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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. Oh I know they've done the whole "everyone on this team is safe so one person from the other is going home." I'm just saying any suspense on who it will be is gone because I can't see Sadie, Alfonso or Tommy going home so we all know at this point it's Antonio. Not to mention he was in last place with the judges' scores last week. It's pretty much a done deal at this point. I do hate the telling people they are in danger right before they have to dance.
  2. So Antonio's going home right...just take all the suspense away. eta: Little gossip, Val already got on twitter to state that he was not amused by Len's "washing windows" comment which I think most figured was in relation to Val and Janel's dance. He apparently didn't think it was very classy of Len.
  3. Unless I'm mistaken, the last time Bethany got 10's was for her Jazz for Movie week. She got all 9's last week, she got 9's and 8's for her hip hop and she actually was in the 8 zone for the first three weeks of the competition. And other than the Jazz for which I do think she was overscored, I don't think her scores have been unfair. Her Tango last week was a very solid tango, save for the slip which is why she only earned 9's. And I do think that all the drama and theatrics aside which yes, could have been distracting, she did do a very strong Paso Doble. It was a Paso Doble in terms of content, her frame was strong and she held it throughout the dance and the thing I thought she lacked for a lot of the early weeks, performance ability, she had. Much as some are quick to declare "overscored - of course because it's Derek." I feel like sometimes his celebrity's ability and dancing aren't actually fairly watched and judged. It's just "high score, well of course it's Derek so clearly overscored." eta: Um, that was a bit of a mess. Not sure why the crowd is screaming so much because wow, Sadie's technique was bad there.
  4. I'm glad Tom said screw it and let Len speak. Personally considering Len has been gone so long I think they should make him speak first for every dance. That said, I absolutely agreed with him about Janel's dance. Honestly, I was bored and I didn't see an amazing frame once throughout that dance. Yeah Michael is just beyond sad at this point. Tommy may have had stumbles and his frame was not great but that was an obvious Quickstep.he did. I too, like the judges, am waiting to see the Jive in Michael's dance.
  5. It's hilarious that the spoilers have dried up because the damage has already been done, at least for me it has. Might as well spoil the entire thing. I don't care what else comes out, I'm not watching one single episode of that final season. I might download the final episode after it airs but I refuse to watch Glee live ever again. Is it delusional for me to hope that maybe the FOX execs demanded they go back to the drawing board after seeing the mess they were planning? I mean where were they exactly up to in filming - Episode 3?
  6. Well this should come as a surprise to no one but Nikki and Juan Pablo are finally splitsville. I guess they stayed together long enough to get the check from Couples Therapy. And let the mudslinging begin. http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/juan-pablo-galavis-nikki-ferrell-split-bachelor-winners-instagram-20142710
  7. All of that is all well and good but the show is still a ballroom show, so I don't see what any of that has to do with anything. So fine, let her perform and do all these amazing things for showcase performances which is EXACTLY what she did on the show before and it was great. But when it comes to being a Pro, all the amazing hip hop, art pieces she can do does not matter when she can't teach the celebrity who knows nothing, basic ballroom. Because once again, all their crappy styles thrown in a week or two, this is still a predominantly ballroom show where the majority of the dance styles are ballroom. I also disagree that only Alison could have done that Chandlier piece but honestly this very much feels like a YMMV and agree to disagree discussion at this point. I cannot speak for anyone but I have nothing personally against Alison, I'm not denying her talent but the simple reality is she did not do a great job as a Pro in my opinion. Yes she outdanced Jonathan and I do think part of it was her caught up in trying to prove something to viewers and that was all well and good, except then she didn't have the ability to teach him the basics of what he needed to know to help him look good. And so it never came together for them.
  8. I'm a little baffled how the leap was made to Bonnie being Sam's first wife. Like nothing we've seen on the show hints at that in my opinion and it just makes no sense. I honestly never even entertained that thought after the reveal that Sam was married when he and Annalise first got together and was baffled when I saw many comments online referencing the possibility. Frank's and Annalise's comments to Bonnie both suggest more of a "we know you have a thing for him but we'll all pretend like it isn't obvious." Bonnie and Sam's scene when she told him Annalise took Rebecca on as a client was what convinced me that Bonnie has a thing for Sam but nothing has happened between them. There's a familiarity on his part towards her but no tension. I don't know I just don't see it at all and if they try to come with that just for shock value, that's when I'll be out just like I quit Scandal because nothing about it would make sense.
