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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. I was just coming in to comment on that. It didn't really work for me. It's amazing what some facial hair can do for a guy but yeah, Val definitely needs to keep the beard in my opinion. In terms of the dance offs, both Alfonso and Tommy's win were a given but I have to say, with Bethany and Sadie, I kind of agreed with Bethany winning. Yes, she was tentative and careful, I'm guessing largely because she hasn't done a Cha Cha at all but I think particularly because of that, she was quite good. I don't imagine any of the pairings really learned four full dances. I always believe when they have these dance-offs that the couples focus on their main dance and throw a hodge podge of stuff in for the dance off styles. And if they've done the dance before, they often just repeat most of the choreography which is exactly what Sadie and Mark did tonight. The dance was mostly a rehash of their Week 1 dance. However it was mostly just the shimmying parts and a few times Sadie seemed unsteady on her legs. Bethany's legs though was the big surprise for me, again because she hasn't done the dance style yet. They were steady, straight and well pointed. Finally, I have to say that while Sadie shot ahead of Bethany at the start largely because of her personality and performance ability and her talent at just selling everything she was given, I think Bethany is starting to pull ahead at the end on technique. I saw a pretty impressive frame from Bethany in that Cha Cha, though not perfect, which is something I'm realizing has been lacking with Sadie.
  2. Dude, I think Mark may burn down the place if he doesn't like his scores again. That was intense. Also, what was the point of BC Jean exactly? Like I get that she's Mark's girlfriend but get your girlfriend gigs on your own time dude. I mean the other people who used live singers, all used the artist of the song - the girl who sang for Alfonso and Witney's rumba, that was her song and Colbie who sang for Bethany and Derek's rumba, that was her song. BC Jean basically did a cover of an Alanis Morrisette song that the band was more than capable of doing. That said, I actually enjoyed Mark and Sadie's contemporary more than Val and Janel's so I definitely think the latter was overscored because I was fine with Mark and Sadie's score and didn't think they deserved a perfect 40 either. I have to say, I love when Mark does contemporary because he's always so intense and dramatic about it and I swear I could just see him imagining himself performing some SYTYCD number. It's hilarious. But speaking of So You Think You Can Dance, I think it's largely because I watched that show for many seasons that I am rarely enamored by any of the contemporary dances on this show. And I get that these are untrained celebrity dancers versus trained dancers on SYTYCD but still, I've seen such powerful and amazing contemporary numbers there, I'm usually just left going "eh..." with the ones on DWTS. Still I did like Mark and Sadie's for what it was worth and I liked the interplay with the apple. And Janel and Val was good, just not wow but whatever, I find the judges often overscore contemporary dances. I agreed with the judges about Lea's dance. For me the problem was a combination of her being timid and too careful as usual and like Julianne stated, the choreography. There were a lot of awesome nuisances in the music that I thought Artem did not utilize and interpret very well in the dance. It was okay but forgettable and her going first was not a good thing. Michael was...well he was Michael. It wasn't a trainwreck but that's not saying much. Tommy was actually pretty good I thought, he just lacked the attack and fire of the dance but considering the man is 76, I'm not sure he should be going for too much attack and fire, lest he hurt himself. Something about Bethany's dance didn't really work for me. I was not in love with the choreography that much, it felt a bit slow at times and sort of not in tune with the music but the biggest issue I had was with the dance space. I get that Derek went for the I Love Lucy staging with the living room but I think they should have placed it on the main dance floor rather than the little stage up top because with the counter and everything else, honestly, the whole thing felt a bit cramped and stifled. It was okay but didn't love it. Also, I was very nervous at points that Bethany was about to have a boob slip. I didn't realize how endowed that girl was before but those babies were jumping in that top. Alfonso and Witney...hmm. I liked the choreography, I liked the costumes, I thought Witney was fierce throughout the dance but to be honest I wasn't particularly wowed by Alfonso. I thought his feet was a little all over the place and his posture not that great. And it seemed like it took a good couple of seconds before any real Cha Cha started in the dance.
