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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. That's Ellie's kid right? I don't know if I'd say he's skeevy but he's definitely a little creepy and well after the Pilot with him deleting texts and erasing his hard drive, he clearly knows a lot more than he's told so far. I still think whatever it is, is drug related - like he and Danny were selling it or Danny was and he knew or something. Yeah I think I'd call him more rude and definitely anti-social than an asshole. Because honestly rude and pissy though he may be, he seems to be the only one truly determined to find Danny's killer (along with all the CSI guys and people we don't see on a regular basis of course). Like I said last week, when I knew Mark was an obvious red herring, I would have still put his ass in jail for wasting the investigators' time with his stupid stone-walling about where he really was that night. So I cheered hard when Carver arrested his ass. I know Ellie thinks she cares more than Carver because she knows these people and "they mean something to her" but Carver is right, she's letting that nostalgia and that personal connection with these people cloud her judgments and override her ability to do her job and put finding Danny's killer first. Of all the things I've eyerolled about Ellie, the biggest for me was actually when Mark and his wife gave her the list they made of possible suspects and she looked at them, all stunned, "these people are all your friends." Like that is so unbelievable and shocking and I remember thinking, "um Ellie, most people who are murdered are killed by a family member, close friend or someone they knew and trusted. And as a detective wouldn't you know that?" It just made her seem so naive. It's not even that she's a cliche, which she is, but just how awful she is at snooping. The woman lacks zero subtlety. Just about everyone figured out immediately that she was a reporter and then she inevitably has to come clean and they quickly walk away from her and shut her down. She sucks. She also doesn't seem to be doing any investigative journalism other than just trying to ask people questions and not being subtle about it. I actually think because of Pete's questions to her which she was able to see right through and then later the husband being held in prison, that she panicked and thinks that the police are trying to pin Danny's murder on one of them. So what she was telling the daughter is that they have to be careful around him because he is not their friend and instead they might use them as a scapegoat for solving Danny's murder.
  2. I am well aware why they avoided the dance with Zendaya. I was just responding to the comment that the producers could have avoided giving Mark and Sadie that dance if they wanted to.
  3. Yeah, they skipped it with Zendaya when she competed. Maybe because of his past with Shawn, they figured Mark could handle it appropriately.
  4. I actually got the impression it was fairly late and most of the workers had gone home because when Connor first enters he makes some comment about the boss working the guy really hard. And when the guy's co-conspirators called after they were done and he was trying to tell Connor he didn't have to leave, Connor made some comment that only a boyfriend would be calling the guy at that time.
  5. I don't know, Jon referenced J'Tia and her throwing the rice when he copped to losing the flint. Philip talked about Boston Rob practically during his entire time on Fans vs. Favorites II and things he'd learned about the game from watching Rob, last season Spencer didn't mention too many players but he talked about the game a few times, showing that he had studied it well. It's how he figured out that they were having a Final 2 instead of a Final 3 based on Jeff's comments after the Final 4 immunity challenge. The first few seasons after All-Stars, I remember people were quick to side eye any guy and girl who seemed close because they would reference Rob and Amber and what happened with them in All-Stars. It may not be over the top but it's been shown.
  6. I get that. I think for me the difference is that while I don't love Connor, because he is a main character, we get a little insight into him so you can sort of understand him more, for better or worse. With Rebecca, because she's only a supporting character that we really only see through Wes' eyes and her interactions with him have basically been lukewarm to downright bitchy and hostile, it makes it even harder to care about her and see any reason why we should.