  9. Unpopular opinion but I actually think Chloe looks 15. When she's yelling and being all obnoxious she can seem older but honestly I really looked at her when she had a quiet scene and her face has this chubbiness to it that does make appear quite young. I have no problems confusing her and her mom, though I did wonder just how young the mom was when she had her. So not surprised to find out she was a 15 year old mom.
  10. And once again, what I and others have stated is that the problem was not simply her outdancing Jonathan but that she was outdancing him while also not teaching him basic ballroom technique because she herself was not that versed in it. That was the problem and no matter when she was given Jazz, yeah something in her wheelhouse, it would not have changed her inability to teach him basic ballroom. Which once again, was the issue. Yes, some Pros outdance their partners but they still know how to choreograph a dance that looks like the assigned dance and teach their celebrity basic steps of the style.
  11. YMMV but I absolutely disagree that the show cast Alison to tear her apart. There is no proof of that in my opinion and I see no reason that they would want to. Like the producers sat around bored and thought, "hmm , let's cast Alison Holker and tell the judges to rip her apart for kicks..." Alison was cast because she had many great connections on the show through Derek and Mark and a few other Pros and she had done some amazing Results Show performances with Derek that were heavily praised and further raised her profile on the show. So I believe the producers cast her believing that despite her not being a traditional Pro with a background in ballroom, she was talented enough to fake it well if you will. Then they gave her a young, fit, fairly good looking guy unlike Tyne, the other non ballroom Pro who got Bill Nye. However, they underestimated her lack of ballroom knowledge and I'm sorry, Alison didn't do herself any favors by dancing and coming off like she was more concerned about having something to prove to viewers rather than making sure Jonathan was learning the dances and enjoying the experience. That is on her.
  12. From WK. 7 episode thread: But Jazz is just one dance style and she could have only done that for one week and dance. Derek and Mark may have outdanced their partners when they first came on, but they were still competitive ballroom dancers who were able to teach their celebs the basics of the different dance styles. I don't buy that Jonathan's getting Jazz earlier would have made things go any better for him because he would have had to come back the next week and do a Samba or a Salsa or a Tango or Cha Cha, etc. And the same problems that occurred would have - that is, Alison's not teaching him even the basics of the dance. Alison's outdancing was a problem, yes, but in my opinion the bigger issue was the combination of her outdancing him and not being able to teach and choreograph the basics of the dance. Alison looked amateurish dancing the Samba. How in the world was Jonathan, a non dancer unlike her, supposed to do any better. I am one of those who has loved Alison from SYTYCD and do think some of the reactions she got from some posters was a little harsh but I do think it was a mistake to make her Pro right out of the gate. They should have made her get her feet wet in the troupe and then try her as a Pro next season.She just didn't have enough of the knowledge of ballroom to take a completely untrained dancer like Jonathan and make him look good.