  3. I'm not sure but I don't think they've fully searched the phone yet. It was almost the end of the episode when the old guy brought the phone for the Solano's and Ellie took it from him presumably to bring it into evidence. And then it was the next day and they were having a press conference. Assuming the phone needs to be unlocked or whatever, it might take a day or two for some tech to do it and fully search through it. I imagine, or hope, that it will come up more in the next episode. Because something has to eventually happen to direct Carver and Ellie back to Ellie's kid and this week's episode is already Episode 6 with the series only having ten episodes.
  4. It is always interesting what the editors choose to show because hearing that about Reed from Kelley and Drew is especially surprising considering how mute they all but edited Reed as. I can only conclude that he's booted early after the merge and so never really affects the game and because of this the producers figured that storyline wasn't important enough to show. Or, he goes deep in the game and they didn't want to edit him negatively but nah, they've never been against showing the ugly sides of the eventual winner. So yeah I'm going with the theory that Reed is an early boot post-merge. I guess the other reason is that they didn't go to Tribal Council for a long time and seems like by the time they did whatever friction existed between Reed and others didn't anymore, considering his name was never thrown around and this is the tribal council that saw four different people get votes. So when editing for the entire season, they decided it wasn't important because whatever drama that happened didn't significantly affect anything.
  5. She also would not have known about the potential alibi because the guy's attorney never brought it into evidence and never brought the guy as a witness in the trial. He explained to Wes and Laurel that it was because the guy was a heroin addict and the last thing he wanted was to have the jury associate his client with a drug addict, not to mention he may not have been considered a credible witness.
  6. Nothing really happened with Logan while she was with Dean, but there was definitely some flirtation and she started embracing more of her privileged life style and hanging around the same people she avoided and disliked at Chilton. Things with her and Dean got strained and they finally broke up a night after he waited hours for her at her mom's, only to have her show up stumbling out of a limo with Logan and his friends. Dean wasn't angry, he just pretty much said they weren't right for each other anymore and she was heading in a different direction, had a different life than him. Of course I guess one can argue that the breakup also had to happen because Jared Padelicki had gotten cast in Supernatural and was leaving the show.
  7. One, that happened after because her calling Bonnie was clearly after Sam's murder and two, I don't see the correlation between the two situations. Annalise is clearly panicked and as she tells Bonnie, knows that something is really wrong. I imagine she was probably hoping Sam was with Bonnie because I think with the rug gone and probably there are signs of some struggle in the house, she's figured out something bad likely happened to Sam. The point though is Annalise wasn't the one passing judgments on everyone - Wes was. He's the one who called both her and Sam disgusting and got on his moral high horse which is what Annalise pointed out to him. That he was acting so superior all because he's putting blind faith in a drug dealing girl who sure says she didn't have anything to do with Lila's murder but again, conveniently had Lila's phone. The phone she hid at Wes' apartment that he could have gotten in trouble for. On top of that, for all his moral superiority he barely batted an eye at Griffin's being set up with the phone. Rebecca seemed to have more of a conscience about it than he did. And again all this because why - for a girl he barely knows because "well she said she didn't do it." At least, wrong or right, one can say Sam is Annalise's husband who as she stated while sounding broken and exhausted, she still loves. And people have done way worse and crazier for the people they love. The point always in my opinion with Wes' storyline, is that his actions make no sense when looked at in the context of the fact that he barely knows this girl, she was obnoxious and rude to him for much of the time he's known her and the only "proof" he has of her innocence is her saying she didn't do it. That's it.