  7. Catching up in the morning again this week so sorry if any of this is repetitive. When Wes was talking to Laurel and that guy she's dating and he started talking about using the money raised to invest in some stock to make more, I really thought they were heading to his using the information the client's employee gave him about his cousin's company to buy stock and I think I might have very well been done at that point. Because I'm already still pissed about his nonsensical Rebecca obsession and was getting more and more annoyed that he was just holding onto major evidence in the case; if he'd added Insider Trading to his list of dumbass actions, I would have just lost it. Honestly, as annoying as Michaela can be, I can't say I didn't understand her frustration about Wes. Glad to see Annalise took him off the case, Not that I think that will mean a damn thing to him. Meanwhile, please tell me again WHY I should give a flying crap about Rebecca? The girl actually had the audacity to say she wasn't giving Wes a thank you because "I don't really know yet how good that lady supposedly is." Like bitch, seriously? Your ass needs to be grateful you have anyone who isn't some overworked public defender who wouldn't give a shit about you and just tell you to take some plea deal where you'd likely spend 20-30 years in jail. So we got a little more insight into Connor or at least insight into his state of mind that night and apparently that state of mind is, he lost his damn mind. That said, listening him list all the possible evidence and witnesses, etc. I really don't see how these people think they're going to get away with this. He's right, Asher knows he and Michaela for whatever reason were at that house and he can testify to them avoiding and hiding away when he showed up (and I guess we now have our answer on where Asher was during all this), the finger prints and DNA that will be all over the crime scene, them going out of town or miles away to buy this random lighter fluid, etc. Yeah they might as well confess. Also, with the time stamp on Connor's activities, it really shows again how almost no time has passed for all this drama to have happened. That being said, with the smoking gun reveal about Sam's having an affair with the dead girl (and yeah I totally saw that coming when Annalise just dismissed Wes about the phone), I'm starting to wonder if this wasn't some kind of self-defense on Rebecca's part. Like somehow Sam figured she's the one who knew about the affair and was trying to kill her or something but how Wes, Laurel, Michaela and Connor got involved I don't know. I guess Wes and his obsession with Rebecca makes sense and maybe Laurel came over looking for Frank and Michaela and Connor clearly planned to meet at the house per Asher and so they all somehow got there at the same time and whatever happened, happened. It would also explain Frank's calling Laurel, probably wondering where she is. Now it would seem if this was all self-defense the smart thing to do would be to just go to the police but I think this show has shown many of these characters don't always do the smart thing. I will be pissed if this all comes down to Rebecca's life just because again I'm sorry she bugs and I don't give a crap about her and don't know why I should. Last night's episode also made clear Nate's motives to me. As I suspected last week, I knew there was no way Nate would just let that investigation go when he got such compelling evidence that Sam may have possibly been involved with Lila. However, I now realize it makes perfect sense why he lied to Annalise. Annalise is a defense attorney and a damn good one and one who would sell out just about anyone to win her cases. Affair or not, who's to say she wouldn't do the same to get her husband off. So it was very smart on his part to not alert her to the evidence they already have on Sam and therefore only make it possible for her to have enough time to come up with a good defense strategy for him. Speaking of Nate, I did laugh when he looked all pissed off that Sam was clearly thinking he might be trying to steal his car. I could just see the thought bubble in his head going, "oh because I'm black I must be trying to steal your car." But I was thinking, "um dude, you're dressed all in black, skulking around the person's car at night, anyone would think you were trying to steal it." Well I see the wig was addressed in the show - I thought about all the comments about it on here and wondered how people reacted to seeing the show make it clear that she is wearing a wig. And that's the thing about serial shows. Sometimes you just have to give it time. Because the thing you complain about this week may just get addressed in the next episode. Well that's certainly what Queer As Folk told us and that got criticized as well, particularly for the portrayal of Brian. In my observation, I do think it's a bit of a Catch-22. You either have shows that go the oversexed route like a Queer As Folk, Shameless, etc. and then you have ones where the gay couple is fairly neutered like say Cam and Mitchell on Modern Family. But then you get people who complain on either side. There are people who will complain about the oversexed portrayals and I totally get that but then you get people who complain about the couples who show limited intimacy because they view it as the showrunners and network being afraid to really go there with their gay couples. I remember when Glee had Blaine cheat on Kurt with some random guy he met on Facebook who he barely knew, some people on the discussion boards basically said that as gay guys themselves they thought that was the most believable thing that had happened with the pairing because young gay boys just discovering their sexuality will jump on just about anyone and go through a wild phase.
  8. I don't know about anyone else but yes, that was what I was referring to when I brought up the cast of the show. I wasn't talking about Janel getting social media endorsement from random celebrities. I was referring solely to the other cast members on the show because essentially it would still be a part of the PLL fandom. So basically someone who may love Aria (Luce Hale) more than Mona (Janel) but obviously knows who the latter is because they watch the show, could be inspired to vote for her from Lucy's re-tweeting her number, supporting her, etc. Again not saying everyone would and it must happen but just that it could not hurt.
  9. This is one of the reasons I've always found Stefan more fascinating than Damon. As much as I like Stefan, I've always felt like he's more dangerous in that he's more unpredictable. Damon's crazy is pretty open and on display and you usually know what you're going to get with him. With Stefan, there is always this undertone of darkness simmering under the surface. That's why the Ripper story worked well. Because even in S1 there were glimpses of the kind of monster Stefan is capable of being.
