another season of him being alone. I honestly don't get the idea that Stefan cannot survive without a woman in his life. Hell last season some posters were making jokes about whether or not the character was asexual because it was weird how he didn't seem to have any romance in his life for two seasons now. Much of Stefan's issues have not really been about Elena or even Katherine. Stefan's issues are his whole Ripper compulsions and trying to control it. If Stefan was so incapable of surviving without a woman in his life, he would have dated Caroline by now already because as much as I like Stefan, I believe he willfully plays dumb about Caroline's feelings for him. No one is that clueless.
  21. THANK YOU!!! This is all I've been saying since last season. Some random Johnny Come Lately shows up and we're asked to buy that he and Damon share some super epic BFF-ness. What the hell ever and you know whatever, I could simply ignore his so called epic bromance with Damon but it's that dude is suddenly so self-righteous and feels it is his place to tell Stefan about how he is grieving over his brother and his relationship with Caroline and all else. Like really as you said, that's what Stefan should have said "who the fuck are you...."
  22. As I recall, we see Danny standing at the cliff looking scared and emotional but you never see him jump. Then later in the Pilot after the body is found, the CSI guy stated that someone wanted to make it look like he jumped off the cliff but the evidence and body's trajectory did not support that. And they then concluded he was murdered somewhere else and placed at the beach at an angle that would make it seem like he jumped off the cliff.
  23. Different strokes really because in my opinion, Scandal in its early days moved just as fast, particularly with the crime of the week Olivia had to cover up. Of course I checked out of Scandal mid-S2 and was never really a fan most importantly because I loathed Fitz and loathed the Fitz/Olivia relationship. Also I really have no problems following what's happening on HTGAWM. I do think that it's a show that if you're not paying attention you might miss something but I honestly find everything pretty straight forward. Also last night's episode had the least amount of flash forwards to the murder of Sam. We only saw Michaela's breakdown and then losing her ring, Laurel coming up with the idea to use the bonfire as an alibi and them faking a good time and making sure to take pictures at the bonfire. The flash forward also addressed what many pointed out in the Pilot episode that a small fire cannot burn a body and instead what they were trying to do was remove any of their DNA off Sam's body.
  24. Haven't read any other comments so sorry if some of this is repetitive. Just saw the episode and all I could think is "dear god save us from idiot men who are all Captain Save A Ho obsessed." I liked Wes well enough before this episode but damn if I didn't want Annalise to fire his ass and I am not thrilled she took Rebecca on as a client. I can buy her husband's reasoning that she just really likes a challenge but I would have much preferred she decline to represent the guy and walk away from the case altogether. But back to Wes, none of his actions made any sense to me. I mean damn if he and Rebecca had had sex I could have at least chalked it up to her sex game being that strong but WTAF. The girl has been nothing but unpleasant and rude and then he knows she not only had the dead girl's phone in her possession but hid it in his apartment and he's all "fight for the innocent and it's not fair because she's poor, blah blah". I mean yeah, I agree the guy was going to get all the support simply because he can kick a football around decently on a field which sadly is the reality of this sports obsessed society but just because he was lying and trying to pin everything on Rebecca doesn't mean Rebecca herself is innocent. So Wes' other proof is he saw the guy yelling at Rebecca, well if he was telling the truth, I could understand why he would be pissed and yelling at her after Lila went missing. I just hate when shows pull shit like this, like we're supposed to be rooting for or at least liking and understanding characters' actions but they make zero sense. There is no reason for why Wes is obsessed with playing hero to some girl he barely knows who has been all but shitty to him for most of the time he's known her. Ugh..just ugh. It doesn't help that so far I AM NOT a fan of Rebecca. I don't care about her and I don't like her. Oh Mckayla honey, your future husband's gay or at least bi-sexual. I get that people do experiment when they're younger but sorry, the whole "future politician" thing, this just feels like an episode of Scandal waiting to happen. Also, judging by Connor's reaction and sheer vindictiveness, I don't buy that it was just some drunk, horny hookup. My guess is they had real feelings for each other. What I don't get is one, how the guy didn't know Connor was one of McKayla's co-workers (I mean I guess I can fanwank she just never bothered to mention who else she was working with but for a couple who supposedly tells each other everything, I find that hard to believe) and two, why he didn't seem to have any reservations in being all excited and happy to see Connor knowing their past history. I mean I guess that's one point to his maybe telling the truth about his sexuality because you'd think he'd be more uncomfortable being faced with that part of his past but he seemed thrilled