  8. Perfectly said. It got borderline nauseating hearing repeatedly about how hot Ginny was, how bad ass, how amazing. Wasn't there even some line about some Slytherin guy who was attracted to her even though all we'd heard from Book 1 was how Slytherins seemed predisposed to hate everyone else and especially Gryffindor house members. But Ginny's hotness was just that palpable. Of course we never see any of these bad ass and amazing things she could do and I felt like Harry and Ginny in HBP took on his "most popular guy and girl on campus" personae I hated, especially with regards to Harry who one of the things I always loved was that for all his "fame" he was still kind of a dork and a loser. Well for the longest time I was a Harry/death shipper myself and I loved Harry. I was just totally fine with his dying at the end of the series. But accepting how controversial that may have been and realizing JK wouldn't go for it, I too was totally fine with him being single. That's why I hated the damn epilogue and wished the series had just ended after the war. In my opinion, Harry should not have been with anyone. Aside from his multitude of issues, I found Harry somewhat emotionally withdrawn, likely because of his multitude of issues and because of that didn't buy him with anyone. But I will say that that's probably why despite the glaring evidence of Hermione/Ron and there not being necessarily romantic chemistry, I could see why some book readers still shipped him with Hermione because she was probably the girl he opened up to the most in the series, with the small exception of funny enough, Luna. These were the only two females Harry ever had any kind of emotional connection to in my opinion. All we got about Harry and Ginny is that they both liked Quidditch and she didn't cry which apparently was something Harry found oh so offensive. Reason again I say Harry had no business being with anyone because dude was kind of insensitive and frankly a little emotionally cold. The last thing I thought Harry needed at the end of that series was romance but more likely a lot of therapy. Oh don't even get me started on how JK basically shit on Cho's character and that whole mess. Yes I never expected Harry to live happily ever after with Cho but she was presented as a nice girl who seemed bright and talented. It was obvious in OOTP that Cho was not over what happened with Cedric and should not have tried dating Harry and that's fine. What turned me off was how much of an ass Harry was towards her and later how he, along with Ginny mocked her and somehow Cho was made into this annoying, childish person all because "omg she cried...the horror". And we had to hear again how much Ginny wasn't a crier. Except funny, I sure remembered her crying in COS when she unwittingly released Tom Riddle. But how horrible of Cho to still be emotionally upset over her serious boyfriend dropping dead less than a year before. The nerve.
  9. And that for me was the major issue with Book Ginny (Movie Ginny was just hopeless in my opinion - no offense to Bonnie but girl and DanRad were like a sleeping pill together). Ginny's entire presence in the books consisted of in my opinion being a nonentity that creepily looked at Harry through cracks in doors and ran away when he looked at her and later getting a personality that we only ever heard about from everyone else. She had a couple of snarky lines in HBP that was supposed to be funny but honestly I found more obnoxious than anything. But all the supposed bad ass things she could do and all the great talent she had, we only ever heard about from others. Like when someone would say Hermione was smart, readers actually saw that repeatedly throughout the series. Ron being funny and even his talents at Chess was another thing we saw throughout the series. Ginny was just wallpaper for like the first four books (save for being the person who let out Tom Riddle in COS and even then she was barely in the book except for acting strangely a few times until the end when Harry rescues her) and then suddenly in OOTP she was given a personality but all JK did was have everyone else go around telling Harry and by that token the readers, how amazing and super special she was, rather than actually showing it. Note, that even in the big battle at the end when all the kids went off together, she put Hermione with Harry and had Ginny and Neville and company off in another group. So I can't knock the screenwriters and the movie people if Ginny came off bland and like a nonentity in the movies because I'm sorry, she was a nonentity in the books too as far as I'm concerned. It is interesting the comments about Kloves and his not so secret Harry/Hermione shipping (honestly I think he copped to it in some interview either before the last film came out or after the movies were done) influencing the script writing because honestly I think JK herself had some kind of character bias. No, I don't think she was shipping Harry/Hermione and she definitely intended for Hermione to be with Ron but I think at some point she became just as enamored with Hermione and that influenced her writing somewhat. I do remember reading some interview where she admitted to Hermione being something of her self-insert in the books and more telling, apparently, at some point after or before OOTP the book came out, she made a comment that some of the characters were getting away from her somewhat and she had to reign them back in and this was especially true of Hermione. The reason I mention this and to tie it to Ginny is that I think JK had a plan for Ginny but somewhere along the way things went completely off road and it never happened and it's why her character turned out to be such a fail in my opinion. It