  13. Some sneak peaks of the team dances. Not sure if this should be in media or here. I also am not sure how to post actual videos so here are the links: Team leaders Alfonso and Bethany choosing their teams http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oHnzdHu49g&feature=youtu.be&list=UUVJEKF0UQ5IWFkxbbxA8MOA Alfonso's team rehearsing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN8YIjoF9K0&feature=youtu.be&list=UUVJEKF0UQ5IWFkxbbxA8MOA Bethany's team rehearsing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU1MCiklBe8&feature=youtu.be A couple of things. One, I somehow completely missed that Bethany is behind Alfonso in cumulative scores. I could have sworn I saw a chart that showed Sadie as second. Go figure. No wonder Mark whines about his scores. Two, apparently there is some online buzzing about Bethany getting to choose first and choosing Janel instead of Sadie. Some people are jumping on the whole Badie thing being a total producer's idea (well duh!) and apparently Bethany has said in interviews that she's closest to Janel and Witney in terms of women on the show. That honestly does not surprise me. Bethany may only be a year older than Sadie but they seem worlds apart in maturity. Not that I'm saying that as judgement on either, just that they seem quite different. That said, I think Bethany chose wisely and they have the stronger team. Michael is clearly the biggest weak link and a hot mess but Michael can at least remember choreography, albeit not doing it well, unlike Tommy who multiple people from the show have confirmed has a lot of problems remembering his. That said, Bethany's team is clearly going for synchronicity and precision and I don't see how that works with someone as hapless as Michael. However, I am a little worried about all those ideas Mark was going on about. I almost feel like they may try too hard and do too much and that will be their downfall rather than just going for something clean and precise which seems to be what Bethany's team is going for. Speaking of Mark, I actually forgot during the video that Alfonso was the team captain because it really seems like Mark was leading the entire thing which makes me question why Witney, as Alfonso's Pro, was so silent and passive. I'm also over the "Derek has never won a team dance" talk and I like how he's like "whatever, I'm shrugging that off."
  14. Not just that, Chloe's boyfriend raised a significant red flag to her and Carver when he pretty much told them that contrary to her belief that Danny and Tom were best friends, Danny said he was alone and he, the boyfriend, never saw Danny with anyone. I'm surprised that wasn't pursued but I'm willing to wait next week and see if Carver follows up on it because he definitely looked interested when Chloe's boyfriend said that. If I'm not mistaken, the floor boards they pulled up was in Danny's room so my guess is that was all part of their searching every inch of the room for any clue that might lead them to what happened to him. What I don't get about the cocaine story is that Chloe said she got it for the inn owner lady who then didn't need it. So why not just flush it down or give it back to the boyfriend, saying she didn't need it? I think I remember her saying when they first found it that she meant to give it back or throw it away, but just didn't and then Danny got murdered and she panicked because the cops were all over the house and so she hid it. But again, why not just get rid of it or hide it somewhere that's not the house or more specifically Danny's room which they were searching from top to bottom. And per the guy who sold the coke to the boyfriend, it was two weeks ago that whole thing happened. So how could she have not been able to get rid of it or give it back to her boyfriend in all that time? Yeah something about that whole thing just doesn't add up. I get that the family is grieving and sometimes when people are grieving they process it through anger and get angry at the people trying to help but wow, it does not make them very sympathetic at all. Both Beth and Mark just came off so angry and confrontational for no real reason. Mark especially has ZERO right to be getting upset about anything when he wasted two days of the police's time with his stonewalling about banging the inn keeper woman. And Beth was just a screechy mess talking about how Ellie should be talking to her about the guy in the picture when that is EXACTLY what they were doing by showing the picture around. They for whatever reason were acting like the police were deliberately lying to them or keeping things from them which is why sure, asshole move though it was, I again side with Carver for showing them the tape. Because run the investigation without giving them every detail and they get angry and act like the police is wronging them in some way but tell them and Mark is all indignant at them causing chaos to his family. Again, I get that they are grieving but boy, they are really not coming off very sympathetically. That trailer woman is a damn nut and I'm surprised at how little Carver seems to be pushing her with all the attitude she gives him and the fact that he knows she lied about giving Mark the keys that one time. Speaking of Carver, I did crack up when after he and Ellie left the Solano's and she asked him if he was happy and in his same curmudgeon expression he said, "why do people keep asking me that. I'm never happy." Another example of when, rude and anti-social though he may be, I sided with Carver during that entire awkward, WTF conversation with Mark's hookup. Like what the hell woman? Carver gave her zero indication he was interested in her life story, her reasons for hooking up with Mark or really any interest in anything about her at all and yet she just kept going and going and even sat down. She is annoying. As for the priest, I can see how he looks suspicious especially if the psychic guy is legit and not a complete quack because it would fit perfectly with his telling Beth that Danny does not want her to find his killer because it will hurt her. Because she clearly trusts the priest a lot. I also think it is interesting that in the first or second episode, they made sure to state that the priest had actually only recently returned to the town.