  10. I never got an over-eager/insecure vibe from Apolo. I have always been a firm anti-Grassy Knoller but All-Stars was the only season that I side-eyed the judges and producers and questioned a possible agenda. Nothing against Tony and Melissa but it truly felt like there was a fix in place to guarantee a non-winner won that season because frankly I thought both Shawn and Apolo were far better dancers than Melissa. That said, I don't think the judges were mean to Apolo so much as they were dismissive in that their comments were always lukewarm and sometimes nitpicky. Actually I felt like he got treated very much like Charlie last season and the same thing that happened to Charlie happened with Apolo - after weeks of damning praise, they kind of just got lost in the mix. As for Gilles, honestly I'm sorry, as someone who loved Gilles in his original season, I think he did himself in during All-Stars with his over the top attitude about everything. But all that said, much as I like Jonathan and feel bad for him, I actually don't agree about the comments against the judges. I don't agree that they attack people on their personal appearance or make their comments personal or are these super mean, awful people. And this was something that was addressed on Afterbuzz where Anna, in response to all the comments about how awful the judges were this week, mentioned how the judges for the UK and Australia versions are far more brutal and how they give out 1's to couples. And she mentioned how she remembered in the earlier seasons of the U.S. versions the judges were a bit more stingy with the points at times but some people didn't like that. And I think that in itself is an interesting dichotomy within the fandom. People complain sometimes about the judges overscoring, people go on about scores being too close, too high, etc. yet if the judges sometimes go below a six, other people start declaring them mean and awful. I remember with Master P how angry some people were at Len when he gave Master P a 4 and said it was so awful when frankly Master P deserved the 4.
  11. YMMV but that's just it, it wasn't funny and then to top it off, it made no sense. I am hardly one who nitpicks shows and I do give leeway to certain things when it comes to comedies but at the same time, when I am spending the first 10 minutes or so of the show barely paying attention to the "humor" because all I'm thinking is "but why are they in this cheap looking hotel and why didn't they stay with Jay and Gloria or Cam and Mitchell" then the writing is one big fail. But more than that, it comes across as a cheap and desperate ploy for a laugh and Modern Family used to better than this and way more clever with their humor. Finally, I'm sure the writers could have come up with many ways to make the family staying with Jay and Gloria or Cam and Mitchell, funny. The whole thing just seemed not very well thought out and on top of that it wasn't very funny and it made the family seem like they were off in their own sitcom while everyone else was on another.
  12. I'm not sure I get this. I feel like if there wasn't that much evidence Natalie has more sway than Kelley, I can say I saw no evidence that Kelley has any sway at all. From what the editing showed, Natalie was the one who first voiced out loud getting rid of Drew to Missy and then she was the one to make the possibly risky move of bringing it up to Jeremy, to get him on board. Honestly Kelley just seemed baffled most of the episode, as to why Drew wanted her gone and thought she was scheming against him. That is when she wasn't making it clear she couldn't stand him.
  13. That makes two of us. This definitely seems like her toughest battle yet. She can't start the chemo to treat the colon cancer until she is healthy enough but seems like she's losing more weight rather than gaining. And it just seems like her body has taken such a beating that you wonder how much more it can withstand.
  14. Yeah I think there might have been some confusion on the rules and Reed likely didn't know if he could throw. Because I remember when Drew missed the first toss, Reed was about to throw and Jeff said he couldn't and then later when Drew missed a shot again and tried to use another ring, Jeff yelled at him that no, he had to wait for the same one to throw.
  15. Yes males do get targeted, particularly when a merge comes so in theory, the idea isn't off. The problem with Drew's moronic behavior and attitude is that one, the women were outnumbered in their tribe, two, he seemed very strong within his alliance with the other guys, three, Natalie seemed like she was in with them because she was working with Jeremy and four, there was no immediate threat to him. Drew all on his own just came with this whole ridiculous plan to throw a challenge to weed out the supposed "snakes" that he believed were gunning for him because they saw him as such a threat. When based on what we were shown, none of that was happening. Sure, Kelley could not stand him because he was a freaking moron but I saw no indication that anyone thought Drew was this super amazing threat they needed to get rid of. The only thing that caused Drew's ouster was his own damn ego. YMMV but I found nothing strange about that. Probst always gives annoying running commentary during the challenges and past players have talked about him practically being in the players' ears sometimes trying to trip them up. The two teams were almost even when they started throwing the rings and Drew was the only one throwing for Hunahpu so essentially he was single-handedly losing the challenge for them. Probst made similar comments last season when Tony and company tried to throw the challenge to get rid of Cliff but the Brains were so hopeless that they still lost. I'm pretty sure Reed was the other thrower and I did wonder why when Drew was sucking so badly they didn't switch places once especially because both Josh and Dale were throwing for Coyopa. All four women + Jeremy = Drew Keith + Reed = Julie Drew = Kelley Jon = Keith
  16. Agreed. I almost felt like the writers came up with the family all cramped in the cheap hotel storyline thinking it would be funny and after it was almost done, someone pointed out all the obvious holes that we noticed, like the fact that Jay has a massive house and even Cam and Mitchell have a guest bedroom. And so they threw in the contrived Phil faked the whole thing just to spend with the family.