is a known fact that JK wrote the crappy epilogue of the series at the same time she wrote the first chapter of the series. So she clearly had a plan and idea for where she was going with the series. However, completing the seven books spanned more than a decade of her life. In that time she became freaking loaded, remarried a guy who eerily looked a little like how you would picture Harry, had another child, etc. Many authors have admitted that often subconsciously, their real lives and what they're going through at that time can and does influence their writing. All that to say that I just really think JK herself became more and more enamored with Hermione and because of that Ginny, who was supposed to be Harry's great love, fell to the wayside. And then when she realized time was running out, she threw some contrived personality on her, threw in some lame, half-assed developed romance and then they were married at the end of the series with really, really stupid named children. And because Ginny fell to the wayside, so did Harry's love story. I will always say that it is the weirdest thing ever, that she wrote a story about the hero's journey, told in the first person and yet his relationship was far less developed than that of his two best friends. As for the movies, honestly, none of them were amazing in my opinion but I really enjoyed GOF, OOTP and the last two films. I hate the book and movie HBP. One thing I especially loved about GOF is that it was the first time I could tell that Daniel really was getting better because yeah he was really pretty mediocre in the first few films but I thought he was amazing in the big dramatic sequence where Cedric is murdered and Voldemort comes back to life.
  10. Agreed with everything but THIS, THIS was the ultimate straw for me. As you said, when Mommy wouldn't let her throw her life away because ONE person gave her negative feedback, she ran to her grandparents, affecting the tentative truce that existed between Lorelai and her parents after years of not speaking to each other. Then once she didn't like Emily's rules after Emily put her foot down, she ran back to Mommy and suddenly acted like her grandparents were these horrible people, ranting to Lorelai about how she didn't blame her for leaving when she did years ago and how she didn't know how Lorelai could put up with them. Her crowning moment though was after Christopher came into his inheritance and offered to pay for the rest of her college, Lorelai had to practically force her to pick up a damn phone like an adult and call her grandparents and thank them for all they'd done for her education (oh like the fancy private high school and the first year of the Ivy League school she bailed out on for a semester) and let them know Christopher was now taking over the payments. And Rory rolled her eyes and acted completely put out that she had to do that. That was the moment I thought, "wow, what a spoiled, entitled, self-centered brat." And the fact is, Rory being who she was wasn't surprising when she'd existed in a bubble for most of her life, where EVERYONE told her how special and amazing she was. As I noted in another thread, of course she fell apart when one guy didn't kiss her ass and tell her she was the greatest thing since sliced bread considering she'd gone through her life with an entire town that just thought she was epitome of perfection, grandparents who worshiped her and a mother for whom she was her whole world. It's the same reason she felt perfectly fine to sleep with and pursue Dean while he was married because she decided she wanted him back and well "he was my boyfriend first." Just ugh... And then of course that was only to dump his ass quickly when she met more exciting Logan (not that I cared about Dean anyway but still).
  11. I missed the first 10 minutes of the episode and only now watched it and I'm glad I did because I got to see the awesome moment when Annalise called out Wes' bullshit with regards to Rebecca, pointing out he's so sure of everyone's guilt apparently (no issues with the setting up of Griffin, calling Annalise disgusting for protecting Sam) and judging them yet he's putting all his faith on a drug dealing girl he barely knows who had the dead girl's phone in her possession that she willingly used him to hide it in his apartment. And I loved her snide, "please don't tell me it's because you think she's telling you the truth...I think I taught you better than that." Of course it's not like it changed anything because at this point Wes is so far up that girl's ass nothing will make him get a clue but it was nice having someone voice the stupidity of his seemingly unwavering belief in Rebecca. A girl he barely freaking knows. The other thing I found particularly interesting in that first ten minutes, is when the four were considering letting Asher into the house with the thinking that if they did, it would automatically make him involved somehow. Rebecca I noticed went as far as adding they could get him to slip in the blood, therefore adding his DNA to the scene (have I mentioned I REALLY, REALLY don't like that character). This stood out to me because it just further supports my belief that this may a case of everyone else accidentally being in the wrong place at the wrong time and unwittingly becoming part of a murder scene. I also noticed Connor saying something about none of us wanted to be here when Laurel shot down opening the door by stating that they shouldn't make Asher a part of the whole thing. And at this point, I expect Wes and Rebecca to sell the other three down the river because at this point I'm so over Wes and his Rebecca obsessing and I don't trust Rebecca as far as I can throw her, along with my plain dislike of her.