  15. This exactly is why I've noted when I read comments about all the chemistry Connor and Michaela have, that it's more to do with how the actor playing Connor plays the part, in that, he's presented as this oversexualized individual where it always seems like he's flirting with someone even if he's not. That said, while I have never seen the overwhelming chemistry others do between him and Michaela, last night I definitely got a sexual tension vibe between him and Asher but more so on Asher's part actually. Connor was fairly lowkey last night. After the mistrial is declared and they're all standing in the lobby outside the courtroom, you can see Annalise in the background talking to the Prosecutor. So my assumption was that she put an offer on the table to the Prosecutor, discussed possible deals and they came up with sending the boy's case down to Juvenile Court. I will say I found the son avoiding any time even in Juvie, a bit surprising. I mean abuse or not, he did murder someone in cold blood and as they noted multiple times, did so when there was no imminent danger to him or his mother. This. As I said after the Pilot when there were many nitpicking all that was inconsistent with the legal profession as well as law school, I go into these shows knowing they take a lot of liberties with whatever profession the characters' are in. Because at the end of the day they are far more interesting in producing an entertainment show than worrying about legal accuracies.
  16. Actually that I buy. There are a lot of things that seem fairly ubiquitous and one would be surprised how many people have never heard of it and know nothing about it. I find that to be very true of pop culture so I can believe that there would be person who's never seen any of these types of shows because it's just not their thing and having no interest in the legal profession would not know the term.
  17. Yeah you're confusing two plot points. The jury who got replaced was the one Connor tricked into chatting on some gay sex chat room and he made a comment about being a juror for this case where the kid is murderer or something to that effect. So that juror got excused and replaced. When the juror copped to finding the article about nullification and telling the others, the judge declared a mistrial because I guess the reasoning was that the entire jury had now been compromised.
  18. I don't think that was her initial plan, to protect Sam, so much as she was having trouble getting the tape and found some leverage when she saw Nate searching Sam's car. Now like others, I too am a little confused as to how and why she immediately knew Nate was investigating Lila's murder and suspected Sam for it but in any case, she used the knowledge of him searching the car to threaten the police chief and the department, which forced them to hand over the confession tape. In so doing, she also got Nate fired because I am going to assume his search of Sam's car was illegal and he was already on probation. So basically she killed two birds with one stone. Annalise was pissed off because Bonnie never told her about Nate searching Sam's car and Sam's possibly being a suspect. Bonnie's argument was that with everything Annalise had on her plate, she didn't think it was necessary to worry her but Annalise who clearly knows, as I'm starting to suspect like everyone else, that Bonnie has a thing for Sam pretty much was "bullshit, you weren't thinking about me. This was for Sam." Except Rebecca's rude and obnoxious behavior began before Wes started being overly familiar. Their first interaction was his going over to politely ask her to turn down her music because it was two in the morning and he was trying to prep for the big competition thing in Annalise's class. Rebecca's response was to be rude and dismissive and slam her door in his face. Still, the next time they saw each other, he made an attempt to apologize like he'd done something wrong and again she was cold and rude. Then he asked her, like most decent people would, if she was okay after her door was wide open after being attacked or having a fight with the football player guy and she slammed her door in his face. And all that I could maybe be fine with and believe me, I am beyond irritated with Wes' whole obsession to save her because I don't understand it and it makes little sense in my opinion. But her comment to him last week after she got out of jail was the last damn straw for me. I get being guarded, yes I get wondering why the hell this guy who barely knows her wants to help so much and her remaining wary of him but she could have done all these things and still say a freaking "thank you..." Instead she basically scoffed at the idea that he expected one and stated that she still didn't know yet how good Annalise supposedly was. Like her ass would have still been in jail, getting ready to be carted off for 30+ years for making a bogus confession and all she could still say is "whatever, I still don't know how good she really is." And last night's attempt to make her more likable or rootable feels a bit too little too late in my opinion. Honestly, I don't hate Rebecca, I just don't give a flying crap about her and I haven't seen one reason why I should. She's obviously a key to the big murder mystery so I grudgingly realize she'll be sticking around but I just find her unpleasant, annoying, she and Wes have zero chemistry and frankly their scenes together just bore me. For as much as many say the law students are all unlikable or not rootable, I'll take watching them any day over Rebecca, including Laurel and her boring self. I just think the writers did a piss poor job setting up that Wes/Rebecca dynamic from the start and because she was a supporting player, seen pretty much through him, it made it that much more difficult to connect to her and care about her.