to see Connor. Of course it is possible he just couldn't help himself. A little unsure about the motivation for Nate's not telling Annalise that Sam's alibi didn't check out. I mean I guess it could be so that she would hopefully leave him alone, considering how he dismissed her advances but I wonder if it's also to hopefully screw her over like she did him in that courtroom. Because probation or not, Nate is still a cop so I doubt he's just going to stop investigating the truth about Sam and his possible involvement with Lila. So after the scene with Bonnie in the kitchen, I'm further convinced that she wants Sam but nothing is going on between them. Also, I'm really curious what the story is with Frank. God, we're not going to get another Huck from Scandal situation are we? Because I just can't with that... Forgot to add that I liked that this week's case wasn't another win for Annalise because that would start to get a little old. In fact, her hubris is sort of why the woman got off. Like her husband said, she likes a challenge and so instead of letting the woman take the 10 years that she rightfully deserved, she was determined to get her off scot free which allowed her to screw over her husband, kids and family and run off with her lover. I didn't think she came across as biphobic. Yes she didn't seem to consider that as an option and jumped to his being gay but he himself didn't state that he was bisexual. He seemed to chalk up what happened with Connor to purely being young and horny. And yes Michaela was a little cold with her comments about her wedding dress and ruining his life but I don't feel bad for him because she gave him an out. She clearly stated that she didn't have a problem with him being gay and even said that they could be friends if he was. He got all defensive and indignant and swore he only wants her. I took her speech to him to be more of an "if you make me waste years of my life, invest time and energy in this relationship/marriage all the while knowing you're interested in men after I gave you an out, I will fucking destroy you." And I can't hate her for that. That's the thing about closeted individuals. Yes coming out is difficult but once you make the decision to bring someone else inadvertently into your lie then it's no longer just about you and that's unfair to the other person. As for Michaela and Connor, it may just be me but I honestly do not see this amazing chemistry some are referring to. I do think the actor playing Connor plays the character with that perpetual smirk that makes him seem flirty at times when he really isn't but other than that, I don't see it. Michaela truly seemed more focused on her fiance and Connor just came across vindictive in that whole storyline because he probably still has a thing for the fiance. Not to mention I saw way more chemistry between him and the fiance in their brief scenes than any scene between him and Michaela. He lied to Annalise. It was shown that he clearly spoke to the woman at Yale who Sam was supposed to give the guest lecture with and the woman stated that Sam never showed up because he claimed he had food poisoning. Which means Sam was never at Yale. And later he confirmed that Sam's car was in the parking lot except for what I imagine is the day Lila went missing. Which means he is not accounted for on that day/night because he knows for a fact Sam wasn't at Yale.
  25. Yeah I remember being really confused by that as well because I watch enough True Crime shows (hello Investigation Discovery) to know that people bury loved ones who were murdered all the time and the investigation is still ongoing. That Danny's body will just be sitting in that morgue until goodness knows how long because he's their "most important piece of evidence" was really ridiculous. I agree with others that the dad is likely a red herring considering how quickly they've zeroed in on him but honestly, I almost want them to arrest him just because he's being so annoying with his blatant lies. Like your son just got murdered, the police is trying to find out what happened to him and who killed him and he's wasting their time by lying to them. Because the longer he lies and tries to bullshit that's less time spent finding the real killer because they're focusing on him. Great job asshat and he's all aggressive and defensive while he's standing there trying to lie and bullshit a detective. The guy in the park was a major dick but there are a lot of people for whom, if the police aren't saying something immediately and catching someone immediately, they're clearly not doing their job and that's so stupid. Of course the police can't blab about every piece of evidence they have when there is a possibility that it could alert the guilty person that they're onto them. So the other interesting facts - whatever Danny and Ellie's son was involved in, he was making a lot of money doing it. He clearly stopped doing the wildlife group based on some of his journal comments. The old guy is still acting shifty and the story of Danny with some stranger was a little convenient but it may just be true. The most interesting detail to me this episode though was finding out that the priest only just returned to the town. I wonder why he left in the first place and there's clearly some history between him and Danny's parents. Also, is David Tennant's character a drug addict himself or diabetic? I wasn't sure what to think about that bathroom scene of him injecting himself
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