  12. Kathy was not murdered. She was shown later in the episode when everyone in town was shown reading the newspaper article with Beth's interview. There is a shot of her at what looks to be her house, at a table on a patio, in her robe. Also, I'm pretty certain there's a shot of her with Owen at the family press conference at the end of the episode.
  13. I was actually really uncomfortable with that. When she did it once, lightly, it was kind of cute but the longer it went on and the harder she seemed to be hitting, the more uncomfortable it got. Bethany's expression was pretty telling too. I give Derek props for being a good sport about that because that was a little out of line and is exactly why I can only take so much of Leah. Her whole "loud, abrasive, New York bad ass chick" schtick wears very thin very quickly, imo.
  14. Hmm, I actually think Johnny Cash fits Tommy very well and honestly, if someone knows who Johnny Cash is, it's likely they know June or at least some version of their story. I also read somewhere they will likely be dancing to Ring of Fire and I actually do think many people know that song.
  15. I don't think it's a matter of not caring about winning. I'm sure they do want to because yes, they are competitive. I think the poster was just saying that they doubt Derek is obsessing about the whole "never lost a Team Dance" like others seem to and that he'd care that much if his team had lost. And I kind of have to agree. In the grand scheme of things, yeah not that big of a deal. It's like when he and Amy lost last season. Sure, I think he would have loved to win but I believed him when he said he was proud of what they accomplished and he was happy for Maks and Meryl. Competitors are yes competitive people but many of them also learn to lose graciously (some of course, not all) as it's something that also comes with being in any competitive sport.
  16. Yeah I looked it up and Pam was actually Dolly Parton from the movie 9 to 5. That video was a throwback. I remember Cody Linley and how he cried a lot. It was kind of funny. Derek also looks 12 in that video. They will only be immune from the vote from the last show. So after everyone dances, whoever is at the top of the leader-board is automatically safe. Then the remaining couples will have dance-offs where they win extra points from the judges and those points will be added to last week's votes to eliminate a couple. To make it simpler, just keep in mind that every week, the elimination is based on that week's judges scores and the votes from the previous week.
  17. Yeah I remember that but I think this was something they made on their own just like this episode where you can clearly see Keith fishing with something that looks hand-made.
  18. You're right. The fishing gear was only offered once and Hunahpu who won it had to give it up for a new flint. Also, Coyopa could not have any fishing gear for the simple reason that they've never won a Reward Challenge. They've lost every single challenge except for one Immunity Challenge.
  19. Well didn't you hear, per Wes, "Griffin is not a good guy" based I assume on him and Rebecca arguing about what, Wes doesn't know but it clearly means Griffin is not a good guy so who cares if he gets set up for a murder he didn't commit. He's a popular football player which means he's privileged and the poor, drug dealing waitress girl has to be innocent and victim of circumstances. Whatever... Of the show's myriad of issues, this is the one that most bugs me. Like the Frank and Laurel affair that seemingly came out of nowhere with little development, I still have yet to understand WHY I'm supposed to believe Rebecca is some innocent and why I should care about and I guess want to root for her. Nothing I've seen so far has sold me on that. I guess her fear last episode after figuring out Sam was the one Lila was sleeping with suggests she's telling the truth but not really. And this is what I always come back to with any theory of where this is going. I had suspected Bonnie because I've always thought her feelings for Sam were one-sided and figured maybe she snapped on him and killed him. But I just could not come up an explanation for how those four would get involved and proceed to make themselves full on accessories by getting rid of the body.