  19. I too also enjoy the show. While I think Selfie may be a little bit funnier, I think the leads on this show have way better chemistry. Speaking about the hate, I agree and have been especially confused by all the misogyny and sexist attacks it got in the early reviews. I watched the show expecting Peter to be this awful, obnoxious asshole and yeah he's a bit frat boyish in some of his thoughts but nothing so awful that I'd call the show sexist and misogynistic. Pity because with these ratings I can't see it not being canceled. I think Selfie might be able to squeak a second season as its ratings seem to be increasing and it's getting some good buzz and word of mouth. Before these few comments I almost thought I was the only one watching Manhattan Love Story.
  20. I'll probably have more to say tomorrow but it's late and I'm tired so I'll just say that I'm now even more convinced that whatever happened that night with the four involves Sam probably attacking Rebecca because he realized that she figured out he was the one Lila was having an affair with. Connor, Michaela and Laurel might have just been a case of wrong place at the wrong time and maybe tried to help and got caught up in the situation and Sam ended up dead. Now like I said last week, the smart thing then would have been to simply call the police and explain this but well people don't always do what's smart. I am still wondering how Annalise and Bonnie factor in though because I have a strong suspicion that they also play a huge role in whatever happened that night. Speaking of Bonnie, I didn't get the impression she's Sam's ex at all. I still think her feelings are one-sided and if anything, she may be obsessed with him. I think Frank being in his apartment calling Laurel kind of suggests that he has no idea what happened that night. Speaking of Frank calling Laurel - holy creepy obsessed weirdo. What was with all the "I'll do anything..." desperation. Tonight sought to give Laurel some backstory and more presence but honestly, I was left still completely bored by her. That makeout scene between her and Frank was the most boring and forced thing I've ever seen. In other news though, Annalise continues to be utterly fascinating, Asher is really growing on me because he's such a putz and I still hate Rebecca.
  21. Frankly I always thought Abby was too boring for anyone. The actress is clearly talented but there is something about her where it always seems like she just sucks every bit of joy and happiness out of every scene she's in. Same. Their reunion when Julianna left the show was absolutely perfect. More so because it was completely unspoiled. I hated both. I never felt like Aiden ever really saw and accepted Carrie for who she was until the final end when they broke up (and I pretend that piece of shit movie never happened and he's still happily married to his wife and happy with his kids) and Carrie with Big was a series of her debasing herself to take any scrap he would give her, right up to banging him in his bed that he shared with his wife. I didn't see their ending as some super romantic end but rather a sad, pitiful "hey I guess if you hang around long enough eventually the guy might think you worthy of more than just sex and will marry you." Joy... I am torn on those two because thing is I really, really hate Elena and by that token want her nowhere near Stefan so I kind of don't care if she stays with Damon and it makes it easier to FF their scenes. That said their gross, toxic whiny-fest of a relationship sucks up a lot of screentime so it kind of inadvertently fucks up the whole show which is really annoying and depressing. Love them. It's dark and unhealthy in many ways, like a lot of things on this show but both actors have done a bang up job of showing the progression from "nothing but sex" to "grudging friends with benefits" to being in love. Noel Fisher has been a revelation in that storyline. I foresee more heartache for them because well it's Shameless but I just love how when the show started it seemed like Fiona/Steve and Karen/Lip were going to be the popular, tragic couple that viewers would ship hardcore and somehow Ian and Mickey ended up outshining both IMO. Of course that's probably because Steve turned out to be a major douche and Karen a toxic sociopath but that's neither here nor there. This exactly. I was so glad I mostly checked out of the show during S3, right around the time the Pacey/Joey relationship started so I missed the triangle that ate the show and all the shipping/fandom mess that came with it. Frankly I didn't ship Pacey/Joey or Joey/Dawson because like Elena on TVD, I hated Joey and thought she brought out the worse in any guy she was dating because she sucked that badly. I also really hated how the