  17. I hated the epilogue because I hated all the couples in the Harry Potter books, don't know if that's an unpopular opinion. And I mean ALL - though I have a special hatred reserved for Harry/Ginny because I hated Ginny's character. I thought that pairing was a ridiculous joke and JK's excuses years later for people who called out how poorly developed it was, are ridiculous in my opinion. Not to mention when they did get together, I found them both kind of obnoxious and insufferable which made me even more bitter because till that point Harry had always been my favorite character in the series. There was a little too much "most popular guy and most popular girl" feel to them, in Half Blood Prince especially, for my liking. I for one never found "personality Ginny" as clever and bad ass as everyone else went around calling her in the book. More like obnoxious and insufferable. So I loathed the epilogue because it denied me the fantasy of thinking that they all stayed friends and moved on with other people that I could have had if it had just ended after the war. Not to mention I especially LOATHE that whole saccharine "one big happy Weasley family" bullshit like after all that Harry had meant to the family and shared, he had to end up with Ginny to be a real Weasley. Not to mention like somehow that was this major goal for both Harry and Hermione. Frankly one of my other issues with the series is that I was always far more interested in Hermione's parents and home life and hated how little JK showed of that. Harry was an orphan, fine, but we still got a lot of back-story on James and Lily's great love and then he lived with the Dursley's, so we knew a little about them. Hermione's parents were just there like random people referenced every once in awhile and her big accomplishment later ended up becoming a Weasley too. Yes the family were nice people but I hated that corny" they're just the greatest, happiest, most awesome family ever" and Harry and Hermione just had to marry one of them because being a Weasley is absolutely necessary. I remember rolling my eyes so hard when JK had that interview saying she originally planned on killing Ron and that she would have put Hermione with Fred. Like why? Damn, aren't there other families and people in the wizarding world or hell why couldn't Hermione marry a Muggle. I think that would have been awesome.
  18. Yeah this was just...weird. The football story was okay and so was Jay being there for Manny for his first heartbreak but honestly the Dunphy's story was just weird and frankly pretty boring. And I'm with Blakeston in being kind of uncomfortable with the whole thing with the Nigerian family. I don't know man, the show just seems really off so far this season - like both the writing and actors are just going through the motions which, considering this is their sixth season I guess is not really that strange.
  19. lol...*facepalm* I don't get it. I know the Pros and the celebs check out social media. How can they not realize how she's coming across to some viewers? Then again I guess if they're only seeing things sent to them by fans, their view is a little skewed. I definitely would not be the least bit surprised to see Janel be a shock boot. At this point I don't see any way Alfonso and Sadie don't make it to the end and Lea may be endearing herself to people because she's coming across as vulnerable, Bethany's fanbase may be a more massive force than people realize and so I can see Janel going out at 5 after Jonathan, Antonio, Michael and Tommy have left or hell maybe Tommy or even Micheal outlasts her. I also don't see major support from the PLL fanbase like I expected. I follow Shay Mitchell for example and other than the first week, she hasn't tweeted about Janel on the show at all. Both Troian Bellisario and Lucy Hale seem to have little interest. Not sure about Ashley Benson. Compare that to Amber Riley who had Chris Colfer stumping every week for her to his more than 3 million twitter followers, as well as some of the other cast members and even crew members.
  20. That's when he really lost me and I was praying for his ass to get booted. Talking about how "those bitches won't be able to do anything" if they get rid of Kelly, with Kelly standing right there. His being rude and aggressive towards Missy for whatever reason and saying he doesn't care because there was nothing she could do about it, basically going on about his "the women are plotting and Kelly is the snake" with Natalie standing right there looking at him like "um so are you basically saying you don't trust me when I thought we were in an alliance." Dude was just so hideously unattractive in every way tonight and the only thing that would have made the episode more satisfying is if one of those women had punched him in his stupid, smug, douchy face. I so look forward to more of his delusions in all his exit interviews. The guys on that tribe are an interesting bunch and quite a contrast to the ones on Coyopa. Jeremy, John and Drew all seem unable to not let their mouths run away with them and all seem to have short fuses and then there is Reed who so far has been eerily silent. Though I did notice he was the one who went to Jeremy to tell him that Keith was going around saying Jeremy had an idol. But I am curious to see if that's just a personality thing with him or it's a combination of personality and strategy in the game.