  20. I have been baffled from the beginning why Carver seemed to be letting her slide with a lot of her cagey, almost stonewalling behavior. It's like he just doesn't seem to think she's of any interest to the case which is odd because he's the one who constantly harps on how just about everyone can be a suspect. But yeah that comment to the editor woman was a total "WTF" and the woman should have called the police and filed some kind of order because that is without question a direct threat. This episode was pretty good and probably one of my favorites so far. Carver's awkwardness at dinner with Ellie and her husband was funny and kind of endearing. I continue to dislike Gemma or whatever her name is. As a huge introvert, I cannot stand pushy people and she seems like the worse type. And now she knows Carver's sick so she'll really not leave him alone. The Solano's continue to annoy. Beth speaks to the press after Carver and Ellie tell them not to and then Mark gets all psycho guy on a photog when the media they invited with the story, comes to the house. I also am annoyed by their continued attitude like nothing is being done by the police and that they're being wronged in some way. I get this is probably realistic on some level, as people deal with grief in very different ways but it really does not make it easy to root for them. In other news, Ellie's kid continues to be creepy. I am really fascinated to see when things come to a head and Ellie realizes that there was some big secret related to her kid and Danny, that he felt the need to delete a bunch of messages on his phone and his computer hard drive. It was interesting watching her at lunch with the Solano's because for all her eyerolling and sighing over Carver's cynicism, I got the feeling she was doing what he suggested she do at the church service - observe people, watch their reactions and see who seems nervous, guilty, etc.Maybe she's finally getting to the place of no longer thinking of these people as her friends, her town, etc. and realizing that one of them may very well be a murderer. I am now solidly on Vince as the likely killer. One, there is something shifty and slightly sinister about him all the while he doesn't seem to be anyone's radar, particularly the police. Two, I don't think that brief shot of what looked like blood in his van some episodes ago, was an accident. Three, that creepy moment when he closed the door while alone in the shed with Tom. Obviously he didn't kill Tom but I feel like the writers wanted to create that sense of fear for a reason and it's interesting it was Tom because we still don't know what he deleted off his computer and hard drive. Four, there is clearly some tension below the surface between him and Mark on account of his being promised some type of promotion. Five, I thought he was a little too eager to go inform Mark about the conversation with the old guy and Owen and place suspicion on him and the promos for next week show him leading the witch hunt against the guy. Also, I think his pushing for the promotion and bringing it up is relevant in showing that he likely wanted more money and who knows what he's into to get more money. Which in turns may tie into why Danny had 500 dollars in his room and whatever Tom didn't want anyone to see. Finally, much as in real life I'm like Carver towards these so called psychics, I do think on the show we're supposed to believe he's genuine and the guy did say Danny was killed by someone he knew and the scene of Vince having lunch with the family in this episode, clearly shows that he knows the family very well. Finally, did I miss a key scene between Chloe and her older boyfriend in last week's episode because the last thing I remember between them is her apologizing for having to tell the police the truth and him telling her it was okay and later her defending their relationship to Mark. Yet in last night's episode, when he shows up for the church service, they both sort of roll their eyes at each other and she gives him a pissed off stare before turning away from him. Weird...
  21. I finally have firm suspects. The two most likely to me right now, is Vince (guy who works for Mark) and Paul (the priest). Right now I'm leaning more towards Vince for a couple of reasons. One, there is something shifty and slightly sinister about him all the while he doesn't seem to be anyone's radar, particularly the police. Two, I don't think that brief shot of what looked like blood in his van was an accident. Three, that creepy moment when he closed the door while alone in the shed with Tom. Obviously he didn't kill Tom but I feel like the writers wanted to create that fear for a reason and it's interesting it was Tom because we still don't know what he deleted off his computer and hard drive. Four, there is clearly some tension below the surface between him and Mark on account of his being promised some type of promotion for awhile. Five, I thought he was a little too eager to go inform Mark about the conversation with the old guy and Owen and place suspicion on him and the promos for next week show him leading the witch hunt against the guy. Also, I think his pushing for the promotion and bringing it up is relevant in showing that he likely wanted more money and who knows what he's into to get more money. Which in turns may tie into why Danny had 500 dollars in his room and whatever Tom didn't want anyone to see. Finally, much as in real life I'm like Carver towards these so called psychics, I do think on the show we're supposed to believe he's genuine and the guy did say Danny was killed by someone he knew and the scene of Vince having lunch with the family in last night's episode clearly shows that he knows the family very well. Paul is definitely weird, without question but I'm leaning more towards his weirdness has to do with whatever history he and Beth has and not because he killed Danny.