writers torpedoed Pacey/Andie to facilitate the Pacey/Joey pairing and later made it seem like Joey was the only person who EVER believed in Pacey, ever saw the good in him, etc. which was bullshit. One of my all time favorite teenage pairings is Seth and Summer (The O.C.). Adam Brody and Rachel Bilson were ridiculously adorable together and I appreciated Josh Schwartz ignoring the rabid shipping that wanted Summer to have a relationship with Ryan because "omg it would be so hot" and instead stayed true to Ryan and Seth's friendship and what Seth and Summer meant to each other. I also loved that they got their happy ending even if sadly Adam and Rachel were breaking up in real life at the time. Plus it helped ease my utter disappointment with the way That 70's Show screwed over the Jackie and Hyde fans like myself. I still have no words for that god awful series ending. I liked Felicity/Ben but would have been find with their not ending up together. Felicity and Ben were just unnecessarily ruined in my opinion when the writers seemed to get a boner for making Ben the most tortured and tragic character ever. I honestly didn't think Felicity should have ended up with either Ben or Noel. I also liked Rory/Jess and am fine with how the series ended because I like to believe Rory probably did somehow find her back to Jess. The reason I say that is because I liked that the show brought him back to show that he'd grown up and changed and was in a much better space than when they first dated. And Rory's not accepting Logan's proposal in my opinion was proof she clearly did not see her future being with him. I think I have hated every single Shonda show relationship, especially the one that viewers are especially supposed to root for - that is, Derek/Meredith and Olivia/Fitz. The latter is especially gross, toxic and disturbing to me. I find Fitz to be a raging sexist, misogynist and asshole and no amount of heat and furniture banging sex scenes between Tony and Keri will convince me otherwise. I hate every pairing on Glee. Even the ones that weren't truly awful, still weren't great. And half of them, the actors barely had much chemistry. I truly believe that when it's all said and done, there will not be one pairing from Glee that people will look back on and say "that was an awesome pairing." They have moments but the overall picture is always shitty.
  22. I can't remember whose camp was abandoned, whether it was Brains or Beauty but I do remember that in the next episode, before she was finally eliminated, she was complaining about being hungry which annoyed Tasha. But I didn't feel bad for them since they were the ones to keep her even after she threw the rice.
  23. Except Jeremy and company all seem willing to go along with asking for more rice so clearly they're not as fine and don't care that they are out. Because if that were the case and it was all on Wes and Josh, they would have done what they did with Drew and his idiotic plan to barter with the old flint. The rest of the tribe members said it wasn't a good idea, Jeff wouldn't go for it and just let it go. Yet it was clear that collectively as a tribe they decided to talk to Jeff about the rice situation. Which is exactly as I noted above, that they were eating the rice as they did because yes, the probably assumed they would get food items for reward and on some level also that the producers would not let them starve if it came down to that. And yes it allowed them to win a number of challenges and stay out of tribal council but considering their first tribal council performance, that might not have been a great thing and now who knows what they will have to lose and how any of their long term game will be affected by what Jeff takes from them for the rice. I guess it is of course possible that they decide to forego the rice depending on what Jeff tells them and decide to eat the snails and other stuff until the merge that will likely come soon. Or they win a reward item that has food.
  24. I don't know, I can buy the celibate thing based on what Josh said about his past. People like Josh (some, not all of course), who were raised in a very Christian home, has a Christian background sometimes do continue to struggle for a long time about their sexuality even after they've come out. Basically there's still that internal battle with who they are versus everything they were taught and told growing up. So I can see him even while accepting himself on some level, loving Reed, still struggling with years of being taught that being gay is wrong. And that can sometimes put a damper on any action. lol, yeah Keith must have relished that alone fishing time so he didn't have to be around any of these people for awhile.
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