  21. I try to ignore all things Kardashian/Jenner so I just scrolled past and pretended they didn't exist. As for Jaden Smith, eh, whatever. I mean I guess one can make the argument that influential doesn't have to mean well-liked and that if they were buzzed about in pop culture for the year that counts but seriously, there are some pretty amazing teens on that list doing some pretty awesome things so I just chose to focus on that.
  22. I LOVE THIS SHOW!!! Goodbye you misogynistic, idiotic douchebag. I am now officially rooting for any of these 4 women from Hunahpu. That's how you take control of things and make a good move. Also, Jeremy totally knew that was coming and threw a vote to Keith so he could keep his hands clean and because he was still pissed at Keith, because he knew exactly what the women were planning. And it's obvious he told none of the other guys. eta: Just saw the vote reveal and looks like Jeremy voted with the women against Drew. I like you again Jeremy. Good move. And John wasn't kidding about not knowing what the hell to do as he voted for Keith while Keith and Reed stuck to the original plan to vote for Julie.
  23. Bethany is one of TIME Magazine's 24 Most Influential Teenagers. Pretty awesome. http://time.com/3486048/most-influential-teens-2014/
  24. Fozzybear you and I are so on the same page. Honestly, this is why I found Something Blue FAR more enjoyable than Something Borrowed because I felt like Darcy was actually an interesting and compelling character and I loved the progression of her and Ethan's relationship, even if I too had to forgive his bullshit Rachel propping from Something Borrowed. But honestly I felt as a pairing they had way more chemistry than Rachel, the whiny, simpering pathetic dolt and Dex the personality less Ken doll. Honestly, I picked up Something Borrowed because I found the premise fascinating. I was genuinely interested in seeing how this author would make me root for the woman sleeping with her best friend's fiance. And frankly, by the book's end, I didn't think she accomplished her goal at all and I always felt like even she knew it which is why she pulled that out of her ass ending with Darcy and Dex's best friend. I felt that was some contrived shit to make Dex and Rachel's actions seem suddenly far less horrible. I think what bothered me most about these people was for all their whiny bullshit about what an awful person Darcy was, they CHOSE to be in her life for all those years. Darcy didn't hold a gun to Rachel's head to keep being her friend and she didn't hold a gun to Dex's head to stay with her for SEVEN damn years. That's what made me call bullshit on that whole story. We were supposed to buy that Darcy was this god awful, selfish, horrible person and yet Dex who Rachel held up as some super amazing perfection of man chose to stay with Darcy for that long. Seven years is no little amount of time to be with someone. And then the book never showed this supposed great love that existed between Rachel and Dex. I couldn't tell what they supposedly loved so madly about each other. Again, I respect the idea Emily Giffin had, it was certainly unconventional but maybe it was too ambitious for her. And then she made the mistake of having Rachel and Dex show up again in Heart of the Matter which was about Dex's sister and my goodness, she made them, especially Rachel, even more pathetic than I remembered. And speaking of not reading the story she wrote, her latest practically epitomizes that on every level which is why I gave it a 1 star on Amazon (well and I couldn't give it 0 stars). I read the book and all I saw was a weak, pitiful, no ambition, personality less idiot with a Daddy complex who develops a creepy obsession with a man who represents everything she's obsessed with and convinces herself it's love. But sadly I don't think that's the story Giffin thinks she told.
  25. Hip Hop is not an official dance style on the show. It's only contemporary and jazz that has been added to the more traditional ballroom dances. Also, when they did the Switch Up last season, which was the first time they did it, they didn't pull this ridiculous random styles gimmick and it worked very well in my opinion. Most of the couples did the usual dance styles - like Val and Meryl's AT, Candace and Tony's Quickstep, Witney did a Cha Cha I think with Drew, Cheryl did a Tango with James, etc. I don't know why this season they decided to go with that ridiculous gimmick that was used back in the All-Stars season with all those random styles. Especially since as noted, last season's Switch Up worked very well with the regular dance styles assigned.
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