  22. I wonder if this is their attempt to change things up since the show has been on for awhile now. Maybe they think viewers were getting tired of the formula where the family's stories all inevitably intertwine at the end of the episode no matter what else happened. I get that I guess, but for me, one of the things that made Modern Family work as it did and be so likable was that family coming together aspect. That said, I could be fine with them not having the big family dinner at the end of every episode but the problem is they aren't even interacting. Like in past seasons, different family members would have different storylines with each other - Gloria and Claire, Manny and Luke, Jay and Phil, Claire and Mitchell, Jay and Cam, Alex and Mitchell, etc. It's the second episode in a row where the different families were off in their own storylines , doing their own thing with no interactions with each other at all.
  23. If my memory is correct I believe it was Pamela Anderson and her Pro who were Lucy and Ricky. So I do think they did a classic tv theme some seasons back but I guess this is different because it's duos from all genres and not limited to classic television.
  24. I don't think they sent it to him. I think they probably uploaded it to Instagram or whatever social media account and Asher likely follows them and saw the pictures that way.
  25. So we're getting closer to figuring out what happened that night. Again, I'm leaning toward Sam tried to attack Rebecca because maybe she figured out something else about him (I'm starting to think he really did kill Lila) and Wes and company defended her and somehow he ended up dead. Again, I think Laurel, Connor and Michaela may be a case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time, probably showed up while the attack was happening and they somehow got their hands dirty. That being said I still don't like Rebecca and Wes continues to bug as long as he's up her ass. I also have a major problem with his being totally fine with Griffin being sold down the river for Lila's murder with no real proof in my opinion that he did it, simply because Rebecca said she didn't and so she must be telling the truth. That's what's bugging me so much about this shit. I have seen ZERO reason for why Wes is so certain this girl is telling the truth and is determined to believe in her. It's so ridiculous that it makes me hope that others' theory that he is hiding something and he isn't what he seems turns out to be true because at least all this shit will make sense. I also notice we've never seen Rebecca being asked about Griffin's story that she sold him drugs that night, he got high and she came onto him and set him up for Lila to walk in on them. I guess we're just supposed to believe he lied about that but I'm not sure why I should. It's clear from Rebecca and Griffin's interactions that Wes saw that there was some history and story between them. It just really pisses me off that the guy so callously gets set up all for Rebecca and Wes and his big "do gooder/hero complex" is apparently fine with that. Well luckily Frank is a shitty henchman. Who the hell plants evidence in someone's car IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY IN BROAD DAYLIGHT? Seriously now... Few other things - I find it interesting that Annalise immediately assumed Sam was with Bonnie. And are we supposed to now assume she really wasn't involved with what happen or will it be a big misdirect. My guess is she isn't because I suspect next season will be her working to get all these idiots off for Sam's murder. I think Nate lied about being fired so Annalise wouldn't be onto him and cover her tracks. I think he's undercover and very much still working for the police building a case about Lila's murder. Frank and Laurel continue to bore and meanwhile, the absolute funniest scene on this show ever, was Asher trying to rush Connor for talking about his father and basically falling over his own feet and hurting himself. Connor's casual "Wtf" look while sipping his wine was absolutely perfect. lol, no kidding, for a moment I was totally expecting him to yell, "you got damn right I did..." And then I remembered I wasn't watching A Few Good Men. Although the Senator definitely had Jessup's same smug superiority when first answering the questions.
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